A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 195: High-end conference

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"It's also close to 900 million dwarfs." Lina replied with a smile.

"Oh my god, it's unbelievable, but how can we conquer so many races?" The dwarf was obviously an impatient and asked anxiously.

Lina said: "What I want to talk about below is the specific situation. Please keep calm after hearing the following situation, because the number I said above can actually increase tenfold or even dozens of times. All of this is Because of a race, demons."

"You heard it right. It was the demons during the war between gods and demons. After the war with the gods, the demons were defeated on the plane of hell, but the demons took away other races that had been enslaved for countless years. For us races, it is hell, and for the demons, it is heaven," Lina said, and Lina obviously felt the atmosphere in the conference hall was a little serious.

The magic projection turned on all of a sudden. When everyone saw the magic projection, they couldn’t help but exclaimed. There are corpses, countless corpses, and various races. Lina rang with a magnetic voice: "These corpses The other races who were killed by the demons, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, would like us to treat livestock and kill them directly. These corpses are buried as fertilizer in the ground and in the woods, so the number of people I just mentioned are all Young adults."

"Damn demon." The hot-tempered dwarf king yelled first. Yes, the dwarf king saw countless dwarf corpses. A rough estimate is no less than tens of thousands. The dwarf king knows that the dwarves have been exposed to fire due to long-term forging. Influence, so the fertility rate is very low, but in the dwarf kingdom, the death of every dwarf is a period worthy of everyone’s grief, but here, the dwarf is actually killed alive, how can the dwarf king be able to bear it? .

"Yes, the demons shouldn't exist in this world. On the plane of hell, all races are slaves and livestock. Dwarves are miners. They will always live in endless mines. From birth to death, dwarves don’t. I know what the starry sky looks like. I don’t even know that there are other things in the world. I eat very crude food. Here, there is no doctor and no magic potions. I drink the dirty water in the mine and eat the livestock. What you don't eat, once you get hurt and sick, the demons will use all these people as fertilizer." Lina used magic projection to show the tragic life of the dwarf on the plane of hell.

The atmosphere at the scene was very solemn. The three-headed golden dragon's complexion was extremely gloomy, and he asked in a low voice, "We are the dragons."

"The dragons are bred as livestock. The skins of the dragons are extremely popular in the upper class of the demons. The nobles of the demons like to eat the dragon’s brains. According to what we already know, the demons At least dozens of giant dragons are killed every year. We don’t know how many years this situation will last, but the plane of **** has existed for at least 300,000 years." Lina waved her hand, and the magic projection showed that it was decomposed. Some of the dragon corpses were bloody, some were made into specimens, and some were made into beautiful leather goods.

"Mrs. Lina, don't tell me, the Demon Race is still continuing this kind of thing." The three-headed golden dragon's eyes were almost puffing up and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, this situation may continue, but everyone will know when I finish introducing the situation. The dwarf clan lives in a miserable life on the plane of hell. Various mechanical repairs are the task of the dwarf. Once repaired is anything Damaged during use, the entire dwarf team involved in complex repairs will be killed, and no other races are allowed to walk on the streets of the demons. Once found, it is dead. The dwarf family is on the ground when working, but once After work, you will be driven into the basement. In this basement, there are no beddings, no living tools, and even convenience must be allowed.” Lina then showed the life scenes of the dwarfs. His face was blue, staring at the magic projection.

"As for the elves, they are the pets of the elves, and they are the objects of the elves to vent, but once these elves become pregnant by accident, they become fertilizers, and the perversions of the elves are simply unimaginable." Magic projection shows some perverts. The hobby demon nobles treat female elves as dogs, and also have insulting collars.

"The most miserable thing is human beings. Human beings are the lowest level of existence on the plane of hell. They are not as good as livestock." Regarding humans, Lina didn't say much, but on the ground turned out from the magic projection, countless skulls and crossbones. The exhaustion of bones has already explained the problem.

"Then what is the number of human beings?" someone asked.

"Probably close to 80 billion." Lina smiled bitterly.

"Hiss." Everyone gasped, but the faces of the humans were extremely excited.

"As for orcs, they exist in various situations, mines, pits, and women of certain orc races are the playthings of the demons. Any demons I mentioned above, even a child, can do whatever they want. Let anyone of any race die without any responsibility." Lina continued.

"Damn it, where exactly is this plane of hell, I can't help it anymore." The Beastmaster roared.

Lina said: "We were the first to notice the traces of the Dao Demon Race. You may have heard of the blood mage race. In fact, the blood mage is the Demon Race. Cook noticed the traces of the Demon Race when he was on the Demon Plane."

"Then we followed the clues and finally found the plane of hell, where, we have established a huge forward base and destroyed a huge part of our strength, but we have no ability to occupy any plane, because we have no time, who I don't know what the Demon Race will do next, whether it will kill other races in revenge, that's why today's meeting is here." Lina said.

"So you can't eat in Liberty City." Someone said strangely.

"Yes, we can’t eat. If we eat, there’s definitely nothing for you. Of course, we will do everything voluntarily, but since this lord says you, then please go out, and your power will be affected by us. The Liberty Alliance is blacklisted." Lina replied with a smile.

"Damn it, what are you... Boom." The person who said this was in a black robe, and heard Lina say so, roaring loudly, but before the words were finished, there was a black hole in this person's body. Normally, the person was sucked in at once, and the energy of the different space shattered the person's seat.

"Now let me ask everyone again, whoever doesn't want to participate in the plane of hell, we in Liberty City will never force it." Lina said coldly.

"Gu Gu." The three-headed golden dragon swallowed his saliva, and the others looked at each other. These people were extremely shocked, and now they realized that Lina in front of them was also a demigod of the space department, and the demigod of the space department was equal to What, that is already equal to the **** level, it can be said that in this world, it is invincible. Who dares to provoke such an enemy unless the entire force does not want to exist.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then we can make some sincerity. Now we have rescued 1.5 million elves, 600,000 dwarves, 350,000 dwarfs, 306 dragons, and one Thousands of orcs, and 350,000 night elves can hand over to you." Lina said with a smile.

"And these races have been treated with magic potions, and they have guided their personalities, and due to chronic malnutrition, these people's talents are not very good. The strongest is only at the sanctuary level, so everyone is You must think carefully when you consider accepting." Lina said with a smile.

The people present were a little disappointed when they heard this, but these people did not dare to have any opinions at all, because the people present were people with face and status on the sanctuary plane. Once these people said, what those people are Rubbish, then we don't want it.

Then this person's words will be spread out in an instant, and then this person will definitely become a rat on the street in his own race, everyone shouts and beats, and there is another important reason, that is, God.

Gods are the highest decision-makers of all races. What Gods need is faith, and so many people, even ordinary people, are a lot of wealth. Of course, these gods do not allow them. The population of other races increases, and the power of other races’ gods Swishing promotion, but because of some irresponsible guys, his own strength cannot be improved, then this **** definitely doesn't mind to solve some irresponsible guys himself, so Cook and others are discussing these When things happened, I had already thought of all aspects. Of course, the God Realm must have already started. If there is something invisible here~www.wuxiaspot.com~, then some gods will jump their feet in the next step.

"The other is the talent of the Demon Race, which can be said to be a bit abnormal." Then Lina smiled and introduced the talent of the Demon Race.

"Don't be afraid, our Temple of Light has magical skills to detect these evil existences." The Pope of Temple of Light heard the talent of the demons and said immediately.

"Hey, our dark temple is not afraid of these things, and it can be done by a soul sucking." A guy in a black robe chuckled.

"Our Temple of Nature has a heart of nature and can resist some evil erosion." The Temple of Goddess of Nature also spoke.

"Our Fire God Temple has the fire of the soul to protect our souls. Since other souls come, they can only become the nourishment of our own souls."

Just after the introduction, Lina heard someone speak immediately. Lina was stunned. Yes, these people really have this way. Lina carefully asked: "There is a way." 17 net, the first time to see the genuine content!

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