A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 192: Mozu's decision

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"Damn it, where did those people come from." In a big mountain on the plane of Bandora, under the cover of huge trees, a relic of the game appeared here. What no one knows is that it is here. It was the core part of the Demon God Temple, a demon elder said angrily.

"Destroyed, the entire Bandora plane is destroyed." Another demon elder didn't seem to believe this to be the case, muttering to himself.

"Elder, what should we do now." A deacon asked.

"What news does the enemy have now?" the demon elder asked.

The deacon replied: "The enemy has evacuated."

"The latest information." The elder asked again.

"Elder, the latest information is that the enemy has evacuated, but the combat airship security group has lost contact, so we cannot know more about the enemy." Another deacon replied.

The elder asked again: "So what about the plane."

"The plane has been ruined. There are very few demons surviving on the entire Bandora plane. This time the enemy is clearly aimed at our demons. The energy weapons used are all highly heated. It is gasified, and there is no time to react, and the enemy left a lot of poisonous gas on the ruins of the city. There are few survivors in the town. So far, the number of survivors has not exceeded 20,000." The elder who answered just now whispered. Replied.

"Boom, **** it, what about the other elders, and the demon god." The elder slammed the table and asked loudly.

"The rest of the elders and demon gods have entered the tower of power. We don't know the specific news, and I suspect that there are traitors among us, otherwise the enemy will not know that other elders and demon gods are not on the plane of Bandora. [Love Go ]" Another elder finally recognized the reality and said.

"This is a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy. The Bandora plane was actually attacked. The Bandora plane is the base camp of our demon race, the purest demon bloodline demon clan, and the elite of the entire demon clan. , In the Bandora plane with close to ten million people, fewer than twenty thousand people survived. The enemy is too cunning.” An elder said.

A deacon said loudly: "Elder, we want revenge, we want the enemy to pay the price, my family is ruined, but I am the elder alone."

"Calm down, calm down, our demons dominate thousands of planes. I think no matter how powerful the enemy is, there is no way to occupy all planes. We still have the power to fight, and we still have a starry sky fortress. , Contact Admiral Danone, we need support." The elder quickly exhorted.

A steward of the lowest level here heard this and said, "Elder, this may not work, because we have not supplied the Starry Sky Fortress for five years."

"How could this happen? Who gave the order?" The only two elders who survived heard this and asked loudly.

"It is the meaning of Elder Ma, Elder Ma is responsible for communication with Star Fortress." The steward quickly replied.

Soon, another deacon asked suspiciously: "It's impossible. Last year, our planes also handed over a batch of materials to Starry Sky Fortress. The materials for Starry Sky Fortress were handed over in turn, so these materials went there." ,

"We didn't receive any supplies. Elder Madam said this was the decision of the Presbyterian Church. [Love to go]" the steward said with a wry smile.

The two elders looked at each other, glanced at each other and said: "The Presbyterian Church has never made such a resolution. The Starry Sky Fortress is the pride of our demons. How can we have such a resolution."

"We don't know this. In fact, the supplies given to Starry Sky Fortress ten years ago were only one-third of what they used to be, and they were completely gone five years ago," the manager said.

"I just said that there is a problem with our system. You still don't believe it. This **** motor must have got the supplies to its own subsidiary plane, **** asshole." Another elder said angrily.

The other deacons looked at each other, and they were silent. In the demon system, the superior has absolute authority, and the subordinates are not allowed to question the decisions of the superiors, let alone supervise. Supervision is only by people of the same level. Of course These deacons know how chaotic the Demon Race is now. Don't look at what these two elders say nicely, in fact, a lot of them are greedy for ink.

"By the way, why is the defense in the temple so fragile?" an elder asked.

"The defense of the temple has not been repaired for more than three hundred and fifty years. It relies on automatic maintenance and lacks energy." A deacon simply said.

The two elders were silent. Obviously, the elder in charge of the temple was too greedy for ink. The two elders looked at each other and frowned.

"Two elders, what should we do now." A group of deacons asked for instructions.

The two elders said with a wry smile; "Wait, this time the matter has exceeded our authority and is not something we can handle at all."

"Elder, at this time, we...[Love to go]" another manager asked eagerly.

"Shut up, here, our authority is not enough to make any decisions." The two elders looked at each other and explained with a wry smile.

"This place needs the authorization of the elders to be opened, so we have to wait now. Once the demon **** obtains the authority of the power tower, the enemy will perish no matter how strong it is." An elder continued to explain.

"The other is to close the outward passage here. The first thing we need to do is to protect ourselves. As for the others, it's up to the demon god." An elder made such a decision.

The other deacons looked at the two elders who left, and their hearts were cold. The two elders meant it was obvious, that is, to ignore the life and death of other people, and the demons who were present had no relatives, although their relatives’ hopes of survival were not great. But what if there is hope of survival.

Half an hour later, a sullen face returned here and said: "The two elders have gone to their own subordinate planes. Let us wait for the return of the demon god. Everything is up to the demon **** to make the decision.

"Damn, these cowards, greedy guys, the entire demons are corrupted in the hands of these elders." A deacon roared angrily.

"Hehe, these elders only have their own subsidiary planes in their hearts, as for the others, hehe." A steward said with a wry smile.

"Then what shall we do?" another deacon asked.

"Actually, you are not fools. With so many things happening before, the enemy's power is obviously extremely large, but the talents of our demons have a fatal blow to the enemy. The news that we have just received is that the enemy's defeat is because of our demons. Those enemies have no way to resist the talents of our demons. Once they are hit by the talents of our demons, the enemy will begin to collapse, and according to intelligence, this time it seems to be a human being.” A deacon touched. A crystal ball came out and said, the crystal ball radiated magical light.

"Human, is it?" a deacon asked in astonishment.

"It's probably that human being. Let us demons fight with other races. These despicable, cunning guys actually betrayed us, **** it," a deacon said.

"Impossible. According to human talent, it is impossible to have such a developed magical civilization. This is simply impossible." A deacon said immediately.

"Magic civilization, haha, our demons have come to the plane of hell. Except for the development in the first few thousand years, the rest of the time, all our things have entered the pockets of those **** in the Presbyterian Church, you count Counting the time when the Starry Sky Fortress was established, as well as the strength of our Demon Race when it was established, and the time when the combat airship was born, it took more than hundreds of thousands of years. Over these hundreds of thousands of years, the civilization of our Demon Race has developed. "A deacon sneered.

"I think we have to break this system, otherwise our demons will be ruined by those old and immortal." After a while, a deacon cautiously suggested.

"Joke, your Majesty the Devil, and those elders and nobles." Someone asked with a sneer.

"That is, I don't know if we will survive this war with humans, but one thing is certain is that those elders will definitely survive." Someone said.

"Or we cooperate with humans." Someone boldly proposed.

"You have to cooperate with those betrayers." The other deacons stared at the proposer and said with a sneer.

"I'm just talking about it." The man immediately shrank his neck and asked.

"Why don't we turn on'God's Land".' Someone continued to suggest.

"This is a good way, but except for the authorization of the Presbyterian Church, the miracle can only be opened with blood sacrifice." Another deacon nodded in agreement, but then said.

"The blood sacrifice is the blood sacrifice. I remember that there is a slave camp on the Bandora plane, so I use those slaves." A deacon said coldly.

A steward immediately objected: "My lord, the slaves belong to the nobles."

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nobles, the nobles have died the most this time. The slaves there are no owners. I agree to the blood sacrifice." Another deacon said with a laugh.

"But if we decide in private like this, will your Majesty Demon God be angry?" a deacon asked.

Everyone is silent. The Demon Race is a hierarchical society. In this hierarchy, the superior can decide everything at the lower level, but the lower level is not allowed to question the decision of the superior, and the land of the gods is more related to the lifeline of the entire demon clan. Place, so all the deacons were silent.

"Why don't we wait and see." Someone suggested that countless years of hierarchical thinking has penetrated into the bones of these demon races. There are so many demon races present who dare not say a word, because if anyone said it, Then it is possible to face the anger of the elders and the demon gods, which no one wants to see.

Seeing that the deacons were all gone, a steward said with a sneer: "It's strange for these people to succeed. For the sake of their loved ones, I am not afraid. Isn't it a blood sacrifice? Humph." ! --6163+daqxs499-->

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