A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 186: the truth?

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"Wait a minute, everyone came and I said it together." Anna said immediately when she saw Connie like this.

"Well, report the child to me." Connie then ordered.

Looking at the child Connie is holding, Anna is also envious, but Anna also knows her current situation. She is just a descendant clone, just a part of the soul. Her body is someone else’s. Of course, even if Anna wants It is also difficult to have children. In fact, nature already has certain laws. The stronger the life, the lower the fertility. Just like a giant dragon, it only has one child in almost two thousand years, while the average wild rabbit, One child per month, and one child can be as small as two or three and as many as five or six.

Ordinary people in this world get married when they are teenagers. Not surprisingly, they have at least two children by the time they are 20. But with the existence of Cook's level, childbirth is almost completely random, maybe a year, maybe dozens. As for the use of magic potions, although Cook had such potions, he did not dare to use them, because Cook didn't know whether this potion had an effect on his offspring. Without sufficient experimental data, he could not take it easily.

"The child is good." Anna said enviously looking at the child in Connie's arms.

"Yes, it’s just that it’s bad sometimes." Connie was feeding her baby while holding her baby. Of course she was not eating Connie’s own milk, but the royal jelly and honey from Jinfeng collected by Cooke plus some other water of life. These things are refined by Cook, and they are all produced naturally.

"Baby, come, mother hug." Lina appeared for the first time. The difference is that this time Lina walked into the control hall. In the past, Lina was teleported in through space. , Lina picked up the child in Connie's arms as soon as she came in, both kissing and hugging.

"Gluck." The child giggled as Lina teased him.

"Oh, I'm so busy." Xia also appeared soon.

After everyone appeared, a transparent magic shield was released by West Asia. Anna saw that it was almost done, and she said: "I have found some clues about the existence of the demons in some data saved by the Council of Gods. ."

Seeing everyone else listening intently, Anna continued: "The Council of the Gods was established after the Great War, and the Demons were born before the Great War, and have ruled all planes for countless years. ."

"According to the time context, Cook's speculation is very reasonable. First of all, what we understand at the beginning is the world ruled by wizards. The time that wizards ruled the world is extremely long, but it is also wizards who brought humans into civilized society. There are also two types of wizards in wizards, one is the white wizard, and the other is the black wizard. In fact, there are two types of wizards of light and dark. Light wizards are good at healing and soothing, while dark wizards are good at healing. Attack, at that time the black wizard and the white wizard were both combat partners."

"But the same sentence, interests. In the long battle, due to the problem of profit distribution, the two wizards' camps began to conflict, which finally led to the battle."

"The black wizard has an obvious disadvantage when facing the white wizard, so the black wizard releases some dark magic and transforms his fighters. The black wizard accidentally discovered that the blood of the beast can increase some of the human abilities, so the black wizard Begin to reform the soldiers. Of course, at that time, the soldiers were voluntary, and did not say forcibly."

"But the voluntary is only part of it. As the battle progresses, the white wizard camp becomes stronger and stronger, because the white wizard is good at assisting, healing, and comforting, and it is more suitable for war than the purely attacking black wizard."

"As time passed, the wizard discovered that there were other races in the entire world, so elves, dwarves, gnomes, giants, titans, and wingmen appeared one after another, and during the war, another species was born. It is the orcs, and the orcs are the descendants of the wizards after the human warriors."

"The duration of the war cannot be calculated, but the wizarding civilization has been promoted by the war to become stronger and stronger. Gradually, there is a magic system, and pharmacy, alchemy, enchanting, etc. are all serving the war, but the entire system of the wizarding society It's still a very primitive system. From the perspective of wizards, other races are their own slaves, including ordinary people. In a world ruled by wizards, wizards are the gods of all races."

"The black wizard was defeated by the white wizard camp, and had to enter the dark underground world. It was in the underground world. The black wizard carried out crazy experiments on human body modification, and the demons were created at this time."

"Everyone knows the characteristics of the demons. The black wizard has gradually won the victory, and the white wizard has not fallen behind. Next, I want to say that everyone must not pass it out, otherwise the trouble will be serious."

"I know, the angel must have been made." Lina said angrily.

"Yes, angels and demons have become the main forces on the battlefield of both sides, but with the passage of time, both the demons and angels have changed and they have their own thinking. At the beginning, the demons created by the black wizard did not Without self-awareness, they are all controlled puppets, as are angels, so the angels colluded with the demons and overthrew the rule of wizards. Then the demons ruled the black wizard camp, the angels ruled the white wizard camp, and the two sides fought a war. Demon war."

Speaking of this, Lina asked: "So what exactly is the fusion of the demons."

"No one of you might have thought of this, the demons were fused with slimes." Anna said mysteriously.

"No, it's the kind of low-level thing." Everyone was taken aback, and then said in disbelief.

"Yes, this is the case in the record, I still found it from a biography." Anna replied confidently.

"Biography." The others looked at each other.

But for a while, Lina said, "However, according to the characteristics of slimes, this is also possible. Slimes themselves rely on self-division. The talent of the demons can be said to be a kind of self-division, but it is more powerful. ."

"But this is unreasonable. What is a slime? It is living by eating some rotten leaves, dirt and other things in the underground world. It is not aggressive at all. As for the splitting characteristics, there are many species, earthworms, The two biological species of locusts are also the same." Xia said.

"But you have overlooked the most important point, that is, slimes are dark attributes, magical creatures, although they are only the lowest level, earthworms of the dark type are almost uncommon, let alone the dark type of locusts." Na immediately shook her head and said.

"Slimes are indeed dark monsters. Slimes can even wrap the bones of other creatures with their bodies, and then slowly corrode into liquids and be absorbed by themselves." Lina immediately spoke as she looked at other people's suspicious eyes. Said.

"And the most important point is that there are enough slimes to be suitable for experimentation, and the Dark Element is more suitable for the dark wizard." Anna continued.

"It's actually like this. I didn't expect that the Demon Race is... I know. The Demon Race is not the fusion of slimes and ordinary people at all, but the dark wizard." Xia said while holding the child, but just now Halfway through, Xia immediately exclaimed.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the speculation of West Asia. After Lina heard this speculation, she immediately reacted: "It is like this, it must be like this, otherwise according to the fusion of slime and ordinary people, it will definitely not be born. For a race like the Demon Race, it is possible for the slime to merge with the Black Wizard, and the level of the Black Wizard during his lifetime must not be low, otherwise the born Demon Race will not be so talented, and the Demon Race is not out of control. It was the conspiracy of this dark wizard,"

"It's possible, so according to this, doesn't it mean that the angel is also out of control, is it because the white wizard uses his soul to merge into the angel's body." Anna asked incredulously.

"It's possible." No one else is an idiot, and the magic talent is very good. According to the understanding of magic, a large part of Anna's guess is valid.

Anna thought of the horror in this, and immediately said: "No, I want to go back, the battle between gods and demons will actually be a conspiracy."

Anna hurriedly left. Sia and Lina also glanced at each other. Yes, this guess is terrible. The entire wizarding world is played by a small group of people, and the war between gods and demons will be controlled by this small group. .

"It's terrible, demons, angels, wizards." Mickey said in horror.

"Don't be afraid, I think the original intention of this group of people is definitely to control the entire world, but what this group of people did not expect is that after the war between gods and demons, mankind will rise so quickly." Lina said.

"Yes, but we should still be vigilant, maybe this is some secret organization..., it's not right." Xia also agreed.

"I have a guess ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is that all of this may have been done by our human ancestors." Sia saw other people looking at herself in surprise, so she said slowly.

"This is unscientific. Whether in the wizarding world or during the war between gods and demons, we humans are at the lowest level, and it is impossible to participate in it." Murphy shook his head and said.

"But we infer based on the maximization of benefits. It is not who we humans are. It is our humans who benefit. Humans are the masters of the entire world. There is no doubt that humans are the masters of the entire world, right." Xia asked explaining.

Everyone was stunned when they heard West Asia’s speculation. Yes, according to the maximization of interests, West Asia’s guess is very reasonable, but it is indescribable.

"I think West Asia's guess is reasonable. Don't forget. Although we humans are not very talented, in terms of scheming, hehe, don't you know how other races call us humans." Murphy hehe Said with a smile,


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