A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 170: doubt

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The demon youth turned his head and smiled at Cook and said: "I like the lower area. See how enthusiastic the ladies here, but I am going to drink now."

"Bah, just like you, go drinking." When the human woman heard the Demon youth say this, she slammed away the Demon youth's hand and said very sturdily, ignoring the appearance of the white flowers.

Cook was embarrassed. Here and there are demons and humans, just like they are of the same kind. Cook wondered, is the demons here different?

There are not only human women, but also orc women, and dwarf women in this lower area. Cook even saw a middle-aged demon follow a dwarf woman into a passage.

And there are some other shops on both sides of the aisle, selling weapons and equipment, but the weapons and equipment here are different from what Cook saw. The weapons here are like pistols, but what is it? I don’t know. As for equipment, helmets are like motorcycle helmets.

There are also clothes, food, and some weird places. If Cook didn't know that this was an interstellar fortress, he thought it was a flea market somewhere.

"Okay, this is the best bar area in the lower level." The Demon Youth said to Cook, as if to Cook, look, hillbilly, this is the legendary...pub.

Cook smiled bitterly, surrounded by taverns, but Cook is very strong now,   Cook smelled the wine here is very poor quality, there is also a sour taste, this is the worst quality ale.

The tavern area resembles a square, but the square is not very big, it is estimated to be more than a hundred meters in radius, but the people who enter and exit here are all tough guys.

"Wait." Cook realized that he seemed to be ignoring something. A concealed silver light flashed in Cook's eyes. Then Cook was surprised. Yes, almost everyone who entered and exited here was shining with magical lights of different brightness. The color is actually mostly light, and Cook is stunned. It is difficult to be born with the talent of the light system, even the demon youth in front of him is a talent of the light system.

"How is it possible that all have magic talents, and the light element occupies more than 90%." The shock in Cook's heart can be imagined.

Cook followed the demon youth into a tavern. The tavern was actually a huge room. After entering the room, Cook thought he was in the waiting room of a train station. The metal floor, metal seats, and metal tables are for people. A cold feeling, but the rubbing of these metals is bright, which is obviously the reason why people often visit.

"Hi, old Jack, two glasses of ale." After sitting down, the demon youth shouted loudly.

"Asshole, I don't owe any more." A man stood inside the counter and shouted loudly.

"Old Jack, there was a treat today, the best wine, don't fool me with that product." After being yelled by a human, the demon youth not only didn't get angry, but shouted loudly.

Cook was silent. In fact, Cook's eyes kept turning, because Cook didn't know what the currency was here, but Cook was relieved when he saw someone bring out some rare metals and magic materials to pay the bill.

"Man, are you sure you pay the bill?" Old Jack asked, standing in front of Cook.

"Yes." Cook also took out a mithril ore, but it was of lower quality, and then threw it on the counter in front of him.

"Wow, mythril ore, man, you are so generous, this is enough to buy a barrel of ale." Old Jack stared at this scene immediately, but did not reach for it, but spoke.

"One bucket is one bucket." Cook felt very comfortable with the appearance of old Jack, who obviously meant to ask what he meant.

"Wow, man, you are too generous." The demon youth also praised Cook.

Cook didn't expect that a piece of Mithril ore would attract attention, and Cook smiled bitterly, because this was the worst, most, most, and  worst thing that Cook could come up with, nothing worse than this.

When a one-person tall metal bucket was taken out by the old Jack, Cook's eyes almost fell out. I thought Nima was a small bucket of twenty catties.

"Wow, man, quickly open it." The Demon Race youth urged loudly, holding the metal cup in his hand.

"Here." Old Jack poured Cook a glass.

"I don't know how to drink." Cook waved his hand and said, smelling the sour taste.

"Wow, it's good not to drink." When the demon youth heard this, he snatched the glass in Old Jack's hand, and drank with a big mouth while talking.

At this time, old Jack said irritably, "Brighten my eyes, this is my guest."

Cook turned his head and looked at him, and found that the people around him were all looking at him. It was not accurate to say that it was the wine barrel in front of him. Cook's head was big. You are so jealous for something like Nima.

"Old Jack, I invite everyone to have a drink." Cook said to Old Jack.

"Man, you are great, old Jack, hurry up."

"Thank you, buddy."

"Haha, thank you buddy, I didn't expect us to have such good luck today."

The surrounding drinkers all expressed their gratitude to Cook, of course, by the way, because these guys came to Cook in front of Jack for a drink with a glass.

In a short while, there was not much left in a barrel of ale, and the Demon youths drank it one after another without life. When Cook saw the appearance of these people, he was more puzzled.

After drinking and drinking, the Demon youth was already drunk. Cook didn’t say anything. He directly helped the Demon youth and walked out of the tavern. Cook keenly discovered that there are also tasks in the tavern, but Cook did not look into it in detail. .

"Where to?" Cook asked the drunken Demon youth in a low voice, because Cook didn't know where he should go.

"Just find a place to sleep. Of course, if you have money, you can live in a barracks." The demon youth said drunkly.

Cook was silent, Nima could still live in the barracks. Cook was very wise not to ask the Demon youth, but said in a low voice: "I'm just that piece of mythril ore."

"Oh, then I'll take you to the barracks, we don't need money in the upper zone." The Demon Race youth burped a drink and said.

When Cook came to the barracks, he discovered that this Nima was really a barracks, and there were demon patrol soldiers coming and going, and the barracks also led to a turret of a meteor cannon in the six-pointed star building.

With the demon youth leading the way, Cook and the demon youth were taken to two rooms. Both rooms are very large. There is a bed above and a table below the bed. Then there is a stool in front of the table. The width of the table is the same as the bed. Yes, it’s only about one meter wide, and behind the stool is the door. That is to say, after sitting down, your head is tilted back, then the head is outside the door. As for the length of the room, it is three meters long. If it is convenient, there is a public toilet at the end of the passage.

"What is going on in this place?" Cook wanted to ask something from the Demon youth's mouth, but this guy is too drunk, and the various relationships in this place make Cook bewildered.

How is it possible that humans and demons live in harmony? This is a kind of subversion to Cook’s perception. Yes, in Cook’s eyes, demons are metamorphosis, cold-blooded, tyrannical and other negative words. Not enough to describe.

"There must be some reason," Cook said in his heart.

Cook was also lying on the bed in the room, tossing about and couldn't sleep. The lighting system in this room was very old, yes, it was the glowing magic circle, and there was no way to control it. There was something like a metal partition on the bed. Putting the partition down while sleeping will block the light and prevent it from falling. Of course, the bed is like a coffin at this time.

"It seems that we need to continue to understand." There are many doubts in Cook's heart, that is, there is no one here to check the identity certificate, Nima, how can the defense of the Star Fortress be so lax?

Of course Cook would not know why the internal defense of the Star Fortress is so tight. You must know that this is in the starry sky. Can someone come in and out casually?

Of course, except for Cook's abnormality, so there will not be very strict inspections inside the Star Fortress.

"Forget it, go and find out by yourself." Cook decided to leave the Demon youths behind, and then go and find out for himself.

When Cook walked out of the barracks, he gave the barracks guards thumbs a large piece of inferior magic crystal. They said it was given by the demon youths. They had to stay in the room for a few more days. These demon guards took it happily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The interior of the Star Fortress seems to be a city that never sleeps. Here, Cook sees all kinds of women, big, small, and colors. The skins and races are different, and Cook is still wondering how it looks like this here.

But when Cook walked for half an hour, Cook found that he was wrong. Obviously, the place he was just now was a red-light district. Cook looked at the three-dimensionally planted plants in the huge space. The light from the stars coming in from the portholes makes these plants grow very dense, and there is a family in such a space. The family’s responsibility is to manage these plants, and then except for the handed over, the rest is its own, but The lives of these families are obviously not very good, because Cook saw that withered grain leaves in the food that these families ate.

This kind of food-growing area is very large. Cook has walked for a full two hours and has not yet reached the end, and there are many patrol guards in this area, but there is no check on Cooke.

"No wonder the ale here is so expensive." Cook probably knows why such inferior wines are still so expensive. --3661+xs736387-->

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