A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Sage Doro

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"Come on, let's see what's going on." Sada called out loudly, and soon someone asked.

When Cook walked out of the house holding a big wooden barrel, the housekeeper and groom were shocked. The wooden barrel seemed to store food, and Cook was almost half his height.

"Master, I'll help you." Seeing this scene, the butler hurried over and said to Cook.

"No." Cook waved his hand and got into the carriage directly with the barrel.

After the carriage left the yard, it drove directly onto the road. When passing by where Sada lived, Cook saw Sada on the second floor and a few others. Cook smiled and waved, but turned to Cook's face. It got cold.

"Master." Looking at Cook's appearance, the butler shouted with some worry.

"It's okay." Cook waved his hand. At this time, Cook can't trust anyone. And in today's scene, Cook knew that it was Sada and others' methods without guessing. Cook just came here and has nothing to do with these people. Innocent people, and those laundromat merchants, even less likely to offend themselves, do they want to do business, obviously, these people have a big hand behind them.

Cook sneered in his heart. Cook had planned in his heart. He will go to assess the sage today. As for the identity of the businessman, Cook does not care, and Cook does not rely on this to eat. As for buying things, what will Cook buy? It is nothing more than some raw materials.

As for the power of Sada and others, Cook is hehe. Cook himself is not an aboriginal of the star realm. What is Cook, that is a person from the **** realm. The **** realm and the star realm are not enemies, at least not. What did Cook do when he came to the star realm? He came and left with one vote.

So Cook doesn’t care about what forces are behind Sada and others. So what Cook is going to do with Sada and others now is to ignore them. As for the house or something, Cook doesn’t plan to take it anymore. There is a deal with Sada and others, and Cook doesn't care at all, because there is no contract or the like, at most it is a verbal agreement.

"As long as I become a sage, and with this technology, some people come to win me." Cook is very sure of who Cook is, someone who has lived for more than fifty years, and the big gang of people under his hand. There is a dedicated team of think tanks, the team headed by Connie. Some things have been analyzed thoroughly, so Cook has seen more and understood.

"Butler, how about following me in the future." Cook looked at the butler. The butler was still competent. Although the time to get along with him was very short, Cook believed his own vision. Of course, Cook had also tested it. It was Cook who asked the butler what he thought of it. In the matter this morning, the butler replied that there was a question, which shows that the butler did not favor any side.

This is hard to come by. After all, Cook is an outsider, and the butler is a local, and the butler must know the forces behind Sada and others. After all, the butler used to serve some of them.

"Master." The butler looked at Cook suspiciously.

"You think about it." Cook waved his hand without explaining anything.

I arrived at the sage hall very smoothly. Cook did not say anything and directly applied for the sage assessment to continue. The sage in charge of the assessment of Cook showed a surprised look when he saw that Cook came.

"Locke, you are sure to conduct the sage assessment." The sage in charge of the assessment asked Cook.

"Yes, but I have something to trouble Master Sage." Cook replied affirmatively, and then made a request.

"Okay." The sage in charge of the assessment was a little depressed. Cook didn't know. The sages in the hall of the sages were all sages who accepted the task, just like the sage who was evaluating Cook in front of him. There are mandatory tasks within the association, that is, how many days must be mandatory for the association. No matter your level, the higher the level, the more days you will serve. Of course, there are also assessment tasks, so take the assessment of the responsible sage. It is said that you have to complete a few to complete the task, rather than serving for a few days. As everyone knows, the proportion of sage assessment is very low, and the sage also has a talent and professional level, so Cook When there was a request, the sage in charge of the assessment was a little depressed, after all, this is not his profession.

"Master Sage, I would like to ask you to be firm on the pill I configured." Cook directly opened the wooden barrel next to him and said with a smile.

The sage in charge of the assessment already knows the first-class pills made by Cooke, but this sage doesn’t care at all. The lowest pill, no matter how high the quality, is the same, a high-level sage. The person doesn't care at all.

The sage sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. When Cook saw the sage like this, he didn't feel uncomfortable. Cook personally carried the wooden barrel to the sage, and then opened the wooden barrel.


"Oh." Cook saw the sage with his own eyes, from doubt to consternation, from sitting still to standing up, never caring, turning into a wide open mouth.

"This, how many pills are this." The sage asked Cook in surprise.

"More than five hundred." Cook said with a slap.

"It's amazing. There are 7-Rank and 8-Rank. How long did you refine it." The sage waved his hand, and the pills that Cook configured were covered with white light, and then the 8-Rank pills were covered by this name. The sage split out all at once, like a dozen.

"I worked overtime all night last night." Cook replied a little sullenly.

"Puff, you mean one night." The sage spit out and looked at Cook in astonishment.

"Yes, it was one night." Cook nodded affirmatively.

"Huh, then you let me look at this thing, what's the use, help you identify it." The sage squinted at Cook. The sage believed that Cook was lying, so his attitude was not so good.

"I just want an adult to do me a favor. I can't remember the sage's conduct in a short time. Sir, what can you do?" Cook directly said his intention.

"There is no way, but how can I help you." The sage asked, with an aloof appearance.

"I'm sure to equip a lot of pills of the seventh quality. If adults don't believe it, you can experiment on the spot." Cook answered the question.

"What do you mean?" The sage was puzzled.

"The adults have helped me, and I can also help the adults. Let's be regarded as an equivalent transaction." Cook finally said his purpose.

The sage was silent, and then said for a while, "Well, let's try it out first. If you have 30% or more of the 7-Rank quality, our deal will be concluded."

"Thank you sir." Cook quickly thanked him.

After half an hour, the sage looked at the five pills in his hand, one of the eighth product, and the other four of the seventh product. The Nima's seventh product reached 80%, while the other eighth product was Not to mention, this Nima has a 150% chance.

"This thing is for you, but you owe me a favor." The sage also threw the pills in his hand into Cook's barrel, and then said to Cook.

Cook took a pill and was puzzled. The sage opened his mouth and said, "This is a memory pill. Take it quickly. In addition, you have passed the sage assessment, but I suggest you accumulate points when you are a beginner. , Don’t change other items."

"Thank you sir, thank you sir. If you have anything in the future, just say it." Cook did not take the memory pill immediately. Seeing the proof of passing the examination in his hand, Cook felt that happiness had come so suddenly.

"By the way, after the memory pill is eaten, you have to read the sage code of conduct, it will be more effective." The sage in charge of the assessment said.

"Yes, sir, I haven't asked your name yet." Cook asked respectfully.

"Doro." Doro said his name. Doro was shocked by Cook's performance, but he was just shocked. After all, Cook's level is too low, even if it is an eighth product pill, it is only a first level. Pills are just like 50-year-old cypress and ten-year ginseng. Although the cypress is 50 years old, its value is still not as high as that of ginseng. This is its own limitation. So in Doro’s view, Cook is also Talent is good, but on the way forward, a good talent does not mean a high level, and various situations may happen.

"Mr. Doro, thank you, but I urgently need a sum of money recently. If you are willing, sir, I can exchange a batch..." Cook was still thinking about money.

"Idiot, money, what's the use of money, points, points can buy everything you buy with money, and after you become a sage, you can live in the sage association as long as you pay the points. It’s the safest thing here. Even if you offend anyone, the sage association is safe, even the highest-ranking sage, dare not presumptuous in the sage association." Doro immediately stared at Cook.

"Oh, oh, there is such a thing, I understand, thank you." Cook didn't know such a thing yet.

"Hmph, as long as you have enough points, you can do anything, and as long as you want to kill anyone, as long as you have points, you can do the same." Doro continued to Cook angrily.

Cook's eyes widened, Nima, Nima, this blatant purchase of murder is also allowed here.

"Look carefully at the use of points, this piece of equipment is for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You owe me a second love." Doro then handed Cook a wooden bracelet and waited for Cook. Just say that Cook owes the second person.

"This is a remote point redemption bracelet. As long as you have this item, you can purchase something with points anywhere, and as long as you are willing to support enough points, you can instantly deliver it to your place." Doro explained. The usefulness of this thing.

"It's okay in the wild," Cook asked in astonishment.

"Huh, let alone the wild, it's in a desolate place, as long as you have points." Duo Luo snorted, of course Duo Luo did not say that this point exchange bracelet is a tasteless, because delivery requires too many points. , To the point that even high-level sages are unwilling to use it.

"Good boy." Cook was really shocked, but Cook could also think of it. This delivery must be a strong person in the space department.

"Okay, I'm leaving, and I will contact you later, as long as you have points, you can give me information." Doro kicked Cook out because the next sage assessment has been waiting for a long time.

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