A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 1382: Contradictions appear

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Saduli and the others were already ready, and said, "Sir, is the transport ship coming?"

"No, I just take it home by myself." Cook said with a wave.

Saduli and others looked dumbfounded and took Cook to the warehouse near the airport. The elevators in the airport were not damaged. Various metal materials were packed in boxes, similar to containers.

The transportation capacity in the sky is very strong, because there is no gravity, the heavier the cargo, the greater the inertia in the universe, of course, this also requires a stronger transport spacecraft.

Because this involves the twisting force that the spacecraft endures when it changes orbit, when it arrives at the cargo yard, Cook glances over it. There are tens of thousands of boxes, and Saduli and Cook got off the small aircraft operating inside the planet.

"Sir, they are all here. This is the list." Saduli said.

Cook gave a hum, and then Cook flew into the air, and then Saduli saw things that he would never forget. In the area where Cook flew, the rows of boxes continued to disappear, disappearing out of thin air.

In less than five minutes, the huge cargo yard was empty. Cook flew up to Saduli and the others and said, "I'm leaving now."

As soon as Cook finished speaking, he saw Cook’s little silver spaceship descend, and Cook got on the little silver spacecraft and immediately lifted off.

"I, am I right?" Wolfman was shocked, and Saduli and others were also very surprised.

Saduli personally ran to the place where the materials were piled up and found that there was really nothing in this place, so he believed what was just now.

Cook returned to Prince Desai and gave the list of materials to the construct wizard under him, and Cook returned to the Primordial Plane to bring the components made there.

Then Cook made the control core of the battleship with peace of mind.

The control core of the battleship needs to construct the strength of the wizard itself. Although Cook’s mental power is far from other ninth-tier wizards, it is still very inadequate, but Cook’s use of spiritual power is higher than any other wizard. .

Divine consciousness and spiritual power can be said to be completely two concepts. Although the two are essentially the same, the application of divine consciousness is many times stronger than spiritual power.

So Cook can refine the control core of the battleship, which can be refined by the highest-level construction wizard.

When Cook concentrated on refining the power control core of the battleship here, the entire Wizarding Alliance was miserable.

The army formed by the Wizarding Alliance attacked the Kabbah star field, and the Matar star field was very smooth, but when it attacked the star field controlled by the Pharmacy Association, it was hit by hundreds of battleships.

"Spirits, there are spies." The member of the Wizarding Alliance said with a face, and the fleet of the Assault Pharmacy Association had just passed through the hidden space node and was bewildered by a series of attacks.

Hundreds of warships are arranged behind the space node, which is deadly for warships that have just passed through the space wormhole without energy defense.

Two hundred warships just plunged into the trap of others.

Because the space wormholes pass through one by one, they all accelerate at a long distance, then extinguish the energy system, and rush through the space wormhole by inertia.

Of course, even if you have bad luck, the fleet commander of the Kabbah Star Territory has already reported the good news and has landed in combat, but with this good news, there will be no follow-ups. The Wizarding Alliance has dispatched twice and there is nothing. Message, the situation is so serious that it is hard to imagine.

On the other hand, the Aqua Star Territory was also isolated from the news, and then one of the representatives of Aqua Star, the Blue Card Wizard, announced the independence of Aqua Star Territory, and joined the Kaba Star Territory to form a new wizard alliance.

This is tantamount to giving a blow to the Wizarding League, why the many congressmen who fought did not react for a while.

"My suggestion is to screen it again." Many of the congressmen stopped talking, a middle-aged man in a white robe, holding a light system wizard book in his hand, and it was as high as level nine.

"Check, battleship mobilization, not to mention anything else, the ground can be seen clearly, now the most important thing is defense, and the manufacturing of warships. I don’t understand what the battleship research institute does. I don’t believe in Carbastar. The tatters of the domain can resist our elite fleet, and the local troops are actually stronger than the special warfare fleet. There is something tricky in it, I suggest a thorough investigation." Another member of the Diet said.

The faces of the members in military uniforms mentioned by this congressman were even more ugly, but some congressmen immediately stood up: "Why, you are not satisfied with our Institute of Construction?"

"I'm just not satisfied, what's up, you look at this information, look, Kaba Star Territory, the Pharmacy Association has hundreds of warships, where did these hundreds of warships come from? You **** bastards, take our association The resources of Smuggling the warships, you **** don't tell me, the Kabbah Star Territory and the Wizarding Association can build hundreds of warships by themselves, so you **** will have the face to say that they are not satisfied with you?” An elderly wizard Zi took out a piece of information and cursed.

"There are more than 500 warships in the Pharmacy Association. There are also warships of unknown origin in the Kabbah Star Territory?" Others picked up the intelligence one after another. You can see that the projected photo was recorded on the ground, but you can clearly see the sky above the airport. The battleships are so obvious under the light.

"Nonsense, how could we give them the battleship?" the construct wizard immediately retorted.

"What about this, who gave the main battleships in several pirate organizations?" the old man immediately said again.

At this time, all the members looked at the person in charge of the Constructed Academy. The Constructed Academy is actually an organization of Constructed Wizards. This organization has the largest proportion of funds invested by the Wizarding Alliance each year. Now there are more independent star regions. The warship that came out was suspected by others to be smuggled by this research institute.

Of course, everyone doesn't believe this is the truth in their hearts. Hundreds of warships are so easy to smuggle there, but in the Wizarding League, everyone values ​​their own interests.

If you can take the opportunity to launch a trouble, no one will miss it, and the Construction Research Institute has been eating alone for many years. Now the situation has been eroded. Who doesn't want to take this opportunity to gain more rights and interests?

"You are slander, don't forget, the alliance also wants us to construct warships. This is our new application budget. At least one thousand warships are to be built now." The head of the Institute of Construction said. Said.

"No." The Speaker of the Alliance Assembly said.

"Speaker, without warships, how can we take back the Star Territory?" the head of the Construction Institute asked in astonishment.

"We don’t have time. At this meeting, we will discuss the star field defense plan. It will take too long for a thousand warships. It will take at least a hundred years. The first batch will take at least 20 years. This does not suit us. In the current situation, I propose to disperse the staff of the Construction Institute and distribute them to various star regions to build a large number of star systems." The speaker of the Wizarding Alliance said.

"I agree."

"I also agree. We don't have time now. In case the Kaba Star Territory and the Pharmacy Association attack, our current battleship will even be a problem for defense. Now we must defend first." Other congressmen agreed with this opinion.

"President, are you going to dismantle our research institute?" The person in charge of the research institute heard this and said loudly.

"It's not dismantling, it's you assigning and completing the task yourself. When the situation stabilizes, the battleship will still be built." The speaker shook his head and said.

"No, I firmly disagree to dismantle our Constructed Research Institute. You say that you will destroy our Constructed Research Institute." The person in charge said.

Others had expected it a long time ago, and the old man who had just spoken sneered and said, "Romank, you can't do it if you say it's no good. You didn't implement what everyone agreed with?"

"It's not that I don't implement it, but that you have many ways to deal with Carbachol and even the Pharmacy Association. Old Angkalu, you can always perform some tasks on your hands." Romank is responsible for the Construction Institute. Man, when he heard this, he said.

"The Kaba Star Territory and the Pharmacy Association are both parliamentary systems. Who do you let my people kill? If I have the ability to uproot the Kaba Star Council, I don’t need to come to the meeting at all. It’s been implemented long ago, but now the whole The Kappa Star Territory is tightly sealed, not to mention that the order cannot be issued, even if it is issued, the execution is a big problem." Ankalu himself did not want to explain, but as the head of the intelligence agency, others asked him not to explain it. , It is inevitable to give others the suspicion of not being dedicated. Although Romanc was very dissatisfied, the old Ankalu did not want to leave others behind.

"Well, Romank, just follow our resolution." The speaker said. ’

Romank took a deep breath, looked at other members of the Council, and said: "You are forcing us. Our Institute of Construction has been established for so many years, and we have worked hard to build warships for everyone, but now, it is actually doing this to us, we If you are not convinced, whoever wants to build a star field defense system by yourself, build it yourself, I won't go anyway."

Romank left this sentence and left. The other congressmen seemed serious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but what was going on in everyone’s mind is unknown, but it is foreseeable that with the Wizarding League With the further deterioration of the situation, internal contradictions will become more and more obvious.

"Ankaru, don’t you have warships for sale from intelligence, see if we can buy a batch of warships?" The speaker of the Wizarding Alliance council was the most humiliating one, and the speaker asked

"Your Excellency, their battleship transaction requires a minimum of 100 battleships." Ankalu said.

"Speaker, what are you talking about, what are you selling warships?" When other members heard this, they immediately asked.

In fact, why these congressmen don’t understand that the Wizarding Alliance has been established for so many years, and there are many channels of intelligence information. Prince Desai sells warships secretly, but the warship is too big to hide, plus Prince Desai no matter what it is. Everyone sells battleships, so the entire wizarding world knows that someone sells battleships.

"Ankalu knows that there are major battleships for sale on the black market, and the price is only one-fifth of the price we made here." The speaker looked at the flying vehicle that Romank was riding and said lightly.

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