A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 169: Enter the Star Fortress

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"Quick, evacuate, evacuate." Behind the metal wall broken by Cook, there is a huge space, which is filled with various machinery and parts, but now all these mechanical parts are floating. Get up, a voice shouted.

Countless people in this space are wearing helmet-like things, and they all levitate one after another. However, after the initial panic of these people, they immediately reacted, twisting their bodies one after another, and then grabbed one by one to float. The ropes, then grabbed these ropes, and moved quickly in several directions.

No one noticed that a small spider was hidden in the machine, metal wreckage, and then disappeared in this space.

"Enclosed maintenance space."

"Automatic maintenance."

"Open the detection circle and scan the repair space."

After everyone left the space, the entire space was immediately sealed off, and then groups of heavily armed soldiers came to the enclosed space, and orders were issued by a leader.

Ten minutes later, these soldiers rushed into this maintenance space, and then carefully searched every corner. After a few hours, these soldiers left, and those who went out at the beginning returned.

"Damn it, it took such a long time."

"That is, our maintenance task may not be completed."

"Don't talk nonsense, work quickly. If you don't work, our mission points should drop."

When these people heard this, they took action one after another, and then hurriedly did what they had to do to repair these machines.

A few hours later, in a dark room, a person suddenly appeared. After Cook appeared, he first looked around vigilantly. This is a room with all kinds of sundries piled up. Obviously piled up sundries. The room.

"KaKa, thank you for your hard work." Cook flicked KaKa's belly with his fingers and said with a smile.

Kaka is Cook’s favorite, but Cook seldom relies on the familiar when he fights, because Cook’s own strength is high enough to use it at all, but this time, Kaka stood up. Great credit.

Cook's plan is actually very simple. It is to break the outer wall of the starry sky fortress by himself, and enter the natural ring by himself, and KaKa takes the natural ring into the starry sky fortress. Of course, this is also the reason that Cook discovered that the starry sky fortress has no magic shield. It was planned like this, otherwise Cook would have no way to implement it with a magic shield.

Kaka jumped on Cook’s shoulder and waved a pair of front legs towards Cook on it, expressing his dissatisfaction fiercely. Of course, Cook knew what Kaka meant, because Kaka and Cook But there will be a spiritual exchange.

Cook touched Ka Ka with a finger, and then said: "Well, this time you will follow me, but be obedient."

Then Cook began to carefully look at the surrounding environment. This room is not very big, but it is more than a dozen square meters. Cook looked at it with his magic eyes. There is no magic circle or magic pattern loop. That is to say The landing place is absolutely safe.

"Impossible, there is no place inside the Starry Sky Fortress where there is no magic line loop. Could it be that the magic line loop is not working?" Not only did Cook not relax, he was confused.

Because Cook didn't say that he knew the Starry Sky Fortress very well, but he still knew it well. In the Starry Sky Fortress with the King Kong Bursting Beast, every room had magic patterns and magic arrays. How could there be none here?

When Cook was wary, he checked carefully. After checking, Cook really didn't find any magic lines or magic circles.

With such doubts, Cook slowly opened the door of the room. Yes, the doors here are all sliding doors, sliding directly into the metal wall.

The aisle outside was also deserted, and there was no one. Cook looked at the ground. There was dust on the ground, but there were still some messy footprints in the dust on the ground.

"No, isn't it in the Star Fortress?" Cook was puzzled.

The Starry Sky Fortress can be cleaned automatically, and it also has a powerful defense system and detection system, but it's like no one has cleaned it for a long time.

"Guck." Cook drank the invisibility potion, and then walked out along the passage. The passage turned around and turned, but there were signs at each passage.

Cook also saw some demons, but these demons didn't seem to be well dressed, they looked downright, and the magic fluctuations on these demons were very weak, and Cook was completely puzzled.

When Cook came to a wider passage in an hour later, Cook believed that this was the starry sky fortress, because there were countless magic circuits in this huge passage, and there were magic patterns, this huge passage and library The passage in the starry sky fortress in K's hand is almost exactly the same.

"Unbelievable." Cook turned his head and looked at the passage he was in. It was dirty, messy, and poor. It was in sharp contrast with the huge passage, as if it were in two worlds.

Cook thought for a while, but did not enter the big passage. In the big passage, Cook was not sure to hide his figure, and Cook thought about the structure of the Star Fortress.

Cook was turning around in the messy passage. After traveling for several hours, Cook looked at the large passage in front of him. Cook was a bit entangled. The destination Cook was going to must pass through this large passage, but The dense detection and attack patterns in the large passage made Cook feel a bit tricky.

The perverted Cook of the Starry Sky Fortress knows it, and Cook also roughly estimated that the number of people in the Starry Sky Fortress may exceed 50 million.

What kind of concept is this, not to mention that this starry sky fortress is not as simple as someone, and there are magic puppets that attack the magic pattern.

"Hey, man, what are you doing?" At this moment, a voice rang behind Cook.

Cook was startled and realized that his invisibility potion did not know when it expired. Cook looked at the Demon Race behind him. He was a young Demon Race, but the strength of this Demon Race was simply too rubbish, probably only legendary. The level is only, has not yet reached the sanctuary, you must know that the demons that Cook saw before are almost all above the sanctuary level.

"I want to go, but you know..." Cook was ready to take a shot, but Cook discovered that the demons didn't react to him at all, as usual.

"Man, did you come here secretly? You are in the lower area and you are in the upper area. Are you afraid of being caught?" The demons asked Cook in surprise.

"I..." Cook didn't understand the lower level or the upper level, so he was hesitant to speak, as if there was something embarrassing.

The demon youth saw Cook doing this and said with a smile: "Okay, I can take you back to the lower area, but you want to buy me a drink, how about it?"

"This is no problem." Cook heard this and his eyes fell off.

But then Cook added: "But I don't drink often, I don't know..."

"Haha, okay, you actually want to buy me a drink. Very good. I just wanted to drink juice, but I know where the wine is sold, and it is a very precious ale. Follow me, let's go and drink. The demon youth laughed, then patted Cook on the shoulder fiercely.

Cook just followed the demon youth and walked through the huge passage like this. Cook was shocked and slandered. Could it be that the detection magic patterns in this big passage were all decorations?

Cook followed the young demon. The young demon seemed to be acquaintances in this area. From time to time, soldiers dressed up to greet the youth, and the youth began to talk endlessly.

Through some sporadic information, Cook discovered some truths about this starry sky fortress, that is, in this starry sky fortress, there are several kinds of people. The demon with good talents occupy the top position, and then there are others. Demons, and humans have a low status in this starry sky fortress. They live in the lower area, which is the bottom area of ​​the six-pointed star building. Although the demon youth is not high in strength, they are serious demons, so they live in the upper area. The place where Cook just stayed is the upper area.

The upper and lower areas are strictly limited. Those in the upper area can freely enter and exit the lower area, and those in the lower area cannot go to the upper area. However, this rule was silently broken a long time ago because the demons stationed here have no demons. Race women, and these demons only look for women of humans or other races.

In this way, some other races will give birth to the descendants of the demon blood with the demon, so the exchanges have occurred.

When Cook heard this, he felt that he was dreaming~www.wuxiaspot.com~When will the demons be like this? In Cook's heart, the demons are all heinous existences. When will they treat humans and other races like this .

"Lower area." Cook saw a sign, and there were soldiers guarding both sides of this passage, but these soldiers simply ignored the free entry and exit of humans, elves, dwarves, dwarves, giants and other races.

Cook was completely puzzled. The lower area was a bit messier than Cook imagined. First of all, the passage was relatively small and narrow, and the room was relatively small.

"Handsome man, come in and sit down!" A human woman grabbed the Demon youth's hand and pressed her exposed big breast, and said in a very sweet voice.

"Hey, next time, next time, I am going to have a drink this time." The demon youth is obviously used to this situation, he put his hand into the human woman's chest and kneaded it a few times, and then said triumphantly .

"Puff!" Cook almost choked on his own saliva. You are so proud of drinking. Are you a demon? --3661+xs727130-->

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