A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 193: The dark tide begins

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The demon race had a hideous face and a distorted face that was terrifying. The demon race groaned: "Damn it, you low-level bastards, it is your luck to use your body, bastard, die."

It turns out that this Demon Race was possessed by other Demon Races. The Demon Race's talent is actually a double-edged sword. Although it is very perverted to the enemy, it is also a very bad thing for its own people. The body of the clan is very special, so now there are two bloodlines, and two souls are competing for this body, which has led to the current situation.

"Blood sacrifice, I want a blood sacrifice. After the old guys in the land of the gods come out, I see how you humble betrayers will end up." The demons murmured while twisting their bodies, and then left. , With the departure of this demons, there was silence here, and no one would have thought that there was such a large ruin here.

Inside the base, Cook looked at the armed natives of the plane of hell, frowning. There are many natives of the plane of hell, and there are many races, such as orcs, elves, dwarves, dwarfs, and more are humans. When they were rescued, they were all terrible. Although these races are slaves, the orcs are the race responsible for all heavy work. The most used in the mines of the demons are the orcs. The dwarves are slaves to smelt metals, but these dwarves are just The dwarf is responsible for smelting the crude embryos of the lowest level. The dwarf is responsible for maintaining some machinery and equipment, of course, it is also the mining machinery. Humans are responsible for agricultural production. As for the elves, life is relatively better. It makes the elves very beautiful, but some elves have a miserable life. For example, some elves wear gems or metal all over their bodies, and some elves are domesticated as pets, so these The race days are very sad.

After being rescued by Cook and others, the natives of these planes of **** have not yet adapted to it. Of course, they have been enslaved for hundreds of thousands of years and have adapted to any race. After more than half a year of cultivation, some of these races can be assimilated. , These are introduced into the base, and then sent to the sanctuary plane or the demon plane, as for those that cannot be assimilated, they stay on the **** plane and become new natives.

Of course, there are some talented people who are trained and become powerful security forces on the plane of hell. However, the training time for these people is too short, and they often cannot be quickly put into work.

The reason for Cook's frown is that he now occupies dozens of planes. Although the various planes in the plane of **** are large or small, they are more than fifty after all. These fifty planes are all The Mozu’s strategic location is either a food base, a mineral base, or a military camp, but this occupation is just a strike from the air, and the ground battle has not yet begun.

It’s not that Cook doesn’t want to start, but that the manpower under Cook’s hands is not enough. Even if fifty planes occupy one plane a day, it takes fifty days, but it seems that one day a day is a joke. , The disgusting talents of the demons even made Cooke and others frown after the Battle of the Bandora plane. The number of Balrogs is limited, and a plane requires at least 100,000 Balrog soldiers, because of these There are still remaining demons on the plane, and the soldiers of the flame demons are the most suitable to deal with the demons, the nemesis of the natural demons.

And hundreds of thousands of soldiers of other races are needed to garrison, so the personnel in Cook's hands are somewhat stretched.

"Connie, how many people are short of ours?" Cook asked.

"At least eight million soldiers, of which at least 300,000 magicians, the lowest must be low-level magicians, and the Balrog soldiers need at least three million." Connie reported a number.

When Cook heard this number, he felt painful. Eight million soldiers, not to mention the equipment, said that the transmission cost of these soldiers was enough to make Cook bankrupt.

"The main reason is that the time is short, otherwise, we can let other forces participate." Connie sighed and said.

"Yeah, before the demons are purged... wait, why don't we purify them one plane by plane, and then give these planes to other forces to manage, and we just have a certain percentage of the benefits." Cook said, his eyes lit up halfway through, and he said.

"In this way, our income will definitely be reduced a lot, and the casualties of other forces may be very large. After all, we just learned a little about the demons." Connie didn't say anything, Murphy said with some dissatisfaction.

"Murphy, in fact, your idea is wrong. First, we clear out one plane, then we must take the spoils. This is the accumulation of the demons for countless years, and the proportion of each plane we occupy does not need to be very high, because we The teleportation array can also charge a fee, whether it is for materials or personnel, in fact, if the demons are not too abnormal, I really think it’s just a matter of mastering the portal. After all, there is no danger." Cook shrugged and said .

Cook's idea is very simple, that is, the portal is transportation, and he has a monopoly. What a fortune is this. Of course, there are also various planes of the demons. It can be said that as long as you can take away things, you can take away. Of course If you don’t want to take away some machinery or something, you can sell it to other forces, or exist in the form of shares, and Cook also knows that the other forces are not idiots, and each force has something good at it.

"I support Cook's idea. If we operate on our own, it may take a long time, and none of us can guarantee that there will be no other accidents at this time. I always feel that the demons cannot be so vulnerable." Connie also supports Cook's decision, and Sia and others nodded, obviously agreeing.

"Okay, then." Murphy saw this result and had no choice but to agree.

"Well, Lina, you are responsible for contacting other forces. You can bring people from other forces to see it first. Murphy assists." Cook saw that a consensus had been reached and immediately said.

At this time, Ivis opened her mouth and said: "Cook, I have discovered that a plane is full of oceans, and I want to go there and see."

"Ocean, Ivis, wait a minute for this matter. After all, we don't know if this face is dangerous, but we can send some scout spacecraft to investigate." Cook heard Ivis' request and thought about it. Said.

"Anyway, this plane is occupied by the Sea Clan." Ivis heard Cook's tone loosening, and immediately said, other people ignored it. Yes, all the planes of the ocean except the Sea Clan. Who would occupy such a plane.

"Okay." Cook nodded in agreement.

Lina asked, "Cook, when contacting other forces, do you have any requirements?"

"No, not only can we contact each race, but also dragons and other things. We treat them equally, and after other races come in, we can also transfer the slaves of other races to other races. This is also to reduce our burden." Cook Speak.

"All right." Lina nodded. In fact, Cook's approach is very good, and the reason why the Freedom League continues to grow is because of the same four words.

These four words are simple to say, but they are very difficult to do. The brief meeting is over. Cook once again returned to the Starry Sky Fortress. The Black Ball Beast is still suspended around the Starry Sky Fortress, motionless, the existence of the Black Ball Beast It has attracted the attention of many people, and the business in the tavern in the Star Fortress has been bleak during this period of time.

Liberty City on the Sanctuary Plane, Liberty City is now the largest city on the Sanctuary Plane. In a few years, the entire Liberty City has gone from scratch. Now the entire Liberty City occupies an area of ​​more than 600 kilometers. , The permanent population of about 200 million people, while the floating population is even higher.

In Liberty City, you can buy anything you want, and you can enjoy anything you can enjoy. Of course, there are illegal exceptions. The number of patrolling soldiers in Liberty City has reached two million. Except for the patrolling soldiers, freedom The city also has the only knight group equipped with magic patterns on the entire Sanctuary plane, with a total of a thousand people. Here, let alone other people, even the dragon is here, and they must abide by the rules of the Free City.

The Liberty Alliance Headquarters Assembly. The Assembly now has 800 people, but there are only more than 20 permanent members. The wide roads of Liberty City, the huge magic airship airport, and of course the magic spaceship base, the entire Liberty City is A piece of prosperity.

Dwarves, elves, gnomes, giants, titans, humans, kobolds, trolls, ogres and other races are equal here. Liberty City also has the largest factory in the entire Sanctuary, and there are enough workers here. There are nearly 100 million people, and the amount of cargo handled every day in Liberty City is an astronomical number.

"What happened today? Twelve mana spaceships have already landed." A small mana spaceship landed in the base of the mana spaceship. The staff next to him hurried over, and a working dwarf complained. Said endlessly.

"Hurry up and overhaul, don't talk nonsense." Beside the dwarf is a giant, this giant Kang is carrying a huge ladder, there is a carpet on the ladder, the giant said angrily.

"I knew it." The dwarf stretched his hands and quickly fixed the mana spaceship that had been stopped, and then proficiently overhauled it. The mana spaceship base is a base for comprehensive functions such as repair, maintenance, landing, and take-off. The price of a repair is not cheap.

"Dear guests, where do you plan to go." After the ladder was set up, a night elf twisted his hips and came to the door of the magic spaceship and asked in a low voice.

"Liberal League Assembly Building." A low voice rang.

"Passage 6, there is a distinguished guest going to the Liberty League Assembly Building." The night elf whispered using a communicator.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh locally." Within half a minute, a beautiful magic car came to the front of the ladder.

"Hurry up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm in a hurry." Under the guidance of the night elves, a man covered in black robes was preparing to step down the ladder. The night elves twisted their enchanting body, but this black The person in the robe impatiently pushed away the night elf who led the way, and said angrily.

The night elf was so angry that he could only helplessly watch the guests leave.

"Haha, Dina, if you're lonely, I'll have time." The dwarf laughed at this scene.

"Hmph, Roca, just your little toothpick, my old lady, I'm not uncommon." Dina rolled her eyes while looking at the dwarf.

"Hehe, mine is too thick." The giant smiled and blinked at the dwarf.

"Go away." Dina said irritably, and at the same time she was puzzled. What happened today? A dozen guests have already gone to the parliament building. These people have wrapped themselves in black robes. Is there anything serious? . --9004+d8z1w+2059805-->

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