A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 58: debate

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Black Ridge City used a huge projection outside the Sage’s Association for the war this time. The projections contained the latest news about the war and various missions. After hearing the exclamations of people outside, Hong Sun and others watched it. To the magic projection. txt download

"One thousand nine-pin Dali pills."

"One thousand nine-grade diamond pills."

"One thousand nine-pin detoxification pills."

"One thousand nine-pin healing pills."

"One thousand nine-pin thirst quenching pills."

"One thousand nine-pin quick pills."

"One thousand nine-pin substitute pills."

"One thousand nine-pin pain relief pills."

"One thousand nine-pin deworming pills."

"God." Hongri and the others exclaimed, there are a large number of other eighth, seventh, and sixth-pill pills, more than 30,000 pills.

"And you can receive the pills first." The appearance of this pill is not shocking. What is shocking is that these pills can be received first and then deducted by war points. What is this concept? This is the whole sage association. Things never happened before.

"Quick, quick, go get the pills." Hong Ri and the others didn't care about discussing anything, and rushed to the mission hall of the Sage Association.

"Quickly, the leader of the Red Sun, you need team certification, and only the team can claim it first." At this moment, Red Sun heard someone calling him, and when he looked up, he saw that it was a member of his battle group.

"What's going on?" Hong Ri asked quickly.

"It needs team certification, or team guarantee, and the price of the pills is extremely low. The 9th grade King Kong pills only have five war points, and the Dali pills only have two war points." The member of Hongri replied anxiously.

"God." The leaders of the other combat regiments around were all exclaimed. This Nima is too cheap. You must know that the 9-pin pill is very suitable for large-scale wars. Why? Because large-scale wars are not like small battle scenes, their duration Short, large-scale wars may be a few days and nights of attacking each other. The 9th-Rank pills generally last for several hours, which is very suitable for assault operations.

Heads of people surged in the mission hall, and Hongri looked at the team of dozens of people in front of him worriedly.

"Red Wolf, how is it, how much can I receive?" Hong Ri quickly asked when he saw that the leader of a combat group he knew had just received the pill.

Seeing the red sun, the red wolf replied with a smile: "Our team received two hundred pills, and there are all kinds of them."

"Two hundred, won't it be gone by me. (800) Novel/" Hong Ri asked depressedly.

"Haha, that is, the 9th-Rank must be gone, but there are 7th-Rank and 8th-Rank pills, which is not bad." Red Wolf said.

"That is, I haven't used a pill of Grade 6 or above in my life." What Hong Ri can say, can only reply extremely depressed.

The speed of receiving the pills was very fast, but within half an hour, it was Hongri's turn. Hongri saw the staff, quickly handed over the team certificate, and then said: "I want to receive all the Jiupin pills."

"All, you are sure." The staff member opened his mouth and asked.

"Are there many?" Hongri asked quickly when asked by the staff.

"Most is not much, there are only more than two thousand in total, you are sure to get all of them." The staff asked.

"More, more, more than two thousand more." Hongri asked in surprise.

"How strange, I just distributed more than 3,000 Grade Nine pills today. This is not counted as being distributed by others, but after the war is over, you must settle all of them. Otherwise, the Grade Nine pills will be at the market price. Directly deduct your points, come, fill in this contract scroll first." The staff member said.

"What is the market price?" Hong Ri asked.

"Nine-product Daliwan is 80,000 points, and Jingangwan is 100,000 points..." The staff replied.

When Hong Ri heard this, he immediately asked: "80,000 points, so many."

"Originally it was 60,000 points. This is to prevent you from receiving too much, causing others to not have enough pills, which will affect the progress of the war." The staff explained.

"Well, one hundred nine-pin Dali pills, fifty diamond pills, fifty healing pills..." After Hong Ri filled out the contract, he reported the number of pills he needed.

Hongri looked at the pills he had received, and he couldn't believe it. All the nine-pin pills were nine-pin pills.

After Hong Sun returned to the tent, he saw that the commanders of several combat regiments had returned, and he asked, "How many pills have you received?"

"Hey, I received a total of five hundred nine-tier pills. If it weren’t for fear of not having enough war points, I would also like to receive one thousand pills. Nine-tier pills only have two war points. If they were replaced with general points, at least tens of thousands. Points." A head of the combat regiment smiled.

Tongfang also smiled and showed his posterior molars: "I received three hundred. This time, the wolf tribe guys will definitely suffer. It's not good to provoke anyone, but I must provoke Sage Locke. Well, this time it's over."

"Sage Locke, what's going on." The other battle regiment commanders heard Tongya say this and asked curiously.

"Haha, this war is actually plain, it's very simple, that is, a small tribe of the wolf tribe assassinated Mr. Locke, and Mr. Bullock will fight back." Tongya began to explain.

"No way, how many resources and points are needed for this war." The other commanders on the scene took a breath.

"Points are a fart. In the half-month period two months ago, Mr. Locke consumed more than 10 million points every day. As long as Mr. Locke is willing, there is no problem in earning hundreds of millions of points every day." Said with a curled mouth.

"Red Sun, what level of sage is Mr. Locke?" someone asked suspiciously.

"Secondary level." The head of the Agni Huo came back at this time and replied when he heard this.

"No, I have such a great ability at the second level." The people present shook their heads one after another in disbelief.

"Rock is the legendary creator of Jinhuan Jiedu Pills. It is said that hundreds of Ninth Grade Jinhuan Jiedu Pills can be prepared at a time, and it only takes two hours. There is also a task reward for this war, a non-universal Swift Pill. It was also from Mr. Locke. Even the pills we received this time were prepared by Mr. Locke, and Mr. Locke also created the Black Ridge City Higher Technical Education Base." Tongya explained.

"I know this. In the first two months in Silver City, we used this higher technical education base to transmit thousands of voices every day, but the fee is too high. One million points are a quota." A combat group leader said.

"It's the same on our side."

"And us, my God, how many points are needed for this Thousand Miles Sound Transmission."

"How many points, the son of a strong man on our side has a problem with his brain, but after 20 days of studying, he will actually prepare pills for the third and fourth products, and it is still a long time for us to prepare pills for them. It’s sold, but it’s said that it cost more than one million points in total."

"It's a place with one million points." Tong Ya nodded.

"And in three months, it is said that more than 300 people have successfully formulated pills." Heishui said.

"Damn, more than three hundred people, one million points per person, isn't it just three hundred million points." Someone was stunned.

"So what I said just now is that someone can afford to pay, that is, Mr. Locke, who has hundreds of millions of points. For Mr. Locke, it is easy." Tongya said.

"But how can we make a second-level sage the commander of the Outland Legion." Someone said dissatisfied.

"You are stupid, Mr. Locke is still unwilling. Seeing that, with his own strength, he dared to start a war against the wolf tribe. That Outland Legion dare to do this." Agni asked in an angry voice.

The surrounding regiment leaders were silent. Yeah, Locke dared to start a war on his own. In terms of strength, Locke's second-level sage is really nothing, but they have the ability.

"But the low-level Nine-Rank pills don't have much effect in Outland." Someone said half-soundingly.

"As for the non-universal quick pill, the speed increase of Level 9 has reached more than 200%, and after I used it, it lasted for a full hour." Tongya said.

"In Outland, let alone half an hour, five minutes is enough. How many things can be done in half an hour." Someone exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, the environment in Outland is different from ours, but if I were Mr. Locke, I would definitely not want to be a legionnaire."

"It's not necessarily, or let's try it." Someone's heart is moved, let alone anything else, this is a non-universal swift pill. If Locke is the commander of the army, then can they be adequately supplied? Then, will the missions of Outland receive more? Will the chance of saving strength be higher.

Everyone had their own ideas in their hearts. Someone looked at Tongya and asked, "Tongya, you are familiar with it, do you know Mr. Locke?"

"Of course." Tongya nodded.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tongya, you first go to test Mr. Locke's ideas, if Mr. Locke is willing to give points, we will recommend him as the commander of the army." A combat regiment leader said.

"That's not right, if Mr. Locke is the commander of the legion, then the distribution of the spoils and who is the commander." Someone immediately disagreed and put forward his own opinion.

"There are regulations." Someone said immediately.

"But what is the combat effectiveness of the legion commander? You must know that the legionnaire commander has the highest share of the spoils." Someone said dissatisfied.

Seeing these people like this, Red Sun couldn't help but say; "I said, how many points are your trophies worth?"

When this question was asked, those people were dumbfounded. Yes, how many points are the loot worth? There are things that Locke can’t buy with points. Tongya and Hongri looked at each other, then Hongri said: “This Well, I agree to stay with Mr. Locke as the commander of the army, and we will not force the rest of us who are unwilling." The book was first published from, and the original content is the first time!

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