A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 70: Ready to leave

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"Yes, Rambo." The middle-aged man who had just spoken nodded and said.

"Non-universal Swift Pill, this thing is a simplified formula of Swift Potion, it is not worth any money." Rambo looked at Cook's non-universal Swift Pill and said.

"Haha, this is very valuable to us, but Rambo, this test is not dangerous, right?" The middle-aged man asked without a bottom in his heart.

"No, I will pay close attention to it. Besides, if there is something, you still need to be afraid." Rambo asked angrily.

"No, although Locke is a young man, he has a lot of points in his hands. Maybe he was stimulated when he was a child. So this time after the assassination of the wolf tribe, this Locke giant fought back. We are also afraid." The man said.

"Well, I'll be careful, but I'm not good at participating in some of your disputes." Rambo nodded and said.

When the other people heard Rambo’s words, their faces were a little dignified. The real person is aloof, but the real person will not participate in the disputes of ordinary sages. Everyone knows this. Then the result is very clear. Then there is something wrong. The consequences are those who bear.

Seeing the faces of these people, Rambo couldn't help but feel unhappy, and said: "Don't worry, there is a problem. I can't solve it. Don't I still have a mentor."

The few people finally breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, they are real people and their mentors. What do they worry about? After seeing these people's expressions slowing down, Rambo said, "This is a list of materials. To prepare the materials, we must first take care of Locke's body. Only when the body reaches its peak level will the results of the experiment be more accurate."

"Yes." Several people took the list of materials and then went to prepare.

After watching a few people leave, Rambo breathed a sigh of relief and muttered to himself: "This experiment is too troublesome. What animal experiments are needed? Wouldn't it be great to experiment directly on humans? The instructor only needs to see the results of the experiment. , Will definitely be very happy, hehe."

After Cook returned to the room, he felt a little uncomfortable. According to the president, the real person is superior, so why did the real person come here? After thinking about it, Cook secretly made up his mind and must find a chance to ask. Look, what does this real person do.

Then Cook took a look at the things Black Ridge City had to deal with, and found that there weren’t many, but not too many didn’t mean there weren’t. The first thing was to solve the problem of the Black Ridge City Higher Vocational Education Base. Cook was going to sell the shares in it. In fact, this method is extremely simple, it is nothing more than the training of the devil, and the strict process, I believe it will definitely be a lot of points. 800

Then there is the problem of dealing with the master Meiduo casting pills. Although Cook has formulated enough pills, according to Cook’s understanding, Master Meiduo’s damage first needs to solve the problem of the energy of the star core fragments. Cook decided to find Mei Master Duo talks about it. Cook doesn’t want to be beaten by Master Mei Duo. Cook knows what the casting master is. Where Master Mei Duo lives, there are senior sages waiting there every day. Look at yourself. There are not many people here at all.

Just do what you want. Cook also has a certain understanding of Meiduo’s injury. The plan has been there for a long time. Of course, the chance of success is hard to say, because Master Meiduo’s injury is an old injury, which requires constant Observe and diagnose.

When he came to the place where Master Mei Duo lived, Master Mei Duo was no longer living in a hotel, but a house he bought. The price of this house must be very high. After all, Black Ridge City will be built into a silver-level city. It is the inner city area.

"Boy, what are you doing, line up." Cook saw that there was a line tens of meters long outside Meiduo's residence, and at first glance these people in line were senior sages, not servants or the like.

Because if the servants were sent, it would appear that there was not enough sincerity, and Mei Duo directly blasted away those who were not sincere enough. Seeing that Cook walked forward without queuing, the senior sages in the line were all staring. The sage shouted to Cook even more.

"Everyone, I am not here to ask Master Meiduo to cast weapons. I am looking for Master Meiduo to have something to do." Cook is afraid to say Meiduo directly here. Maybe he will be fattened by these senior sages. Beat it up.

"Huh, we are also looking for something to do with Master Mei Duo." When several senior sages heard Cook's words, they looked at Cook with annoyance.

Cook ignored these senior sages at all, and walked forward. The senior sages in the line were stared at this scene, and someone shouted: "Boy, go to the line."

"That is, don't violate Master Meiduo's rules."

"That is, if you violate Master Meiduo's rules, you will be punished."

The senior sages did not do anything, but they shouted. When Cook saw this scene, he was confused at first, and then he understood. Obviously these guys are unkind. These people said that they wanted to give Master Meiduo one. I have the impression that I am not abiding by the rules, so after seeing Master Meiduo, I will definitely not be treated by Master Meiduo.

"Human heart." Cook sighed slightly in his heart, and then came to the door of Master Mei Duo.

"Sir, please come back, the master won't see you." Cook came to the door, and before he said anything, he was pushed back by the butler at the door.

When the other senior sages in line saw this scene, they all looked at Cook triumphantly. Cook looked at the butler and asked, "I really don't see me."

"Yes." Although the housekeeper saluted Cook, his tone was very arrogant.

"That's fine." What kind of person Cook is. If you don't see it, you won't see it. It's not that I'm looking for Master Meiduo to do things. Cook said nothing, and turned and left.

Seeing this scene, the butler couldn’t believe it. This is the attitude of begging for others. According to the mind of the butler, this person should beg for himself. The butler is a commoner. Therefore, these superior sages are inferior in front of them. There is an inexplicable pleasure in my heart, so as long as I am within the scope of my power, I am embarrassed by these superior sages, that is nothing to say.

In fact, Cook didn’t want to solve Meadow’s injury. It would take a long process. Now Cook’s heart is no longer in Black Ridge City, but in Bawang City. Of course, this needs to wait for Cook to improve. After all, the fifth-level sage, after Cook returned to the sanctuary, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he thought of the situation when he returned to the sanctuary. Yes, that was the time to make those birdmen look good.

Cook’s departure has no impact on Master Meiduo’s residence at all. Meiduo didn’t even know that Cook had been there. Cook decided to do the second thing, that is, the sale of the Black Ridge College Education Base. .

"What, you want to sell." The president looked at Cook in shock, and to be honest, the senior leaders of the Sage Association of Black Ridge City were shocked by the ability of this higher education base to attract money, but there was no way, although he said The Association also has certain shares, but that's only a lot.

"Yes, I'm going to get some experience." Cook said.

"Experience, prepare to go there, your current level..." the president looked at Cook nervously and asked.

"I am prepared to receive systematic training according to your intentions." Cook looked at the president and said.

"Systemic training, can't the training room do it?" the president asked incredulously.

Cook shrugged and said, "I am the most customized top-notch solution. The total cost is more than tens of millions of points. How can it be compared with the average."

Hearing what Cook said, the president couldn’t wait to poke himself a few mouths. As for the problem of the plan that Cook said, the president didn’t understand at all, because this is something that requires points to know, the president continued to ask: "Then What about the war."

"I will continue to pay those guys through the points system." Cook replied directly.

"So what about Master Mei Duo's treatment plan." The president continued to ask.

Cook can figure it out. The president does not want to leave by himself. Cook shrugged and said: "I originally wanted to go to Master Meiduo, but the butler said that Master Meiduo didn't want to see me. Maybe the pills didn't work. ."

When the president heard Cook’s words, he couldn’t help thinking about it. It was actually Cook who misled the president. If the president knew that it was the butler directly, he would definitely talk to Master Medo. And now Cook’s remarks make the The leader mistakenly thought that Master Meiduo was not happy with Cook, so the president would not ask rashly, otherwise he might face the anger of Master Meiduo. This is also considered a conspiracy. What Cook thinks now is to return to the sanctuary earlier. , Cook misses his relatives, wife, children, father, sister, and many acquaintances very much. Cook is even more worried about whether the entire Liberty Alliance will be hit by those gods after leaving him.

"Since Master Mei Duo said like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then you go, but keep in touch at any time. As for the issue of selling shares in the higher education base, I will find someone. Believe me, I will definitely sell one. The price is higher." The president said to Cook.

"President, let me first say yes. No one has points, and no one wants to take away the shares. You can understand the income in just a few months." Cook decided to put the ugly words first.

"Of course." The president replied affirmatively to Cook.

In the next few days, Mei Duo did not come to Cook, and Cook knew that his words had worked. On the fifth day, the buyer who the chairman sought to buy the college education base came. When Cook came After the meeting room of the Sage Association, he was also taken aback, with hundreds of senior sages.

"Welcome to our vendor, Mr. Locke. Please see the specific information. We are now a small auction. This is the accounts of the months since the college education base was operated. You can look at this time. The share price is 10 million points and 1% of the shares, of course, after tax." After seeing Cook's arrival, the chairman immediately said loudly, to know this kind of transaction, Black Ridge City also has to collect taxes.

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