A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 77: misfortune

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The original turbulent sea seemed to boil, countless bubbles emerged from below the sea surface, and the strong water vapor was illuminated by the sun, emitting a golden light. Cook and the others looked at this wonder in astonishment.

"Run!" A loud shout awakened everyone. Cook turned his head and found that the person calling was Rambo.

Rambo turned around and ran, shouting loudly, "Run."

Cook and the others also knew that something was not good, so a group of people didn’t care about packing up their things, and hurried to follow Rambo towards Tianya City. Fortunately, Cook and others were not very far from Tianya City, which shocked Cook. However, countless high-ranking sages ran to Tianya City desperately.

"Boom!" And Tianyacheng also sounded a huge drum, like beating in the ear.

Although Cook's speed was not fast, Cook was accompanied by Lien and others, so he quickly entered Tianya City. Just after entering Tianya City, he saw a team of guards shouting loudly: "Quick, go underground and take refuge. So."

Cook and the others didn't have time to ask why, and they didn't know what kind of place the so-called refuge was. Cook and the others moved towards a certain place in Tianya City with the flow of people.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, an inexplicable element throbbing in the air.

"Fuck me!" Then, a magic shield shot from Tianya City rose from the round, and Cook clearly saw that the magic shield had wrapped up the entire Tianya City, and in the farther place, some were too late. The high-ranking sages entering Tianya City were blocked outside the magic shield, but these high-ranking sages didn't say anything, but turned around and sprinted in the inland direction.

"Who is Locke?" At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the heads of Cook and the others. The red light circulated all over his body. He was obviously a real person, and he asked in a real voice.

"Who is Locke of Black Ridge City?" Just as the real person's words were settled, three people stood up. Of course, Cook did not stand up, and then the real person asked again. 【800()】

Cook stood up with his scalp, he felt relieved as soon as he stood up, and then Cook appeared in a room.

"Rock, look at the potion on this, can you make it out?" Cook wondered where this is, and suddenly a middle-aged man appeared in front of him. The middle-aged man asked Cook and waved his hand at the same time. The image appeared in front of Cook.

Cook looked at it, and then said, "Non-universal quick pill."

"This is a medicinal herb. Your task is to prepare as many pills as possible." With a wave of the middle-aged man, a large pile of medicinal herbs and various tools for making pills appeared. Then the middle-aged man left a word Disappeared.

"Khan." Cook khan, then Cook looked at the room. Cook found that the room did not have a door to enter, but there were quite a few windows.

"It's in midair!" Cook put his head close to the window, but the window could not be opened. Through the window, Cook could clearly see the sea below, and Tianya City, which was not much bigger than his finger, and Cook was a little surprised.

Then Cook looked through the windows one by one, and then Cook was shocked. Obviously Cook is on a huge building in mid-air. As for the height, it is at least tens of thousands of meters high, because the huge Tianya City actually only has a thumb. The size, and Cook also found that there are other buildings around, all of which are round roofs and white all over.

"Rock, prepare the pills as soon as possible." Just when Cook was about to take another look, a voice rang in the room.

Cook had no choice but to prepare pills, but Cook also knew why Tianya City was facing such an enemy, because countless creatures emerged from the endless sea, but they were far away. Cook didn’t know what kind of creatures were below, but just look at it. It's definitely not so small.

Cook looked at a lot of herbs and sighed in his heart. Obviously, this place is owned by real people. It changed the place in an instant. From this point of view, real people in the star realm have a very powerful understanding of space, and When the real person was suspended in the air, Cook didn't feel the elemental fluctuations at all. Obviously, his control was extremely strong, which proved the real person's power from the side.

"Good stuff." But when Cook saw the tools for dispensing pharmaceutical pills, he realized that these tools are all top-quality goods. Everything from the grinding powder to the preparation tools is considered the best, and the quality of the herbs is also very high. .

Cook took the tool for dispensing the pills to the window where he could see the sea below. When he was ready, Cook prepared the pills while watching the situation in the sea. Fortunately, no one else saw the pills here, otherwise I’m afraid it would be frightening. Big jump.

Countless creatures emerged from the sea. These creatures occupied a huge sea surface. One by one creatures climbed up from the sea and onto the land. After comparing them, Cook found that these creatures were big and small. The large ones are hundreds of meters long and the small ones are tens of meters long, and the types of creatures are also diverse. Although Cook can't see the specific appearance, he can see from the color, the speed of action, and the general appearance. There are at least dozens of these creatures, because there are dozens of colors.

Gradually, Tianya City was surrounded by many creatures, but Tianya City's shield blocked these creatures.

"Boom!" Cook clearly felt the whole building shake, and then Cook saw a huge beam of light shot down from the building under his feet, and then Cook saw that the sea next to Tianya City was hit by the beam of light. Suddenly shaken by the huge power, the huge Hailang pounced in all directions.

"Tsk tusk. Really smart." The huge Hailang directly rushed away the creatures around Tianya City, and Cook exclaimed in a strange way.

A creature surrounded Tianya City, and the buildings under Cook's feet also shot out beams of light. What made Cook wonder is that only a small number of creatures attacked Tianya City, and most of the remaining creatures actually climbed directly onto the land. , Heading inland.

"What are these guys going to do?" Cook dropped the last pill and was puzzled. After more than two hours, Cook had prepared the herbs, and then he focused on what the strange creatures on the sea were going to do.

More and more creatures are emerging from the ocean, and they are getting bigger and bigger. The bigger ones surprised Cook. The attack frequency of the building where Cook is located is also getting higher and higher. What surprises Cook is The shield of Tianya City hadn't broken yet.

"This is your food...?" A voice rang in the room, but the man was stunned before he finished speaking.

Cook looked back and found that it was not the middle-aged man who brought him. Cook looked at the food in the middle-aged man's hands and then looked at the strange expression of this man. Cook didn't know how to react.

The middle-aged man walked to Cook's side, looked at Cook's prepared pills, and then waved his hand, and a white light enveloped thousands of Swift pills. The middle-aged man's expression was a little surprised, and he asked: "You all Finished preparation?"

"Yeah." Cook hummed, not to mention, Cook was really hungry.

"Unexpectedly, all of them have reached Rank 6 or above, and they have not failed at all. It seems that the talent is good." The middle-aged man said.

But these words are a bit harsh in Cook's ears. Yes, there is no failure above the sixth rank. This is a good talent, but Cook does not intend to argue. The middle-aged man looked at Cook's expression and said: "The talent is pretty good. If we prepare such pills, they will be at least Grade 12 or higher."

"Twelfth-Rank?" Cook finally said, and Cook knew the most about Rank Nine, and now there are Rank Twelve.

"Haha, the 9th rank is only the standard for sages like you, but ours is as high as the 99th rank." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Cook's mouth grew up in surprise, but then Cook was relieved. Yes, his pill is just a basic magic drug, not a magic potion.

"Want to open your eyes with me?" The middle-aged man asked when he looked at Cook's age and talent.

The middle-aged man originally thought that Cook would be excited to agree to himself, and then Cook shook his head: "I still won't go."

The expression of the middle-aged man is a little strange. Yes, he actually refused the invitation of a real person. This is the first time that Nima has met such a person. Of course, this middle-aged person absolutely does not know that Cook is afraid of getting along with these real people, because Cook's identity is different.

"All right." With a wave of his hand, the middle-aged man took away the pills prepared by Cook, and then a basket appeared on the table, and then the middle-aged man disappeared.

Cook curled his lips, but it was teleporting with the help of buildings. What's so great, Cook looked at the basket, which was filled with various foods.

"It's actually space equipment, but it's the lowest level." After Cook took out the food in the basket, he found that there was no less food in the basket. Cook knew that it was space equipment, of course it was only the lowest level. The equipment for space folding is not the equipment for opening up an independent space. It is the same thing in Cook's eyes.

The first day of the day passed. When the sky was still dark, Cook found that the building he was in was emitting an incomparable light, almost like a small sun~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course, for Tianya The attack on the waters around the city continued.

"Unbelievable, how much energy is needed for this." Cook calculated it secretly, and the energy consumed by this attack made Cook speechless.

"Boom!" Just when Cook secretly admired, the whole building shook, and then there was a loud bang. Cook felt that the world was spinning around. Before Cook could respond, Cook felt the whole person. Was fixed.

When Cook reacted and saw that he was trapped in a spider web, the whole person was fixed, and Cook could still see the sea.

"Fuck." Cook saw a big guy with a long neck and a body like a mountain. This big guy with a long neck was looking up, and then a huge stream of water rushed up.

"Boom." The building under Cook's feet shook violently again, and it was attacked by this creature. You must know that this place is 10,000 meters high. This Nima has changed too much.


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