A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 60: The Fall of the Medium Tribe

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"Hi!" The elder replied, and then threw off his clothes. This elder also had that kind of strange tattoo on his body. The elder shouted, the strange lines on his body immediately glowed with blue light, and then the elder's whole body It has more than doubled.

The elder looked at the battle commander below who was holding a two-handed sword with both hands, and his whole person kicked hard, like a big bird from tens of meters high (the number of meters here is calculated according to the size of the star giant, The starry sky giant is more than two meters high, and Cook's beast soul is only close to half the height of the starry sky giant after transforming. Popular

Seeing such a scene, the battle commander below stopped suddenly, looking at the tribe elder who was leaping towards him, with a smile on his mouth.

"Boom." At a distance of tens of meters, ∵☆wán∵☆Book∵☆Roba, w√≠the tribal elder instantly approached the battle leader, the tribal elder’s body was like a feather, and the elder exuded richness. The cyan light of the tribe elder waved his hands, and two cyan streamers smashed towards the battle regiment leader. The battle leader flew away, and the cyan streamer smashed two large holes in the ground. Obviously this The offensive power of the tribal elders is also good.

"Hi." The elder of the tribe fell gently on the ground, and the moment he fell on the ground, the elder of the tribe rushed out of his body at a very fast speed.

"It turns out to be a powerhouse of the Swift system." The battle group leader just evaded the attack of the tribe elder, he saw the tribe elder rushing towards him, the battle group leader whispered, while holding both hands. A big sword swept across.

The elder of the tribe saw the two-handed sword swept by the battle commander, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The whole person kicked his feet, and the whole person jumped up, leaping over the two-handed sword lightly, and struck the battle commander directly.

"Damn it." The head of the battle regiment didn't expect this tribe elder to react so quickly, and he screamed in his heart, and his two-handed swords slammed upwards, and the two-handed swords followed closely as the tribal elders.

"Haha." The elder of the tribe laughed, waved his hands, two cyan streamers directly hit the front door of the battle regiment leader.

"Boom." The elder of the tribe was also shocked, because his own blow was missed. It turned out that at a critical moment, the battle regiment leader dropped the two-handed sword in his hand, and the whole person rolled on the spot, and avoided this time. s attack. Full text reading of the latest chapters

Master moves, in fact, there are no complicated moves, and they will not add fists and feet like gangsters. They are very lively and master moves. As long as they are hit by opponents, then the outcome is determined. After all, gangsters are hitting each other. , The attack power withstand is also very small, but the master is not the same, this is not the battle regiment commander will be forced to give up the weapon in his hand.

"Dead." The elder of the tribe didn't land at all, and the real man turned around abruptly in the air, and waved two streams of light at the battle captain again.

"Boom!" Two streamers hit the ground, and the gravel and mud splashed. At this time, the tribe elder's body fell on the ground, and then the whole person rushed into the smoke from the explosion.

"Boom, boom, boom." A series of blows sounded in the smoke, and as the smoke dissipated, the two figures of the tribal elder and the battle leader gradually became clear.

The elders of the tribe were shining with cyan streamers, and the two daggers in the hands of the battle commander also shone white, with dazzling streamers in the waving, cyan streamers and white streamers, constantly colliding with each other, constantly touching and separating .

But even so, the chief’s face is very ugly. The elder confronts the battle commander. Although stalemate, the chief knows that there is a time limit for the state of the elder. Once that time is exceeded, the elder will fall into weakness. Period, at that time, will be a disaster for the tribe.

"All the elders, get rid of the head of the battle regiment first." The chief commanded loudly. The tribal warriors and warriors on the wall of the wall are still throwing stones, but there is no way to stop the approaching battle. Squad.

"Boom, boom." The remaining three elders flew down and rushed towards the commanders of several combat regiments, but the six deputy commanders who greeted the three elders were actually as powerful as The commanders are almost the same, but the division of labor is different. There are three combat regiments and just six deputy commanders.

"Damn it, come back." Seeing this scene, the chief shouted quickly.

But it was too late, and the three tribal elders were shot dead within less than two seconds of each contacting the two deputy heads.

"It's over, it's over, tell the people to escape, the farther you can escape, the better." The chief saw this scene and knew it was over. This time the enemy was very powerful.

"Rumble." However, when the chief gave the order, the wall collapsed with a bang for a period of tens of meters. Countless battle teams swarmed into the tribe, and the two regiment leaders also focused on the tribe for the first time. Chief.

"Why, why are you attacking us." The tribal chief said angrily, and he was surrounded by tribal warriors and warriors.

Tribal warriors, individual warriors are very powerful, but the tribe also has a shortcoming, that is, they do not understand team combat, and the combat team encounters extremely powerful creatures in Outland, so it is very handy in team combat.

A tribal warrior made a fierce impact and directly knocked a member of the combat team into flight. The life or death was unknown, but at this moment, at least three of the team members’ weapons approached the tribal warrior, and the tribal warrior avoided two. The weapon was attacked, but the third weapon still hit the tribal warrior, and because of this time difference, three more weapons approached the tribal warrior. In less than five seconds, a tribal warrior died and a combat group member was seriously injured.

Although there are thousands of warriors in the tribe, in the face of such a team battle, they are not opponents at all. At the beginning of the melee, dozens of warriors were killed, let alone ordinary warriors. A team of ten people acted together.

The women and children in the tribe fled one after another. After all, this tribe is like a town. It is impossible for three battle regiments to be surrounded. The warriors, warriors, women and children of these tribes must first be solved. Into the jungle.

But these women and children are greeted by countless fighting groups. What these tribes don’t know is that there are already more than 200,000 elite warriors in the area under the jurisdiction of the wolf tribe. However, the women and children of the tribe are basically all Being caught by those scattered combat teams, it is unrealistic for these combat teams to attack the tribe, but it is easy to clean up the women and children who fled in the jungle.

Two battle regiment commanders besieged a chief. In less than a minute, the chief was shot dead. The other tribal warriors and warriors were mad when they saw this scene, but in front of the six deputy commanders, three were officially Under the attack of the leader and the team that cooperated with a fairly tacit understanding, even if the tribal warriors went crazy, it had no effect. The whole battle was over in one hour, and a medium-sized tribe disappeared. Before leaving, the place where the tribe gathered was still After being set on a fire, thick smoke billowed. Today, the area of ​​the Astral Grand Canyon is full of thick smoke and the disgusting smell of burnt odor, which is the smell of the body when it is burned.

"Boom, why is this!" The chief of the wolf tribe looked at dozens of golden flashes in the distance. This is the wolf smoke released when the medium-sized tribe is attacked. The golden wolf smoke is like a huge golden mirror. Golden reflections can be seen from kilometers away, just like stars.

"It must be a counterattack initiated by the Sage Association." An elder of the wolf tribe said.

"Impossible, we also have someone in the Sage Association. Such a big operation cannot be kept secret." Another elder immediately retorted.

The wolf tribe is a super tribe. The entire tribe has a population of more than one million. It is like a huge city. The wolf tribe is located on a huge hillside and is condescending. The wolf tribe has also been attacked by the army of the sage association, but the sage The army of the association did not finally capture the place where the wolf tribe lived.

Because the wolf tribe was built on a cliff hundreds of meters high, and a huge ladder 100 meters wide was up and down. During the war, this was a natural defense, and the rest of the mountain was more towering cliffs. It can be handled with a small number of patrol personnel.

The ranks in the wolf tribe are more strict. The chiefs are tattooed with golden wolf heads, while the other elders are tattooed with silver wolf claws, wolf fangs, wolf tails and other parts. These elder patterns correspond to the jurisdiction. The medium-sized tribe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ six wolf teeth, two wolf eyes, four wolf ears, ten front claws, eight rear claws, six wolf tails, two wolf beaks, a total of three Eighteen medium-sized tribes correspond to thirty-eight elders, and the chiefs are thirty-nine members. This is the decision-making level of the entire wolf tribe.

"Check, see what's going on, and let the rest of the tribes be vigilant. If something goes wrong, retreat into the jungle first. I don't believe it. In the jungle, we still can't deal with the little boys of the Sage Association. People." The chief was very annoyed when he saw this scene, but now is not the time to get angry.

"Report!" a voice shouted from outside.

"Come in." The place where the elders of the wolf tribe and others are located is a huge cave. Yes, the place where the entire wolf tribe lives is countless caves, descending from the top of the hillside, not the kind of zigzag mountain road, but the stairs. The high cliffs are excavated between each residential area and the defense is very strong.

"Report to the elders that Black Ridge City has initiated a war application against our wolf tribe, and has obtained permission. It is estimated that 200,000 sages will participate in this war..." The report said.

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