A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Headache Minister

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The sky full of fireworks, red, green, blue, gold, and all kinds of characters, covered the entire sky, almost invisible to the sun. Cook has never seen such fireworks. And Cook can be sure that this firework is definitely not a magic firework. [To read the latest chapter of this book, please go to 800 ()]

The staff in the two knife training room next to Cook pouted and said: "These leaders are too stingy. They actually use these fireworks that no one wants. Look, this color is not pure at all."

"Meiling City congratulates Heiling City on successfully applying for a silver-level city." Within the countless fireworks, a huge voice rang from the sky, not to mention Heiling City, which is within hundreds of kilometers around Heiling City. Can be heard clearly.

"What." Everyone jumped up, yes, Silver City, his city successfully applied for Silver City.

"Ci Luo City congratulates Hei Ling City for successfully applying for a silver-level city." A voice rang again, and it also spread hundreds of kilometers around Hei Ling City.

"Damn, this sound..." Cook was stunned. Cook's magic eyes clearly saw that with the sound, there were violent spatial fluctuations, and the interval between the two congratulatory voices was not It is said that the sound itself is separated, but it is caused by spatial fluctuations interfering with each other, forming a short time difference.

"Sir, this is Thousand Miles Sound Transmission. It uses a special device, but it is said that one word for one kilometer is one point for this thing, and the city of Sai Luo is 6,000 kilometers away from us." The copper giant opened to explain.

"Just this sentence is one hundred and twenty thousand points." Cook counted, only two crosses. Nima is one hundred and twenty thousand points. Cook is speechless, but Cook can also think of everything that has something to do with space. Nothing is cheap.

"Rongduocheng congratulations..." The time was just right, and a voice rang again.

"Silver City, did Black Ridge City apply for Silver City?" Cook asked in confusion, but the few people around him didn't know.

Different from Cook’s doubts, the leaders of the Black Ridge City Sages’ Association branch gathered together. The entire conference room was quiet and there was no sound. Everyone looked excitedly at the head of the branch, the head of the branch. The brain is also crashing. You must know that when you applied to become a Silver City, the application standard was higher. If the above counter-offer was lower, then it was almost the same, but the association headquarters actually agreed. ()

Silver City, what is that? It is the pillar of the entire star realm, and it is the place that all the sages of the entire star realm yearn for, and every sage who builds the silver city will be seen by countless sages later In worship, when the minister thought of his statue on the Sage’s Square, his mouth cracked when he smiled, and the corners of his mouth almost cracked under his ears.

"Cough cough." The people next to the minister coughed quickly, which was too shabby.

"Everyone, this is a day worthy of our celebration. Our Black Ridge City is about to become Silver City, and the instructions from the headquarters have come down." The minister also felt that he was wrong, and quietly wiped his saliva, then stood up and said impassionedly.



All the sages are rejoicing. Yes, becoming a Silver City has too many benefits for the sages. First of all, resources. In the process of establishing the Silver City, most of the expenses are allocated by the headquarters. Heiling City doesn't need to consume it at all.

"Stop, this is good news worthy of our celebration, but everyone has thought about it. After becoming the Silver City, what resources do we have in Black Ridge City to attract more sages here? Once the Silver City is established, there will not be enough If you are a sage, then we will make everyone laugh. Yes, laugh. Maybe the headquarters will disqualify us from Silver City. Everyone is happy now.” After the minister was excited, he thought of more.

The people below don’t say anything. Yes, it’s a pleasure to become a Silver City, but the city can not only be promoted but also demoted. If Black Ridge City becomes a silver-level city, it cannot meet the requirements of the Silver City. To be the first city in history to be downgraded from Silver City is a shame for everyone.

"It's that we don't need points for the construction of Silver City, but for future maintenance, not to mention anything else, how many points are needed for Silver City's weapon system in a year." The more the minister thought about it, the more cold sweat he got.

"It is said that the point consumption of the lowest weapon defense system in Silver City seems to be twelve million points." Someone whispered.

"Have you heard, 12 million points, we now have only two million points for the whole club." The minister thought of the difference between the two numbers, and felt a little regretful in his heart.

The sages at the scene stopped talking. Most of the people sitting in the Silver City had seen it. In the hearts of everyone, there were only two words to describe the Silver City, magnificent, yes, not magnificent, but magnificent, spectacular. Beautiful, but that kind of beauty is full of deterrence, not other beauty. At first glance, Silver City is indestructible. You can imagine how many points these weapon systems require.

"That's not to mention, there are also security personnel, and other staff, which are the standard equipment of Silver City. We in Black Ridge City may not be able to bear it." The minister's thinking suddenly opened up, but this kind of openness is enough. The minister regrets it to death.

"Damn it, why didn't you stop me at the time, those black-hearted **** above are trying to persecute us." The more the Minister thought about it, the more regretful he couldn't help but yelled. After the Minister was excited, he understood that this Nima is the headquarters. Those **** deliberately forced Black Ridge City.

"Minister, it looks like we have 15 million more points here." At this moment, a sage stood up and said in a low voice.

"Fifteen million points." After the Minister was taken aback.

Then the minister reacted: "Locke's pills are sold."

"Well, it was sold, but this time we can only charge 50% luxury tax." The sage replied.

"Why did we collect it? No... Oh, we are Silver City, and we have the right to tax independently. Haha, that's good. Since the **** above are going to persecute us, then we will... add a burden to Sage Locke. "The Minister was even more puzzled. The tax revenue was collected by the headquarters and then returned to the branch. However, the Minister responded that Black Ridge City is already the Silver City, and Silver City does not pay taxes, unless it is Silver City. The savings reached an extremely abnormal figure.

In fact, the entire star realm is countless small cities supplying the Silver City, the Golden City, the Silver City, and the Golden City are the pillars of the entire Astral Sage Association. Just like building a house, the pillars must be reinforced. As for other window sills, Just use foam, um, foam, although it is flame-retardant foam, it is still foam.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" the minister asked.

"If not, how about letting Locke be the Minister of Finance." The minister said with a smile, knowing that after becoming a Silver City, the leader of a department can be called the minister.

"Senior, Sage Locke has not been in contact with financial matters, I don't know." Of course the minister is joking, joking, the financial right must be his confidant, but the minister said that he is focusing on other positions. It's just trying to catch it.

"That's right, then you guys tell me what department Locke is the best minister." The minister continued to ask.

In fact, after being promoted to Silver City, the position of leadership is not one or two, but hundreds of thousands, but some of them must be sent from above, but for the sage of Black Ridge City, it is estimated that they will all be arranged. There is nothing wrong with the leadership, and the minister also knows what it means to congratulate one after another thousands of miles outside. It’s not those **** who want to come to Black Ridge City. You need to know that the top leader of the Sage Association in Silver City can be called the president, and there is also A secret that is not a secret, the top part of the Sage Association has the history of the president of the Silver City Sage Association.

"Minister, there is actually a very good department. The director of the Pharmacy Department. Although the level of Sage Locke is not very high, I don't think anyone will take the initiative to challenge Sage Locke." Someone stepped forward and directly proposed himself. Suggestions.

"This proposal is very good, but the Minister of the Pharmacy Department has a lot of things. In case Sage Locke gets busy and doesn't have time to allocate pills, that's the loss of our entire Black Ridge City." The Minister thought for a while, and then said very cautiously.

The people below also nodded one after another. You must know that the pillar industry of Blackling City is the potions made by Locke. If Locke is busy with work and forgets to refine the pharmaceutical agent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is not a disaster in Blackling City. It is a disaster for everyone present.

When other people had headaches, Cook felt even more depressed. He set one hundred thousand points to automatically sell. No, 15 million points. He only had more than 7 million points in his hand, which was half of that in an instant. , How can Cook not be depressed.

Cook's gloomy expression made the two knives look in his eyes, and he quickly took Cook to the weapon store. The weapon store was said to be a storehouse, but it was actually a large room with various weapons.

"Nima, this, this is also a weapon." Cook pointed to a dark wooden stick and asked silently.

"Sir, this is made by Ironwood Tree. Don't look at this small one, but it will take more than five hundred years." The guard next to Cook held the wooden stick and explained.

Cook muttered in his heart: "For five hundred years, there were more than 30 hours in the daytime and more than 30 hours in the evening, and there were more than 700 days in a year. That is to say, one year here is equivalent to six years in the sanctuary. , This Nima is three thousand years old with a stick." The book was first published, and the original content is the first time to watch!

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