A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 168: 1 more

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"Who can seal us, we are voluntary, well, you can go out and improve your strength quickly, ignore these guys, and every time you use the beast soul, you will have a good understanding. I think you should be able to gain a lot. Good thing." Three-eyed Purple Thunder Ape said to Cook. ww.v)

"But I don't know how to get out." Cook looked at the huge pyramid-like mountain. Various creatures craned their necks and looked at him. At least there were hundreds of them, all of different sizes. Cook Said depressed.

"Go out if you want to go out." The three-eyed purple thunder ape turned and left, and a faint voice came from Cook's ears. Cook was about to step forward, knowing that he could not move, then Cook thought about going out.

"It finally came out, but this magic pillar is too weird [, sentiment..." Cook looked at the surrounding starry sky, shocked, just like he was dreaming.

Cook looked at the troll-like body silently, then closed his eyes, and slowly realized that as Cook's mental power gradually stabilized, more information came out of Cook's mind.

"Troll prophet, prophecy." For a while, Cook opened his eyes and looked at his current body in astonishment. It turned out to be the prophet of the troll clan.

Trolls, ogres, and orcs had the profession of prophet a long time ago. Prophet, prophet, know everything first. The profession of prophet has always existed in legends, and there is no even a little written record. .

The profession of Prophet is actually a very rare profession of prophecy, and its combat effectiveness is very, very powerful.

"Rely, fighting such a prophet is purely looking for death." After Cook learned about the profession of the prophet, he repeatedly exclaimed. In the battle, the prophet is best at not super strong attack power, not strong power, but Anticipation.

In other words, the prophet already knows how to use your next move, and then the prophet can predict your move based on it, and then make corresponding judgments, and finally click and solve you.

Almost no outsider knows the power of the prophet, because all those who are enemies of the prophet are dead, and there is no way to escape, because the prophet can read;

"Hehe." Cook smiled, but the prophet also has a weakness, that is, his physique is extremely poor, even if there is a predictive judgment, it takes a long time to solve a battle, the prophet is accurately a legal professional, and It’s still the kind of legal professional who can’t directly attack. The Prophet also has a title, the strongest and most abnormal auxiliary class. Yes, the Prophet is not the main combat class. If the Prophet fights alone, he must deal with the fighters of the same level. To be exhausted, but if there is a team of prophets, then this team can almost instantly kill the team at the same level. (

The reason for Cook’s laugh is that Cook’s physical strength is needless to say. Cook felt the state of his own troll prophet, and then looked at the Meteor Star Beast that was about to disappear. Cook touched A huge magic rocket booster was released and started.

Cook also turned into a streamer and swayed left and right in the ocean of various metal debris, and rushed out of the metal debris area in the blink of an eye.

"Oh!" Cook is extremely excited. This speed is so exciting for Cook. There is almost no resistance in the sky, so the speed of Cook's magic rocket propeller is constantly superimposed.

"Oh!" Although Cook knew that his voice could not be delivered, he shouted loudly.

The two streamers continued to advance in the starry sky, but within a few minutes, Cook replaced the mana thruster with a new mana crystal. This thing has a great thrust, but the consumption is also very abnormal.

It didn’t take long for Cook to regret it, because the Meteor Beast seemed to be not far ahead, but after Cook’s pursuit, the Meteor Beast was still so far away for an hour, and Cook was also the first in the starry sky. In a battle, I didn't even know that the seemingly short distance in the starry sky was actually very far, very far away.

But now if Cook wants to look back, it will take more time, because there is no resistance in the starry sky, if you turn, the curve is estimated to be a bit too big, so Cook simply continues to superimpose the speed, and the two streamers are one by one. The latter flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

Then someone asked, what should I do if Cook gets lost, ahem, if you want to get lost in the starry sky, at least you have to fly over several areas the size of the solar system, so you won’t get lost because the scenery around the starry sky is almost static. Yes, this is not to say that it is really static, but that its speed is too slow. For the distance between the stars, the range of Cook's movement is only a little bit large, just like the red on Cook's head. Astral body, Cook has been flying for more than an hour, and the position of the stars above has hardly changed, so it is impossible to get lost.

After the excitement, the rest is boring. Cook is now not even more depressed. For more than ten hours, the energy on the magic rocket thruster has been changed several times. Now the power of the magic rocket thruster is very powerful. Little, because Cook’s speed is already very fast. The speed of hundreds of kilometers per second really made Cook excited, but the surrounding scenery is so... monotonous, like sitting somewhere .

"Oh!" Cook sighed and looked at the Meteor Beast that was not far away. Cook had already changed back.

Just when Cook was about to go back, countless dazzling beams of light burst out in front of him. These beams of light accurately hit the Meteor Star Yao beast, and the body of the Meteor Star Yao beast burst into brilliant light, but there was no sound.

"Damn!" Cook turned the mana rocket thruster around, and then increased the magic power transmission. Of course, what Cook wants to do is to slow down. There is no resistance in the starry sky, so the deceleration can only rely on the propeller, but now Cook The speed is so high, how could it slow down all at once.

Cook watched as he rushed into the fighting area, and beams of light shot towards Cook.

"Ah!" Cook quickly deflected the propeller, and then dodged hundreds of beams of light without any risk, and then quickly moved towards the direction the beam of light came from.

"Fuck!" Cook just dodges a wave of attacks, followed by another wave of attacks. These beams of light are pure magical energy fired by magic weapons such as meteor cannons. The thrusters are in Cook's hands. Like a toy, it keeps turning its direction, sometimes accelerating, sometimes decelerating, and sometimes deflecting, avoiding Yi’s attack.

It’s a long story, but it’s only a few tens of seconds. Cook's eyes widened. Not far from Cook, there are densely packed magical airship-like metal structures. A beam of light is projecting from these metal structures. .

"Devil!" Cook screamed, and then Cook quickly became a fivefold superimposition, because Cook found that he couldn't avoid these magical airships.

Cook smashed through an array of hundreds of flying objects like magic airships like a meteorite, and then continued to move with a streamer.

"Nima." Cook is very excited now. Just now after Cook turned on the five-fold stacking madness, he directly hit three flying objects like magic airships. These flying objects seem to have the same structure as the magic airship, but rely on the library. Ke glanced at it and knew it was not. The magic airship relied on the magic circle, and it was just a simple magic circle. These magic airships relied on the magic pattern.

After Cook broke through the defenses composed of magic airships, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then Cook turned his head and saw that the Meteor Star Yao Beast was actually behind him, and slammed into himself reads;.

"Your mother!" Cook whispered secretly, about to avoid the shining star beast, but in the place where Cook can see, a huge six-pointed star building is standing there, Cook screamed secretly.

"This Nima actually has this starry sky fortress. No, I have to be invisible." Cook quickly put the mana rocket booster into the natural ring, and then condensed the magic power of his whole body, taking the powerful stealth potion, Cook's body instantly It disappeared. Cook now relies on inertial motion, so he doesn't need to use magic.

"Hehe." Cook looked at the Meteor Star Yaomon next to him and smiled.

As expected by Cook, at least tens of thousands of beams of light were projected from the huge six-pointed star building, followed by tens of thousands of beams of light. Looking at it from a distance, it looked like a river formed by a light curtain, towards the streamer star. Yao Beast swept over, and then burst out with a star-like dazzling light.

"Cuckoo." Cook took a sip of water, and Cook felt that even he would not be able to avoid such an attack.

"Ah!!!" But after that, Cook looked at the six-pointed star building that was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes. Now Cook did not use the magic thruster, so Cook's current trajectory is directional~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Of course, Cook can change it, but after Cook saw the intensive attack on the hexagram structure, Cook dared to use magical equipment, and then exposed and became the target of the hexagram structure.

But Cook was also very reluctant to hit the hexagram structure directly, because no one knew whether there were star beasts of the same level as the King Kong Burst Beast in the hexagram structure.

"It seems that this is the only trick." Cook looked at the six-pointed star building that was getting closer and closer, and Cook had a death gaze sniper rifle in his hand.

"Pan armor bullet." Cook shot a pan armor bullet, which is a special bullet and a magic item. Cook is now close enough to the six-pointed star building. Cook saw that the pan armor bullet shot directly through The metal outer wall of the six-pointed star building.

"Cack out!" Cook's figure suddenly appeared, and then disappeared all of a sudden. Then a spider the size of a dove egg appeared in the starry sky, and then directly slammed into the hole that the armor bomb had just broken. At the entrance of the cave, you can also vaguely see the shadow of the automatic repair puppet shaking.


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