A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 75: During training

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Lien nodded when he heard Cook's return, and then continued to follow Cook. The environment on this side of the volcano group is very dangerous. Some places may collapse at any time, and then magma will come out or jump out of the magma. Unknown creature. [800]Read the full text of the latest chapter

These creatures are all fire magic creatures, but they are the lowest level. Although they are the lowest level, they can’t be handled by Cook. Although Cook’s power has doubled, Cook’s physique and power are still Not enough to compare with the adult of a star giant.

Cook’s second-level sage is just for his talent for preparing potions. It does not mean that Cook has a second-level combat ability. The level of the sage is divided into combat occupations and non-combat occupations. Cook is even a non-combat occupation. grade.

The surrounding temperature is extremely high, and there is a pungent smell. With every breath, Cook will breathe in the hot air, and the sweat on his body is constantly coming out, but the sweat just came out by the surrounding temperature. It's steamed, so Cook's body is covered with white salt stains. From a distance, Cook's body looks like white scales.

"Rock, you can come back to replenish water." From a distance, an assistant of the master training master shouted to Cook.

When Cook heard this greeting, he ran away. Exercise here is not only running, but also weight-bearing, and doing various movements at the first level in order to stimulate the body's potential and let the food eat. Food is fully absorbed by the body instead of becoming a pile of fat.

Back to the place where the training master is, the water is ready, a full bucket, in such an environment, replenishing water is a very important thing, the color of the water is brown, there are some medicinal plants, The function is to eliminate physical fatigue and relax the body.

"I'm exhausted." Cook drank half a bucket of water in one breath, and then walked slowly on the spot. After strenuous exercise, he couldn't stop immediately. This is bad for the body, so Cook had to walk slowly.

"Congratulations, Locke, your physical fitness has doubled. If you follow this rate, your physical strength will reach level five in less than a year." Master Mocha smiled and said to Cook. Mocha is training. The name of the master.

"Thank you, this is all your credit." Cook replied while taking a sip of water. Of course, Cook was also very excited. If Cook's current physical strength is on the Sanctuary plane, he wants to double it. That is simply too difficult.

Cook estimated that if his physical fitness reaches the level of a fifth-level combat professional sage, then eight times the superimposed frenziedness is definitely not a problem, so in other words, after the frenzied physical fitness of the time, Cook will at least be close The level of the seventh-level combat professional sage is already very impressive, and the seventh-level combat sage is already considered a high-level sage. [800()] Full text reading of the latest chapters

"Rock, according to your current physical potential, you may need to add 100 million more points. We decided to re-customize the training program for you. The new program involves more items, and some items need to be specifically assigned tasks." Mocha Then said to Cook.

"Okay." Cook nodded. Cook also knows that he has eaten and drank very high-end things recently, and Cook eats at least ten times a day. As long as Cook digests the food, he will immediately Supplement again, and the supplemented food is basically a certain part of the high-level star beast.

The meat or other parts of the high-ranking star beasts are not only expensive, but also very difficult to make. This is because three food-making members led by Mocha made food for Cook.

"After drinking water, you can rest for 20 minutes, then start eating, and train your legs after eating." Mocha told Cook about the next training method.

"Okay." What Cook can say, can only agree.

Meat, a large amount of meat, all kinds of meat, and eggs of some unknown creatures, and some medicinal plants at the first level constitute Cook’s new recipe. The food is very soft, because the high-level star beasts The raw meat can't bite at all, let alone the problem of absorption.

During a daytime training, Cook didn't feel very tired. This was mainly because he used drugs to relieve fatigue.

"Patriarch Lean." Lean came to Cook's room. For Lean's size, Cook's room was a bit cramped. Lean sat directly on the ground. It felt better. Of course, of the giants. The room you live in must be much larger, and of course the cost is much higher, because such hotels generally provide food, of course, the taste of the food can only be regarded as average.

"Mr. Locke." Lean smiled.

"Patriarch Lien, can you tell me how your tribe trains your people." Cook asked straightforwardly.

Lien said with some embarrassment: "I don't understand the specifics. The training of the tribe is usually commanded by the prophets. I just know that a lot of plants are needed, and there are some animal bones, stones and other things. As for the specifics, These need to be known by a prophet."

"Prophet." Cook did not expect that the giants still had a prophet.

"Yes, Prophet." Lean looked serious when he answered.

"Then you can tell me about the prophet." Cook asked tentatively.

Lien said, "The prophet is the wisest person in our tribe. The prophet knows everything we don’t know. The prophet knows the weather, knows a certain beast somewhere, and knows that certain plants can be eaten and can Prophet is omnipotent to make some medicine to treat injuries."

When Cook heard this answer, he was very depressed. In Cook’s impression, the tribe was not just a group of uncivilized savages gathered together. As for what Lean said, Cook did not believe it, but now Cook faces a problem.

That is Rambo next to Master Mocha. This is a real person. Who is the target of the real person following Rambo, that must be me, because Mocha is a group of people who have been invited by himself, and he has an unknown purpose. The real person, Cook is really worried.

"The amount of information is too little." Cook sighed inwardly.

Lean looked at Cook and said, "Mr. Locke, you are the nobleman of our tribe. Lean will never harm you. On the contrary, it is Mocha and others who are deceiving you. Mr. Locke, you Look, this is what you have eaten recently. I took a look and these things are too expensive."

"Oh, what." Cook didn't know what he had eaten yet.

"This is the price of the food for half a month. These things are on our side, but they are very cheap, less than one tenth. Look at this red spotted golden ape. We don’t eat that thing at all. It’s not delicious. I actually need a thousand points here, and what kind of **** chicken face mushrooms. Our mountain slices one by one. It actually costs two hundred points a day. I can pick up a house a day and come back. There is also this scale. The hind legs of the cow actually cost five hundred points. Five hundred points can buy five such cows on our side..." Lien took out a piece of animal skins and spread them out to Cook one by one.

When Cook saw Lien like this, he finally understood why Lien wanted to go to his tribe by himself, and Eun obviously wanted to earn points here.

"Well, Chief Lien, I will consider it." Cook felt that it was not time for him to leave.

"Oh." Lien replied disappointed.

"But Chief Lien, you can continue to collect what they fed me, maybe I will visit your tribe in two months." Cook said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Locke, even though the food has been made, I Lien has a sensitive nose. In our tribe, I can smell the smell of a scaly cow 50 kilometers away. Come on." Lien said when he heard Cook say so, patted his chest.

Cook nodded. Although he was very curious whether what Lien said was true, Cook did not ask. Cook said in a low voice: "Patriarch Lien, you ask your people to help me pay attention to that Rambo, of course don’t cause it. Rambo's attention."

"No problem, the warriors of our tribe can track the beast's good hands, and they will never be noticed by the target." Lien immediately nodded and replied after hearing Cook's words.

After Cook continued to train in Flame City for a month, his physical fitness doubled successfully. Mocha said to Cook: "Rock, your physical potential is the best among people I have ever met. We have to Change the training program again, and we need to change to a new environment, the environment here is not enough for you."

Cook is actually very satisfied, but in the past two months, his physical fitness has doubled. What is there to be unsatisfied with Cook? Although one month here is equivalent to three months on the Sanctuary plane, This is enough to drive Cook crazy.

"Master Mocha, I think the training progress here is still okay." Cook asked.

Mocha shook his head and said, "Although it is possible here, it is not the best."

Cook nodded and said, "Well then, where shall we go below."

"Hehe, 99-9% of the people in the entire star realm in the city that I visited this time don't know, and there are no outsiders there, if it's not for me," Mocha said with a smile.

"All right." Cook nodded when Mocha said so.

"Well, Locke, you rest today, and we will leave tomorrow." Moka was relieved when he saw Cook agree.

After Mocha left Cook's room, he came to Rambo's room. Rambo was full of upset. Seeing Mocha coming in, he asked angrily: "How is it."

"Already said, Locke agreed to the new training plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mocha replied in a low voice.

"Mocha, I need you to get Locke's body to its peak level as soon as possible. I have been waiting for almost two months, two months, and I have delayed my experiment for two months." Rambo's voice sounded Not big, but the resentment is not small.

"Understand." Mocha said quickly when he heard Rambo's fire.

"It took me a lot of effort to go to Tianya City this time. If you don't do it anymore, hum." Rambo saw Mocha like this and said, the threat inside was very full.

Mocha also replied helplessly: "Real Rambo, I don't want to, but the physical potential of Locke is really good, I..."

"Okay, go ahead." Rambo waved his hand and said irritably.

Mocha walked out of Rambo's room, and just stepped out, he was tripped. Fortunately, Mocha responded quickly. When Mocha saw the drunk giant, Mocha said angrily: "These lazy guys." The book comes from, read it for the first time. Genuine content!

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