A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 81: Mission "2"

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When the two real people heard the young man's words, not only were they not ashamed, but plausibly said: "This is what needs exercise. We only take exercise for less than 500 hours, and their minimum is 2,000 hours..."

"Then look at number 86." The young man said with a wave of his hand.

Of course, the two real people knew who 86 was. When they heard this, they glared at the young man with anger, then turned his head and left. The young man sighed in his heart. There is no way. Now I need to save energy. This time the animal tide doesn't know. How long will it last? Can save some.

The young man sighed, "Hey."

The people on the walls of Tianya City were completely relaxed. In a few hours, Tianya City did not suffer an attack, let alone an attack. In the area within two kilometers of the surrounding area, there was no marine creature responsible for it. The commanding high-ranking sage also relaxed.

"Head, this is the tide of beasts, I don't think it is as abnormal as you said." A sage looked at the high-level sage and asked.

"The beast tide does not change. Look at the distance. The sea creatures that are rolling in look like huge waves. I tell you that if there is not a city in the sky, it will rely on our own defense of Tianya City. In less than two hours, it was definitely destroyed. When Tianya City was established, it was destroyed by a wave of beasts within three minutes. Because it was not known that there was a beast wave here, the casualties at that time were very heavy." The high-ranking sage did not. Replied angrily.

"Can you teleport?" Another sage asked.

"That is now. At that time, teleportation requires points, and how many can teleport. That time, the death of sages exceeded 10,000, let alone ordinary people. So from then on, Tianya City It is not open to low-level sages and commoners." The high-level sage continued.

Then the high-ranking sage pointed to the ocean and said, "Look at how many marine creatures are in the distance."

"But I remember what you said was not the case." A guard asked weakly.

"That's because the sea creatures were cleaned up by Sky City. If you don't clean it up, how long can you last without sleeping for two hours?" The high-ranking sage glared at the guard and asked.

"Isn't there a sky city to clean up before?" But this guard was obviously muscular, simple-minded, and continued to question the leader's words without believing in evil.

Another guard sighed and said, "This has something to do with Sky City."

"That is, I saw the last battle video. The clearing area of ​​Sky City does not include the distance of two kilometers around the wall. It is said that Sky City's attacks sometimes make mistakes." Another guard also said.

The guard who questioned just now heard this and asked incredulously: "A mistake, can it still hit the wall?"

"Not only did it hit the city wall, but it also destroyed the shield. The entire shield was one piece before. After the accident and the destruction of Tianya City, there was a segmented magic shield, and it hit several times. After the city wall and the shield, two kilometers around the city wall are excluded from the clearing area of ​​the Sky City." The high-ranking sage said.

"So a few days ago, there were creatures attacking the city wall." The guard who asked the question understood, and the interface said.

"Haha, just understand." The high-ranking sage saw that the guard had no problem, he laughed, and replied relaxedly.

"But what's going on today." The simple-minded sage asked in a very tangled tone.

The high-ranking sage was almost mad, and he shouted angrily: "This is a matter of real people, can I be a sage to know."

"You, go on patrol." Then the high-ranking sage watched what the guard wanted to say, and immediately ordered with a finger.

"Yes." The guard shivered, finally as if he understood something.

"The task area has been increased, but is there any reward for this task." Cook saw the task prompt on the display helmet and muttered to himself.

Although two mission areas were added, Cook’s attacks were not affected at all. Gradually, Cook’s fighting style attracted the attention of other real people, especially the young director who had been paying attention to Cook.

"Hey, Locke actually used tactics." The young man looked at Cook's battle data and battle images, and said with surprise.

"Impossible, what kind of tactics are needed?" Two real people around the youth heard the director's words and asked suspiciously.

"Don't believe it, or ask Locke." The youth director turned his head and asked.

Seeing that the two subordinates were silent next to him, the director knew that the two had agreed. In the real world, the leader has the right to order the subordinates, but the subordinates also have the right to question the unreasonable leadership and the right to order. In the world, the relationship between superiors and superiors is not so serious.

"Locke, you seem to have used tactics." The young man asked directly.

Cook heard the sound coming from the helmet, and then replied after a moment: "Tactics, no."

"Hehe." Hearing this answer, the two real people around the youth laughed and gave the youth a look you know.

The young man was shocked, seeing the expressions of the two subordinates, rolled his eyes and continued to ask Cook: "Why do I feel that there is no creature breaking through a line of defense in your mission area."

When Cook heard this, he replied: "Oh, this, this is not a tactic. When attacking, there must be waves of attacks. The first thing to attack is fast, like this 36th level. Although the creatures are small, they are extremely fast. Pay attention when observing them. They should pay attention when they are outside the mission area. Once they enter the mission area, they will attack immediately. The next is the larger ones. It seems that the speed is not fast, but this is the illusion that a large size gives people, and the large size poses a greater threat to Tianya City, and then it continues to attack according to the level of the level. This method has several advantages. First, it ensures that the creature does not break through. The task area, secondly, saves time."

"It saves time." The young man raised his eyebrows at the two subordinates next to him, which means you understand.

The two subordinates looked at the boss’s expression and looked at each other helplessly. Then they heard Cook’s answer: "Yes, there are only a few fast ones, and the levels are not much different. There is no need to adjust the energy power, like In this way, I can directly adjust the power to a certain point, and then carry out continuous firepower strikes. The second wave of attacks are all large-scale targets. These large-scale targets, except for the occasional different levels, are not much different. This At that time, we adjusted the attack power again, and finally we solved the high to low levels. Basically, we only adjusted it several times, thus saving time and increasing the frequency of attacks."

Seeing Cook's demonstration, the young man's eyes widened and asked incredulously: "What does it mean to continue firepower strikes."

"It's an uninterrupted attack, just like me." Cook made a demonstration. In one second, Cook attacked three times, all of which were large creatures.

The youth only looked at the data before, and did not look at Cook’s attacking images. He saw Cook attacking three creatures in one second, and they were almost headshots. The youth couldn’t calm down anymore. The youth then said, “Locke, what if You come to direct the attack, what will you do."

"I, I will not divide the task area, I will divide it according to the biological level, two people in a group, ten to forty two groups, 40 to sixty, one group, and seventy level. People, a group of people at level 80. As for the level of 90, you only need one person. Then a mission area is divided five kilometers away from Tianya City, leaving a group of people to kill the fish that slipped through the net." Cook directly Speak.

"Then there is no specific way." The youth director asked afterwards.

When Cook heard this, he replied: "What specific way."

"It's just what's good." The young director knew that the question he was asking was a bit profound, so he changed his approach.

"Of course, each team has several levels, the most being level 10 to level 40, but this is only three levels, the attack power that needs to be changed is much simpler, and even the console can be modified. Three buttons or three gears are used to control, which greatly saves time. Unlike now, there may be only a few large-scale creatures in a mission area. After killing, you need to switch the attack power and then kill again. It’s good to die a few, and then change it again. Some of them don’t care about the level of creatures in the mission area, but call them one by one. This way, the time to switch the attack power takes up a lot. It’s better to change the one in the current area. All level creatures are killed. Although this saves some time, frequent replacement of attack power still takes too much time. There are only two or three attack frequencies. You can even adjust it with the aiming time, or you don’t need to adjust it. , Destroy a large-level one and then adjust it, and you find that there is no, in fact, our mission area does not need to be so large, because most of the creatures in the area will not attack Tianya City at all, just in an area directly opposite Tianya City Creatures within will attack Tianya City. Look at the action routes of these creatures, especially those that slip through the net, which will not affect Tianya City at all." Cook said a lot in one breath.

The youth director did not expect that Cook had said so much. The youth director looked at the two subordinates ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sighed and said, "Look, this is the difference. The lowest here we have passed at least twice. There is a beast tide, and no one can actually sum it up, tusk."

The two real people's subordinates lowered their heads. In fact, these two people knew that it was not that no one saw this, but that these real people didn't want to change at all. Why? It's because they are next to the ranking. According to Cook's method, yes, it can be solved. The crisis in Tianya City, but the ranking list, the calculation method of low-level creatures is definitely different from that of high-level creatures.

"Going in the opposite direction, going in the opposite direction. We made this ranking to improve everyone's positive belief, but now it seems that the rank is a bit inappropriate." The youth director quickly understood that although the youth director has a city in the sky Commanding power, but did not personally participate in it. A bystander must know the pros and cons without personally participating, but when Cook said so, the youth director immediately understood.

"There are flying creatures." However, an exclamation interrupted the young director's contemplation. The young director stood up all of a sudden, knowing that flying creatures are very rare in the ocean.

"Alert, alert Tianya City." The youth director immediately issued the order loudly.

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