A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Method

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Liberty City, the Liberty Alliance Assembly Building, a huge building that occupies an entire block. The Alliance Assembly Building is also the decision-making body of the entire Liberty Alliance. The permanent staff here is over 30,000, not to mention other people who come here to do things. People, and here is also the most heavily guarded place in the entire Liberty League, but every move here attracts a lot of attention.

However, yesterday, the neighborhood where the parliament building is located began to be on alert, ordinary people are not allowed to approach, tourists are even driven away from a distance, the soldiers on patrol are even more fully armed, but it surprised the local residents of Liberty City. Yes, there are actually three mana spaceships in the sky, there are several mana spaceships, there are some trolls and ogre soldiers on the ground, and the two Titan giants standing in the block show it even more. There must be unusual behavior in the parliament building these days.

Liberty City has issued a no-air notice. This is unprecedented. Finally, today, the entire street is covered with gorgeous fur carpets, the surrounding soldiers are also in costumes, and countless residents from far away are on the cordon. See the excitement outside.

"Come on, here, this is the latest magic car." When the first magic car appeared at the street, the crowds onlookers shouted.

"It's really a new type of magic motor car, and this model is a limited edition shuttle magic motor car, and you can see the magic window above, there is magic light shining, this must be the existence of the magic pattern." Immediately spoke.

"Really, the price of this Magic Speed ​​car is not cheap, right." Someone asked in surprise.

"Of course, don't look at the magic car, the price can at least buy a house here, and it is the kind of independent house with a small courtyard." The knowledgeable just now immediately said.

"God." Others know the price of houses here. It is close to the inner city area of ​​Liberty City, and all buildings cannot exceed five floors. Therefore, the price of buildings here has been rising continuously. It can be said that a house here can be a medium The nobles went bankrupt directly. Of course, this was not counted as the various fees that had to be turned in every year. Of course, this place was also one of the safest places on the Sanctuary Plane.

"God, it's a person from the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night. I know that no one can use such a magic car except the temple." When the people in the magic car got off, they were surprised when they saw the badge on the person who came down. Endlessly, the rise of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night can be said to be extremely eye-catching.

"Look, Pegasus." Then someone exclaimed, and everyone took a breath.

"Go, this is a unicorn, a carriage pulled by eight silver unicorns, this Nima..." someone shouted immediately, looking like an ordinary carriage, but all the eight unicorns pulling the carriage It’s silver, which is extremely rare, and there is purple thunder on the unicorn of this silver unicorn. Obviously, it is a sacred beast that has reached the high level of the sanctuary and even the peak of the sanctuary. The eight horses were exactly the same, which shocked everyone.

Then the carriage stopped at the interface, and a woman in a white robe came down. This woman was still wearing a crown, but this woman was obviously old and her skin was wrinkled. This woman had a green scepter in her hand and saw this one. The people with the scepter felt very comfortable.

"The Pope of the Temple of the Goddess of Nature, this..." Someone exclaimed, but they shut up before the exclaim. The Temple of the Goddess of Nature has absolute influence in the endless forest.

"Damn, it's actually not allowed to fly. This is the rule of which bastard, hey, little thing, get off, dong dong dong." Before everyone reacted from their surprise, a huge voice roared, and then a huge voice 'S golden figure appeared in the distance, this golden figure has three heads.

"The dragon, the golden dragon, the three-headed golden dragon." Everyone's eyes were dull again.

"Haha, haha, let me walk, I don't believe your street can bear my weight." Every time the three-headed golden dragon stomped, the surrounding ground would collapse for a while.

"Big man, don't be proud, if Cook is not satisfied, huh, you must have lost more than you have gained." On a monster that is more than three meters tall, a woman said lightly, with a hair shrugging behind her. Shrugging tail.

"Great Sage, Cook is not here." When the three-headed golden dragon saw the Great Sage, his eyes narrowed. The three-headed golden dragon was not afraid of the Great Sage of the orcs, but the mount under the Great Sage made the three-headed golden dragon Dread, of course, it is not this monster mount, but a mark on the body of this monster mount, a mark like a claw.

This imprint seems to be the claws of some kind of creature, of course it is true. This is the claws of Jin Guangjian. It represents the Warcraft Legion that only a few people in Liberty City know about. If the three-headed golden dragon had seen the claws of Jin Guangyan before, , Even when I saw Jin Guangzhen, I also sneered at it, but now Jin Guangzhen has owned at least five thousand high-level beasts, the peak of the sanctuary, and there are many demigods, so if the three-headed golden dragon does not want to be affected by thousands of high-level beasts and even divine beasts To chase down, you have to be more disciplined.

"Hey, big head, if you have vision." Before the three-headed golden dragon turned around, he saw a hairy head emerging from behind the great sage, not what Jin Guangyan was.

"Humph." The three-headed golden dragon snorted coldly, then turned into a middle-aged man and ran away.

"Big head, you'd better pay for the losses you have caused, otherwise I will take someone to your house to collect the fine." Jin Guangyan shouted dissatisfiedly.

Hearing this, the three-headed golden dragon almost fell to the ground and lamented in his heart. It seems that he is going to lose his fortune this time, because the Warcraft Legion led by Jin Guangyan is the city management corps of Liberty City, commonly known as city management, no matter what you are. People, facing a warcraft army with thousands or even tens of thousands, hey, luck is for sure, so no matter which plane comes the strong will behave in Liberty City, because there are many irregularities in front of them. As a precedent, it is said that a demon lord from the Demon Plane came to Liberty City. Jin Guangyan took hundreds of subordinates directly to the Demon Plane because of forced buying and selling. Of course, the land of the Demon Lord was looted. The demon lord was also sentenced to three years of detention by the Liberty City court. Now that demon lord is still serving in the underground mine.

"Everyone, please show your credentials." At the junction of the street, a Titan giant said loudly.

"I have to show my ID. This face of mine is my ID." The three-headed golden dragon just slumped and said loudly when he heard this.

"Your Excellency, there are twenty meteor cannons where you are standing, and three hundred and fifty magic crystal cannons. In addition, there are one hundred and thirty-five Titans around you, and within half a minute, there can be at least five. A demigod can get here." Xin Ta replied lightly.

Hearing this, the three-headed golden dragon was very depressed, but the three-headed golden dragon also knew that it was not a time to be brave, so he took out a card-like thing and threw it to Xinta, and Xinta took it and placed it on a metal box. After blinking, he said: "Your Excellency, take care of your documents, please."

"Huh." The three-headed golden dragon almost disappeared at the end of the street by running, because it collapsed after eating twice in a row. In the eyes of the proud dragon, this is simply impossible.

After that, big people appeared at the entrance of the street one by one, and there were also mysterious figures who were alone, covered in black robes. After 8 o'clock, no one entered the street, but in the Liberty League Assembly Building, the largest meeting There were no less than five hundred people sitting in the room.

Although there were five hundred people sitting, the five hundred people did not make a sound. They all sat in their own seats, each with a name, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more weird.

"Damn, what happened? There are more than 100 demigods, and the rest are powerhouses at the peak of the sanctuary." The shock in the heart of the three-headed golden dragon, five hundred people actually accounted for one-third of it. The demigod, the three-headed golden dragon did not show that there were so many powerful men in this world.

When Lina walked into the conference room, there was also a strange atmosphere. Lina smiled and said: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. It is really not easy to get everyone together this time, but I repeat here. Fighting is not allowed. Although everyone present is a bit strong, our Liberty City is not a display. In addition, when I am talking, I will write down any questions you have, and finally I will answer in a unified manner. If there are different opinions, then please go away."

"Mrs. Lina, since we are here, we have no plans to go back. I think everyone is the same as me. I am very curious why so many of us are gathered." The Great Sage of the Orc Empire asked.

"This time there is a matter that needs to be notified to everyone, and it is also an opportunity for everyone to exhibit. Of course there will be dangers. Please take a look. This is the latest plane in our Liberty City, the plane of hell, and the plane of hell. There are thousands of planes, big and small." When Lina spoke, a magical projection was projected.

The gorgeous planes appeared one after another in the magic projection, Lina immediately said: "According to our preliminary statistics, there are more than 1.1 billion dwarves in this geographic plane."

"Impossible, this is impossible." A dwarf stood up when he heard the news and roared loudly.

"Nothing is impossible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The number I said is the smallest. According to our bold estimate, the final number may exceed two billion." Lina replied lightly.

"How come there are so many dwarves," the dwarf asked.

"At the same time there are 15 billion orcs on this plane of hell." Lina continued.

"This..." The great sage opened his mouth wide. You have to know that the orc empire now has more than 100 million people, maybe not enough, 15 billion orcs. What kind of concept is this, then 150 orcs will be accepted. empire.

"There are nearly two billion elves, including flower elves, star elves, moon elves, natural elves, sun elves, and more than 30 races." Lina continued.

"God." The pope of the Temple of Nature exclaimed. Although the pope is also a demigod, he cried out in disbelief when he heard this number.

"Dwarf, what about a dwarf." A dwarf jumped up and asked anxiously. --9004+d8z1w+2061300-->

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