A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Join

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The gaze of the three-headed golden dragon seemed pure, but the rotating chairman of the parliament complained in his heart. This Nima learned from her. This is simply persecution. The demigod-level powerhouse asked herself, if the ministry agreed, this dragon could It's not easy to provoke, and the rotating chairman replied with a depressed look: "Theoretically, there is no problem, but...√∟, .shuhuang."

"Haha, ok, there is no problem, this is my application form, I have already filled it out." The three-headed golden dragon didn't give the rotating chairman the chance at all, so he stood up and rushed directly to the Liberty League Council for rotation. The chairman’s hand in front of the application form was stuffed into the hands of the rotating chairman, and he laughed, of course his eyes were still fixed on the rotating chairman.

The rotating chairman looked at the three golden dragons, his scalp was numb, and his heart was groaning. If he didn't answer properly, most people wouldn't be able to do it in person, but for giant dragons, it's normal.

"Well, we will vote after this meeting." The rotating chairman gritted his teeth and replied.

"Don't, don't, the benefits of the plane of **** are so great. If our dragons miss it, then those dragons will trouble me, and I will have to trouble others." The three-headed golden dragon said quickly.

Threats, naked threats, the rotating chairman really wanted to smash the form in his hand on the big face of the three-headed golden dragon, but the rotating chairman really didn't have the guts to use the guards of the Liberty Alliance. These three golden dragons didn't do anything. , Second, there was no threat of naming or surname, let alone overlying words, just a troublesome word.

The rotating chairman did not think about it at all, and said directly: "I agree to vote now, but this requires the approval of other permanent councils to conduct a wide range of voting."

"Well, I know you are all here today. Who doesn't know the famous Standing Council of the Freedom League." The three-headed golden dragon said excitedly, looking excited.

Lina was amused when she saw the three-headed golden dragon like this. It was a threat. The underlying meaning was: "If you guys disagree, I know everyone. Let's watch."

So Lina said, "Everyone, please vote."

After Lina spoke, the others were relieved. Of course, no one dared not raise their hands to agree. They didn’t see that the eyes of the three-headed golden dragon were bigger than ever. This guy must be looking at who disagrees, Nima It was not a wise decision to offend a demi-god-level dragon. Of course, the promise of the three-headed golden dragon made these people's hearts moved.

The rotating chairman read the application form of the three-headed golden dragon, and then proceeded to vote. Of course, the vote passed unanimously, and Lina also raised her hand. Lina still has a lot of thoughts on joining the dragon, but this is for the future. Thing.

"Very well, as a member of the Liberty Alliance, I agree that we should deal with the plane of **** first within our alliance. As for the others, I think that is the next step." The three-headed golden dragon began to exercise power.

The dwarf king, the dwarf king, and the elf queen all have their noses crooked. Last night, what we said, this guy turned his face and didn't recognize people. Of course, the dragon’s dog-faced virtues are actually not a day or two.

"That's why you want to make other people cheaper." The members of the Freedom League also shouted.

"Our dwarf kingdom has also applied to join the Freedom League. I promise that our dwarves will sell all the items of the dwarf clan at an internal price." The dwarf king saw this scene, and the other temples did not respond at all, so he immediately decided. .

"Dwarf King, you are finally wise." A human who knows the Dwarf King yelled, ‘

Other members of the Liberty Alliance are also tempted. You must know that the internal price of the items built by the dwarves is at least five times different from the sold price, and other people can't help but not be tempted.

Lina said hesitantly: "This condition is not ideal."

"Why." The dwarf king was going crazy.

"You do this, what about the blacksmiths of our Freedom League." Lina asked.

When Lina said that, other people also realized that the conditions of the dwarves are not unsatisfactory, but after this goes on, the blacksmiths of humans will gradually lose their business, and after countless years, the dwarves will monopolize freedom. The blacksmiths of the Alliance, the MPs of the Free Alliance would never want to see this happen.

"Then what we need to do." The dwarf king's tone was a little depressed. Yes, this kind of inquiry is a bit similar to the meaning of a request.

"As long as the supply is not restricted, your dwarf kingdom must train the blacksmiths of the blacksmiths' union every year by the master forging." Lina said with a smile.

The dwarf king thought for a while, and agreed, because the dwarf king used to limit the number not to sell humans to hunger. The dwarves do not have that high IQ. The dwarves are afraid that humans have too many weapons that will be detrimental to them. Now that you join the Freedom League, you don’t need to think about safety. As for training blacksmiths, the Dwarf King doesn’t care, because blacksmiths must also pay attention to talents, and Lina has already said, please forge master, not master forge, because humans The talent in forging is really not flattering. Of course, this is in the eyes of the Dwarf King, and it is really not a threat.

"Okay, we agree." Hearing Lina's answer, the dwarf king was not disappointed, but was very happy, because it meant that he was the second generation of great dwarf kings since historical records, a dwarf who ruled over 100 million people. This kind of honor is only available to the first dwarf king. Of course, the first dwarf king ruled hundreds of millions of dwarf warriors, but in the eyes of the dwarf king, it doesn't matter. Dwarves are born warriors.

Seeing the look of the Dwarf King, Lina laughed in her heart. There are a lot of dwarves, but such a large number is enough to drag all the dwarves' current energy in, because the dwarves are really poorly nourished. Of course, the Dwarf King can't help it. After all, God just needs to have enough faith. As for the person who is old, weak, sick, and disabled, God doesn’t care. Maybe some old and weak believers are more powerful than those strong young people.

Under Lina’s nod, the application of the Dwarf King was finally approved. Of course, other members also wanted a large number of dwarves to build weapons. It can be said to be a win-win situation. As for the members of the Free League, who is not a human spirit, **** plane It is not something that the Liberty Alliance can eat.

The elves and the gnome looked at each other, and now they are alone. Finally, the Elf Kingdom and the gnome Kingdom joined the Free Alliance. Now the atmosphere in the conference is a bit strange. Now the forces have become two camps, one is the Free Alliance and the other is The various temples, of course, are not hostile, because the Freedom Alliance does not hinder the freedom of belief. Although the Elf Queen does not agree with this, the Elf Queen compromised after facing the huge Elf population.

"Haha, I can go to the Tree of Life now." A dark elf laughed.

"Yes, but the Dark Elf will cost a lot to come to the Tree of Life." The Elf Queen replied with a smile.

"Dark elves, I think you'd better not have any illusions, because the elven empire is now a member of the Free Alliance. If you dark elves are not afraid of our Free Alliance, then say something else." Lina also said with a smile.

Hearing this, the dark elves immediately persuaded. Although the dark elves are a demigod, who doesn’t know that the most powerful fighting races in Liberty City are ogres and trolls, and the ogres gather trolls. Dark vision, thinking of the tens of thousands of ogres and troll legions equipped with Mageweave equipment, the dark elf wisely closed his mouth.

"Thank you." The Elf Queen did not expect that joining the Freedom League would have such benefits.

"This is the right you deserve, and our Free League will abolish slavery soon, and those who buy and sell slaves will be punished. Of course, the premise is that those who buy and sell slaves come to the territory of the Freedom League." Lina continued.

The Liberty Alliance has no slaves, not even slaves. Of course, you have to sell your body for money. The Liberty Alliance will not care, but once someone is forced, the Liberty Alliance will definitely start. In the past few years, because you buy it privately Slaves, thousands of human nobles have been abandoned as a result, and some serious ones have even been executed. Anyway, in the Freedom League, killing is for life, no matter who you kill, Of course, it was mainly that the elves did not join the Freedom League and were not protected by the Freedom League. Now the elves are citizens of the Freedom League. Imprisoning and enslaving citizens is definitely a heavy punishment. Now Lina has a reason to deal with those who buy and sell elves. People out.

"In addition, we will also cooperate with other countries that have not joined the Freedom League to crack down on slave smuggling." Lina said afterwards. As a woman, Lina does not want to see the tragic experience of other women. As for cooperation with other countries, freedom The league now has the means to clean up those uncooperative guys.

"Then our dwarf kingdom." The dwarf kingdom is living a miserable life now, because of the conflict with Liberty City, the dwarf kingdom is still on the list of economic sanctions by the Liberty Alliance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the past few years, the dwarf kingdom has Half of the gnome came to Liberty City and became citizens of Liberty City. This time the gnome king was invited. The gnome king would not want to come, but the gnome king did not dare to come. In fact, the gnome king wanted to reconcile with Liberty City. Now the gnome kingdom It can be said that if you have returned to poverty, you can eat well.

"I will study this issue in the future. Let me reiterate here. The Liberty Alliance believes in freedom. I hope that everyone will not show any bad performance in this area. Then let's discuss the number of people who went to the plane of **** for the first time." Lina I was very happy to see the Liberty League leap again, and then continued.

"I only need 5,000 places." The three-headed golden dragon yelled first.

"Our dwarf kingdom needs one hundred thousand places." The dwarf king also jumped up.

"Wait, our first quota is 10,000..." Lina said quickly.

"No." There was a loud voice in the conference room, apparently the voice of many people shouting together. --1693+dsuunlhhaga+3137152-->

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