A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 202: plan

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The two little guys quarreled with each other and then filed a complaint with each other, but Xiao Lei’s character should be tougher, after all, she is a giant dragon, Xiao Meili’s character is not sturdy, but Xiao Lei’s thunder and lightning has no effect on Xiao Meili at all. Cook brought After Xiao Meili and Xiao Lei came to the Star Fortress.

The two little guys were stunned. Looking at the beautiful starry sky outside the huge crystal window, Xiao Meili exclaimed, "Brother, I like this place. It's so comfortable."

Cook nodded, the light element here is very rich, Xiaomei, as an angel, must like the environment here, and on the other side of the starry sky fortress, the black ball beasts huddled together, just floating there quietly, as if nothing Life is average, but this is only a superficial phenomenon.

"It's a miracle." Cook's magic eyes can clearly see that these black ball beasts are absorbing light elements. Obviously, these creatures do not survive on food, but on ubiquitous elements, but for everyone Said that the star beast is still a very mysterious existence.

The starry sky fortress that Cook transmitted was owned by the demons. As for the other starry sky fortress, Cook didn't plan to let others go, because there was a time bomb over there.

It didn’t take long, just half an hour, and the portal next to Cook lit up. This was the portal owned by the Star Fortress itself. Lina just adjusted the transmission coordinates. The portal was like making a phone call. As long as you know the coordinates of the portal, you can directly communicate with each other. Of course, with a demigod-level space system expert like Lina, it is easy to change the coordinates of the portal.

"His Royal Highness." The Pope of the Bright Holy See came out first. After seeing Xiao Lei, his scalp became numb. Xiao Lei was lawless in Liberty City. Of course, the premise is not to provoke Xiao Lei. What provokes Xiao Lei in exchange is a flash of lightning. , I remember that after Xiao Lei sneaked out for the first time, there were a few malicious slave traders who wanted to abduct Xiao Lei. The result was that the lightning released by Xiao Lei was directly turned into coke. Since then, Xiao Lei has been in Liberty City. No one dared to do it.

And Xiao Lei is very popular in Liberty City. This is because Xiao Lei is long and cute. Some middle-aged humans who sell various snacks often eat for Xiao Lei. This person is an ordinary person, and it is difficult for him. Yes, and Liberty City also has a small gangster who collects protection fees. Xiaolei will eat everything given by others and will not take the initiative. Of course, if she doesn’t give it, Xiaolei won’t buy it with money. Once, the gangster received protection. Fei made Xiaolei learn smarter, so the entire gangsters in Liberty City had a boss. Of course the gangsters did what they did, cleaning the streets, and these gangsters had to pay Xiaolei protection fees every day.

As for other temples, Xiaolei would be among these people every time they gave alms. The Temple of Guangming was harassed by Xiaolei. Because the alms didn’t taste good in Xiaolei, she broke up and almost didn’t demolish it. The Temple of Light, so when every temple wants to give something, it will prepare a beautiful piece for Xiaolei, otherwise it will wait for the temple to be struck by lightning.

"This is the information about the Starry Sky Fortress. I need to fully accept the Starry Sky Fortress. The people here are all yours. As for how to deal with it, that's your business." Cook threw a memory crystal to Pope Bright.

"Starry sky..." Pope Bright just raised his head and heard Cook say the Starry Sky Fortress, still wondering, but after seeing the sight of the huge crystal windows, even the demigod-level pope was shocked. Yes, the pope thought it was a mysterious place, but it was actually in the stars.

The people behind Pope Bright were also stunned. The light element here was very rich. Pope Bright quickly checked the memory crystal. After checking it, he was even more shocked. It was a huge man-made building with a diameter of thousands of kilometers. The population is even more numerous. What makes Pope Bright even more excited is that there are too many light elements born here, occupying more than 30% of the total population. What a huge number, after excluding the demons The number of people is enough to make Pope Illuminati excited.

"This place is great, I like this place." At this moment, a very discordant voice rang.

Pope Bright glanced back and didn't say anything. It was a handsome young man who just stepped out of the portal, who was a little jealous.

Cook didn't look back either, but Cook's brows frowned slightly. Although Cook knew that bringing the Holy See of Light to the Starry Sky Fortress would have some trouble, Cook did not expect that the trouble would come so quickly.

"Yes, the light element in this place is not only pure, but also has a high concentration. Cultivating here is very helpful to the people of the Holy See." A group of people stepped into the portal and talked a lot.

"Okay, please leave here, we will still be sent in later." Pope Bright knew Cook's strength and said.

"where is this place."

"Where are we going to live."

"How long are we going to stay here."

"This **** place."

There was a constant noise, and Pope Bright frowned. You must know that these people have special identities, and if you manage them, you still have some trouble.

"Damn, what did I see? It's blasphemy to see a humble human holding an angel." A woman yelled when she saw Cook holding her little beauty.

"Shut up, this is my place." Cook did not expect that the Holy See of Illumination would bring such a person this time.

"What are you... Boom." The woman yelled immediately when she heard Cook yell at herself, but before she could finish her words, her whole body burst open.

"Damn it, you actually attacked me." After the woman's body was broken, she appeared out of nowhere as soon as she reached a phantom, a two-winged angel.

"Hehe, who did I say, it is actually you people, I say aside again, shut up, this is my place, if it is not for the beauty of the little beauty, you would not exist." Cook smiled. I finally know why these guys speak so badly.

"Sword of Judgment." The two-winged angel was surrounded by golden light and turned into a huge sword and slashed towards Cook.

Cook saw the divine art released by the angels and his face was gloomy. The sword of judgment is the ultimate divine art of the Holy See of Guangmian, but the release of the divine art here will cause serious damage to the Starry Sky Fortress, and it is still the most important. The portal in the starry sky can be different from the ground.

The two-winged angels condensed a huge lightsaber with both hands. The lightsaber exudes golden light. Cook threw Xiao Lei directly on his neck with one hand. Then, under the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the figure flashed and said. In front of the two winged angels, a punch was smashed down. You must know that the sword of judgment is a magical technique. The magical technique is a magical technique used by the gods. It is conceivable how powerful it is, and he dared to rush directly. It's not what it means to die.

"Puff." A very slight voice sounded, everyone's eyes were about to fall, and Cook's fist was directly smashed during the trial, not to mention that even the body of the two-winged angel was also leaked by Cook's blow Dolls are average.

"Huh, I said, this is my site." The light slowly returned to normal, the two-winged angel disappeared, and the sword of judgment disappeared. Cook looked at something like an egg-sized white jade in Cook's hand. The remaining people in the Temple of Light said coldly.

"Hiss." The people in the Temple of Light took a deep breath, and smashed the magic with one punch, and it was the ultimate magic, and also blasted an angel. What kind of strength was this, the original arrogant angel had some fear in his heart.

Cook gave the bright jade in his hand to Xiao Meili. Xiao Meili did not look at the Guangming Vatican. He took the Guangming jade and said: "Such an idiot is not worthy of reincarnation. If you are arrogant, then you don't need to return to the gods. "

At this time, the angels who came down saw the color of the wings behind Xiao Meili. There were traces of gold in the silver wings. These angels were dumbfounded. This is the upper angel. The angel’s wings are the source of energy. The color of the wings is A symbol of its own energy, a pair of white is the lowest, and the twelve-winged angel is the highest, but there is also a step position in it. Normal white wings do not have a step position. The silver one is the lower position, the golden one is the upper position, and there are also It is the royal family of the angel family. These royal families have the bloodline of the **** of light, and Xiaomei has this bloodline. Because Xiaomei’s wings are silver and mixed with gold. This is a symbol. A pair of wings means the lowest level. , But the low-level wings are of this color, so only the royal family has it.

"Yes, Your Highness." The angels who followed followed quickly bowed and replied, and then left dingy.

"Xiao Meili, you won't be angry anymore." Cook asked, looking at Xiao Meili's serious face.

"I won't be angry with my brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These guys themselves lack experience, so they come down." Xiao Meili sighed, and then explained.

Cook froze for a moment, because Xiao Meili's expression was so awkward, like a parent sighing that his children were not up to date, Cook shook his head, it was all evil.

"Chuck." Xiao Lei didn't care, holding Cook's head around Cook's neck, constantly rubbing Cook's hair and ears.

"Xiao Lei." Cook hugged Xiao Lei all of a sudden, and then started playing with Xiao Lei. At this moment Cook was so relaxed.

"Listen to my order and set off." Within a few days, two thousand people were added to the Starry Sky Fortress. These two thousand people were all descended from angels. Under the leadership of the Pope of the Temple of Light, these two thousand people rushed into the starry sky. fortress.

"Evil detection." A descending angel walked into the wide corridor. There were dozens of people in the corridor. The descendant waved his hand and released a magical technique toward dozens of people, covering the past. --5408++4213687-->

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