A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 59: War begins

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After Red Sun’s words were finished, several battle regiment leaders really left. There were more than a dozen battle regiments on the scene. Tongya saw the result and said, “Fortunately, these people are enough to form an Outland Legion. Up. (

"I'm just afraid that Mr. Locke is unwilling," Hongri does not have such a good attitude.

"I said, Mr. Locke must have some hobbies. We are not eager to find Mr. Locke. Anyway, there is still some time after the war. Let's collect Mr. Locke's preferences before discussing the establishment of the army. I want to have such a The pharmacist is in our corps, and the future development of the corps is boundless. Besides, who knows how far Mr. Locke will grow." Tongya continued.

There are some combat regiment leaders around who want to leave, and they hesitate to hear this. After all, Locke is not bad for points. For such a person to be a legion commander, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the legion commander will not be greedy. Little cheap.

But these small cheaps are a lot of money for these combat regiments. Another advantage is that Cook has enough points to build a corps. This is the biggest advantage. The disadvantage is that they are afraid of a corps like Cook. Long blind command, that would cause great losses to the combat regiment.

"Well, let's talk about it after this war. We have a total of 16 combat regiments here, so let's share information and assign tasks to see how we can gain greater benefits in this war." A head of the fighting regiment spoke.

The leaders of more than a dozen battle regiments talked about it, but in the Star Boundary Grand Canyon tens of thousands of kilometers away from Black Ridge City, a tribe of a small wolf tribe, this tribe has only a thousand people, and it is considered the lowest tribe.

"Damn it, why is there a battle group here." The chief of this tribe looked at the dense forest around, and there was a strange whistle in the forest. This is the way the teams of the battle group communicate with each other, of course it is close range. of.

"Chief, let the warriors attack." An elder next to the chief suggested that the number of elders in such a small tribe is also limited, plus there are only five chiefs.

In the forest, a black armored man looked at the tribe in the distance through the gap in the forest, and asked, "Did you find it clear."

"Report to the head of the report, it is already clear that this is a small tribe under the wolf tribe, with a population of about 1,000 people, about 300 fighters, and less than ten warriors. However, everyone in the tribe is a warrior, and there is no large-scale one. Long-range attack weapons." The team leader in charge of the investigation replied.

"Well, let the order go on. The long-range strike is in close combat, and the attack begins. You must take down this tribe before it gets dark." The commander of the combat group said.

"Leader, ordinary tribesmen are worthless, or they should be caught alive." A deputy leader next to the team leader asked.

"Why is it worthless? One point is fine. This time we mainly focus on points. When the prisoners are captured, the personnel will be dispersed, and the combat effectiveness will definitely decrease. We must take the small tribe before the other large combat groups can react. "The commander of the combat regiment explained.

When the two deputy heads heard this, they nodded, and the whistle sounded in the dense forest.




Pieces of huge stones flew up from the dense forest, and then smashed into the tribe. The log houses in the tribe were smashed into a pile of sawdust under the gravity of the huge stones.

"Archer, suppress me." A dozen archers in the battle group heard this command and shot arrows at the fence of the tribe one after another.

"Let's put out wolf smoke." After seeing the huge boulder, the chief knew that it was not good. With such a long-range attack weapon, the combat effectiveness could be determined, so a red smoke shot straight into the sky from the tribe.

And dozens of kilometers away from this tribe, another small tribe is also facing the attack of the fighting group, and a red wolf smoke also rises.

At a distance of hundreds of kilometers, the leaders of the two combat regiments were discussing something, but after seeing the rising smoke, they jumped and shouted: "Quick, quick, damn, someone actually did it."

"Hurry up, or else our goal will be taken by others." The other commander also shouted loudly. The two combat regiments totaled nearly a thousand people, and dropped some heavy things, quickly to a dozen. Go ahead with the goal of kilometers away.

For a time, in the Star Boundary Grand Canyon near Black Ridge City, a dozen red wolves rose up. This area is under the jurisdiction of a medium-sized tribe. The chief of this medium-sized tribe was shocked when he saw a dozen red wolves. .

"Quick, quick, go and see what's going on." An elder quickly ordered.

A dozen warriors left the tribe with people, but not long after these dozen warriors left the tribe, several warriors fled back embarrassedly: "Chief, chief, there are enemies, a lot of enemies."

"What, is the Sage Association going to a full-scale war? How many people are there?" The chief was even more surprised and asked eagerly.

"I don't know, we just rushed out, and we received a fatal blow. Hundreds of people met at a time, and there were only a few of us..." The warrior said there was nothing to say here, because within the tribe's vision , Enemies have appeared, with thousands of people.

"Hehe, this tribe is good, it is a medium-sized tribe, at least tens of thousands of points." This is a joint action of three battle groups, these battle groups deeply know that if you start early, you will have points, and wait until those super teams are united. Do it, there’s nothing to do on your own, and the three battle groups are among the top five hundred in the entire star realm, so the combat effectiveness is very strong. The top five hundred are basically active in Outland, and these people’s equipment and other The equipment of the team that did not fight in Outland is different, and the equipment of these people is more non-standard equipment.

"Outland Combat Group, **** it, who provokes these perversions." An elder roared when he saw the looming enemy.

"Let's put out wolf smoke." The chief of the medium wolf tribe gave the order bitterly.

A golden wolf smoke rushes straight into the sky, like a beam of light, and the golden wolf smoke is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it is like a huge mushroom cloud, which can be clearly seen for thousands of kilometers. It is like an infection, here. It took less than half an hour for a golden wolf smoke to rush up, and three golden wolf smoke appeared one after another within tens of thousands of kilometers, which looked so gorgeous under the sun.

A medium-sized tribal settlement is like a large town. The population of a medium-sized tribe is about 100,000, that is, there are 30,000 warriors. Almost all adult men in the tribe are warriors, and there are thousands of warriors.

The three battle regiments have only more than 6,000 people, but these more than 6,000 people are elites. Because most of these battle groups are based in Outland, only elites come here, just like the top five hundred battle groups. The population of the entire team is more than 10,000, combatants, auxiliary personnel, logistics personnel, and the real combatants only occupy more than half, and the station needs to be guarded.

"Tell the boys, we must be fast, we must be fast, don't be afraid of the consumption of equipment, we strive to destroy the two medium-sized tribes." One of the three battle regiments roared loudly.

The commander of the other combat regiment said depressedly: "Unfortunately, you can't use foreign weapons, otherwise this small tribe will do it in minutes."

"Please, the weapons used by Outland have a devastating effect." Another regiment said grimly.

The equipment on the members of the three combat regiments is also varied, including metal armor with shining metallic luster, leather armor made of animal skins, some vine-woven equipment, and first-class equipment made of some bark pieces.

As for the weapons, there are many kinds of weapons. There are standard weapons, sticks, bows, crossbow arrows, machetes, scimitars, two-handed swords, one-handed swords, short swords, long spears, short guns, and things that look like muskets. It looks like an equipment exhibition.

The weapons in the tribe are basically the same. The warriors wear equipment made of unknown scale armor, and the warriors use leather armor. The weapons are different, but most of them are two sticks. Big and small.

"Roar." The battle began. The medium-sized tribe is thousands of meters wide without any plants. This is needed for tribal defense. After all, in the jungle, not only the sage is the enemy of the tribe, the beast is also the enemy of the tribe, of course the tribe The fire of life also needs to be cut down.

A distance of thousands of meters is a relatively long distance for ordinary sages, but for the award-winning elites of these battle groups, it is almost two breaths, and thousands of elite members of the battle group are arranged. In the attack formation, he quickly moved towards the tribe's resident.

"Warriors~www.wuxiaspot.com~free to attack." The chief knew that this time the incident had happened, and he knew it by looking at the surrounding wolf smoke, but the tribe people were very brave and brave. After the chief gave the order, he took it up. The rock around, the fighting group of the Association of Sages smashed past.

The stone directly hit the side of a combat team with a yellow light, making a loud noise, and the whole stone exploded like a bomb.

"Damn it, suppress which chief for me." A head of the fighting regiment saw this and roared, and the whole body was shining with white light and rushed towards the tribe.

"Boom, boom, boom." At a distance of thousands of meters, countless stones fell like raindrops, and these stones would explode. In just a few seconds, the attacking combat regiment lost dozens of members. , These members were dealt with urgently by the left-behind members of the team, and then sent to the rear.

"Stop him." The chief saw that the two-handed sword in the hands of the battle group commanded towards the wall of the tribe, and there was still white flames on the two-handed sword. The chief told the elders beside him.

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