A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 191: Impulsive punishment

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Bagru led the formation of magic spaceships and landed quickly on the plane of Bandora. Although the ammunition of the magic spaceships was gone, energy weapons such as the meteor cannon and the magic crystal cannon could still be used.

"Quick, quick, charge me, charge me." After the spaceship's guard received the equipment in Bagru's hands, under the leadership of the captain of the guard, they rushed out of the magic spacecraft.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." And the magic crystal cannon on the mana spaceship, the meteor cannon also continuously released a burning death beam, leaving a scorched black pit on the ground, and constantly shattering building.



All the demons fled in all directions. The huge size of the demonic spaceship made these demons terrified. There were also the death beams, the scene of the end, and the energy beams hit the demons from time to time. In the crowd, a large number of demons were directly gasified.

"Everyone, rush to me." Bagru saw this situation and gave the order of the land general attack. Numerous spacecraft guards jumped out of the spacecraft, and then moved forward in small groups.

"Shoo." The spaceship escorts have small beam weapons in their hands. When these beam weapons are fired, there will be a buzzing sound. This is the sound of high-energy rays coming into contact with the target.

Tens of thousands of guards rushed out of the magic spacecraft, and then the magic spacecraft took off to carry out mass destruction attacks on the densely populated areas of the demons.

"Damn it, fight for them. These guys want to kill us, and they didn't leave a living." The demon race who fleeed shouted loudly.

"Good." There is no lack of blood among the demons. Hundreds of demons turned their heads and chanted curses.



"Puff." The voice of these hundreds of demons quickly attracted the firepower of the mana spacecraft, and the hundreds of demons were constantly reduced under the attack of the dense meteor cannon.

"Go to death." In the end, less than five of the hundreds of demons successfully released their magic. A blue fireball directly hit a spacecraft guard. What surprised these demons was that after the fireball hit the enemy , There was no reaction at all, and the enemy moved as usual.

In Baghru's eyes, these hundreds of demons were scum, but Baghru didn't even think of it. This was just the beginning.

"Boom." A small team slammed open a gorgeous and solid gate, which was an extremely glorious building.

"Boom." But this guard team just smashed through the gate, and dozens of magics were released from the gate. A guard who walked in front of the team didn't have time to react and was directly affected by these dozens of magic. After being hit into a ash fly, no matter how powerful the equipment Bagru gave, he could not withstand dozens of magical fire attacks.

"Damn it, kill me." The captain of the guard team shouted angrily.

"Rumble." But after that, the second wave of magic was released, and two more guards were seriously injured.

"The gray cat calls the old cat, the gray cat calls the old cat, asks for fire support, asks for fire support." The captain called out loudly, very annoyed.

"Old cat received, old cat received, please speak." A voice came from the communication system.

"Grey Cat report, target, 300 meters ahead, request fire support." The captain is a little depressed every time the gray cat says that there is no way, every spacecraft is a code name, just like the spacecraft where the captain of the guard is using cats. As the code name, it is called the old cat, and the names of the various teams are very strange, what are the names of one-eyed cats, gray cats, white cats, red cats, curly cats, bald-tailed cats, etc.

Of course, there are spaceships that use dogs as code names. The name of the team is all kinds of dogs and eagles. Anyway, the animals are basically divided up. After all, there are hundreds of magic spaceships.

"Boom boom boom." A dense beam of light hit the brilliant building, and the whole building became countless pieces in an instant.

"Old cat, be careful of you, this is all spoils." The captain of the guard said angrily.

"Gray cat, don't complain, this is what you asked for." The voice from the spaceship said grimly.

"Damn it, guys, give it to me, be careful, and pay attention to the surrounding situation." The captain of the guard shouted orders, so the remaining seven or eight guards slowly rushed up and began to collect loot in the ruins. .

"Wow, got rich, got rich." After seeing the various gems in the ruins, these guards cried out in excitement. The loot not only means rich wealth, but also points. What points are points. The experience in upgrading is average, but the upgrade here is an upgrade of military rank, which means an upgrade of treatment.

This situation is happening in many places on the plane of Bandora. Countless demons have been killed, countless buildings have been damaged, and countless trophies have been taken away.

"Haha, these **** bastards, we are going to occupy a plane." Bagruhaha laughed, and Bagru was extremely excited, you know this is a great credit, occupying the core plane of the demons, this is What kind of credit is the best credit in the world.

"Your Excellency Commander, it's not good, it's not good, we have soldiers infected by the demons, and dozens of people have died now." Just when Baglu was excited, a voice interrupted Baglu's passion .

"Damn it, give me a meteorite bombardment, and also notify all the guards, retreat, retreat." Baglu heard the news, all over his body, and suddenly remembered Connie's instructions before leaving. Ordered loudly.

"Damn it, Modi, what are you going to do." Several guards hid behind a huge stone, and there were waves of vibration from the stone.

"Haha, you are all going to die." The person called Modi is madly hitting the stone with a ray gun, while on the other side, a few clouds of blood fog are getting into the bodies of a few people dressed as guards. , But ten seconds later, these guards opened their eyes.

"Haha, **** it, go to hell." These guards cooperated with Modi, and the guards behind the stone were solved immediately, and then more blood sprayed over, and soon, this team's The guards also began to retreat.

Although this situation is not very common, there are still many. After this team came near the spacecraft and saw the huge spacecraft, one of them said: "Damn it, where these people came from, with such powerful arms."

"I don't know, but for the dead relatives, guys, fight it." Modi said coldly.

"Fight." The surrounding team members shouted in a low voice.

Then the team walked towards the spaceship, looking like nothing happened.

"Stop, check." When the team was about to board the spacecraft, the team was stopped, and two tall figures blocked it.

"Shoo." When the people in this team heard this, they raised their ray guns. Although the two intercepting guards have high defenses, after being fired by a small team, they can't defend at all. They won't blow up in an instant. .

"Charge." Then the people in this team screamed and rushed towards the inside of the spacecraft.

"Puff puff puff." But without warning, a dazzling magic light hit the members of the team, and these members were blown up.

A red light gushes out of the body of these exploded guards, and the red light rushes towards other guards around. Some of them were directly penetrated into their bodies by the red mist, and then these players took up their hands. The weapon fired frantically at the original teammates around.

For a time, the guards on the ground suffered heavy casualties, and the people on the spaceship were also in a hurry. After all, the magic crystal cannon and the meteor cannon were too powerful, and now it is difficult to deal with the melee together.

"Haha, rush in, rush in." Soon, the people of the Demon Race discovered this situation and shouted loudly.

So the disaster happened. Very few of the guards on the spaceship survived. Except for those who boarded the spaceship first, the rest were basically killed by the demons.

A spaceship has thousands of guards. If it weren't for the automatic defense system on the spaceship, the entire spaceship might be destroyed.

And this kind of situation happened in more than one place. When Bagru glanced at the number of dead guards for the last time, Bagru knew he was bad this time.

"More than 10,000 people, more than 10,000 people, how is this possible." Bagrul murmured.

When Cook heard the news, Cook was also stunned. There were more than 10,000 people. This was the heaviest casualty of his own subordinates. Cook did not expect that Baglu would have such an impulse.

"In this mission, General Baghlu changed the battle plan without authorization. Now he announces the penalty decision, removes all positions of General Baghlu, clears all points of General Baglu, and transfers it to the military court for investigation. Barrow Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, Staff Fiddy... Wait for thirty-five people to be lowered to three levels, and their points are cleared." Connie announced the punishment decision blankly. This time, if it weren't for the loss of more than 10,000 people here in Baglu If it is, then it is a huge victory.

"Do you have any comments~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Connie asked after the announcement.

"No, I was careless this time." Baglu shook his head and said. Baglu also knows what the loss of more than 10,000 people is. This is the first major defeat in the entire league, but Baglu is still very discouraged,,

"Then you can leave." Connie said directly.

Baglu and others went out one after another, and Connie also shook her head and said, "This time Baglu's contribution is still great."

"What's the matter with great credit? It's not as great as the loss of more than 10,000 people." Cook also sighed. Yes, Cook returned to the base. After all, Baglu is a general. If such a big thing does not happen, Cook does not appear. impossible.

"But Bagglu is great to respond to the situation," Connie said.

"Look at this guy's performance, if it's good, I'm going to let this guy go to Star Fortress." Cook did not expect Connie to have such an evaluation of Baglu.

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