A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 76: Wonders of Tianya City

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"Oh, it's Mo, Master Mocha, come and have a drink. The popular [Giant's full body of alcohol, got up drunk, and stammered to Mocha.

Mocha did not have a good impression of these giants. At the beginning, they were fine. These giants were still very regular. But over time, the problems of these giants were exposed. They drank in detail and spoke loudly. He has no cultivation, and doesn't make sense at all, so he raises his fist in a hurry.

"Humph." Mocha snorted and left, and the giant spit on Mocha's back, then staggered and went downstairs drunkly, and when he went downstairs, he rolled directly downstairs and groaned. Drinking in the hotel lobby caused the giants to applaud.

"Uncultivated fellow." Mocha said in an angry voice when he heard the roar of the giant outside in the room.

The giant who rolled down the stairs was carried back to the room by the other giants. As soon as he entered the room, the giant stood up. Lean looked at the giant and asked expectantly: "I heard something."

The giant quickly replied: "Patriarch, I heard it."

After Lean heard what the giant heard, he said with a smile: "Okay, okay, your kid's hearing has improved, okay, I'll go to Mr. Locke."

Lean left his room and went to the room where Cook lived. When Lean told Cook about the conversation between Mocha and Rambo, Cook sneered and said: "My guess is not wrong, it is Aiming at me, trying to use me as a test subject."

"Mr. Locke, shall we leave directly?" Lean asked.

Cook smiled and said: "No hurry, no hurry, don't they have to wait for my body to reach its peak level and the potential to be stimulated before doing the experiment? Let's wait, and I think Tianyacheng must have some secret, otherwise, Why is Tianya City not the way of man."

"Okay, then." Lien heard Cook say so, and there was no way, so he nodded and agreed.

On the second day, Cook and his team came to the teleportation basement of Fire City. There were not many people who did teleportation, because it required expensive points. When Cook saw that the points system deducted 60 million points at once, Cook was stunned: "How do you deduct so many points?"

"Haha, this is normal, Tianya City is relatively far away. Read the full text of the latest chapter" Mocha didn't say anything, but Rambo replied with a smile. [There are almost all books I want to read. They are much more stable and faster than normal sites, and there are no ads in all texts. ]

Lien and others opened their mouths when they heard so many points, and transmission required tens of millions of points. If Nima walked past, I wonder if I can go to that city in this lifetime.

The transmission was completed quickly, and it was still in the basement, but the basement here seemed much larger. When Cook and others walked out of the basement, a rumbling sound rang in my ears.

"God, this is a big river." Lien and others stood on the wall of Tianya City, looking at the boundless huge water surface and huge waves tens of meters high. The huge city sits on a huge cliff. In front of the cliffs is the endless water surface, one level of turbulent waves, and raging winds.

"Dahe, hehe, this is the sea of ​​stars, the origin of all planes." Rambo heard this and said with a smile.

Hearing Rambo's words, Cook was also shocked. There is also a sea in this star realm, and looking like this, the sea here still has some mysterious places.

"Origin." Cook asked, looking at Rambo in confusion.

"This is not something you should know." Rambo shook his head and didn't answer Cook, but his face looked like your level was not enough, very arrogant.

Cook smiled slightly and ignored Rambo. Cook said thoughtfully, "End of the World City, could it be that this is the end of the continent."

"Yes, this is the end of the continent." Mocha nodded and said.

"Ding Ding." Two clear voices spread throughout Tianya City. Tianya City is huge. The city wall is hundreds of meters high, not to mention that there are several thousand meters high cliffs under the hundreds of meters high city wall. After the noise, a huge voice rang.

"Attention everyone, the storm is coming. Please everyone back to their residences and everyone answer their residences." Cook looked at the direction of the voice, and was shocked.

Above Tianya City, a figure was suspended hundreds of meters high in the sky. Around this person's body was something like a blue magic shield. Although the wind was raging, this person was not affected at all, and his hair did not move.

"Real person." Cook guessed the identity of this person in his heart.

"It's a real person." Lien actually shouted directly.

Rambo smiled and said: "Let's go, the storm in Tianya City is very powerful. It is certain that there are real people in Tianya City. Because it is too dangerous here, it is not open to the public. Because there are many strange things in the endless sea, so it is true. People study the sea here."

"Oh." When Cook and the others heard this, they hurriedly walked toward the city, of course the room was booked.

When Cook and the others returned to the hotel soon, they saw an earth-shattering scene. The huge waves were like being directly lifted by a pair of big hands, and then thrown into the air. When the wind was blown, most of the sea water fell on the horizon. Inside the city, there was huge lightning, and the entire Tianya City seemed to be shaken.

"I finally understand why the buildings here are made of huge stones. With this power, ordinary houses have long been broken." Lien was also very shocked. At first, Cook and others were very strange. Why do the shops and residences around Tianya City have more than ten-meter-high steps? Now I know, they are used for drainage, and the houses here are riveted together with huge stones. I now know.

"Boom." A creature that was more than ten meters long directly hit the top of a house and then landed on the street. The creature was golden and looked very beautiful.

"Haha, good stuff." Cook and the others were just shocked when the other sages in the hotel shouted, and then Cook saw at least dozens of high-ranking sages rushing out of each building.

This strange creature was dismembered by these dozens of high-ranking sages before Cook and others could see what it looked like. When the sages in this hotel in Cook came back, they all carried a piece of this. The body of a strange creature.

Immediately afterwards, the things in the hands of these sages were purchased by the innkeeper. The body of such a strange creature can actually reach tens of thousands of points, which is really unimaginable.

The storm lasted for three full days. In this Tianya City, Cook felt that he was not so wealthy. The cost of a room was hundreds of points a day, which means that people like Cook would consume thousands of points a day, and Regardless of the food, the hotel’s most expensive dishes have reached 100,000 points, which makes rich people like Cook stunned, and they are not always available.

Three days later, the storm ceased, and the entire Tianya City was washed by violent storms and rain for three days. When you walked out of the hotel, you could see countless sages constantly searching on the street. Occasionally, some sages cheered, obviously the storm brought There were some unexpected surprises, and of course some houses were damaged. This scene made Cook feel very surprised.

Cook looked at Mocha in surprise and asked, "Master Mocha, you don't want me to exercise in the waves below."

Mocha nodded, pointing to a reef in the huge wave several meters high and said: "Yes, this is the best place. The power of the huge wave can completely stimulate the potential in your body. Of course, we also work safely. Will do it."

Mocha waved his hand, and a set of leather armor was put on Cook's body. The leather armor was very soft, but it was very tough, and there were several ropes tied to the leather armor. Cook watched being washed by the waves. The reef took a deep breath.

I have to say that Mocha still has some skills. This place is indeed the best place for exercise. The reef is very slippery and the waves are constantly impacting. A place like this is good to stand firm, let alone do it. Various actions have taken place.

"It seems that Mocha was also pressed by Rambo." Cook looked at Mocha's sad face behind him. Cook knew that Rambo must have put pressure on Mocha.

Cook looked at the reef in the distance, took a deep breath, and then jumped into the sea. When Cook jumped into the sea, he realized that things are not that simple. The sea actually feels like a huge The thrust was average, and Cook was pushed to the shore just as he jumped in.

"Rock, your first stage is to reach the place where the stone is." Mocha said with a smile after seeing the result.

"Okay." Cook didn't expect the undercurrent in the sea to be so big. Although Cook's current physical fitness is twice as high as before, it can only reach the average level of an adult star giant. It hasn't reached the level of those powerful starry sky giants. Such power can be said to be invincible in the sanctuary, but in the star realm, that is just the beginning.

Jumping down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Was washed up on the shore, jumped off, washed up on the shore, for an entire hour, Cook jumped more than a dozen times, but did not make a step forward, but was impacted by the huge waves The impact on the stone caused Cook's body to receive a big impact.

"Stop." Mocha watched carefully and saw that Cook was exhausted, so he quickly called a stop.

Then a group of Mocha's assistants dragged Cook aside, beat Cook to his body, and smeared Cook with some kind of medicine. When these medicines touched Cook's body, Cook felt like acupuncture.

Mocha said, "This medicine is to speed up the healing of injuries on the surface of your body, so that your body's defenses will continue to strengthen, and your body will continue to strengthen, although it is a bit painful."

"Master Mocha, do not hesitate to use any means you have," Cook gritted his teeth and said.

"Look, what is that." Just after Cook finished speaking, he heard Lien's roar, Cook quickly got up, and saw the scene in the sea, Cook was also shocked.

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