A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 30: Weird Armory

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Cook was also taken aback after the calculations. In the Sanctuary Plane, three thousand years of plants can be regarded as plants that can be enlightened into intelligent creatures, but here, a stick is three thousand years old, and Cook touched it lightly. Dark stick.

"Not bad." Cook praised it on the surface, but in fact it is more than good. The life force contained in this stick is extremely huge, comparable to the vitality emanating from a stone of life. If it weren't for other people around him, Cook I have received this thing a long time ago. Although Cook looks at the stick about half his height, don't forget that this stick is in proportion to Cook's original height.

The shape of the second weapon is also weird, just like a large animal bone. Yes, it is a huge animal bone. Cook dare not look down upon it. Yes, this animal bone looks like a thigh bone. He is taller than Cook, and has a luster like jade.

"This is the bones of the Xingluo Beast, which is considered a better weapon. The Xingluo Beast's bones have another feature, that is, it can automatically absorb energy. At night or when it is dark, the whole stick will emit a faint light. , It’s a relatively suitable weapon in the wild.” The guard next to Cook introduced, and the two knives were very depressed, because it was his own job, but the two knives didn’t dare to make the brass giant crooked. Giants are notoriously grumpy, one thing is wrong, that is, big fists are thrown, and the giants are extremely united. Once a giant beats people from other races, it doesn't matter if there is no one from other races to help. , If someone helps, other giants will also rush to fight, let's talk first.

Once in a silver city, more than 10,000 giants had a violent friction with hundreds of thousands of ordinary people. This ride caused the entire Silver City to lose more than 60 million points. This time Later, the reputation of the giants also went out.

"Very good thing." Cook still touched it. The strong light magic material is the best material for making artifacts. If this kind of thing falls into the hands of the angels, it will be at least a high-end artifact. .

"Sir, in fact, these are extremely low-level weapons. They are all the most primitive. Although there are a lot of people used, this kind of weapon can't be used on the table. The true weapon is still a holy weapon used by the sage." Explain to Cook quickly.

Cook asked suspiciously: "You said that the iron stick and the star beast have many bones."

"Yes, iron woods are everywhere in the Star Boundary Grand Canyon. Although the aborigines there are not very friendly, there are many in the periphery of the canyon under 500 years old. As for the Star Beasts, they are everywhere at night on the Xingluo Plain. It can be seen that it's just that the Xingluo Plain is too remote." The two knives replied explaining.

"Damn." Cook cursed in his heart, this Nima baby is actually everywhere.

"Sir, please see, this is the first-class holy artifact." Two knives pointed at a stick and introduced.

"Uh, this is not still a stick." Cook was astonished. What is the difference between the shape of this Nima and the stick.

"Wrong, it looks like a stick, in fact, it also evolved from a stick, but this level of sacred artifact has been cast with a power-increasing effect. With this stick, the user can increase the strength by 1%. Moreover, the quality and weight of the first-class sacred artifacts are not comparable to that of iron-wood rods. They are completely cast from black gold." The two knives kept introducing to Cook, and they didn’t give them to Cook’s side at all. The opportunity for the copper giant to speak.

Cook picked up the stick, indeed there was no feeling of surging vitality, but a feeling of heavy metal.

"But sir, this level of sacred weapon has no suction, so there is no boosting effect." The two swords quickly explained.

"Suction, whose power to suck." Cook asked in astonishment.

"Sir, don't you know that sacred artifacts need suction, no matter what level of sacred artifacts, as for the suction, it is outside, uh, anywhere, as long as the weapon itself is exposed, it can suck." Explaining made Cook grow his mouth.

Cook was completely astonished. Could this Nima have magic patterns that automatically regain energy, but Cook did not see the slightest trace of magic patterns, so Cook asked again: "How does this thing have a boosting effect? ."

"Sir, don't ask ordinary people about such questions. Ordinary people won't know." At this time, the brass giant spoke, and the brass giant despised the two knives in front of him because they said it. Yes, but it is not clear at all.

The brass giant said, "Sir, the shape of the first-level sacred instrument is mainly related to our habits. Before becoming a sage, the weapons everyone used were basically iron sticks, first-level star beasts. Beast bones, the foundry later discovered that in the use of various weapons, the use of the original weapon shape can improve the combat effectiveness of the sage, so the stick-shaped weapon occupies at least 50% of the entire sage world, which is Speaking of going out, most of them are weapons in the style of Xingluo beast bones, or weapons in the style of iron and wood sticks. Such weapons are also called standard weapons, or standard weapons, and the rest They are all non-standard weapons, and the price of non-standard weapons is about 20% higher."

"It turned out to be like this, a problem of habit." Cook nodded. This is actually the problem of fit in Sanctuary's side. Every weapon has a fit. The higher the fit, the more comfortable it is to use.

"As for forging weapons, there are specialized forging divisions. Except for the forging divisions, other occupations who make weapons privately will be severely punished by the Sage Association..." The brass giant continued.

"Fuck, I said I made a weapon myself." Cook didn't expect such a thing.

"Hehe, not only that. Regarding the forged weapons, there is also a strict system. The best way to trade weapons is through the points system. Otherwise, the weapons are traded privately. Once the weapons cause harm to others, then the forging weapons will also be connected. Responsible." The brass giant said with a smile.

Cook was silent for a while, and then asked: "What is the tax rate for trading weapons."

"Two hundred percent, the Sage Association does not advocate force to solve problems, except of course like our fists."

"Cheating system." Cook took a breath, and Cook bet that **** doesn't advocate force to solve the problem. The ultimate reason is that it collects taxes.

The brass giant nodded in sympathy, and then continued: "As for how the caster casts weapons, I just know that the pills that you need to configure, it seems that you add pills and the like when casting. Anyway, it is more cumbersome. That's it."

"Uh, what are you talking about, I need the pills I prepared." Cook was completely puzzled, what is the relationship between casting and pills.

"Yes, but I don't know the specifics. After all, our giants are known for fighting." The brass giant swelled up his pectoralis major and said proudly.

"That's true." Cook nodded.

"Then you take us to see non-standard weapons." Cook said directly to the two knives.

"Sorry, sir, the Sage Association does not promote the use of non-standard weapons, so all the weapons in the Sage Association are standard weapons," said the two swords.

"You mean all the weapons here are a bunch of sticks." Cook almost fell off his chin, and Nima was too surprised.

"Yes." The two knives had a bad feeling.

"No, different sacred artifacts have different functions, boosting, accelerating, and..." The two knives did not continue to say, because Cook turned and left.

Cook said two words silently in his heart: "Wonderful flower."

The arsenal of weapons made Cook very disappointed, what kind of world would have such a wonderful weapon, the standard weapon is a stick, Cook very much doubts the aesthetic concept of this astral person.

"Sir, the training room is ready. Golden City's training experts will make the best training plan for you based on your performance." Cook waited in the training room for a while, and another two knives hurried past. Come and say to Cook.

"Okay, then, let's go." Cook was bored a long time ago. Two knives took Cook into a more luxurious training room, which also contained something like a pillar to test strength.

"Sir, please train in the white circle. We will guide you. The experts in Golden City will receive the reaction speed and strength of each part of your body, and then make a corresponding plan." Two knives explained to Cook.

"That's okay." Although Cook is very curious about what is used to transmit data here, the first thing Cook needs to do is to show his strength.

"Sir, please follow our instructions, train the first item, punch, sir, hit the target ten times with the fastest and greatest strength, don't use combos." A second knife saw Cook prepare After that, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will begin to issue instructions.

According to the instructions, Cook suddenly punched, but Cook did not act very strong, and the speed of punching is not very fast. If Cook is willing, others will see it only as a punch. In fact, Cook has already punched. Ten punches.

After a series of instructions, Cook continued to perform various actions in accordance with the instructions. As the instructions continued to be issued, Cook became more and more looking forward to the training program of the astral world. It can be seen that the test is very complete. The reaction speed and strength of each part are tested one by one.

"Sir, let's test your body's ability to resist. The experts will decide the plan based on the maximum tolerance of your body." After Cook finished training, he didn't expect that this was not finished yet. Cook was taken to the side, one and two. The knife said.

"It's something like this box." Cook asked, looking at something like a coffin beside him.

"Yes." The two knives were also very puzzled. You must know that this thing was installed just now. It is said that someone from Golden City specially installed it. I don't know what it will be.

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