A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Archangel

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Dozens of people were immediately enveloped by the light, but after the light enveloped these people, these people looked at the descending angel in astonishment, because these white lights did not have any offensive power. Behind the angel, a hand counted. Ten white swords appeared in the angel's hand. These swords were more than ten centimeters long, like daggers, but they were shaped like swords.

"Sword of Judgment." What this angel condensed is also the sword of judgment. There are many ways to release the ultimate magic, and according to the releaser's cultivation level, the power released is also different. This angel looks at the number shrouded in white light. Of the ten people, five of them had white light shining with evil blood-red rays, and one of them was a little girl.

"Judgement." The angel waved his hand, and the five swords of judgment shot out.


"Ah..." The rest of the people in the Starry Sky Fortress were shocked. They didn't understand what these people were going to do. Fighting was forbidden inside the Starry Sky Fortress, otherwise they would be punished. These five people were directly inserted between the five trials. Inside the body of the demon race, and then the bodies of the five demon races burned all at once, the blood-red flame was so disgusting, the five of them all became nothingness in less than a minute.

"These people are traitors." Looking at the fearful gazes of the others, the leading angel pointed to the badge on his body and said.

"Traitor." Everyone doesn't know what a traitor means. In the starry sky, the enemy is only star beasts, but the badges on these angels are indeed the badges of the security department of the Star Fortress.

The two angels moved forward again, ignoring the rest of the people, but the person in front of them whispered in excitement, "Damn, just now there were more than forty people, and 22 of them had the talents of the light element. My chance at the Temple of Light."

"That is, thanks to His Highness Cook's help, this time we will definitely receive divine grace when we go back." The other angel was also very excited.

The Holy See of Illumination divides the two thousand angels into one thousand routes. Most of them are teams of two, five, and ten, and there are also a squadron of one hundred people. The squadron of one hundred people is responsible for the upper region, that is, the demons. Settlements.

A thousand routes are like viruses, constantly spreading in the Starry Sky Fortress, and in the upper region, Cook uses his authority to let everyone stay at home. Once they come out, they will be attacked by the Starry Sky Fortress defense system.

"Archangel, these magic patterns are handed over to you, I don't want to hear these guys escape." The magic pattern master of the Star Fortress is a tasteless existence for Cook, and wants to stay , I was afraid of trouble, wanted to let go, but couldn't bear it, but this time the archangel led by the angels accepted the magic pattern master of these demons.

"Don't worry, I will let the Lord God purify the demon talents from these people." The archangel said with a smile, what is the equivalent of the archangel in the **** realm, it is the captain of the guards in the human palace, and the captain of the small team.

But the archangel is definitely the upper angel. Hearing that his angel offended Cook, he was directly blown up by Cook, and had no opinion at all. Instead, he apologized to Cook because the archangel knew something comparable to other angels. Many, this human being in front of him is absolutely a pervert, the gods of the gods are all bruised and swollen by this guy, let alone himself.

To say something that shouldn’t be said, if it annoys this human being, then the power of the Holy See on the lower planes may not last long. After all, if God descends, the strength of the swing is only a few percent of the original. As for Cook Going to the God Realm, that's something for the future, it depends on the grade of Cook's condensed godhead and his own **** position.

"That's good, but the success rate of purification." Cook asked.

"Life is definitely not dangerous, but the energy is definitely gone. Anyway, these guys won't see the sun in the rest of their lives, we can use it as a mentor." The archangel said his plan with a smile.

"That's good." Cook nodded. Although Cook knew that this wave of cleaning would only reduce the population of the entire Star Fortress by more than 3o%, Cook had to do this. If nothing else, Cook was in In the war on the plane of hell, once these demons know about it, they will also take up weapons. What Cook has to do is to cut the grass and remove the roots and make the demons become the dust of history.

"Your Excellency, I have a request." Cook pondered for a moment, and then said.

"His Royal Highness, don't hesitate to say anything. His Royal Highness is taking care of your Excellency. We are very grateful to the angels." The archangel did not expect Cook to make a request. The archangel was in a very happy mood. You must know Cook's favor. Very valuable.

"I hope that the angels led by your Excellency can stay in this world for more time. Your Excellency also knows that the battle on the plane of **** is very long. Of course, in return, the Starry Sky Fortress can leave an area for the Temple of Light." Cook said with a smile.

When the archangel heard this, he immediately sat upright. For the special area of ​​the starry sky fortress, although for the archangel, the element concentration here is far less than that of the gods, but for this plane, There is no such place at all. On the ground, there is the limit of the earth element. The limit is somewhere where the concentration of a certain element reaches the highest. Almost 99% of the elements are one element, and there are also element limits. The land, the water element, the ice element, the wind element, and even the thunder element, etc., but there is no light element. The starry sky fortress can be said to meet this requirement. This place is the best practice for those who are short of a breakthrough. The land, and the babies born here, the light element talents are very high.

The archangel pondered for a moment, and then said: "What else does the Lord Cook have to ask?

The archangel is not a fool. This time when the angel comes down, he will spread the brilliance of God. Therefore, the longer he stays, the more people he affects, and the more God’s grace he will receive. Said, directly agreed, but the archangel could not guarantee that Cook did not know this, so the archangel took the initiative to ask.

"If your Excellency is willing, I still have a small favor and need your help." Cook has improved his favorability towards the archangel.

Although Cook has delineated a part of the Starry Sky Fortress, relative to the safety of the Starry Sky Fortress, the Temple of Light must definitely contribute. Cook does not want to eat the Starry Sky Fortress himself. However, what is the Starry Sky Fortress facing? Star beasts are powerful star beasts, high-level creatures that exist in the entire starry sky.

"No problem, then I will let the Holy See Pope of Illumination discuss with you." The archangel eternally feared that Cook would repent, and said quickly.

"Hehe, I'm not busy." Cook waved his hand and said.

The archangel was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cook, it was obvious that there was something wrong.

"Your Excellency, don't you wonder what this starry sky fortress is for here." Cook asked with a smile.

"What is it for?" The archangel immediately calmed down. Yes, he was just astonished at the grandeur of this starry sky fortress, but what was the purpose of building such a huge thing.

"See those big guys." Cook pointed to the black ball beasts outside the magic crystal porthole and asked.

"Aren't those meteorites." The black ball beast is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the starry sky fortress, so the archangel can't sense what it is.

"Interested to follow me to see." Cook stood up and asked.

"Of course." The archangel was puzzled, of course he wanted to check it out.

The archangel and Cook flew directly to the black ball beast. Cook saw that the archangel was able to move in the starry sky, and he knew that the archangel must have had experience in the starry sky.

Cook hasn't moved to the black ball beast, the black ball beast opened his eyes. Cook, who was stared at by thousands of large expectant eyes, was very embarrassed, and the archangel grew up. mouth.

"The star beast, it is actually a star beast." The archangel exclaimed. He didn't know what method the archangel used. Cook could actually hear his voice.

"Yes, star beasts, in this starry sky, is a star beast corridor, there is a wave of star beasts passing through here in three years on average." Cook nodded and replied.

"What." The archangel was even more shocked. Cook took out some water of life and threw it to these black ball beasts, and then returned to the starry sky fortress with the archangel.

Cook had a leisurely appearance, and the archangel had many doubts in his heart, and the archangel asked, "If I am not mistaken, those star beasts are black ball beasts."

"Yes." Cook nodded and replied.

The archangel was depressed and wanted to vomit blood, so you won't say two more words. The archangel has never felt so depressed. The archangel secretly sighed and said: "Cook, you are lucky."

"I have always had good luck." Cook heard the archangel call his name directly, not only did he not give himself a sense of life, but the relationship was closer.

"You, Cook, you know how much a star beast mount can be worth in the God Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~" the archangel asked with angrily seeing Cook's expression.

"I don't know." Cook replied, shaking his head.

"In the God Realm, some main gods don't have star beast mounts yet." The archangel said this.

"There is no main god." Cook looked at the archangel in astonishment. The message of this sentence is enough to make Cook more shocked. Yes, what level of the main **** is the main god, the nobleman in the main god, if you describe it If it is, it can only be described with such words.

"In addition, I will tell you that there is another star realm above the **** realm, and the most convenient way to go to the star realm is the star beast." The archangel said more secret things, but the archangel does not now Having said that, he looked at Cook with a smile.

Depressed, it is Cook's current mood, the star realm, what is in it, why the gods are going to the star realm, but looking at the appearance of the archangel, Cook knows that this girl is deliberate, revenge for the way he treated him just now. --9004+d8z1w+2079066-->

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