A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 160: Find

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There is no gravity on such a large meteorite. At the beginning, Cook was very unaccustomed to it. When he used more power, people shot it out directly, and Cook could feel that the meteorite was slowly rotating. Of course the power of this rotation is not great.

There was a silver cross light in Cook’s eyes. Of course Cook himself couldn’t see it. With the opening of the magic eye, Cook finally saw a strange place, because the entire meteorite gave out a faint magical light, which can be said to be negligible. .

"It's no wonder that there is no induction, it seems that this place really has a secret." Cook muttered in his heart.

Why does Cook judge that this meteorite has a secret? Because the naturally formed magic crystals, magic nuclei, and scattered magic waves are different, some are rich in some places, and some are not, but there are almost no averages like this. There are some magic crystal ores, hehe, the magic crystal itself is very peculiar. The magic crystal wrapped in the ore can't sense the magic wave outside, otherwise the magic crystal would have been mined long ago, of course it is correct. Because of this, the price of magic crystals is relatively expensive, and the cost of mining is high.

"Hidden magic veins." Cook took out Thunder Fang, and then randomly found a place, grabbed the meteorite with one hand, and pried some rocks with Thunder Fang with the other hand. The rock was pried open all at once, and then Ku Ke saw the magic pattern loop below.

"It turned out to be a camouflage." Cook understood at once, this rock is just a layer of camouflage, because there are small holes on the rock, and on the magic pattern below, there is a screw, which is obviously fixed. above.

Then Cook also took the invisibility potion, and then he searched for the meteorite, but Cook did not find the entrance, and Cook wondered: "This thing is really tight."

Of course, Cook also knows that in space, if it is not tight, everything will be lost. Of course, it is more likely that there are no living things in it. Cook looked at the meteorite under his feet, and then pushed hard, and the whole person was separated from the meteorite. , And then Cook flew towards the other meteorites.

Soon, Cook found out that there were dozens of the same meteorites in the surrounding airspace, and Cook's face became serious. Yes, on this plane, there is only one that can create such a thing, the demon. .

"Kaluri, I have to investigate further. You stay here and be careful. I always find this place a bit weird. In addition, I have found out the peculiarities of dozens of meteorites. You can report it to Connie. "Cook used the space communicator to communicate with Kaluri, and then headed into the depths of the starry sky.

"It seems that the Demon Race is still very powerful." Cook sighed. Yes, Cook didn't expect the Demon Race to build such magic items in the starry sky.

Because in the starry sky, this is the top level existence of magic civilization, Cook smiled bitterly, but when Cook thought about it, he was relieved. The demon race itself has abnormal talents, plus countless slaves on the plane of hell, countless years This kind of achievement is taken for granted.

After I figured it out, Cook no longer struggled, and then Cook continued to go to the deepest part of the starry sky. Cook felt that there was a big secret in that place.

The endless starry sky gives people a feeling of loneliness. Cook did not use the magic spacecraft, but used his own power to push himself forward. But soon, Cook realized that he was not the only traveler. In some There are some weak life fluctuations on the meteorite, and Cook's magic eye can see these life fluctuations, but it is very weak.

"There are creatures in this place." Cook was surprised, knowing that there is nothing else in the starry sky, air, water, and some are just endless light and darkness.

"How does this little thing survive? Is it because it absorbs light energy?" Cook came to a meteorite when he was curious. After seeing the creature, Cook was surprised. This creature is dark and does not reflect light at all. Even if it is a meteorite, it will reflect light. It is only the size of a fist and looks like a tortoise.

"It's still sucking on the stone." Cook pryed the thing off forcefully, and then Cook found that the back of the thing looked like a tortoise, but there were dozens of suckers under the belly that were tightly attached to the stone. On top, and there are spikes on this sucker, which also pierced into the stone.

"Zizizi." Just when Cook thought that this little thing was harmless, the tortoise-like thing suddenly released a dazzling purple light, and even Cook was shivered by the electric.

"Rely, I can hide life fluctuations from magic fluctuations. This Nima attack is equivalent to a high-level attack in the sanctuary." Cook was surprised, knowing that Cook's current physical strength is very large. And wearing Thunder Fang, Thunder Attack is nothing more than playing for Cook. Yes, all lightning will be absorbed by Thunder Fang.

The following scene made Cook even more shocked. A mouth-like thing appeared on the back of this turtle-like thing, and then a purple beam of light hit Cook at close range.

"Nima, it's really amazing." Of course Cook won't be hit. Although this thing is fast enough to attack, don't forget what level Cook is now.

"The intensity is equivalent to the attack of the meteor cannon. If Nima builds a battlestar, then put this stuff away... first put it away." Cook thought of the purpose of this kind of thing, he immediately brightened his eyes, and then put it away without hesitation .

Cook directly took the pet space into the pet space, not in the natural ring, because there is air and water in the natural ring. No one can guarantee that this thing will adapt to that environment. Some people say how powerful aliens are. I said that the people on earth are powerful. How many kinds of viruses and bacteria do we live in. As for aliens, maybe bacteria and viruses that we don’t feel are deadly threats to aliens. Perhaps it is the reason that aliens dare not approach the earthlings, because earthlings are basically a source of viruses, in case they infect all the aliens, tusk... (in the author yy).

"This can be regarded as a star beast." Cook knows very little about the star beast. This is not because Cook did not have the opportunity to understand it, but because Cook believes that it is unnecessary to understand. In the decomposition of the mage tower, there is a star beast. Record.

Cook rummaged and found the memory crystal ball storing the data of the star beast, and then Cook checked it.

After a few hours, Cook finally understood that what he had just obtained was a low-level star beast, the Thunder Tortoise. This tortoise-like creature moves very slowly, and generally depends on other things to move, and Cook also understands Then, the star beast absorbs light or devours minerals to grow, while the thunder turtle absorbs light and devours minerals.

Cook saw that the biggest star beast in the record was a kind of star worm. It was said to be a worm, because this star beast is inside the planet, just like other insects in other fruits. A star worm can destroy a planet. Of course The dead star can be destroyed by star worms. There is no way for star worms to destroy planets with high magma. The adult body length of star worms can reach more than 5,000 kilometers and the thickness is more than 500 kilometers. It looks like it is on an apple on the planet. Like a worm.

The attack power of the star worm is not high, but the body of the star worm is so big, if you hit or bite it, even the gods will be seriously injured.

There are more strange star beasts, there are as many as tens of thousands of kinds. After Cook finished watching it, he felt a little weird, as if a group of star beasts would burst out from the surrounding starry sky at any time.

Cook’s speed is not very fast, because Cook’s vision is not very wide. Cook saw a meteorite burst out hundreds of kilometers away, and then these burst fragments burst out hundreds of times. Kilometers away, even Cook was caught, but the thumb-sized stone, the attack power was comparable to the initial attack power of the sanctuary, Cook did not dare to imagine the larger attack power of fragments.

The burst of that meteorite was without warning, which gave Cook a deeper understanding of the danger of the starry sky.

"There is that kind of meteorite again, it seems that my way forward is correct." Cook was agitated when he saw a few meteorites emitting a faint magical light in his magic eyes.

When Cook saw the arrangement of meteorites as if it were a long corridor some time ago, Cook decided to follow the direction of the corridor. As expected, after tens of billions of kilometers, Cook saw these again. Meteorite.

This time Cook did not look at it up close, but continued to move forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook didn’t know how long it took to move. There are seven or eight meteorite groups like this, each of them is full. There are dozens of them, and the distances between each meteorite group vary.

"This, this is." Soon, Cook was shocked. Cook saw the endless starry sky from the telescope, and Cook exclaimed.

As Cook continued to approach, Cook saw countless wrecks. The entire wreckage occupied by Cook could not see the end. Most of these wrecks were made of metal, and the reflected light could be seen from a distance.

"Boom." Cook landed directly on a large piece of wreckage. It looked like it was the wreckage of a magic airship, but there were countless traces on the wreckage of the magic airship. These traces are more than ten meters long. It seems to be caused by some kind of sharp weapon, and the fatal damage of this airship is a big hole.

"The attack has a very high temperature, and the metal around it melted." Cook checked the traces around the big hole. The metal around the big hole had melted. It was obviously caused by some kind of powerful attack, and the diameter reached twenty. The hole in the meter illustrates the sharpness of the attack weapon. --9004+d8z1w+1981938-->

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