A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Was eaten

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Cook has not had time to find out what is going on. [A lot of beautiful novels] Pain. Very painful. The whole body's skin is like being directly burned by fire. Cook was shocked. You must know that Cook is now six times stacking frenzied. The strength of the body can be said to be comparable to the gods. This kind of physical strength will actually be hurt.

Haven't waited for Cook to react. Cook's eyes lit up. A huge sea of ​​fire. There is a cave-like space thousands of meters wide. Flames burned all around the space. The flame appears black. But this black is a visible black flame.

"Oops. It's in the body of the star beast." Seeing this scene. Cook knew where he was.

"Boom." The whole space seemed to feel the existence of Cook. The entire space sprayed huge black flames. Cook's body was instantly wrapped in black flames...

"Roar." Cook roared angrily. The whole body was suddenly strong. The body rushed towards the body of the star beast like a giant missile.

But what surprised Cook was that. He didn't move a bit. Yes. Cook thinks he is dreaming. Know the energy that Cook just exploded. Don't say too much. It is easy to destroy a mountain. So according to reason. Cook should get exercise.

"Roar." Cook suppressed the burning sensation around his body. Watching the magic pattern equipment on the surface of the body was slowly dissolving. Cook can't think much. Roared.

"Your mother." Cook felt a little frightened. why. Because Cook released more energy this time. But Cook did not move at all...what did it feel for Cook. That is to be released from the fixation technique. Cook looked around. There should be no immortals here. And it seems that there is no such magic as the fixation technique in magic.

"Come out." Regardless of three seven twenty one. Cook roared loudly.

"I saw you. Come out. Don't think I don't know." Nothing happened. Cook murmured in his heart. Then shouted loudly again.

It's another while. The magic weave equipment on Cook's body has completely melted. Although the magic pattern equipment is refined from various materials. But if you want to melt the magicweave equipment. You have to pass the energy level in the magic pattern equipment itself. So it is almost impossible for the magicweave equipment to melt. And the magic pattern equipment has magic patterns that absorb attack energy. There are also defensive magic lines. But the impossible happened.

"It's weird. There really is no one." Cook muttered softly. Then Cook waved his hand to release a magic.

"Oh." The momentary scene made Cook's mouth open wide. Cook's magic has just been shot. [Read the latest chapter of this book, please search for 800] disappeared. Do not. To be precise, it was burned clean by the black flame. No trace was left.

"Nima." Cook released a magic again. Cook's magical energy is strong enough now. Now Cook can also deal with a demigod by magic. Cook's second release of magic is basically an all-out effort. But this is the magic. In front of the black flame. It has no effect at all. Instead, it makes the black flames stronger.

"Could it be that today is my end." Seeing this scene. Cook's heart fell instantly into the abyss. Enveloped by this flame. Cannot move. The energy released was swallowed by the black flame. What is the ending. Cook can expect it.

"Or seven times the madness." Cook had a thought in his heart. But this is just an idea. Because it is superimposed frenzy. So the difference between six times and seven times is tens of thousands of times.

"Barry. Barry." Cook thought of a guy suddenly. Shouted loudly in his heart.

But what makes Cook strange is. Barry did not respond. But Barry didn't respond. Cook was in a slightly better mood. This shows that there is no serious threat.

What Cook didn't know was. The most famous star beast I encountered was Devour. No matter what can be swallowed in. This star beast is called the devouring beast. The Devouring Beast is actually a low-level star beast strictly speaking. Because this star beast is most famous for its black flame. But this black flame has a short attack range. And the swallowing beast moves slowly. Therefore, other star beasts can easily deal with devouring beasts. Cook didn't know. To fight melee with the star beast. Star beasts have very few melee combat. All are remote attacks.

pain. The black flame attached to Cook's body. Constantly burning Cook's body. The energy in Cook's body is like the fuel of this flame. However, Cook's powerful self-healing ability also allowed the skin that was instantly burned to grow again.

"Damn it. I won't be able to hold on like this for long." I felt the energy in my body was quickly consuming. Cook was anxious. But Cook has nothing to do... The body itself cannot move at all.

"Guck." But fortunately, Cook still has medicine. Healing agents. A variety of other elemental immune agents. Because Cook is not sure that this black flame is of fire type.

After the various elemental immunity potions were poured down by Cook. Cook suffered a lot less damage. But the black flame seems to be able to extract energy. The energy in Cook's body is still consuming quickly. skin. A hole in the front of the muscle was just burned by the black flame. next moment. The powerful self-healing ability restores the damaged place again.

"Damn it. Paralysis potion." Cook was tortured by the intense pain. Cook poured the paralysis potion.

"A hundred poisons don't invade." But the poison has no effect at all. Cook realized that his physical strength was too high. This poison has no effect on himself. Cook smiled bitterly. I can't even numb myself.

When Cook was in a hurry. Jin Guangyan also saw that Cook was swallowed by the star beast. Jin Guangyan was taken aback. Although Jin Guangyan wanted to hurt Cook very much. But what made Jin Guangzhen helpless was. In this starry sky. Jin Guangyan has no basis for survival. Those black beasts recognize Cook. And the good things in Cook's natural ring.

"Damn it. You idiot. Bastard. Uncle, I'm going into crazy mode." Jin Guangxian took a deep breath. Then the whole body swelled immediately. Of course, this inhalation is purely redundant. It just looks good. According to Cook. This is forcing.

"Look at my Poison Dragon Diamond." Jin Guangyan's body swelled to more than a hundred meters in size. Jin Guangyan changed his past meaty appearance. Become very mighty. Majestic. Jin Guangyan opened his mouth... a group of golden light inside his mouth kept spinning. Then it forms a cone shape.

Accompanied by the roar of Jin Guangyan. The golden cone shot at the devouring beast.

The golden cone easily penetrated the body of the Devouring Beast. Jin Guangyan saw this scene. The nose was crooked: "Damn it. Can't you be tougher."

Jin Guangyan used up most of his power just now. In order to give this devouring beast a fatal blow. It's like seeing the enemy's armored defenses extremely strong. So I used armor-piercing bullets. But I don't know that Nima is basically a layer of paper defense. So the armor-piercing bullet left a hole in the armor. As for armor-piercing bullets. Of course, it continued to fly.

After the devouring beast was hit by the golden light. It sprayed a black flame at Jin Guangyan. The distance the black flame flies in the starry sky is very far. And it's a big piece. The area is very large. Jin Guangyan flew away immediately.

It was the Black Ball Beast that caused huge damage to the Devouring Beast. The black ball beasts use constant collisions with each other. The force of the collision is continuously transmitted to some of the black ball beasts. A black ball beast directly pierced the body of the devouring beast. The devouring beast roared again and again. Jets of black flames. It sprayed out in all directions. ‘

The black ball beast saw this scene. Dodge one after another. After waiting for the black flame to pull away. These black ball beasts attacked again. The Devouring Beast ejected black flames again. The black ball beast avoided again.

"Ah..." The pain is deep into the bone. at this moment. Cook just died. But now Cook can't make up his mind to commit suicide. The black flame is getting stronger and stronger. Cook suffered more damage. But Cook's own powerful self-healing ability made Cook continue to suffer.

"It's so terrible." Barry's voice passed.

"Barry. Quick. Quickly. Find a way to solve these flames." Cook heard Barry's voice. Said quickly.

"No way. Who let you enter another organism?" Barry replied lightly.

"No. I'll kill myself if this continues. It hurts too much." Cook threatened immediately.

Barry replied irritably: "Die. You are dead. Look at your son. Does your wife become someone else's son? Wife. And your wealth. It's all other people's."

"Go to hell." Cook heard Barry say that. Immediately roared.

"Don't worry. You still have a life-saving thing. There is this thing. It's here that you were burned by this black flame for a thousand years. You still won't die." Barry felt Cook's anger. So said comfortingly.

Cook heard Barry's words. Thought it over. Then he said: "It's a natural ring."

"Of course. Cook. Actually this is also your chance. Don't say being burned by this black flame for a thousand years. It is burning for a hundred years. You are afraid that you will be invincible in the God Realm." Barry replied affirmatively.

"I also know that this is helpful for my physical strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but this method of improvement is too cruel for me." Cook also thought of this. But don't say that kind of pain is a hundred years. Just one more second. Cook is unwilling to bear it.

"Then I can't help it. You should exercise first. Anyway, there is no danger. Remember. Your wife. Child. There is also a huge amount of wealth. Don't make others cheaper." .

Cook was speechless. Cook finally knew why Barry spoke. This guy must be afraid that he can't think about it. Make some unwise actions in despair. Cook thought of what Barry said. Shut your mouth tightly. No longer shouting. Yes. Wife. If the child is someone else’s wife. child. Cook couldn't figure it out. Not to mention the huge wealth that Cook has accumulated. If he died. I don't know how much it will be cheaper. Cook has his teeth. The energy in the body drops sharply. Cook was unmoved. Cook is waiting. Wait for the movement of the natural ring. to be frank. Cook, the Ring of Nature, couldn't figure it out.

ps: Haha. It's just like Ryan. I have used computers for more than ten years. But I don’t know much about computers at all. Of course remove it. Then assemble it. It can still be done. As for it is broken. Haha. That's someone else's business.

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