A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 15: something wrong

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After Cook resumed his transformation, he actually felt a little tired. Cook knew that this was a sequelae of madness. The madness was mainly to stimulate the body's potential. Ten hours, this is a big improvement for Cook. Full text reading of the latest chapters

"Guck." Cook took the water of life directly. The water of life could restore the potential of the body to be stimulated. Not only did he feel tired, but he was a little excited.

Cook's current physical strength, wanting to go further, it is extremely difficult, unless there is some kind of adventure, you must know that the legendary God of War is only five times superimposed berserk, and Cook is now seven times superimposed berserk. Although endurance is still a problem, it is already a big improvement, and this feeling of fatigue is actually the intensity of further exercise.

After taking the water of life, Cook obviously felt that strong vitality was pouring into his body. Cook did not intend to rest, and Cook had to prepare some necessary medicines for his maddened self.

But this time to prepare the potions, Cook needs a lot of potions. After all, after Cook's superposition of his mad transformation, the number of potions he needs has doubled by n times. Fortunately, Cook does not lack good potions.

By the way, the herbs in Cook's natural ring have been piled up into mountains, and Cook just used time to refine it, and then prepare it for emergency.

More than ten hours have passed. Cook has never been as tired as he is today. For more than ten hours, he has been refining pharmaceutical agents. A total of tens of thousands of bottles of pharmacy have been refined, and the mental energy consumed is a huge amount. After the tens of thousands of potions were replaced by Cook's body as a giant, he could use it two or three times.

"Hey." Seeing that the time was almost up, Cook quickly transformed into a giant.

"Master." Cook opened the door of the basement. Cook was originally worried that he would transform into another appearance. You must know that the Sealing Demon Column is not a form, but what makes Cook assured is that the Sealing Demon Column. It seems to be automatically selected, and transform into the right identity at the right time.

"The butler." Cook said hello when he saw the butler's polite appearance.

"Master, good morning, breakfast is ready." The butler said in a polite response to Cook.

"Okay." Cook led the butler to the restaurant.

There were several people in the restaurant, and Cook knew that besides the butler, they were the coachman, the cook, the maid, the doorman and the security guard. Popular

"Master, they are all here to listen to your instructions. If you have anything you need them to handle, just order them directly." The butler resolved the doubts in Cook's heart. Cook originally thought everyone was eating together, so you know this People are here to receive plans for a few days.

"There is nothing to do today, housekeeper, you send someone to invite Mr. Sada to come, and you can order the rest of the housekeepers." Cook waved his hand and said, Cook really didn't know what to do.

"I am happy to help you," the butler replied with a smile on his face.

"Master, good morning." When the rest of them heard Cook say so, they bent over and saluted.

"Good." Cook didn't know how to answer, so he nodded in response.

A maid and a housekeeper were left, and the rest of the people would do what they should do. The maid was smiling and looked very beautiful, but Cook knew it at a glance. The maid was afraid that she was not at work, and she gave it back to Cook. He winked, Cook was speechless, and the rabbit didn't eat the grass beside the nest.

After having breakfast, it was actually something like some kind of cake and a big cup of milk, but what surprised Cook was that after eating these things, Cook's body was warm. This proves that the energy contained in these foods Extremely high.

"Steward, I will prepare the best food for me in the future." Cook felt the energy contained in the food and immediately ordered, knowing that the energy contained in the food is also more, the better it is for the body. Cook is not like those immortals. The same does not eat, but as the body grows stronger, Cook needs to eat more.

Just like Cook eats ordinary food now, it has no effect at all. It cannot be used as water, because ordinary food can no longer guarantee Cook's consumption. Cook now needs to eat the flesh of sanctuary-level creatures so that Cook can support it. Physical needs.

"Yes, master." The butler watched as the maid and the cook finished packing and heard Cook's instructions. Although he was speechless, the butler agreed.

"Master, I want to remind you that for the maid, you can't use a strong one. Of course, I hope it doesn't matter if you love me. Otherwise, you will face a lot of loss, sir." The butler reminded kindly.

"What." Cook wondered.

"Accompanying the master to sleep is not in the provisions of the maid's professional code, so this is an extra job, and the maid can do it or not. Of course, if you negotiate a good salary, that's another way of saying it." The butler further explained Tao.

Cook is depressed. At this moment, the doorman appeared at the door, bowed and said, "Master, someone outside wants to see you."

"Who is it?" Cook asked wonderingly.

"It's the laundromat. It is said that he is urging the master to pay the laundry fee, and the cleaner who sweeps the floor also came to collect the fee." The guard said.

"Butler, is it the day to pay the fee?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Master, there is only a deadline for the payment of fees, and there is no time limit." The butler replied.

"Then why do these people come here?" Cook asked.

The butler tentatively asked: "Master, or I will solve it."

"No, take them into the yard." Cook directly ordered. Cook felt that there was a problem. After all, there was no time to pay the fee, so Cook probably had a guess about the purpose of these people.

"This is my master." The guard led seven or eight people in and introduced.

"Hello, sir." Cook is not a sage yet, so these people just said a normal greeting.

What Cook didn't know was that on the second floor of Sada next to him, through the window, Sada saw this scene and said with a smile: "Look, our kid is in trouble."

"Haha, this is not what you want." Fernando said with a smile behind Saada.

"Hehe, now the kids don't have much money, we can show up as good people by then." Langmont San Carlo also looked at the seven or eight people that Cook was facing through the window, and said with a smile.

Sada turned around and sat down, and then said worriedly: "Will someone else make trouble."

"Others, look at who we are here." Langmont San Carlo replied with a sneer.

And Cook faced the demands of seven or eight people, without exception, it was a demand for money. Cook looked at these people coldly and asked: "You are here to ask for money. Is it the deadline today."

"No, but it's not wrong for us to come early." The chubby figure, this person is from the city management department and collects house management fees. Yes, although the house belongs to Cook, the taxes that should be paid still need to be paid. , Being a sage in time is no exception.

"Municipal Administration Office, do you have any proof of identity? How do I know that you are not an impersonator." Cook said without raising his eyes.

"You, sir, these people all know me." The staff of the City Administration Office was so annoyed by Cook's words that they stared.

"But I don't know." Cook didn't seem to see the butler and the people around him nodding at all.

"Also, you guys, you say how much money is the amount. Are there any detailed accounts? I seriously suspect that there is a problem with your accounts. As the subject of the payment, do I have the right to check the accounts." Cook did not wait for the rest. People reflected and continued to speak coldly.

"How could our accounts be wrong." The toll collector of the laundry immediately called.

"Huh, I ask to look at the accounts and check with my housekeeper before I will pay. You businessmen are greedy in your bones. Who knows if there will be any tricks in it, if my housekeeper finds out , Then you just wait to be complained." Cook's words are very tough. Cook has done business. If you say there is no tricky, it is fake.

"Butler, accept their bills. If you find out that there is a problem at that time, you can directly file a complaint with the city hall. I think it's time to take care of these profiteers, and the people from the city hall, please come next time. Wearing the certificate, I heard that some people charge arbitrarily, and there are proofs for the charge." Cook waved his hand and said to the housekeeper directly, and then went into the house.

The housekeeper was stunned. This Nima is fine. The housekeeper’s years of experience tells the housekeeper that this owner is not easy. The housekeeper looked at seven or eight and said, "Give me the data on the expenses to be paid. We will check the accounts and pay later."

"Hmph, we're here in the afternoon, you're waiting." Several businessmen heard the butler say so, they were immediately timid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but their mouths were still very tough, but the movement of turning around was not slow at all.

"Hmph, I will bring the certificate. If you don't pay the management fee, you will wait." The municipal management staff snorted and left, because this is actually a personal behavior, and the municipal management is only due. The payment will only be dunning without paying the fee, so there is no proof at all.

"Butler, what do you think of this matter?" Cook asked, looking at the butler who came in.

"I think there is a problem here." The butler hesitated for a moment, and then replied.

"Very good, butler, prepare the carriage, let's go to the Hall of the Sage." Then Cook ordered.

"Yes, Master." The steward took the order and left, and Cook told the maid: "Go and prepare a big pot."

But after Sada and others watched the excitement for a few minutes, all the business people have left one after another. Sada asked suspiciously: "Damn it, what's going on." The book comes from, the first time I read the original content !

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