A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 71: Diamond Scroll



The reputation of the higher technical education base is very well-known in the high-level circle of the sage association. In just a few months, hundreds of sages have come out of it. What these people are, it’s not the brains. Smart, or not talented at all.

Although these people also know from the side what the model of this special education base is, no one dares to mess around, because of what, because the lowest status of the Association of Sages is the businessman. Of course, there is the most important one. They are not 100% sure. , Who dares to pat his chest and say that Baojiaobaohui like Cook.

These people don’t have the guts. It’s just that one million points is too scary. Those who can get one million points are some famous sages or members of some big families. If you provoke such a person, Some suffer, not to mention that if they are unsuccessful and provoke a group, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Mr. Locke, I don't know if there will be any changes in the personnel in this special education base." The sages below are moved, but the question is to ask clearly.

"No, the personnel in the specialist education base have signed a lifetime agreement, and I will not take anyone away." Cook replied.

The president of Heiling City also said: "Everyone should pay attention, nothing in the college education base will change."

"Then how much is Mr. Locke going to transfer?" someone asked.

"All." Cook said directly.

After Cook said this, someone immediately asked Cook: "Mr. Locke, you are not going to another city to build a similar base."

"No, I will never build such a base again." Cook knew what this man meant, but he was afraid that he would start anew.

"Okay, guys, there are still more things for Sage Locke, so we must hurry up. There is only one hundred shares in total. If you take one, then you will lose one. Don’t just start with a few copies. "The president of Black Ridge City said loudly.

There is actually a reason why the president of Black Ridge City let Cooke leave. In the entire Black Ridge City, Cook is the most famous. If Cook wants to compete for the position of president, then the president has no hope at all. , And Cook holds a large number of points, which almost poses a serious threat to the president of Black Ridge City, and the specialist education base, in the hands of Cook, is actually a network of people who can come up with one million points. They are all big powers and big families. Once these people have established an extraordinary friendship with Cook, it is easy for Cook to do something.

"The following transfers 1% of the 1% share of the higher technical education base. This is the transfer letter of the Locker Sage. The starting price is 11 million points." The president of the Sage Association said vigorously, because this transaction, The entire Black Ridge City Sage Association estimates that at least hundreds of millions of points are required to collect taxes, which is very beneficial to the actual control of Black Ridge City.

"One thousand and one hundred thousand points." There were sages who made a bid immediately.

"One and a half million points." The other one directly added 400,000 points, reaching 11.5 million points.

"Twelve million points." But a higher price came out.

After the two million points bidding, the scene fell silent, and the president of Heiling City said in instigation: "Everyone, a student receives one million points. In just a few months, Sage Locke has at least nearly Hundreds of students graduate, everyone wants..."

"12.5 million points." Hearing this, someone immediately became calm, yeah, that's just a few points.

"13.5 million points." But the higher price is still to come, 3.5 million points, even Cook’s mouth is cracked, according to this calculation, Cook can at least get hundreds of millions of points .

"I have something to say." At this moment, someone stood up and said.

"Please speak." The president of Black Ridge City said.

"May I use items to deduct points?" the person asked.

"Yes." The president looked at Cook, because before that, Cook had asked the president to invite an appraisal team to appraise items.

"Well, 15 million points." The man immediately sat down.

After this person's words were finished, everyone present was moved. Why, maybe everyone doesn't have that many points, but the items are now, some high-priced items that are difficult to sell, wouldn't it be appropriate to take them out at this time.

"18 million points." But there was something more ruthless, a sage faintly said a number that made the president's hands tremble.

"18 million once, twice, three times, sold." The president excitedly ended the 1% auction.

The documents were prepared long ago. After the auction, the man did not leave. The president asked, "Is there anything else going on, sir."

"This is only one copy, we will handle it together later." The person replied lightly.

The person's answer made the president's mouth burst open, and he said, "Okay, good."

"The second auction is going on below, and the starting price is still 10 million points." The president is full of energy, and Cook is also looking forward to it.

Cook had already planned it in his heart. When the transfer was over, he would leave by himself. This Nima had too many points, but when he left, Cook would not be foolish to follow those so-called training masters. , Cook has let Keshu return to his tribe to recruit people, and some of the Bronze Giant tribes are powerful.

With the passage of time, the final price of a share has passed 25 million points, but the threshold has reached the top several times. I have to say that everyone has a bottom line. Cook is about this There is not the slightest opinion on the matter. Cook only invested a little more than 5 million points. As for the others, it is not too much, so Cook can figure it out.

"The last one, the last one, everyone is optimistic. This time is the last time. If you want to make a move, please make a quick move." The president does not know how many points he has, but it is definitely more than two billion points. 100 million points, this time the tax is at least 400 million points, how can this not make the president excited.

"Thirty million points." Someone stood up and shouted loudly as soon as the president's words settled.

This is really shocking. From 10 million to 15 million, this is only 5 million, but from 10 million to 30 million, this is 20 million. The rest of the sages saw this scene, There are some hesitations, yes, the earning ability of higher education bases is very limited, and it takes time to recover the investment.

"Actually, the trading base of higher education institutions can set up sub-bases. As for the training of personnel, it is not difficult at all." Cook said at this time. Cook just didn't think it was messy enough for the last 1%. Mind revealing some secrets.

"Forty million points." When the others heard Cook say so, someone immediately spoke.

"60 million points." Hearing that Cook can set up a sub-base, those who own shares are all excited and excited, but those who don't have it will regret it. They have long regretted why they didn't buy it at the beginning, but now it is the only one. , What can be done, of course, is to drop points.

"I took out an outland city to exchange with Locke Sage, but I have one condition." A sage stood up and said to Cook.

Cook looked at this person's very confident look and felt very upset. Cook replied indifferently: "Sorry, I am not interested in outland cities, and I am not interested in your conditions."

Cook is not uninterested, but the city in the Outland is a pit. It needs countless resources and countless points. It may be that a huge city will be destroyed by the beasts of the Outland in an instant. Cook's things about the Outland. It is not ignorant, after all, someone wants Cook to be the commander of the Outland Legion.

"Mr. Locke, I have a scroll. I don't know if Mr. Locke is interested." Another person stood up with a crystal-colored scroll in his hand and asked Cook.

"Diamond scroll, my God." After seeing this scroll, the rest of the people exclaimed.

Cook was also shocked. In the star realm, the highest scroll is the diamond scroll, but this type of scroll only exists in legends. Of course, Cook is interested in this and asked: "What kind of specific is it."

"Geographically." When asked about this, the sage holding the scroll was a little bit cried and laughed. The scroll owned by his family was the least caring. This time, I took this useless thing to try my luck. That's it.

"Oh." When the sages around heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief. Someone even yelled out. There are many types of scrolls, recipes, combat skills, certain secrets, etc., but the geographical aspect is not. It's very rare.

"Can I take a look first." Cook asked after a moment of surprise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The sage on the opposite side hesitated, but he nodded and agreed to Cook. In fact, Cook knew this scroll in his heart. After all, Cook didn’t understand the star realm, and this kind of scroll about geography was exactly what Cook wanted. Things, generally speaking, the things recorded in the diamond-level scrolls must be amazing. Maybe it is some kind of huge phenomenon, or some kind of huge secret, and this secret can bring great changes to the world. Diamond level.

The scroll arrived in Cook’s hands, and Cook opened it gently. After just looking at it a little, Cook put the scroll away. Cook said: "I want this thing. The last 1% share is yours. That's it."

"Mr. Locke, then this tax." The sage opposite is not a fool. Seeing Cook's answer like this, he suddenly had some thoughts in his heart.

"I'm just taking this collection. Do you really think this thing is valuable." Cook did not answer directly, but weighed the scroll with his hands, and then looked at the sage and asked.

"Okay." The sage opposite was really not sure how important this thing was to Cook, hesitated for a moment or nodded in agreement.

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