A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 201: Cook flees

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"Little Meili has become more and more beautiful." Cook hugged Xiao Meili and the rest of the people turned a blind eye. The name Xiao Meili was only a name that Cook dared to call.

"Brother, I want a gift." Xiao Meili said to Cook coquettishly, the Pope Guangming's face turned red all of a sudden, Xiao Meili asked for something from others, this is simply....

"Haha, I should." Cook didn't expect Xiao Meili to act like a baby with herself, haha ​​smiled and gave Xiao Meili something.

"This..." None of the people present are idiots. Although there are no violent magical fluctuations in the things in Cook's hands, there is another kind of fluctuation, such as fluctuations, divine power fluctuations, and yes, divine power fluctuations during miracles.

"Brother, this thing is good. Haha." Xiao Meili's small fleshy hands grabbed the fist-sized white crystal and said happily, and then gave Cook a hard kiss on the face.

"This is something after a hapless guy ignited the sacred fire and failed." Cook said this explanation to others.

The others were surprised. After the failure to ignite the sacred fire, there should be nothing left. Then Cook said that, obviously this person failed and left this thing because Cook did. There are many demigods present, but those who dared to ignite the sacred fire. Rarely.

The Pope of the Holy See asked, "His Royal Highness Cook, have you ever seen this man lighting a sacred fire?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." Cook replied with a smile.

The rest of the people were even more shocked. They were joking. Ignite the sacred fire. Cook was beside him. Could it be that someone invited him? It’s impossible. I always ignite the sacred fire by one person. Because of the laws of the person you invited, element fluctuations will affect the person who ignites the sacred fire People, and igniting the divine fire to condense the divine personality, this is something that no one can help, even gods can’t help, of course, if God grants the divine personality, it’s another matter.

The demigods present are very excited, why, because no one knows what it will be like after igniting the sacred fire, even the gods don’t know, because the memory of igniting the sacred fire and condensing the godhead will not be remembered, and Someone observes lighting a sacred fire, how exciting this is.

"His Royal Highness, I will visit you in person later." The Pope of the Temple of Light said respectfully. As a demigod powerhouse in the temple, there is another way, that is to be a servant of the gods, but there is also a different way for the servants of gods. The good part is to obey the orders of others. Once the master of the **** servant is seriously injured, it will also affect the **** servant. Once the master of the **** servant falls, the **** servant will also fall. The **** servant can enter the **** realm, but there is no The slightest status can be said, so being a **** servant is a helpless choice, and the master of the **** servant will definitely not be a great **** like the main god, because the little gods under these great gods can't be used, and still need a **** servant?

To put it plainly, **** servants are slaves and cannon fodder. As far as beauty is concerned, there is nothing unbeautiful in the eyes of gods, except for special hobbies, so demigods will be servants of gods when they have to, if there is a little hope , No one will do it.

"Okay." Cook nodded and replied holding Xiao Meili.

"His Royal Highness Cook, I am Darlene of the Temple of the Goddess of Nature. Thank you for everything you have done for our elves in Liberty City." The Queen of the Temple of the Goddess of Nature said that the Temple of Nature and the Kingdom of Elves are one, and so is the Pope. The queen, the queen is also the pope.

"This is what I should do." Cook replied with a smile.

Soon all the demigods who were present talked to Cook with excuses, and the rest were jealous, but no one dared to say anything. After all, he would become a demigod in the future, and then ask Cook for experience?

After a while of greetings, the first wave of people were led into a hall in the base. Cook said, "Since everyone is here, I will give a rough introduction. Our Liberty City controls all planes. All the starry sky, here is the plane where we are now. There are thirty-two planes around the plane where the base is located. Among them, we have only cleared out one plane from Liberty City. The first thing we need to do is to take the remaining thirty All the demons in a plane have been cleaned out. I want to reiterate here that we can’t leave alive the demons. Some people say that I am cruel or that I am a tyrant. But everyone, look at the land. If we have many bones, we know how our races live under the rule of the demons, and we can't even live as animals."

"His Royal Highness, we know better than anyone about the demons. We also brought the oracle this time. We first want to build the temple and guide the glory of God." The Pope of the Temple of Light said.

"Very good, this is what I expected." Cook knew exactly what happened. The temple is not only a space plane coordinate, but also a place to collect the power of faith. In times of crisis, the power of faith is Under the action of divine power, a lot of energy will be produced, which of course is what Cook needs.

"This is our base, so any place around it can be used as a place to build a temple. I think everyone needs to see it in person. In addition, there are more than 150 settlements on this plane, and there are countless The civilians we slowly guided are about 40 million people." Cook pointed the map of this plane.

The spirits of all the temples are coming, and the rest are also interested. After all, these people have to establish their own base.

"I am giving the land to everyone, but this is the only time. In addition, I need to contact Murphy to purchase supplies. If you want to know about the war, please contact Connie. Connie will send a magic spacecraft to provide firepower for everyone. As for other issues, Find Bagru." Bagru was unfortunately used by Cook as a guide.

"His Royal Highness, what are you?" The rest of the people were surprised.

"Hehe, I still have something to solve." Cook smiled.

"Brother, I want to follow you." Xiao Meili felt that Cook was too kind, hugged Cook tightly, and then said.

"In this way, I found a huge number of light-type powerhouses in that place, but these people have no faith, and most of them are demons, don't know...?" Cook asked the Holy See Pope.

"Yes, yes, we are interested." Hearing this, the Pope of the Temple of Light stood up excitedly. When Cook took out the thing for Xiao Meili, the Pope was a little skeptical.

"But you guys are a little less." Cook shook his head.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, we still have people." The Pope of the Temple of Light pointed to his finger.

"Oh, it's no wonder you brought this person, then you arrange it and we will leave in a while." Cook said directly. Cook is helpless with the huge population in the Star Fortress. It is definitely impossible for a human being to rule the Demon Race. The demons in the fortress are a little different from the demons on the ground, so Cook gave this hot potato to the Holy See of Light just now, and the Holy See needless to say about those heretical methods, it is quite cruel. .

This is called blindness. As for who needs someone to master the Starry Sky Fortress, that is of course Cook's direct line. The biggest advantage of this Starry Sky Fortress is that it can be manipulated to move freely.

After hearing Cook’s words, other people all left, because Cook had already said, whoever should be found, but the great sage of the orc clan stayed behind, looking like he wanted to talk but stopped, Lina looked. In this case, the smiling figure disappeared in a flash.

"Your Excellency, what's the matter?" Cook asked with Xiao Meili in his arms.

"I haven't seen Wu Mei recently, I don't know where I went?" The Great Sage asked.

"Wume, Wumei is also in this base, do you want me to take you there?" Cook pinched his beautiful pink face and asked.

"No, I'll just go by myself." Cook's actions frightened the great sage, you know, this is an angel, and he actually pinched someone's face.

"Xiao Meili, I don't want my brother." Cook teased Xiao Meili with a smile.

"Thinking, it's that Sister Xiaolei always bullies me and grabs my good things." Xiao Meili complained to Cook.

"Well, my brother will help you grab him in the future." Cook didn't expect Xiao Meili to answer like this. Cook also knows that angels have a long life span, so the growth of angels can be said to be slower than that of dragons, but one thing is, Angels are all reincarnated. Angels also have something similar to the godhead, called bright jade, which is the energy core of angels. As long as the bright jade does not smash, even if the angel’s body is gone, in a special environment, the angel It can be reborn, but the angel family is called rebirth.

Because in the process of resurrection, some can remember things before alive, and some can’t remember, but the principles of predecessor cultivation have been deeply imprinted in the bright jade, so the fighting power of angels has improved very quickly. It can be said that angels reincarnated The more the number of times, the stronger the strength. Just like Xiao Meili now, as long as the accumulated energy is enough, then the corresponding law application will naturally be used, and there is no need to learn anything at all, so the angel family is the overlord in the gods.

The dragon is called the overlord of the other side because the dragon has everything as long as it sleeps. This has a common feature with the angel family, that is, it does not need to learn, but because of this, both races lack innovation. Spirit, so human beings gradually formed the Council of the Gods, and attracted other races, angels, and dragons to divide the God Realm. In terms of overall strength, humans are even stronger.

"Huh, bad father, want to grab my things." Just after Cook finished speaking, a voice rang, and Cook felt a huge lightning hit him.

"Bad Dad, actually helped Xiao Meili to grab my things." Xiao Lei is about four years old now, surrounded by countless lightning.

"Xiao Lei, why are you here?" Cook saw Xiao Lei and immediately exclaimed.

"Huh." A voice rang again~www.wuxiaspot.com~La Milan appeared.

"It's such a big advantage. I didn't even know if I went back to Liberty City, so let's say it first. I want a plane, and I want this plane..." La Milan said.

"Go, Xiao Lei, Dad will take you to see good things." When Cook heard La Milan say this, regardless of the numbness on his body, he picked up Xiao Lei and drove off.  Just kidding, this woman is going crazy, so she said Want a plane.

"Huh, Xiao Meili, you're saying bad things about me." Xiao Lei hugged Cook's neck tightly on one of Cook's arms, and nestled on Cook's shoulder. The other Xiao Meili has the same shape, Ku Ke disappeared as soon as the smoke slipped. Of course, Cook went to the Star Fortress. As for the Pope of Light, with Lina, he can send him over at any time.

"Sister Xiaolei, you grabbed my things first." Xiao Meili's big eyes flickered and said in a tender voice.

Cook felt a little messy, Xiaolei called her father, and Xiaomei called her brother, but Xiaomei was also called sister Xiaolei. What logic is this? --3661+48374-->

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