A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Encounter Star Beast

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Cook's answer left Jin Guangyan dumbfounded, and Jin Guangyan replied in an angry tone: "I'm considered to be overcast by you. If I knew this, I won't follow you!"

"Yin?" Cook grabbed Jin Guangyan's ear, then twisted it one hundred and eighty degrees, asking angrily.

"Let go, I am a beast, I am crazy even I am afraid. 17aa If you have read this chapter, please go to Biquge (WW.BIQE.A) to read the latest chapter, or search directly on Baidu "Pen. Fun. Court" or "WWW.BQGE.LA", please remember our new website pen-Fun-Ge p://WW.BQGE.La" Jin Guangzhen tried to break free of Cook's hand, but Ku What a pervert is the power of Ke, Cook can now easily perform a six-fold stacking frenzy. For Jin Guangjian, this is suppression. Jin Guangyan struggles and then threatens Cook.

"You are afraid of yourself, but I am not afraid. You go crazy and try it. You are ashamed to say that you are going to come with a cheeky, look at your fat." {Pig}Pig Island{little} Said 3.ao Cook pinched Jin Guangyan's chubby face and said.

"Hmph, fortunately you let go, otherwise I will definitely go crazy. I tell you, Jin Guangyan also has dignity. You insulted me just now, and I need a mental loss fee." Jin Guangyan shouted after Cook let go Roared.

"Crazy, or I'm crazy, you come and try?" Cook replied without looking at Jin Guangyan.

Jin Guangyan heard Cook's answer, looked at Cook warily, and said: "Cut, you are crazy, but I am going to sleep."

Jin Guangyan went to sleep on the black ball beast behind him, and whispered: "I know bullying minors, huh, when I grow up later..."

Cook laughed at Jin Guangyan’s children’s actions without saying a word. Cook looked at some of the information on the astral world. To be honest, Cook’s heart was a little heavy. The astral world, as the name suggests, is the world of star beasts, but the astral world occupies The absolute majority are star beasts, but in the star realm, star beasts are definitely not the only existence.

Just like the inferior planes are called the human world, although the number of humans is the largest, the strength of humans in the human world is not top, and the same is true in the star realm. In the star realm, in addition to star beasts, there are some others. Race, these races are not weaker than the star beasts, or they use the star beasts as food.

Among them, the most are the star giants. The star giants are a race similar to giants. They are generally three to five hundred meters high, and taller than the size of a planet. The star giants are one of the most hostile races to humans in the star realm. As long as you see humans, you are determined to hunt down, and Cook's goal this time, the lost things of the Light Protoss has a high chance of being with the Star Giants. As for the specific places, the Lights Protoss does not know.

The star giant is one aspect. In the star realm, there is also the largest population, the insect swarm. The insects there are very large, even the smallest one about one meter, while the large insects are almost hundreds of meters in size. In the star realm, most living things can move in the starry sky, which is also the main reason why gods suffer in the star realm.

Insect swarms, star beasts, and star giants are the three major races in the star realm. In addition, there are blue blood elves, which resemble elves, but the blood is blue, cruel by nature, and various metal components. The creatures, these creatures are born because of the extremely high concentration of elements in the star realm. They are born that resemble elemental creatures, but they are not elemental creatures. They are a combination of elements and various substances. They are tens of meters high and are almost invincible in close combat. Giants, invincible diamond spiders, meteorite parrots, and other creatures, so don’t be surprised if you see anything in the astral world.

If this is a visible danger, then there are still invisible ones. The composition of the star realm is extremely complicated. Once there was a **** who was bitten by a thumb-sized fleshy bug. The whole body of this **** kept going. The decayed, even the powerful self-healing ability of the gods did not have any effect at all, and finally the godhead was eaten by this little bug bite by bite.

"It seems that the star realm is a mixed world of carbon-based organisms and silicon-based organisms." When Cook saw this, he understood a lot in his heart. The situation in the star realm is very complicated, but there is still no information on the astral realm, because even the gods People at dared not go deep into the star realm, and Cook's goal this time was in the depths of the star realm.

I don’t know how much time, Cook finished reading the information about the star realm. The scenery in the starry sky gradually changed. The familiar starry sky gradually became an unfamiliar starfield. The huge planets appeared, disappeared, and then continued. New emergence.

"It's been half a year. I don't know when this Nima will move." Cook looked at the surrounding starfields. Cook has been constantly improving the level of the Mageweave Master in the past six months, and it is rare for Cook to stop. Come down to improve your strength, although for others, for half a year, perhaps one or two magic lines are very familiar.

Cook's progress is very fast. Cook can now draw five magic patterns at the same time, with one heart and five uses, and Cook can also directly outline a single magic pattern to attack, which can almost reach the instant state. Now Cook builds A magic pattern, the time required is only three to five seconds.

"Hey!" Cook sketched a magic pattern casually, and a beam of light shot into the depths of the starry sky. As for when the beam of light hit the target, Cook didn't know.

The magic pattern level is very boring, and Cook does not intend to continue, and the magic pattern master's level is not raised all at once, it requires a long-term accumulation.

Cook thought about what he had on his body. Thunder Ya was one of the things that could be used in the astral realm. There was also the magic column. Thunder Cook was already familiar with it. Now Cook is going to study some magic sealing columns. , Every time Cook uses the beast soul to transform, it is random, and Cook himself can't be the master at all.

Without waiting for Cook's reaction, the black ball beast that Cook was riding in suddenly reacted. The black ball beasts that were connected end to end suddenly dispersed. Fortunately, here is the starry sky. Cook just feels that the sky is spinning and there is no major problem. .

"Damn!" Like a roller coaster, the field of vision in front of Cook's eyes kept shaking, and Cook didn't realize what the black ball beast was doing.

The black ball beast was still ejecting at a high speed. Cook watched the black ball beast constantly hitting, and Cook decisively activated the sixfold superimposed frenzy, and then tightly grasped the black ball beast's body.

"Boom!" Cook's body came into close contact with another black ball beast. Cook could hear a bang from his back, and Cook secretly thanked him for madness.

"Star beast!" Finally Cook saw the star beast after a while. The look of the star beast was very weird. The two ends were round and the middle was round, like two spheres fixed on a tube. Similarly, the exact size of Cook is still unclear.

Just when Cook was stunned, the strange star beast half-ball on the opposite side ejected a huge flame, and the flame swept toward the black ball beast, and the flame was black.

However, the black ball beasts are the black ball beasts, and the black ball beasts have no trace to follow, so these black flames fell through. Cook originally thought these black ball beasts would escape at high speed, but he knew that these black ball beasts After using each to collide with each other to make some of them generate a higher speed, these black ball beasts rushed towards the strange star beast, looking like countless jumping ping-pong **** from a distance.

"Damn it!" Cook felt the tremendous speed, and the black ball beast under Cook's body acted as the first wave of attacks. The black ball beast's own body was a powerful weapon. As he got closer and closer, Cook found this strange The star beast is thousands of meters long, which is a huge monster compared to the black ball beast.

"Boom!" What can Cook do? I can only say that he grasped the black ball beast tightly, and then waited for the impact. At the moment of the impact, Cook almost fainted. Cook felt that if he had more power, His neck must be twisted.

"Damn!" But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that Cook found that he had escaped from the black ball beast after the impact, and then after Cook flew up, he slammed into the other half of the star beast again. Ball-like body.

"Boom!" After Cook hit, he bounced back at a high speed again, and Cook was depressed. The way of fighting in the starry sky was really different from that on the ground.

"Beast soul!" Cook decisively activated the beast soul transformation, otherwise, Cook would shoot directly into the depths of the starry sky at high speed.

"Boom." After Cook turned into shape, before he had time to see what he transformed into, Cook subconsciously waved his hand and grabbed the star beast's body with a paw, because if Cook didn't catch it, Will lose the opportunity.

"Boom." Cook caught, but the power of Cook's body caused Cook's body to traverse an arc and hit the star beast's body again.

"Sizzling." A black flame shot out from around Cook's body. Cook's body made a sizzling sound. Cook directly hit the place where the star beast breathed the fire so immortally. Let's just say it's the mouth.

"Damn it, this flame is very poisonous, and it's magical." Cook has a feeling of suffocation. Cook knows it badly. The toxins in this black flame are very strong. If Cook doesn't change his body, it will only Fear of being contaminated is a dead word.

"Thunderbolt!" Cook can't see it either, but what Cook has, there are Thunder teeth. Now Cook has six times the superimposed madness, plus the powerful energy that Cook has after practicing, so Thunder teeth are directly summoned by Cook , Because Thunder Fang has been tempered with mental power by Cook, and there is a soul imprint in it, Cook now controls Thunder Fang, just like controlling a flying sword. Of course, Cook now uses Thunder Fang’s strongest one. hit.

"Boom boom boom!" A purple power grid burst out from the black flame, and then this purple power grid raged on the body of this strange star beast.

"Zizzi, zizzi." Cook is not feeling well now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a series of thunder and lightning make Cook paralyzed and want to pee.

"I rely on it, be careless, the lightning in the starry sky cannot be led away." Cook felt the electric current. Although it would not hurt himself, the strong feeling of being shocked made Cook very uncomfortable.

"Roar!" Before Cook had any action, he felt a strong attack. Then Cook's eyes went dark, and then Cook heard a huge roar.

ps: Does anyone think that the final chapter is the final chapter? Haha, there is a sequel. Even if this volume is really completed, the book hunter rushes. Some people think that the book is still 1.5 million words. I once suggested to the **** Ryan, but seeing that there are hundreds of fans, Ryan is responsible for hundreds of fans. No matter what the ending, there must be an explanation. Thank you fans for your continued support. Ryan is here to thank you Now, I wish everyone what you want to come true. Ryan generally doesn’t read comments. Even the fan list only sees an occasional increase in the background, but someone gave so many flowers, Ryan is very moved, but not capable. Limited, Ryan is not a full-time author. When he is inspired, he is fine with 10,000 words a day, but Ryan is very tired after a day of work. Sometimes he almost doesn’t want to write, but when he thinks that fans may still be waiting, Ryan rushes A cup of coffee, keep it constantly updated.

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