A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 206:

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Of course Cook knew Barry’s disposition, so he directly exposed Barry’s hypocrisy, but Barry had no consciousness of being exposed, and continued: "I definitely have the benefits, but I am also thinking about you. Your strength has improved. , After all, we are one. Read the full text of the latest chapter 80txt./"

"Huh, make it clear." Cook wouldn't be confused by Barry's words.

"Actually, if I'm there, you won't have any negative reactions at all for the grace you get." Barry heard Cook say this, knowing that it's impossible to perfuse, so he started to talk to Cook.

Cook knows Barry thoroughly. After all, once the servant takes the initiative to speak, it will be a big picture. But Cook also wants to know what negative effects the grace has. After all, Barry is too weird and there is no record at all. Cook doesn't know how Barry knows so many things.

"What is the negative effect of the grace?" Cook asked.

"This doesn't have much negative effect, just like the benefit you got from Cook last time, how could Barry deceive you." Barry said with some dissatisfaction.

Cook sneered at Barry's words, and said angrily: "Last time, I was fooled by you last time. The Demon Race has never become a god, and there is no one at all. Without you, that guy can't be promoted to the **** level. , I was fooled by you at that time, but I didn’t think of it, and I was taken advantage of by you in vain.”

Speaking of what happened last time, Cook was a little depressed. After all, it was impossible for the demons to condense the godhead. Cook didn't remember it at the time. So now that Barry said that Cook was angry in his heart, no one was fooled. My heart is also uncomfortable.

When Barry heard Cook say this, he knew that the flicker would not pass, so he said: "Divine grace has great benefits, but its negative effects are also great. Divine grace is a high-level god-level powerhouse who treats himself Energy is used to forcibly transform the body of others. After forcibly transforming the body, the fit with one's soul will be reduced. There is no problem in normal times, but once it becomes an enemy of a high-level god-level powerhouse who releases divine grace At that time, then there will be a small conflict between the soul and the body, because part of the energy in your body is from high-level gods."

"Damn it, this is a pit." Cook didn't expect God's grace to have such extremely serious side effects.

"Besides, people who accept God's grace have the energy of higher-order gods in their bodies, so they will subconsciously think that what the higher-order gods say and do are all right, and the more times they receive the gift, then The consequences will be more serious. Novels/[Almost all books you want to read, they are more stable than normal stations, and updated faster, full text without ads.]" Barry continued.

Cook's face is very ugly. In his view, this is the Light Protoss calculating itself, but Cook can't figure out why the Bright Protoss calculates itself, is it good for the Light Protoss.

Thinking of the word benefit, Cook immediately understood that he calculated his benefits for the Guangming Protoss to be very great, after all, his influence was there.

"Damn it." Cook gritted his teeth angrily. Cook is not afraid of the Bright Protoss calculating himself, but he is extremely angry when calculating his own family. Although the relationship between Cook and his family is not so close, after all It's not a family member.

"In the end, when accepting the divine grace falls, all the energy of the accepting divine grace, including the soul, will be fully accepted by the releasing divine grace." Barry continued.

Cook heard this result, and then asked: "If the person who accepts the grace of God does not fall."

"This is impossible. After all, the high-level powerhouses who release the grace have much more energy than those who receive the grace. These energies will continue to assimilate and accept the power of the benefactor. In the end, even those who accept the grace will not die. , Then the person who releases the grace of God only needs to move his mental power, hehe, he will die if he doesn't die." Barry smiled.

Cook was completely stunned. What is the difference between this Nima and farming? The difference is that what is harvested from farming is food, but the lives are harvested here.

"Then what do you mean by saying that you can get rid of negative influences?" Cook asked.

"Of course I absorb some of the things that are not conducive to you. I am not afraid that some people's energy will assimilate me. If some people really want to assimilate me, I would be eager." Barry's tone was very wretched, Cook Yi Hearing it knows that if some people really want to calculate themselves, the consequences will be worrying. Others may be afraid of the Lord God or something, but there is only good things in the mind of Barry, Lord God, Lord God is a fart.

"Could it be that you can calculate the Lord God the other way around." Cook asked in surprise.

"Does the main **** have a godhead?" Barry asked.

"Of course." Cook replied.

"Then it will end. As long as there is a godhead, they are afraid of the fire. I will temper this guy once and twice, hehe." Barry smiled and made Cook feel infiltrating.

"Second tempering, do you have such a way for all godheads?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"No, the godhead’s self-protection is very powerful, but if some guys want to calculate you, then those guys’ godheads will open their doors to absorb your energy, and then I will directly enter the godheads of some guys. It is very strong from the outside to the inside, and it can be said that it can hardly be destroyed, but if it is from the inside to the outside, it will be easy to destroy. Otherwise, why does the **** explode all of a sudden when it explodes? As for the second quenching Lian, hehe, if it is the second tempering of oneself, the benefits will be great, but if you want to force the second tempering, you may lose your soul in the end." Barry explained the answer.

"Well, let my family accept the grace of God. After all, there are three in my family, so certain forces must send out three main gods." Cook measured it and said.

Barry didn't expect Cook to be so dark-hearted. He just wanted to engage in a master god, but this guy Cook wanted to engage in three master gods. Barry uttered two words to Cook: "You can do it."

After Cook discussed with Barry for a while, Cook secretly figured it out. On the surface, this time is a transaction, so he must squeeze and squeeze the Light Protoss, and from the extent of the squeeze, I also know that the things of the Star Realm are for the Light Protoss. How important is it? As for what Cook would do when he got the things, hey, of course he had it for himself. Could it be that Cook would return things to the Guangming Protoss stupidly.

Not long after, the archangel sat down opposite Cook with a smile. After the archangel was summoned by Cook, he was very excited. When Cook summoned himself, he must agree to himself. If the mission is completed this time, then The divine grace received is enough to make one's own status rise again, within the Guangming Protoss, the various levels are extremely strict.

"Your Excellency the Archangel, I thought about your suggestion, but I still have some questions." Cook showed a trace of worry.

When the archangel heard Cook say this, he was even more happy. What does this mean? This means some talks, and some talks mean progress. The greater the hope for the completion of the task.

"His Royal Highness, do you have any questions, just say it." The archangel almost patted his chest to ensure that there is no problem, but the archangel also knew that he could not be too stern, otherwise the human in front of him would not be a vegetarian.

Cook said worriedly: "I am a person who likes to take risks, so I have the situation like today, but you know, now that the plane of **** has just opened up, there are more demons hidden in the plane of hell."

"Don't worry about this. For you, the Demon Race is a race against the sky, but for the major temples, this is just a small trouble. Our Guangming Temple can take the lead in a major holy war." The archangel had already had some belly-ups, and when he heard Cook say this, he immediately spoke.

"This is just one aspect. Another aspect is what I said earlier. I still need your help. And now I only have your choice. This matter is more dangerous..." Cook continued, Cook said It's the King Kong Bursting Beast, this guy is simply a huge obstacle.

"Your Excellency Cook, please tell me something straight." The archangel looked at Cook hesitantly and said.

"Yes..." Cook said about the King Kong Bursting Beast.

The archangel also took a breath, King Kong burst beast, this Nima is a high-level star beast, and also a high-level star beast with a very hot temper, the archangel does not have this authority, so he thought about it and said, "I need to think about this matter. "

"This is necessary, but my biggest wish is to subdue this King Kong Burst Beast as a pet." Cook said with a smile immediately.

"It's impossible." The archangel immediately refused.

"That's a pity. If you have such a pet, you will get a lot of help in the astral world." Cook looked regretful, but Cook sneered in his heart. I think this is for your sake. do.

What does the archangel feel now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The egg hurts, yes, Cook’s tone is obviously a bit dissatisfied, but to subdue a high-level star beast, what kind of person is it to take action? This kind of thing is not his own. I can call the shots.

The archangel replied with a wry smile: "I need to think about it."

"That's good, that's good, but the dangers of the star realm are better than you, the Bright Protoss, know better than I, so if you solve my worries, I can go to the star realm, but I need intelligence, all information about the star realm. , The more information, I will have more assurance." Cook this is a condition.

"I'm thinking about it." The archangel replied with a wry smile. Then the archangel saw that Cook had nothing to say, so he got up and left.

Cook smiled and sent the archangel away, but Cook whispered: "If only I can accept the grace of God, I can directly possess the power of the lower god."

When the archangel heard Cook’s words, he speeded up his pace and left, cursing in his heart: "greedy human beings." The book comes from, and the original content is the first time to read!

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