A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Astral

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Cook smiled: "Hehe, in that case, I'll do something first."

"Uh." The archangel looked at Cook in astonishment, wondering why Cook didn't ask himself about the star realm.

"Oh, Anna is coming to Star Fortress too, I'm going to prepare." Cook said lazily, without any intention to prepare.

The archangel understands that Cook is not satisfied that he sells himself. As for Anna, the archangel still knows a little bit. The growth of the temple of the goddess of the night is not very conspicuous in the lower planes, but in the realm of the gods, the goddess of the night It takes less than ten years to become the main god, which is simply incredible, because it is very rare for a **** to advance.

"Ahem, the star realm is a place where both danger and opportunity coexist. The star realm is the place where the star beasts are born, and the star realm is also the place where the star beasts die. All the star beast legends in the starry sky come from where the star beasts die. It is said that they will return there. The star beasts are full of treasures, even the lowest level star beasts, the energy contained in their bodies is of great help to the gods, especially in cultivation. Of course, if it is a star core, the effect is even better. Well, there used to be a lower **** who used a mysterious star core to directly advance to the main god, but his cultivation level was improved too fast, and he could not use his abilities in the end and fell straight away." The archangel coughed twice, then Explained.

Cook involuntarily turned his head to look at the black ball beast, he was excited, this is hundreds of black ball beasts, seeing Cook's movements, the archangel also smiled and said: "In the mount arrangement, black The ball beast is considered a high-level mount."

"High-level, isn't this black ball beast ranked lower among the star beasts?" Cook asked.

"Haha, the mounts are arranged, just like horses, they rank lower among the beasts, but why are horses used as mounts instead of wolves, tigers, and lions?" the archangel asked.

"The endurance of wolves is very long, but the cost of breeding is very high, and the wolf is tyrannical. Tigers and lions only explode for a short period of time. Long-term endurance is not good. What should I say? If wolves, tigers, and lions go back From the owner's words, the danger is great, and the risk of horse backlash is very low." Cook thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"Yes, the black ball beast can be said to be very docile, and it is easier to be tamed as a mount. The most important point is that the black ball beast has the first degree of escape after encountering danger. Although it is a short burst, it is In the starry sky, as long as you get a distance for a short time, then you don’t want to catch up from behind. In addition, the consumption of the black ball beast is relatively low." The archangel said,'

Cook also nodded. If the black ball beast suddenly ejects to escape, there is really nothing in the starry sky that can catch up. As for meekness, although Cook still doesn't understand it, look at the black ball beasts around the starry sky fortress. I know it all day long without moving.

"No matter what plane it is in, our God Realm hasn't yet seen such a densely packed area of ​​star beasts. I suspect this is close to the star realm." The archangel said his guess.

"Astral." Cook was shocked by the archangel's guess.

The gods who entered the star realm from our gods concluded that entering the star realm from the gods is a space node. That is to say, we don’t know where the star realm is. Presumably you also know what a space node is. Once you enter space Node, then the location may have all changed, and through countless years of hard work, we have found the space node, but this space node needs to be opened once in 10,000 years, and every time it is opened, a star beast will enter, "Archangel Continue to speak.

"Then you can't open the space node." Cook asked.

"It can be opened, but the opened space node cannot enter the star realm. It will enter other areas. Only when accompanied by the star beast can it enter the star realm." The archangel answered Cook's question.

Cook froze for a moment, then stood up and asked incredulously: "You mean let me check the star realm."

"This is what you said. You must know that there are many gods who have fallen in the star realm. Since the ancient times, the fallen gods have passed the three-digit number and reached the four-digit number. There are no **** kings and **** kings. Don't talk about the main god, and if you can enter the star realm, maybe you can go directly to the **** realm." The archangel said with a smile to Cook.

"I don't want to go. The star realm is where the star beasts live. I go as a human being. It's just looking for death, and the star realm must be too huge, so I can't find the things left by the gods." Cook said, shaking his head. Cook is not an idiot. Gods have many ways to save their lives, not to mention that some evil gods have some secret methods that can seize other people’s bodies or parasitize them. Moreover, even gods in the star realm can fall. , Let alone a guy like himself.

Yes, Cook admits that he is perverted, but for Shangxing Beast, Cook’s perversion is like an ant and a weightlifter lifting weights. Proportionally speaking, the ant can lift dozens of times his body. The number of athletes is only several times. From this point, the ants are abnormal, but on the other hand, the objects lifted by the athletes can kill a lot. Many ants. Besides, the star realm, the star realm, is the world of star beasts. I can't figure it out, let alone a group, let alone countless star beasts.

"In fact, there are these black ball beasts, you don't need to be afraid." The archangel said again.

"Hehe, you also said that these black beasts are like horses, so can a group of horses live around a group of lions, a group of wolves, and a group of tigers?" Cook asked with a smile.

The archangel was depressed, and then said: "There are many wild horses in nature, and they have not been eaten up."

"Then there is always something being eaten, in case I am unlucky." Cook rolled his eyes.

"You can find Goddess of Luck..." the archangel continued to persuade Cook.

"Don't talk about the goddess of luck, if the goddess of luck is really capable, why don't you go to the star realm." Cook interrupted the archangel directly and asked back.

Then Cook looked at the archangel and asked, "You are so in favor of letting me go to the star realm. Is there any conspiracy? Is it because you are looking at my starry sky fortress."

"Nothing. Although the conditions of your starry sky fortress are good, I am not the **** of conspiracy. It is your freedom to go or not, but I believe that if you go, once you get something, it will be good for you. "The archangel said.

"If there is no gain, I won't do this kind of adventurous thing." Cook is not an idiot. This requires gains, not gains.

Hearing what Cook said, the archangel was a little disappointed, because in the star realm, the light **** race lost an extremely important thing, so once Cook wants to go to the star realm, or find the star realm, he will find this Hope for something, but if Cook does not go, the archangel will not be able to say something.

Cook separated from the archangel with a full of doubts. Of course, Cook would not believe the words of the archangel. Cook also asked Anna, there are other temples, this time it is not only the temple of light that has the descendants of gods. , Other temples also have.

When the **** descends, it is called the descendant of the gods. The descendants of the gods select people with high elemental affinity, so that after the descendants of the gods descend, the more strength they can wield, and in normal times, these People have a title, Son, or Saint, don’t look at the Son, the saint has a high status, but there is no real power. The Son and the Saint prepare for the coming of these gods.

"Anna, what's the matter with the Star Realm." Not many people know about Star Sky Fortress, at least Anna doesn't know. Anna is busy with the temple affairs for a while. Of course, Cook doesn't know about Anna's promotion to the main god. Anna heard Cook ask this, and asked in confusion: "How do you know the star realm."

"Oh, there are a lot of people coming down this time. Who told you that, is it the guy in the Temple of Light? I heard that the people in the Temple of Light haven't moved yet. Is it related to the star realm." Anna asked Cook, and then He woke up immediately and asked.

"You answer my question first." Cook stroked Anna's smooth back, then said.

"The star realm has nothing to do in the **** realm. I won't go to the star realm anyway. It's too dangerous. Those who go to the star realm are nothing more than two kinds of gods. One is the **** facing the fall, and the other is that there is no promotion ability. , But the low-ranking gods themselves, but now the entrance to the star realm has been controlled by the Council of Gods, the Dragon Clan, and the Bright Protoss. It has become one of the means for these major forces to earn benefits." Anna lies in Cooke On the body, enjoy the touch brought by Cook's majestic body.

Cook also felt Anna’s smooth and supple skin~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook’s body was abnormal, but the more sensitive his perception became. Cook heard Anna say this, and asked in an angry tone: "Aren’t you? Of the Council of God."

"I belong to the Council of the Gods, but I get very little benefit." Anna was a bit aggrieved.

"Haha, it turns out that I didn't get any benefits. Tell me what is going on in the star realm." Cook became more curious.

"It's not that the creation **** of the ancient times was the first **** to enter the world. It is said that the creation **** became a **** because of a certain thing, and this thing can make people become an eternal existence, of course , There are also good things in the star realm. The gods after the fall of other gods, various artifacts, weapons, and the star core of the star beast. The materials on the star beast are all treasures, but the star realm is also extremely dangerous. There are star beasts everywhere." Anna explained.

"It turns out that this is the case, so what important thing of the Guangming Protoss has fallen on the star realm." Cook understood, and then reacted, and then asked. --9004+d8z1w+2080518-->

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