A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Observe

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Although Cook does not know what is going on at Danone, Cook will never ask. Cook only knows that the light element in the entire Star Fortress is very active. This level of activity makes Cook feel a little suffocated. [Dancing e-book]

This is the suffocation of mental perception, because other elements at the level of mental perception seem to be dead, there is no activity at all, and it gives people a suffocation without elements. This feeling makes Cook feel very uncomfortable.

The rest of the surrounding people reacted a little bit more seriously, some even fainted for no reason, and some stared in the direction of Danone in fear.

"This is the power of the law. There is no need to do anything at all. As long as you are promoted to the **** level, then within this range, gods are omnipotent." Barry explained.

The light film around Danone's body has changed. The film made of these light elements actually showed a faint flame. Cook was still wondering, and Barry sneered: "It seems that this demon kid has a big heart. If you want to light a sacred fire outside your body, you have to say that this is a form of insurance."

"The sacred fire is lit outside the body." Cook finally said this time.

"Well, igniting the sacred fire like this is more expensive, but it is good, because it can show whether your own energy can support the condensed godhead, and it will not damage your soul. Relatively speaking, it only loses some energy, and once it condenses To become a godhead, these elements tempered by the fire of the gods will be directly absorbed. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to be promoted to the first level as soon as the godhead is condensed." Barry replied in a very relaxed tone.

"Then you don't hurry up." Cook asked angrily.

"No hurry, now this guy's soul hasn't been tempered in the divine fire. If I do it now, it will be more troublesome. I will wait for the moment when this guy succeeds, and then increase the divine fire. Hey, at that time, this guy didn't have any There will be no room for resistance," Barry replied with a smile.

"I think you are interested in the pure soul power of this guy." Cook immediately opened Barry's mind.

"Of course it's part, but you don't need anything." Barry then asked Cook.

"Whatever you want, I have no experience in these things." Cook didn't want anything at all, because now Cook is too busy to come, two starry sky fortresses, I have to say that Cook's harvest is very rich, but If these two starry sky fortresses are optimized and repaired to meet Cook's requirements, the materials, manpower, and material resources that need to be invested can be said to be extremely huge, but Cook thinks it is worth it, because after the two starry sky fortresses, this star beast channel It is Cook's biggest financial resource. ()

Thinking of the hordes of star beasts, Cook's saliva flowed down.

"I can keep this guy's memory for you, I think you must really need it." Barry hesitated and said.

"Whatever." Cook carefully looked at what happened to Danone. This kind of opportunity is a rare thing.

The flame on Danone's body began to burn on the seemingly thin layer of light film. The flame was like a normal flame, and it looked like it was going to be extinguished at any time.

Danone looked like a huge candle, but in the blink of an eye, the flame on the light film began to burn violently, with a slight blue color.

Barry said: "There are also many types of sacred fire. At the beginning, it was red. This is the lowest sacred fire, then blue, orange, and finally white. The strongest sacred fire is milky white. ."

"There is no gold, silver." Cook asked in surprise, because it must be a good thing for Cook to discover that the world is bordered by gold and silver.

"Yes, if the self-condensed energy is not enough, then after this divine fire continues to burn, your soul will be silver if it burns, and your vitality will be golden if it burns." Barry replied irritably.

"Ahem." Cook didn't expect such an answer.

But then Cook asked: "Look at what kind of flame this Danone can ultimately achieve."

"Achieving any flame is no good, I'm here." Barry replied very coaxingly.

"I remember you were orange." Cook said without hesitation.

"Of course it is orange, but you know that the hardest thing to condense the sacred fire is to ignite the sacred fire, so to speak, just like Danone’s condensed energy, at least 3o% is used to ignite the sacred fire, and then it is to increase the quality of the sacred fire. , And I can directly ignite the orange-red sacred fire for someone. If the energy of someone is not bad, then a white quality flame is not impossible." Barry jumped and cried.

"Oh." Cook said, he didn't care about it. In fact, Cook had already remembered in his heart. This guy Barry is like this. He's supernatural, and if you want to know something from this guy's mouth, that's quite It’s difficult, but Barry may be a problem of IQ. Once he falls into a certain situation, like now, then Barry will say a lot of things.

Sure enough, after Cook gave a flat sound, Barry continued: "In fact, a large number of people can do it, but if you want to condense the godhead, it is very difficult. Simply put, the godhead is the soul, energy , The law merges together, which means you become part of the law."

Cook's heart brightened, yes, for a long time, Cook had only a vague conceptual thing about the Godhead, and even Anna hadn't told Cook specifically what the Godhead was.

"The Godhead is also divided into qualities. The most important thing that determines the quality of the Godhead is the strength of the laws of understanding. The higher and more laws you understand, the quality of the Godhead is good. Of course, the quality of the Godhead is not only determined by the laws of understanding. , There is also the quality of divine fire, the size of the divine character itself condensed, the size of the divine character is the pure energy after divine fire tempering, no matter how high your divine character is, if it is too small, its own energy is not enough, then it is low quality in time The great godhead can also defeat you." Barry continued.

"Oh, size, quality." Cook repeated, because Cook knew that if he didn't, Barry would have no interest in talking about it.

When Cooke and Barry were talking, Danone braved the divine fire with a trace of blue flame. The divine fire covered the light film on Danone. The light film became weaker and weaker under the tempering of the divine fire, but Cook can feel that Danone is now a huge black hole, absorbing countless light magic elements around it, and these elements are attracted by an inexplicable attraction.

"The environment chosen by this demon kid is good, with rich light magic elements. It is estimated that the quality of the sacred fire may be higher." Barry said.

"The God of Condensation has requirements for the environment." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Of course, if you have that ability, when you condense the godhead, put countless wood magic crystals and magic cores in a radius of thousands of meters, then your condensed godhead quality must be high." Barry Speaking, this can be regarded as pointing.

"Hey." Cook sighed, because Cook did the calculations. Although he is a bit powerful, but his own women, and several powerful subordinates, if they are promoted to the **** level, they will follow Barry's ideas. I can't see enough of this thing myself.

With a diameter of several thousand meters in a radius, even if it is one thousand meters in diameter, it takes 200 million cubic meters to hold the magic crystal and core.

So Cook just sighed and didn't faint directly. Two hundred million cubic meters. What kind of concept is this? Cook's natural ring is more than that, but Cook's total wealth is not 200 million cubic meters. Magic crystal, magic core, kidding.

"Shen Jing can not." Cook thought of the Shen Jing he had harvested and asked.

"Of course it's fine, the **** crystal is tempered. If you condense the godhead with a cubic **** crystal, then after the godhead is condensed, even the upper gods in the **** realm will not be afraid, if you understand the law more powerfully , God kings can’t help you, Cook, remember one thing, the godhead is the root of god, the higher the quality of the condensed godhead, the greater the potential for future growth, but I think you’d better wait for hundreds of Years, because the law you comprehend is too profound, if it is not good, such a profound law will take a long time for the fire to condense, which is a great energy demand." Barry kindly pointed Cook.

"You are so kind." Cook asked in astonishment.

"Stupid, I count as your vassal creature. If you have something in the God Realm, wouldn't I be ruined." Barry spit out Cook.

"Um~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook gave a hum.

"Cook, I’m really serious. You can tell by looking at Danone. The quality of Shenhuo is very high, but the law that this guy comprehends may be a bit too profound. Maybe without me, this guy will fail when he condenses his personality. Surefire condenses the godhead simply like you use the magic furnace. The better the magic metal, the more energy and the higher the temperature. The same is true for the condensation of the godhead. The principle of the godhead, the soul, Energy, the higher the law, the longer it takes to condense the sacred fire. Of course, the higher the quality of the sacred fire is, the faster the degree is, but relatively, the more energy is consumed." Barry continued rare.

"Danone is going to introduce Shenhuo into his body." Cook asked when he saw that the light film around Danone began to dim and the Shenhuo was close to Danone's body.

"Hehe, feel it, and see if there are any light elements around here." Barry asked Cook with a smile.

"How is it possible, there is no light element." Cook felt it for a while and asked in astonishment, --15568+d80ok0bo+18346501-->

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