A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 74: Training begins

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After stepping out of the heavily guarded underground space, a heat wave rushed towards him. Cook looked into the distance, half of the sky was red. This is the City of Fire, and more than two hundred kilometers away from the City of Fire, there is a huge group of volcanoes. There are thousands of erupting volcanoes there.

The volcanic group occupies an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers. In this area, there are some peculiar plants and animals. These plants and animals are of high value. Of course, the biggest production here is various gems, all kinds of rare Metal ore.

Because the entire city of Fire is a huge plateau with hundreds of thousands of square kilometers erupted from this huge volcano. The mining industry here is very high, but it is not a large-scale mining activity, because the unique structure here makes it impossible for large-scale mining activities. Continue, and as the depth of excavation increases, the temperature of the ground also continues to increase, so deep excavation is impossible.

Cook and his party came to a hotel. The hotel was already booked by Rambo and others. When they walked into the hotel, Cook felt a cool feeling.

"Welcome to the Iceberg Hotel." The owner is a civilian, but the name of the hotel feels very comfortable.

"Boss, your place is good, why is it so cool." Cook asked, because Cook didn't see any signs of energy fluctuations.

The boss hadn't spoken yet, Rambo said, "Mr. Locke probably doesn't know. This is a major feature of Flame City. Ice and fire can exist perfectly."

Cook understands what Rambo said, but Cook doesn’t understand the specific meaning. The hotel owner said; “This is the strange thing about the city of flames. There is an ice cave behind my hotel. There is more than one City of Flame, and cold air is emitted from the ice cave all year round, so the hotel is especially cool."

When Cook heard this, he felt very strange. Cook couldn't help but said: "Boss, can you take me to see."

"Of course." The boss readily agreed.

Cook followed the boss to the back of the hotel. At the back of the hotel was a huge storage room. The temperature here was even lower. In the storage room, some meat was frozen into ice cubes with thick frost.

"That's it." The hotel owner pointed to a slap-wide gap in the back. There was also thick frost hanging on the gap. Cook shook his hand on the gap, obviously feeling a cold air rushing out.

"It's amazing." Cook didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Yes, this is the treasure that God bestowed on us in the City of Fire." The hotel owner said happily.

Cook observed and found that there is no other magical place. The giants behind Cook were also amazed, but the tree was even more envious: "If our tribe has such a good place, there is no need for it. Worried about storing food."

The group of people stayed in the hotel. At night, Rambo and others also told Cook about the training plan. The first is to use a variety of precious ingredients. In the astral world, the sages generally do not use special medicines. Strengthen the body, but use this simple way of eating.

Depending on the grade of the ingredients, the body will react differently after eating. Cook's menu shows plants and meats that he has never heard of.

"This food contains too much energy." Cook felt like a stove inside his body as he ran. Cook's training method is very simple, that is, eat, and then continue to consume his energy in the volcanoes. Various actions to achieve the purpose of exercise, as long as the stomach is hungry, start to eat inside.

Of course, the seemingly simple solution is not simple. The training master brings several assistants to monitor Cook’s physical changes at any time, and then formulates corresponding ingredients according to the physical changes to relieve fatigue, increase strength, increase physical strength, increase endurance, etc. Various ingredients with special effects were delivered to Cook's menu.

Cook spends more than 20 hours of exercise every day, and the value of what he eats is thousands of points. This is not a small number. As for the number of times he eats, there is no rule at all.

Cook has to leave the hotel every day, and then quickly reach the volcanoes, and then continue to exercise in the continuous eruption of the volcanoes. Cook can feel the hot heat brought by the magma spraying around him.

"Boom." The bronze giants Lien, Rather, Rally, etc. kept on alert before and after Cook, because some strange creatures would appear in the magma from time to time. At the beginning, Cook was very curious, but then Ku Ke knows that these strange creatures have very tyrannical personalities. As long as they see other lives, they will pounce on them. This Brian and others continue to kill strange creatures that dared to rush out.

Rambo looked at Cook from a distance, and asked, "How is it? Has Locke's body reached its peak?"

"Not yet." The training master replied.

Rambo turned to look at the training master, and asked, "It's been half a month, is this Locke's physical potential so great."

"Yes, Locke's physical potential is huge. I originally thought it would take just five days to make Locke's body reach its peak state, but Locke actually broke the shackles again and again. As long as he breaks the shackles once, his physical fitness will increase again." The master explained.

"You mean Locke's body is very good." Rambo asked.

"Yes, now Locke's body strength has more than doubled." The training master said, watching Cook exercise, and he was very curious, because there are so few potential bodies.

"Then wait, the better the physical fitness and the higher the potential, the better the effect of my medicine." Rambo looked at Cook with full expectation.

As Cook exercises, he feels his body is being strengthened little by little. Now Cook has been able to perform a seven-fold stacking frenzy for a long time, and in the case of giant transformation, Cook is looking forward to the eight-fold stacking What kind of feelings will madness bring to oneself.

Rambo and others did not know that superimposing madness is theoretically endless, which means that Cook’s body can be strengthened infinitely. Of course, this is only theoretically. Madness is not based on physical strength, but on mental power and physical strength. Potential.

The reason why the orcs have failed in madness is because their mental power is not enough to dominate the body after madness, causing catastrophic consequences. This is like a small car pulling dozens of tons of goods, there will definitely be problems, even if It can barely drive, but the estimation of braking is definitely not good.

There is also physical potential. The higher the physical potential, the higher the number of stacks that can support the madness. On the contrary, if the madness is forced, the body will be damaged inevitable.

However, this situation does not exist for Cook now, at least for the time being. First, Cook’s physical strength is high enough, and Cook’s mental power is not weak, of course, the more important thing is that Cook is using giant transformation, giant transformation What the body says is actually a kind of stimulating potential. As for the specific Cook, it is not very clear.

"Mr. Locke, I feel that Rambo seems to have a problem." Lean followed Cook, whispering.

Cook glanced at Lien, then asked, "What's the problem."

"Rambo said he is the assistant of the master trainer, but you look at the way the master trainer and Rambo get along, I don't think it looks like." Lien said, ‘

Cook took a surprised look at Lien, saying that he was the patriarch of a tribe. He had a different vision. Cook said while exercising, "Maybe Rambo is the **** of the master trainer."

"Unlike, Rambo is like the superior of the training master." Lien shook his head and said.

"Haha, Lean, I know." Cook said to Lean with a smile looking at the training master and Rambo in the distance.

Cook had long guessed that Rambo is a real person, because of the fluctuation of mental power Cook can clearly perceive it. Of course, Cook guessed that Rambo's level is not higher than that, because Rambo's mental power is not enough. Introverted.

To measure a person’s level, one can perceive it from mental fluctuations. The higher the level, the higher the ability to control the mind, the smaller the range of mental fluctuations, and the more restrained, to the extreme, even like ordinary people. Of course If you burst your mental power, it's like a majestic wave.

"Mr. Locke, or let's go exercise alone." Lien suggested to Cook.

Cook asked in surprise: "Patriarch Lien, you also know how to train."

"Why not? The little cubs of our tribe practice every day to see how our body looks like." Lien said, patting his chest.

"Um." Cook was surprised, yes, Cook ignored this at all. The bronze giants must have a special way of exercising, otherwise, the bronze giant's body would not be so abnormal.

"In fact, I think the plan of the training master is the same. Isn't it just eating a lot of meat and training a lot? Who can't." But the next moment Lien exposed his ignorance.

Of course, it may not be ignorance, but Lean doesn’t know the reason in the training program. Just like Chinese medicine has known that jujube nourishes blood from a very early time, but you have to ask ancient doctors why jujube nourishes blood, then this doctor will definitely answer Not up, but this does not prevent the doctor from knowing that jujube can nourish blood.

And modern doctors will definitely answer you~www.wuxiaspot.com~Jujube contains iron or something, of course you also understand that one of the two here seems to be very ignorant, and the other seems to be very scientific. But none of this can change the fact that the result is the same. Everyone knows that jujube can replenish blood, but the process is different.

But people often have prejudice against doctors. This is actually unreasonable. Doctors don't know the principle of blood supplementation with jujube, but this does not prevent you from giving you jujube when you need blood supplementation.

So Cook will not underestimate the training methods of the bronze giants. The bronze giants may not know so much about the training masters, but the training methods that the bronze giants have continued are definitely the highest.

"Then tell me tonight." Cook thought about it after listening to Lien, then said.

Because Cook must have some special reasons for a real person like Rambo to follow him. Of course, Cook tried to find this reason, but Cook couldn’t start at all, and Cook guessed that the only thing he had was his training. Relationship, so Cook decided to avoid Rambo and others, it was too unsafe.

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