A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 197: knowledge

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Shocked, unparalleled shock, after the statistics, there were sixty-three miracles revealed in Liberty City. In this world, people are full of awe of God, and God’s words are all right, of course. Some people say this is wrong, and God will make mistakes too.

To use an analogy, just like what Darwin said, other developing countries generally agree. This is why, this is because Darfur has already walked the path of developing countries. Of course, what Darwin said is not all right. For example, Conspiracy or something.

Of course, developing countries also have an advantage, that is, the mistakes that have occurred in the developing countries, as long as the leaders of the developing countries are not idiots, they will not experience it. Of course, except for certain special circumstances, such as some privileged classes who want to occupy more interests.

God became God because God succeeded. In this world, success in any other way is not as successful as God. God is the existence of the pinnacle of all things, so it is natural for ordinary people to believe in God.

Then turn around, there is not one God, so there are various beliefs. People believe in God, and God gives people shelter. Of course, God is also human, and God cannot see the lives of all people. Part of the time God does not know what happened to the people. This is the same as a country. It is impossible for the highest ruler to know or understand the affairs of everyone under his control.

What is a miracle? A miracle means being paid attention to by God, then after being paid attention to by God, you can get more blessings from the gods. So every place where miracles explode is overcrowded, and people will be born in miracles Place huge and splendid buildings and gather believers. This is not to say that the people are willing to do so, but that the people continue to attract God’s attention in this way. This is like a strike, which attracts attention. Of course, the method is different. .

Sixty-three miracles. What is the concept? That is to say, at least 9o% of the known churches show miracles. Of course, compared to the benefits just mentioned, God’s protection and God’s attention are real. The benefits of being present are true. The energy generated when revealing the God Realm not only contains divine power, but also contains abundant and pure magic elements from the God Realm. The energy overflowing from the miracle will enhance people’s talents and can heal some more. Diseases, just like people can treat many diseases by absorbing pure oxygen.

This is the real benefit. Early the next morning, in front of the gate of the real estate management department of Liberty, countless people lined up to buy a house in just two words.

"No, how could it not be, there is such a large piece of land here, and there are forests over there." The fat human being at the top shouted loudly as if someone owed money.

"There are no more within the Third Ring Road, and there are still many on the Fourth Ring Road, but not many, only 1,500 sets." The house seller replied with a smile.

"The fourth ring, the fourth ring is 40 kilometers away from here, I went there to buy it, I am sick." The human fat man roared, his eyes widened.

"Hey, hello, he doesn't buy me. I bought 1,500 sets. How much does it cost." A dwarf behind the fat man shouted loudly.

"Bang, dwarf, if your kid bought all of them, don't even want to get out of this room." The dwarf just settled, and a thick dwarf behind him slapped the dwarf on the head, threateningly said.

"Dare you, this is Liberty City, I'm... slap." The dwarf immediately jumped up and roared with wide-eyed eyes, but before he finished speaking, he was beaten in his head again.

"Dead fat man, you are looking for death." The dwarf looked back and saw that it was the human fat man who hit him, and the dwarf jumped to rush forward.

"Go away, Lao Tzu is in front. I want to buy one thousand and five hundred sets." The human fat man glared at the dwarf and said loudly.

"Okay, okay, there is a limit to one set per person, and if you buy it, you will sign a contract." The staff member saw that the quarrel had to continue to escalate, so he said angrily.

"One set, when there is such a regulation, how come I don't know." The human climbed the fat man's fleshy body and shook it twice before asking.

"This is the rule this morning." The staff replied.

"No, don't you have that publicity system? What if there is no publicity?" Fatty didn't seem to be useless, he immediately retorted.

"Then you can ask if they agree or not." The staff pointed to the long line behind the fat man, and through the door you could see that the line had already been bent over the corner.

"No." Someone behind heard this and immediately yelled out loudly. At this time, the people behind wanted to stop buying all the houses in front of them. Now the house prices in Liberty City have skyrocketed one hundred times. A house worth one million free coins is now worth one hundred million free coins.

Why, just after yesterday’s miracle, there was no more handicapped in the entire Liberty City, no more patients, everyone’s talents increased, 99% of professionals advanced to the first level, and 1% directly advanced to the two. Level, what concept is this, you can still feel the rich magical elements now, some people who don't have magical talents actually have magical talents, even the flame kobold can release fire magic.

Compared with money, how much a gifted offspring is worth, so the house prices in Liberty City suddenly rose. And this morning, as long as the whole Liberty City had the ability to buy a house, they all came in line, and for those second-hand For the real estate agency, they are depressed and have to vomit blood, because some time ago those who sold the house actually did not sell it, and even some who had negotiated the sale and did not sign the contract, the seller did not accept the account, and the buyer was looking for The intermediary’s troubles are even more regrettable and they do not move. Some of them did not register with the real estate department after payment, and they all repented. For these intermediaries, not making money is a lot of trouble.

"What, a square meter actually costs 5 million free coins, this is too dark." After giving up his heart, the fat man immediately cried out after checking the price of the house.

"You are looking at single-living villas, townhouses, and apartments, as well as large, small, and micro apartments. There are always suitable ones." The staff explained patiently.

"You profiteers, you have sold a piece of land fifty times, and you have repeatedly built more than fifty storeys, profiteers, profiteers, just one million free coins per square meter, it’s black, it’s too dark." Screamed again.

"This is the price of the Fourth Ring Road. Look at the prices on the Fifth Ring Road, the Sixth Ring Road, the Outer Ring Road, and the Qingshui River." The staff member continued to explain.

"It's started, it's started." There was a loud noise. It turned out that the real estate department added ten new windows to handle business, and the people in the line rushed past.

"Five million free coins per square meter. I will buy a two hundred and fifty square meter villa." A dwarf shook the crystal ball in his hand loudly. This is a kind of magic crystal ball. This is the user terminal of Liberty City Bank. , Can be used as a bank card.

"Okay." The staff in front of the dwarf got busy immediately.

"Fatty, you can't buy it if you don't buy it again." The dwarf behind Fatty shouted loudly.

"I bought this kind of 30 square meters." The fat man gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"Haha, haha, it's only thirty square meters, poor ghost." The dwarf behind immediately laughed.

"Damn, I'm a nobleman, I dare to scold a nobleman, go to death, bang." When the fat man heard the dwarf, he punched it, and the unprepared dwarf was blown out by the fat man.

"Toot toot." There was a rapid whistle, and then the guards took away the blushing and cursing dwarf.

Compared with the busy real estate department, the atmosphere in the conference hall in Liberty City is a bit solemn. Lina looked at the other people below and said: "We disagree with your plan. It is impossible to give you all of your races. Besides, you don’t have the ability to afford it."

"That's it, this method is wrong." The Pope of the Temple of Light breathed a sigh of relief. This is the first proposal of today's meeting. That is, the various races proposed by the Dwarf King belong to each race. This is for all human beings. That’s not good news. Although there are so many humans on the plane of hell, the Holy See cannot give up the population of tens of billions of other races, and even if only one-hundredthousandth of it is attributed to its own church, then its own contribution is great. .

"But our people will live better under the care of our own people, and it will be more conducive to the tradition of our race." The Pope of the Temple of Nature said.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your Majesty, I would like to ask, how much money or things do you plan to use to pay for our rescue of your elves, and how much are you going to pay for transmission." Lina asked with a smile.

"That is, people have rescued your people, there should always be some expressions, how much money you plan to pay for each elf, and the transmission cost, don't forget, this is a transmission across the plane." The golden dragon smiled. Said.

Silence, a long silence, whether it is the dwarf king, the beast king, or the great sage of the orc family, the dwarf king, and the elf queen, they are silent when they hear these words. If nothing else, it is only a plane transmission fee, billions. How much does the population cost, even if one person has one thousand free coins, of course this is just an assumption. There are more than one thousand free gold coins for long-distance transmission, let alone across the plane, then one billion people need as much as one trillion of freedom. Gold coin, what concept is this? What a huge wealth and the number of orcs.

"So, what do you think of Liberty City?" The great sage of the orc clan was the first to ask. When other people heard this, their expressions were a little ugly. --9004+d8z1w+2067385-->

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