A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 190: Impulsive Baglu

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Bagru was also nervous. Bagru took the task of beheading operation with all his strength this time. This is the most critical task, and the Bandola plane is the farthest away from the base. At this time, the other spaceship formations are early. The attack is over, even the ground war may be over, and in this case, if the Demon God Temple reacts, then the beheading action would be a joke.

"The report found that there were 300 enemy combat airships, and they are expected to be in range within five minutes." A voice rang.

"I order." Bagru looked at the magic image of Thor 1, and after Bagru gave the blew order, the entire Thor 1 exploded, and the entire magic projection was a dazzling white light, and Thor 2 Also got into the white light, Thor 3 also entered, but due to the violent explosion of Thor 1, the entire magic projection was a white light, which was obviously severely disturbed.

Before the violent magic wave of Thunder God 1 passed, there were two dazzling white lights, dozens of kilometers around the Demon God Temple was shrouded in rich white light, and purple lightning flashed through these white lights.

"Report, the enemy's combat airship has entered our range." A report sounded again.

"Thor 4, target, enemy combat airship, launch." Bagru calmly ordered.

"Yes, target 43, lock the target, launch." Thor 4 rushed towards the direction of the 300 combat airships with a blue flame.

"Open the defensive shield." Baglu continued to give orders.

"Boom, boom, boom." Bagru's order was just finished. As soon as the mana spaceship's protective cover was opened, the demons' combat airship launched an attack. After the entire spaceship was hit, it shook violently. Inevitably, although the protective shield can protect against attacks, the energy of the attack itself is enough to shake the entire spacecraft.

"Keep the formation, keep the formation, and prevent collisions." Baglu commanded loudly, fighting in the starry sky, there are many things to pay attention to, just like now, the distance between the spacecraft in the formation should be widened, otherwise if they collide with each other ,The consequences could be disastrous.

"Thor 4 was hit and lost contact." At this time, a bad news came.

"Damn it." Baglu cursed secretly.

At this time, the dazzling white light on the Demon God's Temple had disappeared. Bagru saw a scorched ruin on the ground, and the pyramid that was thousands of meters high had disappeared. Baghru was extremely excited.

"Implement the cleanup plan, the key target, and the Demon God Temple is underground. I have only one request to turn over the place where the Demon God Temple is two hundred meters." Baglu commanded loudly.

"Yes, carry out the ground cleanup plan, and launch ground penetration rockets and armor-piercing rockets."

"Corrosive rockets, launch."

"Dragon Rocket, launch."

Bagru is now a lot more relaxed. Listening to the sound inside the spacecraft, Bagru feels very happy. Bagru can imagine how the ruins of the Demon Temple will be hit. The ground burrowing rockets, the rocket warhead position is a The drill bit, driven by the magic pattern, can reach a maximum depth of 500 meters. The drill bit has been specially crafted and is very tough. Of course, if it encounters metal protection, after the drill bit breaks, it will trigger the magic bomb behind it.

The armor-piercing rocket is better to say. This rocket enters immediately behind the ground-piercing rocket. Once the ground-piercing rocket bursts, the armor-piercing rocket will directly hit the protective layer. Inside the armor-piercing rocket is the best fire monster. The crystal powder, plus the fat of the god-level creatures, is extremely hot. After touching the protective layer, the top-grade fire magic crystal powder and the fat of the god-level creatures inside will be ejected from the bullet position instantly, forming a very high temperature The jet stream is the same as the current armor-piercing projectile.

This jet can shoot through a half-meter thick enchanted metal plate, and the jet injected will be sprayed all at once and ignite everything that can burn.

Corrosive rockets are better to say, they are corrosive gases. These gases will condense into mist, which lasts for several months, while poisonous dragon rockets contain poisonous dragon blood. The blood is diluted and refined. It will be attached to the ruins, no matter what kind of creature, once touched, it will end badly.

"Boom." The Demon God Temple was blocked by dense smoke and dust. Over time, the smoke and dust changed from silver to green, and finally turned to rich black.

After a gust of wind passed, some black dust was blown to other places by the wind.

"Ah... my hand." A few hundred kilometers away from the Demon God Temple, a Demon Race screamed. A black spot appeared on the Demon Race's arm, but the black spot instantly turned into one. The big hole, after a second, the arm of the demon clan became a pool of black water, and it was still spreading rapidly.

"What's this?" But for three or four seconds, the demon clan who screamed became a pool of fishy black water, and this black water corroded the ground into a big pit, and the surrounding demon clan were all frightened. Endless.



The sorrowful cries of one after another rang out, these people are the result, there is no time for rescue, everyone is terrified, watching the violent explosion in the direction of the Demon God Temple, the heart of each Demon Race is uneasy.

"Look at those trees." A demon pointed at the trees on both sides of the road. These trees turned into a pool of black water in an instant.

Ahhhh, everyone screamed, evading in all directions.

"The firepower is unfolding, the attack is free, and all the ammunition is poured out for me." Bagru said when he saw that the time was almost up.

"Report, Thor 4 is already close to the target, according to the pre-set target, there is still one minute before the explosion." A soldier reported.

"Open the defensive cover to its maximum, pay attention to the impact." Baglu ordered loudly.

One minute passed quickly, and Baglu saw a dazzling light in the dark starry sky, like a sun.

"Pay attention to the impact." Baglu shouted loudly.

"Boom." Sure enough, just after Bagru finished shouting, he saw a fragment of a combat airship tens of meters in size hitting the magic spaceship, crashing on the spaceship, a powerful impact The force made the spacecraft almost overturned, and the personnel inside were even more stumbling. Fortunately, the early warning was given, so there was no harm.

"Report, the enemy airship formation has disappeared." Ten minutes later, after the impact stopped, Baglu heard the good news.

"Haha, these idiots don't even know how to turn on the protective cover. They are stupid now." Bagruhaha laughed.

The thing is very simple. Although the formation of 300 combat airships has a range of millions of kilometers, the violent explosion of Thor 4 caused all the debris to move at high speed. Once a combat airship is crushed, the debris produced by the combat airship There will be a chain reaction, and the current situation will be formed, leading to the destruction of the entire fleet. Of course, this is also because those people did not pay enough attention to the Thor 4, after all, the effect of physical attacks is very small, relying on the hard shell of the combat airship. It is enough to resist many physical attacks.

This is also related to the fact that the battle airship of the Demon Race has not experienced a battle. The Bandora plane is the core plane of the entire Demon Race. There are not one of them. There are dozens of legions around this plane, and there are even tens of thousands. A combat airship is on alert.

This is also the magic spaceship formation led by Bagrul who wants to follow the asteroid, otherwise the decapitation action will be exposed if it is discovered.

"Your Excellency Commander, are we going back." The ammunition is basically empty. Of course, the magic spacecraft can convert and absorb sunlight as an energy reserve. Bagru is not afraid to light up the ammunition, a staff member asked for instructions.

"Idiots, you are all a group of idiots. Look below. This is the core plane of the Demon Race. You actually left like this. Now this plane is opening your arms. What are we waiting for? We are the first to enter On this plane of Bandora, we want to become a dazzling star in history, I order, give me a landing, we want to occupy this place, of course, there are a lot of trophies." Bagru commanded loudly.

"Your Excellency Commander, but we don't have the necessary equipment." The staff officer said loudly.

"Equipment, hey, sorry, I have." Baglu pulled out a strange necklace from his neck. On this necklace, rings were strung together by a string.

"This is..." the staff member said in confusion.

"Of course it is the ring of large-capacity space. This is the exchange of all my savings. Listen to my order and land." Following Bagru's order, the magic spaceship formation slowly landed towards the Bandora plane.

"All units paid attention to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after landing, leaving the spacecraft manipulators, manipulating the spacecraft to attack the fortifications, the spacecraft guards came to me to collect equipment, our first goal is to collect all kinds of magic crystals and cores These things equip the spacecraft, and then continue to sweep." Bagru continued to order.

I have to say that Baghru has become a lot smarter since he grew two heads. Of course, this has something to do with Baghru's staff team, which will list all the problems and solutions. , Selected by Baglu.

But sometimes it doesn’t. It’s like ordering Thor 1 to explode. The staff team has no time to react. What Cook valued is Baghru’s immediate reaction. This is what a commander should have. This is the fighter. In the war, there is a staff team in the general direction, and nothing can go wrong, but the grasp of the fighter plane can show whether a commander is qualified.

"Yes." Everyone in the spaceship formation immediately yelled with excitement. You must know that in these subordinates of Cook, there are not only points but also points for the spoils. These guys think that the entire plane is in their vision. , That’s not exciting yet, but these people seem to have forgotten one thing, that is the talent of the demons,

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