A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 161: Shock

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"This is horrible." After reading the traces of the attack, Cook was a little stunned, because this metal is an alloy, and it appears to be engraved with magic circuits, and the thickness of the wreckage is as high as ten centimeters. Such a strong defense has been destroyed, showing how high the attacker's attack power is.

Cook was not eager to go deeper. Although Cook was strong enough, Cook drew out a devil bow that was useless for a long time. In this place, the power of magic weapons such as the death gaze is great, but the magic Another feature of weapons is explosions. In this space environment, the chain reaction of explosions is difficult to correct. With the impact of explosions, this is why energy weapons are used in interstellar wars. On the one hand, energy weapons are convenient for replenishment. After all, physical weapons need to occupy a huge space, and there are fragments from the explosion of physical weapons. In the space environment, such explosive fragments will continue to splash out, causing a chain to both the enemy and us. reaction.

Well, let’s talk about it again. Then the kinetic energy will explode when hit, hehe, energy weapons can be fired from hundreds of thousands of kilometers, because energy weapons are fast like lasers. One is long distance, and the other is fast. The safe distance, and the degree of physical weapons, everyone can think about it. The enemy has enough time to intercept and evade.

After reading the wreckage, Cook came to a conclusion that the target attacking the wreckage was powerful, not only with melee combat but also with long-range energy weapons.

Cook continued to go deeper. After several hours of inspection, Cook found that the most wreckage is the kind of wreckage that resembles a mana airship, and another is a small aircraft, a bit like an airplane, but only a few meters long and small. The wreckage of an airplane.

There are also some strange things, which look like they are made of metal, with magic circuits on them, but these metals give Cook a feeling that it resembles the bones of a certain creature, which makes Cook very confused.

Yes, it is very confusing, because from here, the proportion of damage caused by the battle is astonishing. Yes, there are more than tens of thousands of things that look like magic airships, and there is nothing else on the scene. The wrecks are all metal products.

"Could it be said that it is the inner bar of the demons." Cook thought to himself.

But after Cook saw what was in front of him, Cook finally knew the reason. In front of Cook, there was a huge head with hundreds of meters full of laughter. Only half of his head was left, and his head appeared. Black, covered with fine scales, and this kind of scales is made of metal, not like ordinary leather.

"This is a star beast, and the bones of the star beast are actually metal." Cook was shocked when he saw the damaged half of the skull. Cook immediately recalled that in the wreckage, there were a lot of metal bones, Cook. At first, I thought it was some kind of man-made thing, but now it looks like the skeleton of a star beast.

Why does the star beast fight the demons? In Cook's heart, he has already determined that this is related to the demons.

Cook's doubts were not the slightest bit. He thought that star beasts generally did not attack living planets, and that even the powerful star beasts would still die when faced with the gods.

"Haha, I forgot one thing. There are no gods here at all. Some are demon gods. This is the plane of hell. They are not under the jurisdiction of the Council of Gods. Cook suddenly thought of this. Haha laughed. Of course, others can't hear Yes, after all, this is a vacuum environment.

But then Cook had some doubts in his heart, whether the Council of Gods, Star Beasts, and Demon Race had anything to do with them, as well as why the Demon Race would war against the Star Beasts.

"This is the Luminous Beast, the Tier 3 Star Beast, rich, rich, the eyes of this Luminous Beast are actually the best material for refining detection props." Cook took out the memory crystal ball, and looked it up. It is a Mengguang Beast, a Tier 3 star beast.

When the beast moves in the starry sky, its body will have a halo. It looks very beautiful from a distance, but this is only a means of attracting prey by the beast, and this halo has a deceptive effect. It's what you want to see, it will look like, if it is classified, it is estimated that it can be summarized into phantom creatures.

The eyes of the blinded beast are very powerful, and they can see creatures hundreds of millions of kilometers away. It is precisely because of this that when the blinded beast sees other creatures, the halo on its body will generally be transformed into what it sees. Kind of biological appearance, thereby attracting prey.

There are as many as eight eyes of the Beast, but now there are only two. The body of the Beast is like a platypus, but it has no platypus feet, just like the body of a platypus, with four eyes in the head area. , On both sides of the body, up and down, there are also four eyes, which can observe the surrounding situation in all directions, and then make the body look like an illusion.

It's a bit funny to say, sometimes when viewed from here, the Mengguang Beast is in one shape, and when viewed from another line of defense, it has another shape.

Cook put the entire head of the Mengguang Beast into the natural ring, not to mention other values, just research value is incalculable.

"Hey, there is magic light." A cross star flashed in Cook's eyes, and he looked far away. In this place full of debris, Cook simply used his magic eyes to search for things, and Cook found a strange The phenomenon of, that is, the bones of the star beasts hardly emit magic light, but the energy contained in the bones of the star beasts is not to say that it is huge, anyway.

This phenomenon is worthy of Cook's vigilance. After all, he relies on the magic eye to discover the enemy. Without it, he would be very passive.

Move more carefully in the wreckage, because the power of these self-movements is great, so if you hit some sharp places, it would be tantamount to death, not to mention the bones of some star beasts, maybe there are Strongly corrosive and highly toxic.

"It's strange, I saw the magic light just now." Cook looked around, looking around.

"Oh." Cook searched, and then Cook opened his mouth wide, and a huge six-pointed star appeared in front of Cook. This six-pointed star has a diameter of thousands of kilometers, and in the middle of the six-pointed star is a huge one. The sphere, the rogue star is surrounded by huge connections of tree roots, and then the outer circle is a huge ring, the cross-section of the ring is over one thousand meters in diameter.

"Miracle, miracle." Such a huge thing is a man-made building. Yes, this is a man-made building. You can clearly see the traces fixed by rivets and the traces of polishing. Now this huge six-pointed star has no It was angry, and there were countless big holes broken in it. These big holes were almost exactly the same as those on the wreckage of a magic airship, apparently being attacked by the same enemy.

After Cook was shocked, he quickly shot at a huge object. The closer he got to the six-pointed star, the more shocked Cook was.

"How much metal is needed." Cook used to be proud of the base he built, but now it seems that his base on the ground is basically pediatrics. Looking at the huge metal plate of tens of thousands of square meters, This is not something that Cook has the ability to produce now, and the number of metal plates on this six-pointed star building is immeasurable.

From this point, we can see how high the productivity of constructing this building is, and productivity also represents a powerful strength. During World War II, the reason why the United States won because of its huge productivity. I produce two warships, and modern warfare has very high requirements for productivity. As long as there is enough equipment, even the lowest-level grenade, as long as it has the ability to throw one billion eight hundred million on the enemy’s side, Enough for the enemy.

Cook entered through a large hole, and found that the outer cross section of the six-pointed star was actually divided into dozens of layers, and there were countless passages, most of which were only about 2.5 meters high and 1.5 meters wide. Of course there are also several large passages.

"Awesome." Cook now has only admiration from the bottom of his heart.

The design of this six-pointed star is so complicated that it almost surpasses Cook's imagination. Cook can imagine how many people can be accommodated when this thing is still in use. Compared with his own base of hundreds of thousands, his own base is scum.

"See if there are any good things." Cook began to search. If possible, it would be useful to bring these metals back, but the distance here is too far, unless there is something like a portal, and a portal is established. Cook can be established, but the surrounding situation is unclear. If it is established rashly, it may open a channel for the enemy. This is why Cook carefully checked it. In fact, what Cook wants to do from the bottom of his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I want to take this behemoth as his own. Yes, this is Cook's first thought when he sees this six-pointed star building.

"Nothing is valuable, it is an ordinary item." Cook threw out a magic dagger in his hand. The magic dagger was nailed to the metal wall with a bright light. If someone else sees it, it can't be determined. Point to Cook’s nose and curse, because this is a high-level magic item, but not a magic pattern item. Now Cook’s vision is very tricky. Of course, with such a dagger, Cook can refine counts in one minute. Hundreds of them, with huge mental power, refining together.

"It seems that there is nothing good in this outer area. Could it be that good things are in the central area." Cook looked at the huge orb in the middle of the six-pointed star in doubt and muttered to himself.

"Boom." A huge force struck Cooke without warning, and Cook hit the metal wall all at once, breaking several metal walls one after another.

"What?" Cook pulled out Thunder's teeth when he was hit, but in this space environment, Cook's reaction was still half a beat slow. --9004+d8z1w+1984603-->

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