A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Method

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"Very well, one by one, as long as you complete the tasks, then you are free. Dancing e-book" Cook saw this situation, his voice was a lot of joy. The reason why Cook chose these low-level mage patterns is because of Cook Knowing that in the industry of Mageweave Masters, low-level Mageweave Masters will never get much benefit.

The low-level mageweave masters should listen to the words of the high-level mageweave masters. The high-level mageweave masters have not done as many things as the low-level mageweave masters. On the contrary, they get the most benefits. Of course, this theory is the same in any industry. A small number of people.

"This is your task." Cook sent the tasks one by one. For Cook, it is easy to distinguish the level of these magic pattern masters. This does not mean that Cook has any secrets to know these magic pattern masters. The grade.

Rather, the control system of the Star Fortress had the information of these mage-weave masters, so Cook knew exactly what these mage-weave masters were good at.

Cook also had to do this as a last resort. Originally Cook only planned to optimize the Star Fortress. The optimization did not involve hardware, that is, not a large number of magic lines to optimize the system. Now Cook has to make plans, because there is no The instability of Lord Sri Lanka is, so the Star Fortress needs to be rebuilt.

The entire starry sky fortress is over thousands of kilometers in diameter and hundreds of kilometers thick. The magic lines involved are simply incalculable, and the size of the system is more than tens of thousands.

Even if Cook is a top-level magic pattern master, it is impossible to say that one person has completed such a huge reconstruction task, so Cook looked at these thousands of low-level magic pattern masters.

Of course, if these Mageweavers performed well enough, Cook wouldn’t mind letting them go. So every Mageweave was followed by magic puppets. On the surface, these magic puppets were the guards and bodyguards of the Mageweave. , Taking into account the task of transporting materials, but in fact these magic puppets are also monitoring magic pattern masters.

The people inside the Starry Sky Fortress clearly felt that the atmosphere was different. The passages between the various areas and the level management were much stricter. Many magicians appeared from time to time, and then a section of the passage was closed. After a few days, the passage was opened, ordinary people I don't even know what's happening here, but for those with a higher professional level, it's obviously different.

"This progress..." Cook is also busy, but when Cook sees the reconstruction tasks in his plan and the completed reconstruction tasks, Cook's head is big. Popular

Cook plans to strengthen the establishment of defensive magic patterns within the entire Star Fortress, increase the number of absorbed and transformed magic patterns, and increase the attack power of the weapon system.

In a word, it started from three aspects of defense, detection, and attack. The low-level Mageweave Masters established a preliminary monitoring and defense system. Although there were a lot of low-level Mageweave Masters, the overall progress was still very slow.

Cook is building a high-level fortress cannon. This fortress cannon is not an ordinary fortress cannon. Cook plans to use a fortress cannon with three hundred and sixty attacking magicweave arrays, but only this level of magicweave array. It doesn't work. There are also supporting energy supply systems, control systems, and defense systems, so it takes Cook at least one month to complete a level magic pattern array.

And Cook’s plan is to build a magic pattern array on top of the star sky fortress. First, ten are to be built on the periphery of the star sky fortress, and five are built around the upper and lower areas of the periphery. The main reason for establishing the upper and lower areas is that In the starry sky, no matter where the enemy comes from, they can maintain at least two magic pattern arrays to attack at the same time.

The distance between the upper and lower areas is hundreds of kilometers, and there are five on the upper and lower edges of the ten-level magic pattern array. If the enemy is unlucky and attack from the upper and lower, then he may face simultaneous attacks of five magic pattern arrays.

There are also from the outer area to the central core area. Didn’t I say that this starry sky fortress is like a six-pointed star? There are also huge passages between this outer area and the inner core area. Arrange four levels of magic pattern arrays, and then add the level of magic pattern arrays in the central core, that is to say, if the enemy appears from the upper and lower sides of the starry sky fortress, there are ten levels of magic pattern arrays to face.

This is just a starry sky fortress. Cook is also preparing to transport another starry sky fortress and modify it to form mutual support firepower. Of course, three starry sky fortresses form a powerful triangle. The undead prince sent a large number of undead strong, and Cook can also make these guys come back.

If you add magic spaceships and combat airships, your combat effectiveness will increase a lot.

Of course, this is only a big plan. A magic pattern array requires hundreds of composite magic patterns, and a composite magic pattern is at least composed of hundreds of single magic patterns. It can be imagined how many materials are needed, and the manpower and material resources required are How much, so even with such a perverted strength as Cook, it only took a month to establish a level magic pattern array.

"No, you have to hunt star beasts." Cook looked at the material burst in the starry sky. Although he is still rich, what makes Cooke's egg hurt is that the low-level Mageweaver wastes too much material, and the failure rate Too high.

But there is no other way. After all, Cook is too busy alone, and some people say that Cook goes back to call people, but everyone should know that the number of Mageweaves under Cook is not very large, plus the base Consolidating, Cook didn't bother to go back, of course, Cook also sent his own news back through the space communicator.

Space communication uses spatial fluctuations to act as the waves of electric waves. Due to the characteristics of space, the distance of transmission is very long and the stability is extremely strong. After all, space is not easy to produce fluctuations, even if it produces fluctuations, it will not be like transmission. Regularly, this can be regarded as one of the longest-distance communication methods that Cook has refined based on radio principles.

It is precisely because of this that Cook was shocked by the presence of so many Mageweave Masters in the Starry Sky Fortress. There are already enough races under Cook, but the number of talents with Mageweave Masters is too rare, almost even more than dragons. Rare, and the number of high-level Mageweave Masters among these Mageweave Masters is very rare.

Mageweave is not only a knowledge accumulation, but also a strong practical ability. No matter how strong the knowledge is, no one dares to use it as soon as he does it. On the contrary, he has strong practical ability, but there is nothing in his mind. Goods are also useless. Of course, the latter scenario is almost non-existent. The magician has the means to remember anything that needs to be remembered.

Cook sighed and sighed, but he still hurriedly started, but Cook not only dispatched the battle airships of the Starry Sky Fortress, but also let the base support a part of the magic spaceships. These magic spaceships were docked somewhere in the starry sky, looking for them. Star beast.

In order to cooperate with Cook, West Asia’s base also decided to attack other planes controlled by the Demon. Cook needs a lot of magic materials, so the fastest way to get the magic materials is the place controlled by the Demon.

For a time, the entire Demon Race was in fierce battles, and the planes lost contact with each other, and the combat airships dispatched to support unexpectedly disappeared silently.

The more serious crisis facing the Demon Race is that the Demon God and some of the elite Demon Races have also lost contact, which makes the Demon Race seniors at a loss.

Because in the history of the demons, the level of sternness is unimaginable by Cook, just like the things managed by the demons and the elite of the demons. Even if the demons below know what to do, they don’t have orders. , Can’t act.

"What are these demons going to do?" Connie was puzzled by the reaction of the demons. The mana spaceship under Connie's hand had already detected most of the planes. This time Connie was ready to learn from Cook. Fight for aid.

However, after the plane where the Demon race hoards materials, after the transport airship was attacked, there was no reaction to the plane facing this place. You must know that there is a huge military camp on the next plane. Thousands, but this combat airship showed no signs of action.

This situation puzzled Connie. For fear of any conspiracy by the demons, Connie sent out all the magic scout ships, and the result was that there were no reinforcements nearby.

"Haha, it seems that Connie doesn't know much about the structure of the demons." Cook learned about the situation after receiving Connie's call. Cook laughed. Cook only learned about the demons after reading Danone's memory. The clan actually has such a system.

I have to say that such a system is very good for the development of the entire race~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will not produce huge internal conflicts, but when such a system encounters unexpected situations, then it will be a disaster for this race.

Of course, the demons never thought that the high-levels would lose contact with each other. You must know that the elite demons who were thrown in a different space by Cook in the Tower of Power accounted for more than 9o% of the leadership of the demons, and the remaining 1o% was just It is enough to maintain the operation of the entire system of the Mozu.

Moreover, the remaining 10% are those who don’t have much responsibility, and they can be maintained. After all, if you have to enter the Tower of Power, the benefits you get are hard to describe. Then those who are capable will definitely squeeze in, and those who are not capable can only watch. He wanted others to go in, but no one thought that this time would be disastrous.

"It turns out that this is the case. If this is the case, then don't blame me for being polite. Come here and deliver the order: execute the plan of deep cutting, and execute the plan of slashing. Remember, we don't need demons captives." Connie got Cook. After replying, Connie was overjoyed. Connie had the title of God of War when she was an ordinary person. She was too keen on the record of war, --15568+d80ok0bo+18359704-->

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