A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 183: Harvest god

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"This is not bad. The Condensation Godhead can absorb all the magical elements of the same family within a radius of hundreds of kilometers. This is why energy must be condensed in advance. Just like now, Danone can only rely on its own energy storage. Until the condensing of the godhead is over, there will be no more light magic elements here." Barry's voice echoed in Cook's mind.

Cook nodded, and then asked, "But there are still light elements to supplement around."

"How can it be added that condensing the Godhead by yourself is to integrate yourself into the law, and it is fundamentally incompatible with the surrounding laws. The surrounding light elements will not come over at all. If you don't believe it, wait and see." Barry exclaimed. .

Cook didn't expect this kind of thing. Danone's body was still imaginary, as if it had become transparent. Cook was stunned, thinking of some very bad questions, so he asked: "Danone is now energy-forming."

"This is necessary. What the body is is actually just a pile of flesh. As long as it has enough energy, it can be shaped into any shape. You know why the gods are so beautiful and handsome, because the body is condensed into the godhead. It's reinvented," Barry explained.

Cook was relieved a lot. If he became a god, his body was energized, and certain things could not be done, it would be regrettable.

Danone’s body is a little blurry, but within a few minutes, Danone’s body is like a ghost’s body. Cook can clearly see a trace of blue flame on the bones in Danone’s body. This flame is based on bones. Relying on it, slowly burning, Cook can even see Danone's soul continuously entering the blue flame like a thread.

"There are a lot of specialties in the Condensation Godhead, just like refining medicine. You have to grasp it well, but the Condensation Godhead has only one chance, so most people don't know how to do it. Just like Danone, they use the law, energy, and soul together Shenhuo condensed, this is actually wrong." Barry continued.

"How do you know so much?" Cook asked Barry very confused.

"What I am made of is composed of sacred fire, and sacred fire is not born naturally. The elements of sacred fire will also exist in the world, but it is very rare. These sacred fires are left by those who condense the gods. How can I I don't know, but the more I absorb, the more I know." Barry explained patiently.

For Barry's cooperation, Cook thought it was a bit weird, so Cook asked in a teasing tone: "Then why are you talking so well these days."

"Hey, it's not that some people are too low in strength. If I don't disclose some, I'm afraid some people are still confused, and it will help you improve your strength." Barry sighed.

"Improve strength." Cook muttered to himself.

"Danone is not doing the right thing now. Shenhuo itself hasn't grown, so put the soul in it. Do you know what this means," Barry began to ask Cook.

"Does it take longer." Cook thought of it all at once and replied.

"Of course, this is like refining a pharmaceutical agent. The temperature has not yet risen. You can add a lot of things in one brain. Not to mention the success rate. Because the initial temperature is low, the time for refining the pharmaceutical agent must be longer. The best way is to let The sacred fire becomes vigorous, and then penetrates into the soul to condense. As for the theory of speech, you don’t have to worry about the thing at all, because it is the law of your soul's understanding, so once your soul is condensed by the sacred fire, the law will naturally attach to the godhead. "Barry continued.

"What you mean is that the argument is that you are finally attached to the Godhead." Cook asked in astonishment.

"Of course, otherwise you think, look at Danone, it is still working hard to mobilize the power of the law, this is a waste of resources, these ten minutes have passed, seeing that if there is no, the Shenhuo will not grow, and the progress of concentrating the Godhead is very slow and slow. "Barry pointed Cook.

Cook had noticed it a long time ago that Danone’s physical sacred fire hadn’t grown, and the speed of condensing could be imagined. Cook didn’t expect to have so much attention.

In the rest of the time, Barry didn’t give much advice to Cook, which was just a few minor issues. After more than ten hours, Danone was still condensing the Godhead. Now Danone’s Godhead is about to end, and Danone’s ghost-like body is also Most of them have disappeared, only a little bit of the head is left, and the rest has become a blue flame with a slight orange red in it.

"Okay, I'm going to start." Barry said to Cook when the time was about to come.

Cook woke up. Cook had always used Barry's vision. Otherwise, according to Cook's current level, he would not be able to sneak close to Danone and watch Condensation Godhead from close range.

Cook can imagine Danone’s next fate. When the blue sacred fire is fired by Barry, Danone’s godhead is like refining the medicine. After the temperature suddenly rises, the whole medicine becomes coke, and Danone’s fate is also Not much better.

"Tsk tusk, Barry is good." Cook thought of Barry's greatest danger for those who condensed his personality, and Cook couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh, if you have a conscience, this is what is left. I have to cultivate for a while and eat too much." Barry suddenly showed his head, then threw something to Cook, and then got into Cook's Inside the body.

"God." Cook looked at the thing in his hand in astonishment. This thing Cook is very familiar with, it is actually a god.

"Yes, it can't be wasted, because you will be in danger next." Barry's voice replied lazily.

"Danger, isn't it the star beast..." Cook said disapprovingly, shaking his head.

"Stupid, don't you know that it is a very stupid act to be invisible in front of people of the level of Maharajah? This is the undead of the lord level, the soul power of the undead is extremely powerful, and the undead is very sensitive to the breath of the living , You are like the sun in the eyes of others. I dared not speak out at the time, otherwise I would definitely be found out. You thought that Lord Moss had a good temper and didn't take action against Danone. That was afraid of your existence, thinking you were but Five times the superimposed madness, the breath of the living is close to the **** level, but you are remembered by an undead prince, life will definitely not be easy, so I leave the godhead to give you a little strength, or you will die. That's it..." Barry said there was no sound.

"Barry, what you said is true." Cook asked anxiously.

How could Maharaja Moss's powerful Cook didn't know. Thinking of Maharaja's reaction, Cook understood a little bit. Maharaja Moss didn't want to shoot Danone at the time, but because he was on the side and his strength was unknown.

Cook soon became the same. After all, the law of planes and other things are already relatively familiar to Cook now.

"The egg hurts." Cook's egg hurts. Why, I didn't expect that I just watched the excitement, and he might be remembered by Maharaja Moss. The reason Barry had a good attitude just now is probably related to this, Cook He almost wanted to leave everything behind and immediately returned to the sanctuary plane.

But Cook turned his head and thought, this is not okay, he was worried about by an undead prince. Even though the sanctuary plane is under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Gods, it does not mean that the prince cannot deal with himself.

"It seems that I have offended some people in the God Realm." Cook sighed even more. Among other things, the sun **** was beaten up by himself, and the goddess of wealth was also taught by Cook.

"Right here, I want to see how many undead there are in this Lord Moss, haha, starry sky, this is a very good environment." Since he doesn't leave, then it doesn't matter if what Barry said is true or false, of course If Lord Moss is more generous and doesn't care about it, then it's fine. If Lord Moss cares about it, then Cook will take some action if he doesn't.

Thinking of the mighty undead that could appear at any time, Cook made modifications to the Star Fortress while checking the memory of Danone in the Godhead.

Cook, wearing a silver robe, came to the place where the Mageweave Master was imprisoned. Seeing thousands of Mageweave Masters, Cook couldn't help sighing the demon's talent.

"Which one of you wants freedom." Cook said directly. As for the soldiers, Cook had long since moved away in Danone's tone.

"Hmph, you rubbish, the Star Fortress is inseparable from our Mageweave Master." One of the Mageweave Masters said coldly, and the other Mageweave Masters also looked at Cook contemptuously.

"I'll ask again, who wants freedom." Cook asked again, ignoring the Mageweaver who had just spoken.

"I also said, you guys..." The Mageweaver who spoke just now is usually very powerful. He was despised by a person like Cook and he felt very upset, so he shouted at Cook.

"Zizi." But before this person's words were finished, a green light appeared on Cook's finger, and then the light drew a mysterious pattern in a few seconds, followed by a purple thunder and lightning from here. The Xuan'ao pattern came out, and the sigh of speech just turned into a pile of coke.

"Magic pattern, this is magic pattern." The attack power of this lightning is not very strong, but don't forget that these magic pattern masters have forbidden magic handcuffs. Other magic pattern masters do not look at the people who have just been electrocuted. Exclaimed.

"Just like you garbage, I am embarrassed to say that it is a magic pattern master, I will finally ask ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ who wants freedom." Cook's voice is so cold, making all the magic pattern masters tremble. For a moment.

"I, I want to be free." The magic pattern master saw that his support was gone, a low-level magic pattern master immediately raised his hand and called.

"The first-level magic pattern master, very good, you are the task for you, go and execute it immediately." Cook looked at the level of the magic pattern master, so he took out a memory magic crystal and gave an order.

"Ka Ka." Just after Cook's words settled, a magic puppet came over and opened the magic pattern master's handcuffs.

"Me, and me."


"I also want to be free, and I am not greedy for ink materials. They did it."

"Yes, sir, we are only low-level Mageweave Masters, all made by those high-level Mageweave Masters." --6163+daqxius+12397169-->

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