A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 205:

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Anna heard this question from Cook, and asked suspiciously: "Did you hear any news. Novel"

"Hehe, this is just my guess. Isn’t there any news from the God Realm." Cook laughed, and Anna asked. Then Cook felt that his guess was more consistent. After all, for the Guangming Protoss, it must be It's a secret thing. After all, the God Realm seems to be in harmony on the surface, but the Council of Gods, the Bright Protoss and the Dragon Clan, the three clans stand together, and under the harmony is a turbulent undercurrent.

Anna heard Cook say so and asked again: "Guess, how did you guess."

"It doesn't matter how I guess, I just ask if you know there is news in this regard." Cook did not answer Anna's words, after all, the archangel did not say anything, everything is just his own guess, and the light **** clan left Things that fall in the star realm are still very important. The Bright Protoss is not afraid of Cook knowing this kind of information, but if Anna knows it, the God Realm may undergo some changes. After all, Anna's position is completely different from Cook's.

"Huh." Anna was even more sure of what news Cook knew, but Anna also knew that the news would not be leaked by the Bright Protoss.

However, why the Guangming Protoss and the Dragon Clan can fight against the Council of Gods? The most important thing is that the Guangming Protoss and the Dragon Clan are too xenophobic. The Gods Council just wants to infiltrate, and differentiation is impossible, because the Bright Protoss is almost always Angels, except for some other races at the bottom, as well as the dragon clan, so the Council of Gods has nothing to do with these two races.

"Cook, you see that I'm all yours, can't you tell me any news." Anna's delicate little hand rubbed Cook's body, and said in an extremely seductive voice, the purpose is obvious. Of course, it is for Cook to tell some news, which is very important to the Council of Gods.

"Haha, don't say, don't say." Cook was so provoked by Anna, and the fire that he had not released himself suddenly burned again. Cook laughed, and then pressed Anna under him.

"Ah...you perverted," Anna wanted to push Cook away, but there was Cook's opponent, and Cook weighed heavily on Anna.

Cook walked out of Anna's room with a relaxed face, and Anna was completely weak. The waves of pleasure had drained all of Anna's power. Looking at Cook's back, Anna was angry and loving. For a god, this is already a rare enjoyment. Although Anna is only the goddess of the dark night occupying Anna's body, this kind of spiritual pleasure still makes the goddess of the dark night uncontrollable. Popular novels

"His Royal Highness." When Cook returned to the Starry Sky Fortress again, the archangel immediately came to visit Cook.

"Haha, do you have anything to do with you?" Cook asked with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, our Bright Protoss wants to make a deal with His Highness." The archangel waved his hand and was a magic shield.

When Cook saw this magic shield, he was surprised to know that there are many kinds of magic shields, and the shield released by the archangel is composed of divine magic and laws. There are also magic shields of this level. A name, enchantment, enchantment is the top level existence of magic shield, such an enchantment can hardly be broken, unless it is several times the legal power of the shield, which is compared to a simple shield made of magic elements. Just like the gap between the stone axe of the Stone Age and the meteor cannon, there is almost no comparison.

"Let's talk about it first." Cook saw the solemn look of the archangel, and sat upright, and said.

"Our Guangming Protoss is willing to help His Highness your father, mother, and sister to accept the grace of God, and then go to the God Realm, and let His Highness your family's life span not be less than the life span of the lower god." The archangel looked at Ku with a smile K, said.

"What." Cook stood up suddenly.

Cook’s parents have no magic talents themselves. Even under the nourishment of endless water of life, Cook’s parents’ bodies are slowly aging, and their body functions are declining. This is not what the water of life can restore. .

The water of life can only strengthen vitality and delay aging, but it is impossible to prevent aging. Just like a grass has a lifespan of only one year, then after using the water of life, this herb is still a grass. It is impossible to live for thousands of years like a big tree. This is determined by the nature of the grass itself. The big deal is to live for another three or five years before dying.

Cook has always been a little bit distressed about his parents. What should his younger sister do? Even if he has a godhead, Cook's parents and sisters cannot use it. There is a minimum standard for fusion of the godhead, because the godhead itself contains huge There is also huge energy. Cook’s parents and sister are too weak. Even if it is a successful integration, then Cook’s parents and sister may not be able to control their own energy well and eventually become crazy like guys. , It's not impossible, but the biggest chance is to burst into death, and there is no soul left.

Cook sometimes thinks about turning his parents into beings like Liches, but it depends on what his parents and sister mean.

"Archangel, I have to say that this condition of yours really makes me unable to refuse." Although from the bottom of my heart, the relationship between my parents and my sister is not so close to him, but Cook now has a feeling that he once If you give up, there will be some obstacles when you condense the godhead and understand the law in the future. Of course, this is only a vague feeling.

"Then we have reached an agreement." The archangel asked with joy.

"No, no, although I don't know what divine grace is, but I think if I accept your divine grace, then my parents and sister will become members of the Bright Protoss camp. I don't agree with this." Cook waved his hand. Said.

The archangel took a long breath, and then said to Cook with a wry smile: "His Royal Highness, you can find out what kind of grace is. As for the faction, this is not a problem at all, and you don't think our bright **** race Is your camp good?"

"I really don't know what God's grace is." Cook answered honestly.

"Divine grace is also divided into many types, but only the gods above the main **** level can release the divine grace. The lowest level of divine grace is the little insight of God himself. This little insight can make a lower **** directly advance to the ranks. A god." The archangel explained.

"What? Go straight to the promotion." Cook was really surprised. It was the first time Cook heard of something like God's Grace. Cook didn't know what was going on.

"Yes, this is only the lowest level." The archangel replied affirmatively.

"Then there are advanced ones, aren't they directly promoted to the main god." There is a trace of joking in Cook's words.

"It is impossible to advance to the main god. Divine grace is actually an external force. This increase in external force will make it more difficult for you to understand your own laws. Then it will be more difficult to promote in the future, so this kind of grace is the lowest level. , High-level divine grace is to directly transform the body and increase its own energy. This type of divine grace is high-level, and what the parents of His Royal Highness accept is a unique divine grace, which directly transforms a person’s own physique, and has corresponding That is to say, your highness, your parents and sister will be directly promoted to the next god." The archangel explained in a long breath.

After Cook listened to it, he was directly shocked. You must know that Cook’s parents are relatively low level and have not yet reached the legendary level. As for Cook’s younger sister, he is also at the legendary level. Of course, Lily is still less than twenty years old. It's very abnormal, but Lily's talent is not top-notch. It can be said that it is almost impossible to advance to the **** level, but don't forget, there is still such a godless existence as Barry, so I am not very worried about Lily Cook, Ku What Ke is worried about is his parents.

"I think about it." Cook is a little depressed. Who can find out about God's grace? It will definitely not work to find Anna. I just tossed Anna a lot. If Cook goes again, isn't it looking for abuse? The archangel heard that Cook Answering this way, I left with a little disappointment.

Cook is temporarily ignoring the affairs of Star Fortress, as long as he firmly grasps the highest authority, of course, Cook's subordinates are slowly entering here, and begin to control key parts, and now it is mainly because the people in charge are not enough, Li Na controls the portal, West Asia stepped up the refining of magicweave equipment, Murphy controls the entire logistics, and Connie led the war process.

As for Mickey, Wu Mei and others have no experience of blocking one side, it is impossible to control the Star Fortress.

"Hey." Cook sighed deeply.

"Cook, you can actually accept God's grace yourself." Barry began to speak. Cook's face was a bit weird, because Barry had a dark belly. There was no good thing. If it's good, it's faster than anyone else.

"You also know God's grace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook asked suspiciously.

"Although I don't know divine grace, according to the bird man, divine grace has powerful energy, and these are not what you need." Barry replied.

"I believe you have the undead." Cook replied irritably. Cook is very surprised now, when will Barry fool people, this Nima is more and more like a person.

When Barry heard Cook say this and felt some of Cook’s thoughts, Barry didn’t feel that he was fooling Cook at all, and continued: "Cook, look, your body is very strong now, but the energy you have is not There are not many, and divine grace still contains sentiment, this is of great benefit to you."

"Go away, the archangel has said it. Combining these insights will make it difficult for oneself to comprehend the law in the future. If you say it clearly, I will definitely not accept the grace of God. What benefits are you going to get here." Cook is not angry Replied that Cook was not confused by Barry's factual and reasonable face.


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