A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 66: Tribal warrior

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"Hi. Hot" The tribe warrior roared, his whole body swelled up, blood-red eyes shining with coquettish light, and the tribe warrior's mount also rushed out, directly towards a battle group member.

"Dang." The tribal warrior raised the unknown animal bone in his hand, resisted a weapon, made a pounding sound, and the sage who used this weapon took a step back in shock.

"Kill." The tribal warrior simply ignored the other weapons around him. With a strong kick under his feet, the figure rushed towards the sage who was retreated.

"Not good." The other members of the combat group screamed. Several members were from the same team, and they cooperated in a tacit understanding. However, the tribal fighters took the initiative to attack and shook back a member, and the encirclement was incomplete. , And the fighting quality of the tribal warriors is really high, and they reacted directly and continued to attack the weak link.

"Dead." Another member of the group saw this scene, and the weapon in his hand swept towards the tribal warrior's waist like a poisonous snake. Once hit, the tribal warrior would definitely be seriously injured.

"Haha, you are the one who died." The tribe warrior laughed, his whole body supported on one foot, and he turned around and hit the other member directly with his body.

"Boom." Another member of the group never thought that the other party's target was himself, and this member of the group was accelerating, and seeing the tribal warrior rushing towards him, this member of the group only gritted his teeth and slammed into the past, sending out There was a dull sound.

"Haha." There was a wound on the tribe warrior's belly. This was the injury caused by the group member just now, but the group member was directly knocked out and spouted a mouthful of blood during the flight. There was no response at all.

The rest of the combat regiment members saw this scene and attacked the tribal warriors one after another. All parts of the tribal warriors were enveloped by these weapons.

"Roar." The tribal warrior's mount was surrounded by three members of the fighting group, and one of the group members directly gave the scaly wolf a heavy blow. Instead of screaming, the scaly wolf was aroused wildly. An angry roar.

"Come on, Miscellaneous." The tribal warrior flew back, and the encirclement was opened. The tribal warrior's figure was very agile, and it was a jungle here, so the tribal warrior just fell in the wind, but the tribal warrior listened. After the scream of his mount, he roared angrily, and the blood-red light shining on his body became more intense. Full text reading of the latest chapters

"Be careful, this guy is burning his vitality." The captain of the entire team shouted when he saw this scene.

"Burn, fight, the tribe will not be destroyed, you scumbags, you will regret it." The warriors of the tribe shouted madly as if their sanity was a little unclear.

"Dead." On the other side, after the three group members inflicted heavy injuries on the tribal warriors, the other group member also found the opportunity, and the spear in his hand stabbed the mount's waist severely.

"Roar, boom." The scaly wolf turned his head and glanced at his master. A trace of despair flashed in his eyes. The spear plunged into the scaly wolf's waist. The scaly wolf roared, and the whole body was shining bright red. Light, and then the whole body of the scale wolf suddenly swelled.

"Quick..." The captain yelled loudly when he saw this scene, but it was too late. There was a violent explosion, and the entire scaled wolf exploded like a bomb. The three surrounding members of the fighting regiment exploded. The two farther away were impacted and flew upside down, while the group member holding a long gun, the long gun in his hand was directly blown to pieces by a huge force, and then the fragments of the body mixed with the fragments of the long gun hit the group member severely. , The group member sprayed a blood mist all over his body, his whole body was like a sieve, and then he fell directly to the ground.

"Lulu." The tribal warrior yelled in grief at this scene. The waist of the tribal warrior was already blood red. Obviously, the weapon that hit the tribal warrior had special power, causing the wound to grow bigger and bigger.

"Retreat." The captain yelled loudly, sensing a trace of danger.

"Let’s die together." The tribe warrior was awakened by the captain’s words. The red on the body seemed to form a red flame, but the whole body of the orc warrior was slowly shrinking, just as these red flames were drawing on the tribe. The warrior's body burns like that.

"Damn it, retreat." Seeing this scene, the captain roared loudly, smashing the weapon heavily at the tribal warrior.

"Boom." It was just a flash of red light, and the tribal warrior disappeared. Then, at the place where the captain was, there was a loud bang. Numerous trees within a few hundred meters were directly blown out by the huge force. It is a big pit shining with red flames.

"Goo, it's too abnormal." A surviving member of the team saw this scene, and said in fear.

There were originally eight members of the team, but now there are only three standing, two seriously injured, the captain is no longer found, and one is seriously injured, I don’t know if I can survive it. The same body.

"According to the regulations, now I am the captain, I will listen to my orders." A member of the team stood up silently and said loudly.

"Kill them all." The other two members looked at the member. The new captain raised a fist and screamed in the direction of the tribe mount's charge.

"Kill them all." The other two members made the same move.

"Dududu." Then the new captain took out something and blew it vigorously.

However, within two minutes, several sages arrived here. After seeing the scene, they asked in astonishment: "I have encountered a tribal warrior."

"No, a tribal warrior burned his life." The new captain said.

"Slow down, slow down." It turned out that these new sages were doctors. Several doctors started emergency treatment. After initial treatment, the wounded would be moved away.

Such battles are happening everywhere in this jungle. Although the battle group has suffered heavy losses, the number of tribal warriors who charge is decreasing.

"Stay steady, steady, swift arrow, release." The fire did not expect that this battle would be like this. At first, it killed the flying knight in an instant, and then pursued it with victory, but knew that he was killed by a man with a carbine, almost by the wolf tribe. The ground knights pierced through the entire position. The consequences were unbearable. The key was that there were tens of thousands of broken soldiers behind the position. Once these tribal ground knights merged with these broken soldiers, it would be even more troublesome.

Hundreds of swift arrows were released together, with a deafening roar, and the jungle seemed to be shoveled directly by a huge force.

"Get out of the way." The elder of the tribe was also inside the ground knight. Hearing this voice, he immediately shouted loudly.

The ground knight’s charge relies on a dense formation and a huge impact. Although it is in the jungle, the mounts of the tribe’s knights themselves live in the jungle. In fact, don’t remind the elders. The rest are scattered. , Even the mounts did not need these knights to command, and several swift arrow attacks made these mounts understand that once this sound sounded, it would be a disaster.

But this sound was a sound that broke through the sound barrier, that is to say, when I heard the sound, the Swift Arrow had already passed. Just after the elder’s words were shouted, I saw that there was a huge clearing ahead, and thousands of ground knights in front had disappeared. The elder was greeted by a **** mist, which was the blood of the tribal knights and mounts that had been blown up.

"Charge." Seeing this scene, the elder roared, and the whole person exuded golden light.

"Charge." Countless tribal knights saw the golden light, which was the beacon to guide the way, and more than two thousand horses quickly moved closer and rushed towards the fiery position.

"Quick, retreat." Seeing this scene, Agni also groaned. Although the swift arrow is very destructive to the tribal knights, Agni is not a bronze tooth, and there are not many swift arrows in his hand. This is still Agni and Bronze The relationship is good, so I made more.

Swift Arrow is powerful, but Swift Arrow also opened up a flat track for the tribal knights. On this runway, the tribal knights are very fast, and the tribal knight’s body exudes all kinds of brilliance. Go is like a fast-moving rainbow, but the fire knows that as long as it is swallowed by this rainbow, the end will be miserable and miserable.

After Cook saw the scene of the battlefield through the exchange terminal, he was speechless. The tribe’s return carbine would actually produce such an effect. When a dozen battle regiments chased the enemy, they were swarmed and there was no organization at all. In Cook’s view , This is a group of mobs.

"But this is too expensive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It actually costs two hundred points for an hour." Cook complained afterwards. Cook complained that it takes two hundred points for watching battlefield information in one hour. Of course, he needs to update the news at any time. of.

"It seems that the troubles of these battle regiments are still to come, but if I were the commander of the tribe, these battle regiments must be finished." Cook looked at the information around the battlefield and had a bad feeling, because Cook knew There are still tens of thousands of defeated soldiers around this battlefield, which is also an extremely large force.

"Army fire, hold your position, don't run, run again and let the tribal ground knights join the rout." Seeing this, Cook can no longer remain indifferent. In comparison, Cook's information is more comprehensive. When people don't know this at all, if they run again, the fire will face disastrous consequences.

Although Cook gave Agni information, Agni didn't have time to look at the exchange terminal. When Cook saw this, he was very depressed.

"Hey, it seems that I still have some blood." Cook sighed when he saw this scene, and then searched on the points system.


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