A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 185: Dispatch

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After Connie's order was given, the entire base was fully operational. The portal hosted by Lina kept puffing up massive amounts of supplies, and countless soldiers were armed.

A huge transport spacecraft is moored in the base, and a giant magic puppet walks into the hundreds of meters high transport spacecraft. They are accompanied by a sturdy Balrog. The equipment on these Balrogs is not Many, just a helmet and a weapon, some have a shield.

The defense of the Balrog itself is very powerful, and the defense of the skin is higher than the defense of the same level of monsters. Of course, in the eyes of human beings, the Balrog is actually a humanoid creature.

There are also groups of giant spider-like machines shining with black metallic luster. This is the construction machinery corps of the dwarf clan, but this mechanical corps has been greatly changed in quality.

First of all, this construction machine is no longer just a kind of machine, but a kind of magic prop. This kind of construction machine has eight long legs and six short legs.

On the eight long legs, there are various weapons, magic crystal cannon, meteor cannon, and various attack magic patterns, tough magic patterns, sharp magic patterns and other magic patterns to form different attack methods.

And on the big head in the middle of this construction machine, there is not only a dwarf manipulator, but also several elite dwarf warriors. These dwarf warriors are very well equipped, and basically have several magic pattern equipment, and behind this construction machine Together with the big belly behind him, once it stands up, it will be a sentry tower over 20 meters high.

, If it crawls on the ground, it is a fully functional barracks, and its defense is very impressive.

As for the various magic puppets of different sizes, it surprised everyone.

"Oh my God, this is the equipment needed for the first wave of attacks." An elf looked at hundreds of huge transport ships, tens of thousands of magic puppets, and millions of Balrog soldiers. Yes, densely packed, if you look down from the sky, it looks even bigger.

"Of course, this is the strength of our Liberty Alliance, but I really want to go to the first wave of attacks, but unfortunately, we are the second wave of attacks. I can only pray for the first wave. The guy who is attacking the wave hurry up, otherwise we still have to wait." Another human looked at the elf and said with a smile.

"The second wave is also very powerful, why is our elves the fourth wave." The elves said very dissatisfied.

"Haha, that's because you have a small number of elves." Another human laughed loudly.

In addition to these visible equipment, in another place, 15,000 mana spaceships were carrying weapons and supplies, and a large number of magic crystals, cores, and mana crystals were all carried on the mana spaceship.

"Look, what is that." As a team of ogres approached, the people on the mana spaceship were surprised, because the ogres had a higher status in the Free League.

However, no one is dissatisfied with this, because the status of the ogres is earned by the ogres themselves. The ogres are very loyal to Cook, and they are not afraid of death when fighting, and they are the largest number of soldiers. Race, even in the magic spaceship formation, most of the Marines are ogres and trolls.

And the black helmets on these ogre heads made everyone leave far away. The black helmets in the army of the Liberty Alliance represented extreme danger.

The red is the next, so these soldiers saw those wearing black helmets stay away.

"I see. Look at the badges on these people." A human soldier exclaimed, and everyone looked over. These ogres' badges have a shield and a hexagram on the shield.

"This is the internal security department of the Mageweave Division." Someone asked guessingly.

"That's it. In our army, only this unit is extremely mysterious. It is said that all units are composed of ogres and trolls, and they are extremely well equipped." Someone said.

"That's for sure. These people are protecting Mageweave Masters, and they must be elite, but I don't understand why they are all ogres and trolls. Is there no other race." Some people expressed dissatisfaction.

"Of course, there are Titan giants, but you definitely can't go like this, because the Mageweave division is in danger of failure when refining equipment, so these inner guards usually wear special defense equipment, and each has one Tower shield, it is said that during patrols, the weight of the entire equipment is a full two thousand jins, and your small body can bear it." Someone knows some details, and immediately asked angrily.

"Silly, I don't know how to wear magic equipment." The person who spoke just now snorted immediately.

"Hey, idiot, idiot, does the refining of magic pattern equipment allow multiple magic fluctuations, if it affects the success rate, who counts." But this person's words have not settled, the person who just explained said immediately.

The people around suddenly realized that, some people said: "I will definitely be able to bear two thousand catties in a short time, but I will bring them when I want to patrol, and that will not work."

"You think you can wear it. If the Mageweave is in danger, you have to go forward and fight. High-intensity battles and patrols are not enough to wear." Someone immediately said.

"Yes." The people around were all surprised.

But these people just finished talking, they saw a magic transport vehicle, which is a transport equipment often used inside the base, and it has different effects depending on the color and painting.

The same black also represents the highest degree of danger. Of course, it must be the most powerful thing. Moreover, this magic transporter is very small. Compared with the ordinary twenty-meter long magic transporter, only ten meters is not enough. Look, but there is also a skull-like painting on this magic speed car, which has a name in the army, Destroy Arms.

This is the general term for the various equipment set up within the army according to the requirements of the battle, war armed, combat armed, strategic armed, and finally destruction armed.

"It's actually a weapon of destruction. Guess how powerful this thing is." Someone immediately became excited.

"It is estimated that it will not be too small. The destruction radius of the destroyer armed with the green magic transporter last time was two kilometers, and this kind of black magic transporter, I think it is five kilometers." The teacher said guessingly.

"Five kilometers, my God, the city where my hometown is only a few kilometers in size, doesn't it mean that one of these things will destroy a city." Someone exclaimed.

"Of course it is, otherwise it is called destruction armed." The man dressed as a magician replied proudly, as if this thing was made by him.

All the soldiers looked at this magic transporter, and it was no surprise that this magic transporter was parked next to a magical spaceship at the extreme edge.

"Don't look, that guy is lucky." Someone shouted immediately.

"Yes, it is estimated that the Chinese stuff will only be given to them." The rest of the people also said.

"Sir, this is a document for you." A Titan got off the magic transporter, and the Titan held a magic crystal ball and handed it to Baghru.

"Haha, great, I just like this kind of thing." Bagru touched the magic crystal ball with mental power, and laughed, yes, this spaceship is Bagru's car. This is The privilege granted by Cook, in the entire army of the Free Chamber of Commerce, only Bagru has this treatment, but Bagru's treatment is exchanged with his own strength.

"Sir, this thing is a bit unstable, so be careful when operating..." Titan put away the magic crystal ball, and then ordered.

But before he finished speaking, Baglu interrupted: "Unstable, I like it."

"This is not what I said, it was Mrs. Westa." Titan continued.

"Ah, Madam said. Thank you Madam for your concern. I, Bagru, will definitely complete the new weapon test." Bagru hurriedly stood at attention, and then said solemnly, because Bagru knew that this magic crystal ball would take everything. Record it, after all, this new weapon is too powerful, too abnormal.

A mana spaceship accompanied by a huge mana transportation spaceship formed a huge formation after launching into the sky, and marched towards the starry sky, but in the starry sky, this huge flying formation splits five formations of varying sizes.

Inside the base, Connie roared: "Why don't you let me take command at the front line, you know that wars are changing rapidly."

"Mrs. Connie, this is a decision made by the council." The officer in charge of the base guard replied loudly.

"Damn council, I think it was Cook who ordered it." Connie was very dissatisfied, knowing that it was extremely enjoyable to command the battle of tens of thousands of magic spaceships, and Connie knew that this might be the last chance.

"Mrs. Connie, I'm just implementing the decision of the council." The officer replied coldly, the officer was a Titan.

"Oh, sister Connie, don't make any noise. Cook is also for your own good. You must know that this offense is still dangerous. You have just given birth and are very weak." A sweet and greasy voice rang~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Connie's mouth twitched when she heard this voice. Who is this? Of course it is Anna. Anna deserves to be the goddess of the dark night. She has a set of wrists. This is not a big sister, of course Kang Ni and others have to admit that, after all, Anna is a well-deserved candidate regardless of her age or strength. As for the scheming or something, hehe, being able to become a member of the Council of the Gods, her scheming is simple.

"Connie, come, sit down and command here. It's useless for you to lose your temper now. The spaceship formation has already left. As for the portal, Lina can let you pass." Anna took Connie's hand and sat down. Come down and say.

"Sister Anna, do you have anything to do." Connie knew that Anna would never disturb her at this time, so she asked.

"I know the origin of the Demon Race. I checked some files of the Council of Gods and finally I know how the Demon Race came." Anna heard Connie's question and replied.

"Really, as long as we know the origin of the demons, then we can have more ways to restrain the demons." Connie said excitedly immediately.

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