A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 63: Blockade

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"Are we doing too much. ( Watching the wolf king leave angrily, the fox king said.

The Elephant King sighed and didn't say anything. The chiefs present were not stupid. Everyone understood the opposition of the Tiger King and the Lion King. It was nothing more than strength. Of course, strength was the most important thing.

The Lion King sneered and said: "It is okay to reinforce the Wolf King, but our Lion Tribe and Tiger Tribe will not support them first. Otherwise, who can guarantee that our strength is lost, who will guarantee our interests."

When the Tiger King heard this, he smiled and said: "Yes, we must reinforce everyone. Don't want our two families to go first."

In fact, to put it plainly, the tribal council’s power to restrain each tribe is extremely small, and even territorial disputes can’t be resolved. Then it is hoped that the major tribes below will obey the arrangements of the council. The council here is actually nominal, but To provide a platform for everyone to solve problems, just like the United Nations, it is very awesome, but it is useless for a few permanent members not to listen to you, and it is called outside the framework of the United Nations...

Xiang Wang sighed and said: "After all the assembly is completed, it will take at least half a year, plus the preparation time, and the supply of materials. Don't even think about assembly in a year."

"This is not the end, and this time it is the wolf tribe's provocation first. If we are all involved, who can guarantee that it is not an all-out war between the sage association and our tribe." Tiger King continued.

This is also a big problem. In the previous war between the tribe and the sage association, the tribe has been broken. It was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, but now every chief has altars and pots under his hands, so they can't drop them.

When the Fox King heard this, he said, "In fact, we are not incapable of attacking the cities controlled by the Association of Sages adjacent to the various tribes. I think..."

"Fox King, you are sure that your cunning fox tribe is going to attack. There are several silver-level cities next to you. You are not afraid of these silver-level cities working together. I don’t care. Our territory is not adjacent to silver-level cities. "The Lion King asked with a smile before the Fox King finished.

When asked by the Tiger King, the Fox King was a little uncertain. It is the area where the tribe’s territory borders the Sage Association. Some have several silver-level cities of the Sage Association, and some don’t, so here it comes again. In case, if the Sage Association provokes trouble, the tribe bordering the Silver City will definitely be hit hard, no matter what the Silver City is. [800]

"Mouth cannon." Seeing that the Fox King stopped speaking, the Lion King spit out two words out of breath, and the Fox King rolled his eyes in depression.

"Actually, I suggest that our various tribes unite and form a support corps. All the flying knights should be used, and the equipment and logistics should be shared. There should not be too many people. Two thousand people are enough, and it is best to be all warriors. The composition of levels." Xiang Wang saw that this would not work, if the Sage Association were to be defeated, what should the tribe do.

As the king said, other chiefs are considering this issue. Everyone has seen the status quo of the wolf tribe and understands the problems in it. The Tiger King was the first to agree: "It should have been this way, but two thousand people. It’s a little bit less. Why don’t we have more than 30 tribes to make up 10,000 people."

"There are more than 10,000 people, up to 5,000 people." A chief immediately objected.

"In fact, it takes 10,000 people to have deterrence and scale, and all flying knights are used, so the speed is very fast." The Lion King also said.

When the Fox King thought of the several silver-level cities bordering his territory, he nodded and said, "This is a good suggestion, but this is the area where the armed forces are stationed."

This is another problem. Why, because the Astral Canyon is a huge, narrow, distorted figure, there is no such thing as a central area. Many chiefs are thinking about it. These chiefs also have a small nine in their hearts, such a power. Of course it is best to be stationed in your own tribe, but there are also disadvantages. After all, this power is not yours and there is a certain risk.

The change of the tribe was not expected by the Sage Association. The headquarters of the Sage Association also issued high-level warning orders to various cities, just for fear that the tribes of the tribal council would dispatch.

When the tribal council made a new decision, the reinforcements of the wolf tribe finally met with the fighting group of the sage association. In fact, it was said that the encounter was wrong. It should be said that it was a thousand sent by a dozen fighting groups such as Tongya to surround the wolf tribe. A flying knight, thousands of other knights.

"Hehe, these tribe idiots are swaggering, for fear that we don't know." Tongya looked at the exchange terminal in his hand.

We must know that the territory of the wolf tribe is full of scouts from various battle groups. These scouts are hidden in the jungle, and the cavalry reinforcements of the wolf tribe are very powerful. These scouts put this information on the points exchange terminal. People can exchange points, which is also a way for some powerful individuals to earn points. Of course, the danger is great.

The Tongya battle group alliance has more than a dozen battle groups with a total of about 20,000 people. Such a huge strength can only be used to eliminate the medium-sized tribes, but the points of the medium-sized tribes are definitely not as many as the points of the cavalry reinforced by this batch of wolf tribes.

"That is, this tribe is an idiot. The flying knights have to act together with the ground knights. This severely hinders the speed of the team and gives us a chance to arrange them calmly." Hong Ri also said, in the eyes of these Outland Combat Groups, The tactics of the wolf tribe are simply rubbish. The flying knight mainly reacts quickly and does not give the enemy time to react at all. However, if the flying knight and the ground knight fight in concert, this opportunity will be lost. For the enemy with lower strength, Such a tactic is inevitable, but for a powerful enemy, this gives the enemy time to prepare.

Agni also grinned and said, "If that's not the case, let's earn points there."

"Yes, but it's a pity that there are more than a thousand flying knights. This is a lot of wealth." Heishui sighed.

Agni replied in an angry voice: "Why don't the flying knights be handed over to you Blackwater Fighting Group."

"Forget it, we don't have the ability to wipe out." Heishui waved his hand and said.

"Well, there are still fifteen minutes, everyone is ready, we must kill the flying knight in the first wave, although this will consume our swift arrows, but it will reduce the obstacle for us to attack the wolf tribe." Aoki watched. Look at the time, and then said.

The battlefield for the reinforcement of the sniper wolf tribe is the former Wolfclaw tribe. This is a medium-sized tribe with almost 200,000 people. Now this tribe is being besieged by more than a dozen battle groups. The golden wolf smoke rising from the tribe is thousands of kilometers away. You can see it, and this is also the goal of the wolf tribe's reinforcements. Heishui and others are located hundreds of kilometers away from this medium-sized tribe.

The thousand flying knights of the wolf tribe were slow. This was mainly because the ground knights slowed down. Of course, the most important thing is that these guys waited for time and waited for this medium-sized tribe to be severely hit before they appeared. This is also the method negotiated by the tribal elders. Of course, the battle group of the Sage Association must have never thought that the wolf tribe's reinforcements are not to save this medium-sized tribe, but to grab the spoils.

Heishui and others have already arranged the battle formation, and the tasks assigned by each battle group are also assigned to each squad. Of course, this is not absolute. In this world, there is no command to achieve convenient communication for each squad. Arranged, and then each team can play freely. This is a severe test for the team leader. If one is not good, the entire team will be destroyed.

The wolf tribe’s reinforcements were led by an elder. The elder looked at the golden wolf smoke in the distance and asked, "How is it going?"

"Elder, the situation is not very clear. According to past experience, fifty kilometers around the battlefield is the cordon of the Sage Association combat group. Once we intervene prematurely, it is likely that those combat groups will shift their targets and deal with us." The knight reported that the elder was riding a ground mount.

"Then slow down." Hearing this, the elder issued an order.

The reinforcement knights of the wolf tribe slowed down, but in the eyes of Heishui and others, it was a bit abnormal. Tongya asked in confusion: "Did these guys have discovered something that actually slowed down."

"What's even more abnormal is that these guys don't send investigations." Tongya was also puzzled.

The people present did not know the relationship between the various tribes in the tribe. If they knew, they would definitely understand. Heishui and others were very puzzled, but there was no good way.

Hongri asked, "Did we have been discovered?"

"Impossible." More than a dozen combat regiments act together. In fact, there are disadvantages. They do not have a unified command and give orders. Everyone must discuss with each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is nothing in general combat. But when something unexpected happened, this was a huge flaw, so in the face of the slowdown of the tribe's reinforcements, the opinions of more than a dozen combat regiment leaders were not unified.

"Or let's get started first."

"No, we can't wipe it out now. This poses a certain threat to our attack on the wolf tribe headquarters."

"This is what the flying knight hates most. Once we wipe out the flying knights, the remaining air power of the wolf tribe itself will be very limited, which is very beneficial to our follow-up actions."

"But what if these guys run away now?"

"I didn't run away."

Watching this scene, Heishui and others shook their heads. This is the difference between the combat regiment and the legion. At this time, a voice sounded outside: "Report, there is a major military situation." The book was first published, and the original content is the first time!


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