A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 62: The reaction of the tribal council

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When the chief of the wolf tribe heard this, he jumped and shouted: "It's not that you were attacked. Of course you said that?"

"You can't say that. According to our intelligence, the Sage Association did not take much action. If we made the choice of war, we would be a bit reckless. Txt e-book download/" another member of the Diet said .

The layout of the entire council is very clear. The middle circle has only the wolf tribe chief and another rotating tribe chief. The outer circle is the councillors of each tribe. It is divided into dozens of regions, with the number of people in each region. They are almost the same. In fact, members of the big tribe can become members of the council, and the wolf tribe also has a dozen members.

What this congressman said was affirmed by the vast majority of congressmen. The rotating permanent director said: "Wolf King, I think so, shall we hold a meeting of tribal chiefs?"

"Thank you Elephant King, but faster. This time we are not only invading the ordinary warriors of the Sage Association, but also members of the Outland Legion." The chief of the wolf tribe is called the wolf king, and the tribe of the wild elephant is called the elephant. king.

"Outland Legion, how is this possible? The Outland Legion is under our close surveillance, and the two legions didn't make any big moves at all." Xiang Wang asked incredulously.

"Our intelligence is like this anyway." The Wolf King replied angrily.

The elephant king felt that the matter was serious, so he immediately decided to hold a meeting of tribal chiefs. Even so, when the chiefs of dozens of large tribes gathered together, it was a day later. After many chiefs came, the meeting began. .

"Dear chiefs, our wolf tribe is accredited by the Sage Association..." the wolf king said loudly.

"Come on, Wolf King, we already know that it is not the Sage's Association that is fighting your wolf tribe, but Black Ridge City is fighting you." The Wolf King was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Lion King, what do you mean?" Seeing that it was the chief of the Lion Tribe, the Wolf King immediately asked.

The Lion King replied without fear: "It doesn't mean anything. Your wolf tribe lurks into Black Ridge City and actually want to assassinate a legendary creator and a pharmacist. Tsk tsk, I really don't know your wolf tribe. What’s in their heads."

"What, assassinate the legendary creator?" The other chiefs on the scene looked at the wolf king in shock, knowing that every legendary creator in the sage association is a strategic target, and the members of the wolf tribe are so capable. Up. Dance eBook

"So, this time I really don't blame the Sage Association, but the courage of the Wolf King is worth learning from all of us, but our lion tribe will not participate in this war." The Lion King said with a smile, it sounds like It's admiring the wolf king, but the meaning is very obvious. The hornet's nest that you stabbed yourself actually asked us all to wipe our ass. There is such a good thing there.

"Impossible, why didn't I know about this?" The Wolf King denied it.

"Look, this is the mission scroll of the Sage Association. Everyone has a look." The Lion King sneered at the Wolf King. In fact, the Lion King's territory is not very far from the Wolf King's territory, so the Lion King's news is still very good. Well-informed, as for the meaning of the Lion King, the Lion King really didn't want to participate in this war, just look at the mission scroll.

"Hey, Wolf King, who do you think your tribe provokes is not good? Look, the legendary creator of Jinhuan Jiedu Pills offers a reward of thousands of non-universal Swift Pills. No wonder there are Outland Legions participating in the battle. Look at this non-universal type. Swift pill." A chief sighed and handed it to others after reading the scroll.

Another chief took a look and said in amazement: "This guy is only a second-level sage?"

"Level 2 is level 2, but people have points. How much is the value of these thousands of non-universal swift pills?" The chief who had seen the scroll asked angrily.

"Nine-Rank, it's impossible, how could there be thousands of 9-Rank pills?" The chief continued to look, then shook his head.

The Lion King smiled and said: "Nothing is impossible. The golden ring detoxification pill, a fellow named Locke, can prepare 500 pills at a time, and most of them are 9th grade. According to our information, this kid's dynasty points may be as high as One billion, maybe more?"

"How come this wolf tribe's warrior only has a few points? Who wants to go?" Another chief asked suspiciously after seeing it.

"Look at the back. One thousand war points can be exchanged for a Ninth-Rank non-universal type at least the fifth-level Swift Pill. Who wouldn't want to go?" The Lion King continued, and the Lion King's meaning was obvious, that is Me, I want to go too.

"Enough, what do you mean?" Hearing these chiefs' words, the wolf king stood up and shouted loudly.

The rest of the people were indifferent, and King Xiang said, "Wolf King, we cannot help your wolf tribe with this matter. This is a war you provoked, and we have agreed with the Sage Association not to attack each other’s important figures. This is your own business wolf tribe."

The reason why the elephant king said this is because the elephant king was also frightened by Cook’s great hand. As for Nima, isn’t it just an attempted assassination, and he actually offered a reward worth billions of points to deal with the wolf tribe. What is such a person? , Is a madman, no one is willing to provoke a madman, in case this madman uses hundreds of millions of points to reward someone's head, everyone here is afraid that they will live in fear every day.

"Xiang King, what you said is not right." When the wolf king heard this, he was about to go wild, when he heard the tiger king say this, the wolf king glanced at the tiger king gratefully.

"Tiger King, do you want to participate in it?" The Lion King looked at the Tiger King playfully. The Lion King and the Elephant King thought about the same. Crazy people like Cook are the least to provoke, and this time they themselves are not clean. , You can assassinate assassin, and if the assassination fails, if you fail, then you fail. There is still alive in the hands of the Black Ridge City Sage Association. Can this Nima be stupid?

"Ahem, no, I mean, do we want to gather heavy soldiers on the border of the wolf tribe, on the one hand, we are alert that the **** of the Sage Association will make further moves, and we can also help the personnel of the wolf tribe." Wang coughed twice.

As soon as the Tiger King said this, the Wolf King jumped: "Tiger King, you shit, **** help, I think you are hitting our wolf tribe women and children!"

Facing the roar of the wolf king, the tiger king said with a dark face: "Wolf king, do you think your family and your children are captured by the sage? If that is the case, just assume that I have not said."

"You bastards, don't you see our wolf tribe being bullied like this? Have you forgotten our purpose of forming the council?" The wolf king was depressed to death by the tiger king's words, and shouted loudly.

"Tiger King is right, we shouldn't stand by and watch." Bull King said at this time.

However, after the Bull King finished speaking, the other chiefs looked at the Bull King intriguingly, and the Lion King said even more irritably: "Well, Bull King, if you want, you can gather the warriors of your bison tribe and go directly to the wolf. The tribe, but I am worried that you have not rushed to the wolf tribe, I am afraid that the wolf tribe does not exist."

It turned out that the bison tribe is the furthest away from the wolf tribe. When they arrived, the day lilies were cold, let alone anything else.

"Our tribe is willing to help the wolf tribe." The chief of the eagle tribe said.

"Thank you Eagle King." Wolf King was grateful.

As Wang saw this, he said, "Should we vote in parliament?"

"No." The wolf king immediately refused. The council, the council is where Nima wrangles. If a resolution is passed, it will not take three or five months to be a delusion. The reason why the wolf king wants to convene a meeting of chiefs is to quickly It is supported by the parliament, but now it seems almost impossible.

"In fact, we can put pressure on the Sage Association or Black Ridge City in the name of the parliament, and strive for a peaceful solution." The Whale King did not speak for a long time, and it was just such a suggestion.

When the Tiger King heard this, he also said, "I think it's okay."

"I don't care." There is a territorial dispute between the Lion King and the Wolf King. It is difficult to get the support of the Lion King.

The other tribal chiefs all agreed with the Whale King’s opinion. Since the tribal chieftain has become an agreement, the chairman of the parliament, the elephant king, and the chairman of the tribal parliament have no substantive rights. The chairman of the tribal assembly is the chairman. In fact, the tribe implements this system. It is not very reasonable. If the parliamentary system is done well, the entire assembly will be developed. If it is not done well, it will be a stumbling block to restrict development.

The elephant king sent a protest letter to the headquarters of the Sage Association and proposed a peaceful solution, but within a short day, the tribal council got a reply. After reading the reply, the wolf king jumped angrily: "Damn, what? Shit Heiling City's own affairs, what kind of personal grievances, don't participate, Nima's."

"What I said, don't worry about it. Some people want to assassinate people with dirty hands and feet, and they have been captured alive. They have seen stupid ones, and have never seen such stupid ones." Lion King said with a sneer.

The Lion King’s words actually speak to everyone’s heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, since you are going to do it, you have to do it more secretly. This time the incident also exposed the weakness of the tribe.

The first is the composition of the tribal territory. Just like the wolf tribe, the lion tribe, and the tiger tribe, there are some frictions in normal times. When support is needed, these two tribes must be the first to support them. After all, they are closer together. , The tribe does not have the spatial ability of the Sage Association.

Then at this time, the Lion King and Tiger King have to think about it. If they fail to help, they are severely injured. Then how will the other tribes that connect with them react? You must know that the two of you who support the first battle are your two. The tribe, the rest of the tribe, will take some time, so Tiger King will find these excuses. Of course, if everyone gathers to send troops together, no one will object, but if they gather, it will take at least half a year, and now Is there that time?

"You, you will regret today's decision. My wolf tribe withdrew from the council." Upon hearing this, the wolf king threw down these words and left.


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