A Unique Hunter

Chapter 141: Great changes "second more! 》

Cook, the other orcs, and Bagru were surprised to walk to the wall five hundred meters away, and looked at the huge hole opened by the arrow. At a glance, they knew that it was superspeed and powerful force directly hitting the wall. As a result, Baghru even poked his head out of the hole in the wall. Fortunately, there was a drain outside the wall. Otherwise, there would be trouble. Baghru couldn't help being frightened. If the arrow was shot at him , I'm afraid I would have died long ago and can't die anymore.

"God, master, are you sure it's not a humanoid monster?" Bagru opened his mouth and asked in surprise, and all the orcs all had their jaws dropped to the ground. Cook's height was only two meters, and Bagru reached Five meters, the rhinoceros reach 3.5 meters, the antelope people are also three meters, and the bear is only 3.5 meters tall, but the two brothers are unusually thick. Cook appears to be so short and thin among these orcs. These orcs are not Surprised.

"Hehe, this is a magic bow, a magic bow that has been mentally branded!" Cook explained with a lied smile.

"Magic bow, no wonder!" In fact, how do these orcs know what a magic bow is? In their consciousness, magical things are very mysterious.

Only Bagru secretly muttered: "Magic bow, when in the underground world, the great Bagru didn't know how many magic bows were smashed. How do these vulgar orcs know that their master lied, but Bagru can't say!"

"You continue to train, and each rewards one hundred gold coins. If Muo and you three brothers don't have bow and arrow talent, you don't need to practice. It's good to be a warrior." Cook looked at these orcs' simple and honest ways and continued smiling.

"The leader is good!"

"The head is mighty!"

"Head, we can practice bows and arrows!"

When Baglu saw these orcs slap Cook's flattery, his two small eyes stared, and he shouted: "Master is mighty!" Then he looked at the orcs triumphantly, and muttered to himself: "You are the captain, I Call the master, whoever is closer will know it!"

"Okay, Bagru, let's fix the wall!" Cook nodded in admiration, pointing to the hole in the wall.

"Yes! The things the master ordered must be completed." Baglu immediately agreed loudly.

"Well, you continue to train!" What Cook has to do now is to adapt to the new bow, and the name is also called the Devil Bow. Cook can't help but smile. The giant single-edged sword is called the Sword of Ghosts, and this bow is called the Devil Bow. But with these two pieces of equipment, Cook has a much greater chance of survival when he takes risks.

Cook’s application for discovery of the remains was due to Cook’s own use of the space cannon, resulting in spatial fluctuations and the time of awakening the potion. The wizards’ union officials only informed Cook that he could leave after three days. Cook has mastered the use of the devil bow. The method is to open a little bit, although the power is smaller, but the consumption of vindictiveness is also small. Cook even took out three bottles of perfect-level secondary invisibility potion at one time and exchanged dozens of magic crystal coins from the thieves’ union. All were absorbed, and the wide meridians were finally filled with vindictive qi after taking the dragon's power potion. Cook discovered that after the physical change, it was also second-level vindictive, but the amount was at least ten times that of before, and the explosive power was even more than before. Ten times, now Cook pulls the devil's bow with all his strength, and his anger is enough to pull ten times. Cook has a sigh of relief, and Cook has three huge flowers inscribed on the giant single-edged sword. , Slashing Ghost Sword, using ancient **** words, the devil bow was also directly burned by Cook with an alchemist to produce three **** words, the devil bow, and the dagger from the dragon’s lair named Cook Thunder Fang, then spent 5,000 points in the Wizards’ Guild to purchase a set of black leather armor made of the fifth-level swamp black python leather. This leather armor is a complete set, including boots, wrist guards, hats, etc., but This magic leather armor is inconspicuous, but its defense is extremely strong, and it is considered top-grade magic leather armor.

"Elder Doktor, hello!" When Cook brought Xiao Lei and Mickey, Zagot came to the Mage’s Guild to converge. Surprisingly, it was discovered that Elder Doktor had actually led the team personally. Obviously The senior officials of the Wizards' Guild are very concerned about the ancient ruins of the alien plane.

"Haha, good!" Dockto looked at Xiao Lei who was holding Cook's hands with a weird face. Cook did not bring a big mouth this time, but only brought Kaka and Xiao Lei, while Windsor was handed over to Connie by Cook Yes, because outside the Magic City, Cook bought a large piece of land, nearly a thousand acres, half of it was opened up as a base for the mercenary group, and the other half was opened up as a plantation in Windsor.

"Let's go!" In front of outsiders, Doctor did not say much, but the people here are not fools, and Doctor's smile made everyone look at Cook with admiration.

"This time Cook, you have given a lot of credit. To be honest, our headquarters did not receive any reports about the ruins. Obviously, there was something wrong with the person in charge dispatched to the alien plane. In fact, we were negligent. The situation is complicated, and since it was discovered for hundreds of years, nothing of value has been obtained. Over time, it has been ignored. Not only us, but other union headquarters have not received any news. If it weren't for the trial of the college, it would not. I know how long these things will be discovered." Doktor walked ahead and said to Cook as he walked, and the teleportation array had already started, and a group of heavily armed warriors had stepped into the magic light of the teleportation array. .

"Boom!" But in an instant, these dozens of full-armed soldiers were immediately shattered by the dark cracks that appeared, and then there was a bang, and the broken meat was like a huge force. , The entire transmission hall was shaken.

"What's the matter!" Doctor roared.

"Elder, it was the other party who suddenly cut the teleportation connection, causing the teleportation array to be backlashed by huge energy. There is nowhere to vent the huge spatial energy, only from..." At this time, the teleportation array's responsible person quickly stood up and explained.

Doctor's face turned blue, and even the cutting of the space cracks can't be stopped by himself. Fortunately, he didn't go first. Doctor glanced at Cook again. If he didn't care about talking to Cook, then follow the schedule. It should be the first one to pass the teleportation array, and Dockto couldn't help but secretly rejoice: "This kid, Cook, is lucky!"

But then Doctor asked with a gloomy face: "So how long will the next transmission take? And what is the biggest cause of this kind of incident?"

"The most likely thing is that the other party destroyed the teleportation array, and the teleportation array is backfired by space energy. It will take at least a month to repair, and it will take three months if it is officially used." The person in charge is a fat old man, the old man is faint. Explained that as a magic circle master, especially a magic circle master involving space magic circle, he would not be afraid of Doctor's identity.

"For three months, then what should I do if the magic circle on the opposite side is damaged?" Doctor asked irritably.

"Direct positioning and one-way transmission, but the energy consumption is ten times that of the past, and safety cannot be guaranteed." The old man immediately replied that the theoretical knowledge involved could not make these senior magic array masters difficult.

"Start repairing, I will be the first to pass by then!" I don't know when, Wushuang old man also appeared here with a gloomy face, Wushuang old man was extremely angry, knowing that it is easy to destroy a magic teleportation array, but to build one, In particular, the cost of establishing an alien teleportation array is simply unimaginable, so Wushuang old man has to go there and see what happened.

"President!" everyone hurriedly saluted.

"Doctor, carefully and rigorously, put all the family members of the fortresses under centralized supervision, and the trade union should also be strictly investigated. How did you leak the news this time?" Wushuang old man later commanded with a gloomy face. .

"Yes, President!" Doktor also hated it. If it wasn't for his luck, this time I am afraid he would have become a piece of meat on the ground. He wanted to put himself to death~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Then I will kill you first.

The old man Wushuang has a gloomy face, because the students in the academy are all different planes. Although there are several instructors leading the team, the old man Wushuang is very worried about what is going on at the fortress. You must know that the wizards’ union in the academy has collected and trained for several years. The talents, once these students..., Wushuang old man couldn't imagine it.

"Elder Doktor, since I have three months, then I'll go out to experience it." Cook had been anxious and wanted to contact Skyeye, but Cook didn't dare to know if Skyeye would have a way. , But Cook said here first. Once Sky Eye has a solution, Cook will use this method without hesitation, because Lori is over there, and Cook only now realizes that she is still very nervous Lori.

"Well, even if it is repaired, there is no way to pass your level. The body cannot withstand the huge pressure brought by the space transmission, let alone the one-way transmission to the air." Doktor heard Cook's words in his heart. Somewhat surprised, but didn't think much about it, but he still ordered.

"Yes!" Cook hurriedly nodded and agreed. Then, under the leadership of the guards, he walked out of the union gate. Zagot was called away by Lyle's mentor. Cook and Mitch had just gotten into the carriage, and Cook couldn't wait to get it. Contact the Sky Eye with the ID card: "Sky Eye, Sky Eye, is there a way to go to the plane where you are now?"

ps; Haha, today someone finally said that I was **** in the book review area. I was very nervous at first, but when I saw that the personal information for the book review was just registered, I laughed!

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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