A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 61: The reaction of the wolf tribe

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"Impossible, Black Ridge City is a small city with 200,000 sages. Dancing e-book" the chief asked.

"The Outland Combat Group is close to 100,000 people, and it's still increasing." The person who reported the report was very depressed, and waited until he was finished.

"How is it possible? How come the Outland Combat Team came here." An elder stood up. Outland and the tribe also participated, but in the Outland, the strength of the tribe was very low, but these elders knew the battle that could survive in the Outland. The regiment is so powerful.

"It is a reward. It is said that a tribe of the former Wolfclaw tribe went to assassinate a pharmacist. As a result, the pharmacist issued a mission, attracting more than two hundred outland combat groups to participate, and when the intelligence was released , The number of Outland Combat Teams is still increasing.” The person who reported the report continued.

"The former wolf claw tribe." Everyone looked at the elders of the former wolf claw tribe. If their eyes can kill people, these elders are already dead and cannot die.

"What do you guys say." The chief looked at the elders and asked in a bad tone.

"Hehe, how is this possible? There are some incredible characters in Black Ridge City who can promote war applications with one person, and there are more than two hundred Outland Combat Groups. Is this possible?" An elder of the Left Front Paw Tribe He said with a smile.

Hearing this, the other elders also nodded, and the chief turned his head and asked: "Is there any further news."

"Not yet." The person who reported it replied.

"Hurry up and collect specific information about this war, I want to know everything." The chief almost roared.

This warrior of the tribe hurriedly went down. The chief looked at the 30 or so elders below and asked, "What do you guys say?"

"Kill, kill one, and slaughter Heiling City clean." An elder stood up and shouted loudly.

"Puff." The other elder couldn't help laughing.

"You laugh a shit." The elder who spoke just now shouted arrogantly.

"That's right, I laughed that some people fart, Black Ridge City is now a silver-level city, how many sages are there, and the 200,000 elite battle group just mentioned, you go and have a look. Just a few of you wolffang tribes." The elder who had just smiled replied with a smile.

"Haha, fart." The rest of the elders all laughed.

"Enough, when are you still here laughing." The chief was angry and roared loudly.

An elder stood up and said to the chief: "The chief, in fact, Black Ridge City launches a war, it is still good for our tribe. First, some tribes below are ready to move, and some tribes don't listen to us at all, just like this time. The matter, the assassination of a sage, this should be reported to us, but it. Read the full text of the latest chapter"

"That is, although we say that we have the right to manage these tribes, the long-term peace has made these tribes unlawful to us, and we have asked several times to increase the tribe’s contribution. These tribes have united to resist. We must know that our subordinate medium-sized tribes There are several people with a population of over 100,000, but the number of contributions has hardly increased since the beginning. In this case, we will let these guys suffer." Another elder said.

"Of course, we have suffered heavy losses this time, so should the tribal council give us some support?" Another elder also said.

"But the other party has an Outland Combat Team." The chief did not understand. Although the wolf tribe has jurisdiction over the tribes under it, after all, these tribes also have chiefs. Normally, these tribes are a little disobedient.

"Hey, that's better, we can withdraw those medium-sized tribes to our side, and then start the state of war, then all food and equipment will be strictly rationed." The elder thought it was even more sinister.

"And you can also ask for help from the tribal council. I don't believe that 200,000 people want to break our tribe." An elder said confidently.

After the chief heard these words, the expression on his face relaxed a lot. The chief then said: "Check, after finding out, what kind of pharmacist, we must make this guy look good."

"That's for sure. I actually dare to do something to our wolf tribe. I think it's impatient to live." The elder below immediately agreed.

"Then what should we do now? Reinforce or not reinforce those medium-sized tribes." The chief asked afterwards, asking everyone's opinions.

This problem is more difficult to solve. According to the minds of the elders, the medium-sized tribes must be damaged, otherwise it will be difficult to manage in the future. Moreover, the tribal system depends on the population and the number of fighters. If the medium-sized tribes unite , Then the overthrow of the current big tribe is not uncommon.

The tribal system is actually the vassal system. Although nominally each tribe needs to obey the command of the big tribe, it is actually another matter. If during a war, in order to obtain the protection of the big tribe, then the small and medium tribes will execute the orders of the big tribe. It must have not run, but peace has been for countless years, so the small and medium tribes have a different attitude towards the orders of the big tribe.

An elder with wolf eyes opened his mouth and said: "Reinforcement is affirmative. If we do not reinforce, our reputation will be stinky in the future."

"Reinforcement, lightly speaking, whoever will reinforce, know that this is the Outland Combat Group." Some elder said dissatisfied.

"Hehe, the reinforcements I said must be reinforcements, but the reinforcements depend on time. For example, if we get the exact news that a certain medium-sized tribe is under attack, then we have two reinforcement methods. The first is unconditional reinforcements. Then the loss is definitely not small. The second type is selective reinforcement. The time of reinforcement is determined by us. When this medium-sized tribe is breached, we will rescue these tribes and then bring back our tribe... "The elder explained again.

"Wonderful, women, children are wealth, as long as these people return to our tribe, hehe." The elders' eyes lit up.

"But let's take away the women and children. I'm afraid the enemy is not willing." An elder said.

"So if we want to reinforce, we must use tremendous strength to prevent the enemy from acting rashly. In addition, if there are other tribes asking for help, we also have an excuse not to." Another elder understood and said.

The chiefs of the wolf tribe nodded their heads when they heard the discussion from the elders below. To put it bluntly, this chief relied on his own tribe. As for other tribes, there are chiefs too. In the tribe, the chiefs’ brains are not smart, because they are important. The decision of the chief is not determined by one person. It needs to pass the decision of the elders, but the chief is definitely the most powerful person in the entire tribe. The people here are not only men, but also women.

After the initial unification of opinions, the entire wolf tribe began to operate. The wolf tribe has tens of thousands of warriors, and each warrior carries from a dozen to dozens of warriors. These warriors are the backbone of the tribe.

"Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo." Wolf tribe which sounded the trumpets of war, countless wolf tribal fighters from various parts of pouring out, towards the place where the Warriors forward their own jurisdiction.

People around the wolf tribe migrate towards the tribe. After all, in normal times, there are many people outside the wolf tribe who hunt and gather food.

"Warriors, the war is coming, the evil sages are starting to invade our territory and are slaughtering our compatriots, warriors, take your weapons and drive the invaders out of our homeland, hi." The chief stood in the tribe. In the highest place, loudly speaking to the people of the tribe.


"Hi." Countless wolf tribe warriors and warriors roared loudly. The chief and the elders were all delighted to see such a scene.

The next step is to send soldiers. The wolf tribe is not a small tribe. There are knights in the wolf tribe. They are tamed with some powerful beasts, and there are flying knights. Teams of flying knights are driving flying mounts. , Rushed towards the densely smoky place, and on the ground, thousands of cavalry troops were advancing in the direction guided by the flying knights.

This is the tactics developed by the wolf tribe. It uses superior forces to rescue other medium-sized tribes. The reason why the cavalry is dispatched is not only to improve combat effectiveness, but also to run faster than others when it is not defeated, so don't talk about the tribe. To be honest, there are conflicts and struggles in the tribe.

After the speech, the chief of the wolf tribe came to the tribal council through a secret method. No one knows the specific location of the tribe council, but according to the guess of the sage association, it should be somewhere in the outer domain.

"Dang, Dang." The council of the tribe is located on a red mountain. On the mountain are huge stone buildings. The red ground, black stones, and low plants give people a sense of desolation. The bell of the tribal council rang.

The bell sounded like a thunderstorm, so that many people appeared in the council that hadn't seen a single person. They all looked at the place where the bell rang in astonishment.

"What happened?" The tribal council has more than one hundred and fifty seats, of which the wolf tribe occupies five ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The councillors of every other tribe are here, except for the chief of each tribe. The chief of each large tribe is also a member of the parliament and a permanent member.

"The Sage Association launched a war against the wolf tribe. We have already destroyed more than 30 medium-sized tribes." The chief of the wolf tribe watched as more than a hundred councillors hurried over and waited until the personnel were almost there. The chief of the wolf tribe said loudly.

"How is this possible? Did the Sage Association not abide by the contract signed?" someone asked incredulously.

"The Sage Association is a group of villains." Someone complained dissatisfiedly.

"I want to convene all members of the tribal council to discuss, we want to make the sage association pay." The chief of the wolf tribe proposed loudly.

"I oppose it. Before we figure out the truth, I oppose a blind counterattack." However, there is also a fight in the council. This is not the chief of the wolf tribe just proposed, and some people oppose it.


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