A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 65: Fierce collision caused by misunderstanding

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The ground knights of the wolf tribe turned their heads and ran when they saw that the air knights were destroyed in an instant. This shocked Heishui and others. The reason why the tribes are called warriors is that these tribal warriors are not afraid of death. , Meaning to go forward bravely, thousands of ground knights turned their heads and ran. 【800()】

The ground knight turned his head and ran away, but seeing this scene from the defeated soldiers from the wolf claw tribe in front of the left, they also dispersed in a rush, which was expected by Heishui and others.

"Fuck, who can tell me exactly what happened." Hongri and others had no time to react. The personnel of these combat regiments were all assembled just now to prevent the ground knights of these thousands of tribes from going crazy, but who I could think of running away without saying hello, Hong Ri asked loudly.

"Hurry up." Tongya saw this scene, jumped and shouted, so the fighting group where Tongya was in launched the first charge, chasing the tribal ground knights.

As soon as the fighting group of Tongya took action, the rest of the fighting group also reacted and hurried to catch up. Although Tongya and others did not have mounts, these people themselves were good in strength, and there were various kinds of people. Props, and some auxiliary pills, such as swift pill and other auxiliary means. In an instant, you can see the colorful brilliance of meteors throughout the jungle, like countless meteors, but these meteors are chasing by the tribe. Ground knight.

"Fly." A commander of the combat regiment yelled, and two transparent wings appeared directly behind his body. Then the commander's light wings moved, and the whole person shot directly like a cannonball. The sky disappeared far away in the sky.

"Damn, it's actually Wings of Streaming Light." Heishui couldn't help but explode when he saw this scene.

"Hehe, Shenxing pills." Aoki smiled when he saw this scene, and then took the cyan pill for the next moment, and then the whole person flew up to the treetop with a cyan streamer, and then the whole person was directly on the treetop. Gallop.

"Hmph, I also have the Floating Feather Technique." Heishui heard Aoki's unkind words, and immediately tore a scroll unhappily, and then the whole person was suspended as if weightless.

For a time, there were countless streamers in the entire jungle, and the speed of these streamers was extremely fast.

"Look, it's the tribal ground knight." Tongya was the first to chase, and was the first to see the tribal ground knight.

"Swift Arrow, let go." Tongya gave the order excitedly.




There were only more than one hundred members who followed Tongya, but these members were the most elite members of the entire Tongya combat group. Each of these members had at least ten swift arrows, and more than one hundred swift arrows were like a hurricane. The ground knight towards the tribe swept over.

The entire jungle is like being swept by countless hurricanes. Although the swift arrow is only thicker than the thumb, the fast-rotating whirlwind directly crushes the branches, and some thick trees blocking the road are directly penetrated, and only half a sound Collapsed suddenly.

The swift arrows released by a hundred people are like being scraped across the ground by a huge nail rake. Numerous huge trees are left with bare trunks, some with only a few stumps, thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide on the ground. Stacked with sawdust.

"Go on, don't feel bad about Swift Arrow." Tongya shouted loudly.

"Damn, Tongya, you despicable fellow, actually used Swift Arrow directly." A battle regiment leader who followed up saw with his own eyes hundreds of ground knights of the wolf tribe being scrapped directly by a round of Swift Arrow, loudly Shouted.

"Hehe." Tongya smiled, then kept chasing without saying a word.

The battle regiment of nearly 20,000 people chased thousands of tribal ground knights in the jungle. The commanding elder of the tribal ground knights now yelled: "Damn guy, he is equipped with strategic weapons."

The reason why this elder did not fight was because he was frightened by the destruction of the air knights. When he came out this time, his purpose was very clear, that is, to pick up the bargain, not to work hard, so these tribal knights would be crazy. Ran back.

"Elder, no, we will all be finished if this continues." A warrior said loudly.

"Run separately, remember, save your strength." The elder also wanted to go back and show the minions of the Sage Association to look good, but the elder could not violate the chief's order.

"Elder, if there are some people left, it is more dangerous to run separately." The warrior said loudly.

"Good." The elder gritted his teeth when he heard the booming sound behind him.

"Elder, take care." Hearing the elder's consent, the warrior suggested by the body turned and ran towards the back after leaving a word.

"Come with me, boys, let the **** choppy know how powerful the tribal warriors are." The warrior roared loudly as he drove his mount and galloped.


"Hi." The ground knights of the tribe heard this warrior's words and thought it was an order from the elder. The warriors who had been panicked for a long time shouted loudly, then turned their mounts and rushed towards the battle group of the Sage Association. .

"I..." The elder looked back and almost jumped up angrily, because the thousands of ground knights turned their heads back, and the elder saw the dazzling brilliance burst out of the tribe's warriors.

This is a misunderstanding, but what this misunderstanding brought to the combat regiment was a head-on blow. You must know that the current formation of these combat regiments is also very open, and it stretches for almost ten kilometers. After all, some combat regiment members do not have any outstanding scrolls. , There is no auxiliary means, it can only rely on a pair of legs.

Tongya never thought that the knights of the tribe would actually kill a carbine. The tribe had no such tactical brains, no, so the madness that Tongya and the others chase, the sour chase, when there are thousands of ground knights yelling When they came back with brilliant brilliance, the members of the combat group couldn't believe their eyes.

"Enemy attack." Someone finally reacted and let out a terrible cry, but then this member was overwhelmed by the tribe's ground knights.

Thousands of tribal ground knights are like a strong wind, and the members of the battle group are like piles of sand. When the two sides collide with each other, they will inspire brilliant brilliance.

"Roar, fight." The warrior of the tribe rushed to the front. One of the warriors bulged, and the whole person was shining with golden light. Before a member of the combat group opposite the warrior could react, he was caught by the warrior. Boxing breaks the body.

Seeing this scene, Tongya roared loudly: "Back, back, and form a defensive position."

Bronze Fang knows how terrifying the tribe’s ground knights charge. The charge of thousands of ground knights is not only the power of tribal warriors, but also the power of their mounts. These mounts are alien beasts in the Grand Canyon of the Star Realm. The beast is too powerful.

The idea of ​​Bronze Teeth was good, but the knights of the tribe couldn't stand it a long time ago. Thousands of knights of the tribe were like a huge wave shining with brilliance in the jungle, flooding countless members of the battle group.

"Damn it, swift arrow, let me go." Tongya yelled loudly when he saw that for an instant, his battle regiment had lost a dozen elite.

"Roar." But the warriors of the tribe had noticed Tongya for a long time. Hundreds of warriors roared, and then these tribal warriors had more black stones in their hands, and these black stones turned towards Tongya. Waiting for someone to fly over.


"Boom." At the same time, the remaining subordinates of Bronze Teeth shot out Swift Arrows one after another. As soon as the Swift Arrows hit the strings, they made a huge sound of breaking through the air. If Cook was here, he knew that this was the arrow breaking through the speed of sound. Strong impact sound with air.

"Boom, boom, boom." The black stone directly hit the place where the copper tooth was. Hundreds of black stones burst directly in the air, and a mushroom cloud-like flame sputtered.

"Back, back." Tongya roared loudly when he saw this scene, while flying back.

But it was over. The remaining subordinates of Tongya only escaped a few people, and the rest were contaminated by this flame, and the whole person burned all at once, like a human-shaped fireball.

Of course, the tribal ground knight was also directly bitten by a huge gap by the swift arrow. When the tribal knight saw this scene, not only did not retreat, but shouted loudly.


"Hi." Thousands of tribal knights seem to have no idea what death is. These knights are shining with inexplicable lines. These lines give the tribe a strong force, or extremely high agility, or extremely precise. Right, thousands of tribal knights directly scrapped hundreds of combat group members in a single face, and of course, there are more than 100 elites of the Bronze Teeth Fighting Group, who makes the bronze teeth run the fastest.

The tribal knights that charge up are extremely terrifying. Thousands of tribal knights, the black pressure and torrents give people a sense of oppression. The members of countless battle groups have no ability to resist. Each tribal warrior knight is an arrow of charge.

"Shoo." An arrow directly hit a tribal warrior~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tribal warrior rolled off his mount, and several combat group members surrounded him, but the tribal warrior stood up and watched. Look around.

"Come on, **** shit, excite." The tribal warrior saw that he had been abandoned by the team and knew that he was bound to die. He roared loudly, and his body was shining with blood red light.

"Roar." The tribal warrior's mount also followed the warrior, and roared threateningly at several combat group members.

"Good job, my friend, let these scumbags know how powerful our tribal warriors are." The tribal warrior praised this scene.

"Roar." The tribal warrior's mount was a creature with a scaly wolf. Hearing the tribal warrior's praise, he roared excitedly, and his eyes turned red.

"Kill." Several members of the fighting group saw this scene, glanced at each other, and then shouted at the same time, waving several weapons at the same time.


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