A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Refined medicine pills

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"Okay, what do you want. Hot" Cook understood. These guys are all courteous and steal when they do.

"You kid has money. We want to exchange pills of Rank 6 and above with you. Of course, the price is easy to negotiate. It is not a day or two for us to become sages. We still have some good things in our hands." Sada looked at Cook and exclaimed with great care.

"But this has to wait until I become a sage." Cook doesn't really care who the pills are given. What is Cook's purpose in coming to the star realm, that is to understand the star realm, and then take back some belonging to the **** realm by the way Of course, if you can gain a foothold in the star realm, that would be ideal.

"Locke, give you an idea. You will continue to conduct the sage assessment tomorrow." Sada saw that Cook had no objection, and several people looked at each other and said.

"And then." Cook wanted to ask why, but Cook knew there must be a reason.

"After the assessment fails, you will change your identity information. We will prepare this for you, and then you will perform the assessment." Sada continued.

"Is it just for the merchant to prove it?" Cook thought of a little and asked.

Sada smiled and said: "Of course, it doesn’t matter if you are a businessman at a low level. At a high level, for example, if you see something, then others will open the price, but you’re a businessman. If you buy it, others will not necessarily sell it to you, but if you sell it to you, the price will increase because merchants like speculation, and others will think that you will speculate when you buy this item."

"Wonderful flower." Cook did not expect this possibility. Cook must be sure that the people in this star realm would do this, because this is a wonderful society, and sages are also a wonderful profession, and there are sages. This is also a wonderful manual. Of course, the people in the astral world are also wonderful. This Nima has a body that is thousands of meters high. It is not a wonderful thing.

But Cook felt uneasy and continued to ask: "So what kind of identification is it?"

"Of course it is the identity certificate of your tribe. We only need to get a certificate from a few tribes, and then take it to the city hall to rank. Not only will you inherit the tribe’s territory, of course, the territory and so on are secondary. The key is proof of identity." Saada explained with a smile.

"All right, but the hall of the sage allows the second assessment." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Haha, others won't, but you will definitely, you will refine the sixth-rank pill. Now I am afraid that many people will know about it, so if the Sage Association does not allow you to be assessed, then more people will come. People who woo you, such as the city hall. Read the full text of the latest chapter," Sadah said with a smile.

"Well, I agree, but you have to give the medicine first, and then I give the pill." Cook nodded and agreed.

"Bingguo." When several sages heard Cook say so, they were immediately excited.

"What are you doing? I haven't drank it yet." Cook was pulled up by a few sages and left.

"I've seen everything, and I'm still thinking about it. It's all about points." It's okay to know that Cook didn't say it. Whenever he said that Konstantin's face was painful, and he said with no anger.

Cook was dragged by a group of people, there is really no way, this group of people should be nearly half of Cook's height, and the power of the star giant, that is not an ordinary abnormality, let alone Cook is dragged by at least four hands. Cook's power is not enough to fight, unless Cook takes out Thunder Fang to kill.

"Look, this is your house. It is part of our transaction." Cook was taken to a small house next to the commercial plaza where the Sage Hall is located, but this house also has a shop floor with Two floors, it looks like there are about a hundred square meters on the first floor.

"Come in, come in, Locke, this is the reward we paid you in advance." Cook was dragged in.

"But I have a place..." Cook wanted to refuse.

"You mean the place arranged by the Sage Association, where there is safety here and there, and you are not afraid of being kidnapped, and then spend the rest of your life in a dark secret room." Fernando stared at Cook with wide eyes. , And then asked.

Cook was speechless, but Cook still pretended to be timid and asked: "No, that is the place arranged by the Sage Association."

"No, don't forget, you are not a sage now, and the sage association is not obliged to take care of you. If you are a sage, that is another way of saying it." Langmont San Carlo thinks you are wrong. appearance.

"There is a basement, a housekeeper, and a maid, and the place is very prosperous. There is absolutely no problem with safety." Sada looked at Cook's appearance and smiled in his heart. The house looks like the sage. That is worthless goods, and although the pills made by Cook are only first-class pills, but the quality reaches the sixth-class, they are also priceless, and the city halls of each city are absolutely willing. Purchase at a high price. After all, the city hall is the steward of the entire city, and the city also needs to be guarded, and it needs wise men to do tasks, and pills are indispensable.

Of course, the first-level pill is the first-level pill after all, and no matter how high it is, there is a limit.

"Look, this is the herb I prepared for you." Cook looked at the hill-like herb in the basement. Cook almost vomited blood. The guys like Nima are squeezing himself. Of course Cook doesn't think so. , If you think this way, you can’t get along with yourself. If you think so, after all, I still have the value of being squeezed.

After a long period of noisy noise, these Sadas and others left, and Cook sent them out to find that these guys actually lived next to him, the farthest one was only one hundred and fifty meters, and Sada was even more. neighbor.

"Master, what do you command?" A housekeeper opened the door and asked with a bow when he saw Cook came back.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with you. Is there anything wrong with you." Cook didn't know the name of the housekeeper, but Cook didn't plan to ask. Your housekeeper doesn't introduce himself, and he has to ask him.

"Master, this is the expense needed recently." The butler handed Cook a list and said.

"Puff." Cook looked at the long list of things that needed to be paid.

Water, fuel, and cleaning fees are even more weird and there are security fees. Cook asked in a puzzled way: "What is this security fee."

"After paying the security fee, the patrol team will patrol five times every night, and pay special attention to it, and will arrive within ten minutes after something happens. If there is no security fee, the patrol team will not pay attention. When you see certain things, you will ignore it," the butler explained.

"What about the laundry fee." Cook continued to ask.

"It's you, my master, and I, as well as a groom, two maids, and a cook's clothes. The laundry will collect dirty clothes every day." The butler continued to explain.

"Couldn't the maid do the laundry?" Cook asked angrily.

"The maid's professional code does not include washing clothes, and washing clothes needs to be specially hired." The butler's answer left Cook speechless.

"Well, what about the pet fee." Cook continued to ask.

"That is the owner and your pet, mainly for the nursing home. After all, it is much safer to have a pet at night." The butler explained again.

"That's okay." Cook was very depressed. The expenses amounted to more than a dozen, as well as greening fees, road maintenance fees, and horse-drawn carriage fees.

"This is the cost of a blue month, and the red moon after the blue month requires more expenses, because that time is the time to pay our salary." The butler reminded again.

"Then there are still a few days left in this blue moon." Cook asked wonderingly.

"Three days." The butler's answer left Cook speechless.

"That blue moon is a few days." Cook asked again.

The butler gave Cook a dumb look, but he still bowed and replied, "Ten days."

"Well, I'm going to work in the basement. You can watch the arrangements for the rest of the work." Cook waved his hand and decided to leave other matters to the housekeeper.

"Yes, my master." The butler bowed politely and watched Cook walk into the basement.

After Cook walked into the basement, he locked the door, and then Cook checked the surroundings, but even so, Cook still felt unsafe. Cook did not intend to transform back immediately. What Cook has to do is refine pill.

"Wow, wow, wow." Cook pushed something like a small metal crushing machine with his hand to grind various herbs into powder. These plants are too tough. Cook's mental power can be crushed, but it consumes too big.

What Cook configures is the therapeutic pill. The sales of this pill are very good. Of course, Sada and others also specify such a pill. It is very simple to configure such a pill.

That is crushing, then mixing, then kneading, and finally becoming a finished product.

However, the three seemingly easiest steps are actually not simple. The powder to be crushed first must be fine enough and uniform enough. Cook crushed five times. One of them was assisted by mental strength. The powder is also the best.

The second step is mixing, which is also very particular. If the mixing is not uniform, the efficacy of the pill will be different, and it may even lead to failure.

The last step is kneading, which is also very important. When kneading, not only the pill must be shaped, but also the powders of various medicines must be further mixed, and then a medicinal effect will occur between the various medicines~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It can be said that kneading is the most critical step for success.

"Yes, not bad." Cook watched that he had configured more than 500 pills. Among them, there were no one, two, three, and four pills. The fifth product accounted for 2o%, the sixth product accounted for 7o% and 8 % Is 7-Rank, and the remaining 2% is 8-Rank, but even so, Cook just feels okay. If he uses his mental power throughout, Cook can guarantee that more than 8o% are 7-Rank or higher.

The seventh product is of bronze quality. The whole pill appears cyan instead of the sixth product. When the fifth product is used, the pill also uses a drug coating to protect the pill. The eighth product is of silver quality. The silver-white thing is condensed after the reaction of the medicine. It is the same as the quality of bronze. Of course, there is another best way to identify the quality. It is to use a medicine. The pills are put into the medicine. White spots will appear immediately on the surface. This kind of spot is called moiré, one for the first product, two for the second product, and three for the third product.

At the same time, Sada and others gathered together. Sada gave Konstantin a thumbs up: "Awesome, you are amazing, you actually exchanged a worthless property for the sixth-grade pills." The book comes from, Look at the genuine content for the first time! [End of this chapter]

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