A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 198: The dragon wants to join the Freedom League?

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In fact, this is a negotiation, a negotiation between other forces and Liberty City, and the interests are the plane of hell. In the first round of confrontation, many forces have already been defeated. Taking the initiative to ask questions means losing the right to speak. Na looked at these people with a smile.

"These people are too self-righteous." Lina thought in her heart. In fact, when these people secretly reached an agreement, someone had already notified Lina. In fact, it doesn't make much sense not to notify, because the interests are in Liberty City. Here, everything on the plane of **** is still under the control of Liberty City. Without Liberty City, these people don't even know where the plane of **** is.

In Lina’s view, these people are a little arrogant, so arrogant that they don’t recognize the present form. Of course, Lina also knows what these people think in their hearts. They just want to threaten Liberty City, but today’s Liberty City is already Not the old Liberty City.

Lina said with a smile: "If friends don’t want to participate in the opening of the plane of hell, we in Liberty City do not have to force everyone, and we are fully capable of opening the plane of **** on our own. Of course, our Liberty City is also part of the Liberty Alliance. So here, the Liberty Alliance has the priority to choose all planes of the plane of hell."

"How can this be possible." The dwarf king who stood up first, although the dwarf king was very at odds with Liberty City, but now Liberty City is no longer the dwarf king can deal with.

"Why not? If you don't want to, just leave." Someone replied grimly. Obviously this person belongs to the Freedom League.

Most of the forces in the Liberty Alliance are humans. Of course, there are also several kingdoms of other races. On the Sanctuary plane, a race may establish more than one power, but a race absolutely has only one temple, one belief, In normal times, the rulers of these kingdoms have a little friction with the divine power. Some people say that the divine power represents God, and the rulers of those kingdoms dare to be dissatisfied.

Again, the sanctuary plane is the sanctuary plane, and the **** is not on the sanctuary plane, even if the **** descends, he will not deal with the rulers, because this will not solve the problem, it can only intensify the problem. This is the reason why the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

"Mrs. Lina, is it unfair for you to do this?" the elf queen of the Temple of Nature asked.

"Fairness, then you proposed that each race should be owned by each race. Have you ever thought about fairness? Colleagues who are asking others to be fair are unfair to doing things by themselves." Lina's voice was a little cold.

Others knew it immediately when they heard this. This is Lina’s revenge. Yes, don’t you guys want to unite? Then we should unite now, but I’m sorry, the thing is in my hands. I told you how to do it. Count.

"Mrs. Lina..." The Dwarf King quickly stood up and said.

"Your Excellency Dwarf King, if you don’t want to participate, then please leave. The things I decide will not change. Our Liberty City itself belongs to the Liberty Alliance, and the Alliance has also given us a lot of help to Liberty City, so we don’t It may be fair to treat them equally." Lina interrupted the Dwarf King and replied.

"Haha, thank you Mrs. Lina. I know that joining the Freedom League is a good thing. Mrs. Lina still has two hundred tons of magic metal with us, which is a little bit of our care." A human said with a smile. .

"Haha, thank you." Lina chuckled, don't look at the 2oo tons of magic metal, if it is high-quality star sand or the like, it is estimated that the volume is not as big as a cherry, but Lina still accepted this kind move.

"I am the rotating chairman of the Liberty Alliance. I propose that the goods sent to Liberty City be exempted from all taxes and fees from now on. If you agree, please raise your hand." A human stood up and said.

"Despicable, shameless." The next member of the Liberty League immediately whispered when seeing this scene.

"Yes, this guy reacted too quickly." Someone was depressed.

Lina is very surprised. You must know that in order to maintain control of the plane of hell, Liberty City now uses a lot of materials to enter the Liberty City, and the taxes and fees for such a large amount of materials account for about 2o%, and this one The proposal will reduce 2o% of the entire fund, which is a large number, and Lina is even more surprised by the reaction of the rotating chairman.

Because in this situation, if you put forward such a motion in front of your own face, there will be some compelling taste. Yes, if other people disagree with something as big as the plane of hell, then you will definitely have some Dissatisfaction, although Lina knew she would not do anything, but others did not know.

And even if the motion is not passed, the purpose of the rotating chairman has been achieved, that is, to show kindness to Lina and others, so this rotating chairman is very cunning, because as long as this motion is proposed, his goal will be achieved. As for the result It doesn't matter at all.

There is no controversy, all the councillors have raised their hands, and now they don’t raise their hands, then in case Mrs. Lina is worried about things, things will be troublesome, and everyone knows that Lina is a demigod-level space system powerhouse. He is also in charge of all the portals. If he teleports some unpleasant guys to unknown places, there is no place to cry at that time.

"Thank you, everyone for doing this. On behalf of everyone in Liberty City, I thank everyone. At the same time, Liberty City also promises that we will not charge any fees for the goods shipped out." The meaning of Lina's answer is obvious, it's just It's just an exchange, and I have paid everyone's favor.

"Mrs. Lina, is there no other way?" The three-headed golden dragon looked at Lina and asked. The golden dragon asked about the priority of the Freedom League.

"Of course, our Liberty City is also a member of the Liberty Alliance. We are like a family." Lina replied without fear.

People of other races all smiled, because dragons are arrogant, and the three-headed golden dragon is notoriously grumpy, and a conflict is inevitable.

But then the answer of the three-headed golden dragon surprised everyone: "Well, Mrs. Lina, I joined the Freedom League on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom. I don't know if we have the qualifications."

"Yes, but this requires an application." Lina didn't expect the three-headed golden dragon to be soft, but she nodded and replied.

"Okay, then I will apply now. Our Dragon Kingdom is rich in resources. Among other things, those Yalongs have many treasured varieties. Don’t be too good to be a mount. As long as you join the Freedom League, then our Dragon Island can The Freedom League is open internally, and in addition to some core areas, Dragon Island also welcomes all members of the Freedom League to take risks and play." The three-headed golden dragon said loudly.

Lina's gaze was lost and she watched the three golden dragons chattering endlessly. This was a dragon known for its arrogance.

A smile appeared at the corner of the three-headed golden dragon’s mouth. The dragon is proud and the dragon has a fiery temper. But the dragon also has one of the biggest characteristics. It loves money and likes it very much. How many years has it been since the establishment of Liberty City? For Long, there is no time to take a nap, Liberty City is on fire, it becomes rich, and it is not ordinary rich.

There is also Stormwind City. The dragons used to have ideas, but Stormwind City was not very rich before. Now Stormwind City has belonged to the Liberty Alliance. Look at how rich it is, and there are many dragons going to and from Liberty City. Not a fool, and naturally analyzed why Liberty City is so rich.

So the trouble came. The dragons of Dragon Island wanted to make their homes freely from the city. For other dragons, it didn’t matter at all, but for the three-headed golden dragon, this was bad news. Yes, because the three-headed dragon The golden dragon can be said to be the supreme leader of the giant dragon clan. Yes, it is just a leader, not a ruler. This is completely two concepts. Leaders and politicians are completely different things. Leaders will lead the people and think for the people. , And politicians do not say that they are all for their own interests, but most of the time they are, and the roots are also in the interests.

That’s why the three-headed golden dragon thought of this trick. In fact, the three-headed golden dragon was secretly unlocked by seeing an item. What the three-headed golden dragon saw was a magical image in the hands of Cook’s father. A group photo of the dragon. According to the introduction, the dragon collected fifty gold coins, which is an inferior plane.

And the three-headed golden dragon also knows that there are very precious magic herbs and various rare mineral veins on Dragon Island, but how could the proud dragon do such a humble thing? The three-headed golden dragon learned another trick from Liberty City. This is A fisherman in Liberty City started fishing in the river. Finally, the fisherman saw that some nobles wanted to fish. Fishing was an advanced way of leisure, so the fisherman dug a large pond, and then everyone How much did the nobles charge? As for the result of fishing, there are so many fish in the pond anyway, those who are able to catch more, and those who are not able to go back empty-handed, so the three-headed golden dragon is also ready to take risks to those merchants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They charge a certain fee, and then let them toss. As for the result of the tossing, the three-headed golden dragon doesn’t care. Now as long as there is money, it’s okay. As for the vegetation is destroyed, the mountain is hollowed out, it’s okay, just sleep and it’s okay , The dragon sleeps for almost a hundred years.

But the three-headed golden dragon lacks an opportunity. The giant dragon is so proud and too arrogant. Usually the three-headed golden dragon doesn't have a small face to apply. As for the three-headed golden dragon coming here, the main reason is to see if he joins the freedom. The opportunity of the alliance, of course, the most important thing is that Liberty City will build a teleportation array for each member who joins for free, so that someone will come to Dragon Island. Without this stuff, hehe, the three-headed golden dragon must sleep at home, of course, if there is no Lina This space is a demigod. Just grab one word. As for Cook's perversion, although the three-headed golden dragon has a guilty conscience, he is absolutely not afraid.

As for the dragons on the plane of hell, the three-headed golden dragon sneered at him. The dragons on Nimalong Island were so tired of their leadership.

After Lina finished speaking, the three-headed golden dragon looked at the rotating chairman of the parliament: "Your Excellency, I will apply now, no problem." The book comes from, and the original content is the first time! --9004+d8z1w+2068672-->

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