A Unique Hunter

Chapter 142: Method "third more! 》

Thanks again Yerkes for the big PK vote! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

"Yes!" Tianyan's answer relieved Cook a lot, and at the same time he was mad, because Tianyan is like this, one question and one answer.

Cook continued to ask helplessly: "Is there any way?"

"First, through the set transmission network, it is the magic transmission array. This is the least expensive and safest way." Cook almost went violently, but he listened patiently. After all, this is the eye of the sky, not something. Intelligent creatures, and don't know what is happening now.

Tianyan continued to answer: "Secondly, look for a space magician, and then give you the coordinates to go, so that the safety factor is relatively high!" Cook couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"The third is that powerful professionals directly break through the space and travel in space!" Skyeye's answer caused Cook to vomit blood. Space Travel Cook has never heard of it.

Cook finally couldn't help it: "Is there no other way, I mean my current situation?"

"No, although your body is strong, it can't break the space at all." Tianyan clearly understood Cook's question incorrectly.

"Then Sky Eye can do it?" Cook almost vomited blood.

"Yes, the ID card itself has its own transmission and positioning device, but that requires extremely powerful energy, and then through the guidance of the sky eye, it can be used for positioning and space transmission, but that will scrap an ID card." Cook finally heard the good news. Up.

"So how many people can be transmitted by an identity card?" Cook felt that the identity card actually had the function of a fixed-point teleportation scroll.

"It depends on how much energy the ID card absorbs. As long as there is enough energy, then the number of people will hardly be online, but there is a high probability of danger of transmission." Skyeye's answer drove Cook crazy, this is still dangerous, if it is himself He couldn't arrive safely, and he was talking about saving people. Cook promised that this incident was definitely not accidental.

"Then there is no other way. For example, by searching for the magic teleportation array left over from the ancient times, if there is one, then maybe there will be a second one?" Cook asked again.

"The probability of repetition of the plane teleportation array is very small, and the sky eye can detect it. This takes time." The sky eye's answer made Cook frustrated.

Cook froze for a while, and then told the driver: "Go to the Thieves' Guild!" Cook cursed in his heart: "I don't believe that there is no Space Mage! I just want to grab the Space Mage! "

"Cook, are you sure you are looking for Space Mage?" Lala was almost stunned by the news.

"Yes! As long as you give this news, then I will immediately give ten bottles, ten bottles of perfect-level secondary invisibility potions!" Cook almost roared, just now Cook has explained the situation of the location of the sky-eye detection base. As long as he found the base, Cook would know the current situation of the fortress, and Cook was anxious.

"Well, I need authorization from the Presbyterian Church!" Lala immediately agreed upon hearing this bargaining chip, twisting her **** and trotting away.

Lala returned soon, holding a note in her hand: "This is the news you need. We need twenty bottles of perfect-level invisible potions!"

"Here!" Cook waved his hand, and a lot of secondary invisibility potions were thrown on the table in a mess, then grabbed the note to check it, and then quickly left.

"I, I, I just want to talk about it, I know..." When all the elders of the Presbyterian Church arrived at the news, Cook had already left, facing the eyes of the many elders of the Presbyterian Church, La grieved said.

The address is on the note at 96 Erdun Avenue. When Cook arrived here in a carriage, he found that it was already close to the outskirts of the city. Some civilians lived here, and the streets were small, but it was very clean. 96 Main Street is actually a grocery store, and it's a small grocery store.

Cook did not rush into this grocery store, because the news that the value of twenty bottles of perfect-level secondary invisibility potion was not so simple. Cook first made the carriage wander around and then find a place to get off. After getting out of the carriage, and leaning on a walk to approach the grocery store, Cook decided to use the magic eye to detect it first.

But when Cook used his magic eyes outside the grocery store, he almost didn't fall off his chin, because there were several golden lights in the grocery store, but these golden lights were suppressed very low, very low, more than two meters tall. The eaves are still much lower. Cook doesn’t know what the golden light represents, but Cook knows that there is only a weak golden light on Wushuang’s old man. There is a thought in Cook’s mind that he does not believe: "Could it be that the guy inside is better than Wushuang The old man is still strong?"

"Hey, someone came here to spy. Was it the **** who sent it? Quack! Bang!" Cook didn't feel anything, he heard a gloomy weird laugh behind him, and Cook didn't have time to turn around. , I felt hit by a powerful force ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and flew out all at once.

"Uh, it's actually this kid, and the little girl movie, you'd better not call me, I hate the guy from the lightning system the most." But when the figure behind saw the appearance of Cook, he muttered in astonishment. , And then looked at Xiao Lei who was baring his teeth. This person stared at Xiao Lei viciously. Xiao Lei ran to Cook and looked at Cook pitifully.

"Shhh! Fortunately, there is no big movement, I rely on, you little girl, I just stare at you, is it worth you to summon a group of dragons to deal with Laozi! Damn, I hate dragons, and I hate them even more. Dragon, **** it, you have to move again." This person just breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know that the induction was wrong right away, because the powerful mental power sensed countless black spots in the sky coming toward here aggressively, this person couldn't help but curse. Because these are actually all the dragons in the magic city, not only in the military camp, but also privately raised, dozens of dragons, this person can imagine that if there are in the air, there should be on the ground.

After the man finished cursing, his figure flickered and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Cook, but when the man just approached Cook, the sudden rise of the incident: "Bang!"

"You **** kid, you pretend to be dizzy!" Because Cook jumped up all at once, not to mention, a huge single-edged sword full of six long swept over fiercely, and the shadow hurriedly The dagger in his hand was slightly blocked, and the powerful force directly sent the man out. The house on the opposite side of the street was directly destroyed, and the man jumped up and shouted.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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